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Name: steve
Referred by: Your cat came to me in an acid flash back and informed me of your URL
From: HELL
Time: Wednesday, April 28, 2004, 7:53:26 AM
Comments: gota love the drugs .....i mean spudguns
Name: Lenaerts Roland (from Belgium)
Referred by: From one of my emails
Time: Sunday, April 25, 2004, 4:42:16 AM
Comments: Great stuff for beginner and it's very random.
Name: Andrew
Website: Andrew's Website
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: St. Louis
Time: Saturday, April 24, 2004, 11:35:26 PM
Comments: Great projects!! I especially applaud the go karts and the electric scooter
Name: asaju
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: nigeria
Time: Friday, April 23, 2004, 9:11:10 PM
Comments: i love your inovation it helps me alot. thanks.
Name: Jacob Hooper
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2004, 10:56:09 PM
Comments: I really enjoy your site, i have completed most of your projects. Keep adding on........
Name: barbu doru
Referred by: Net Search
From: romania
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2004, 1:15:19 PM
Comments: Nice
Name: Shadi Tayseer Klaibi
Referred by: Saw My Page In A Dream
From: jordan
Time: Thursday, April 22, 2004, 3:13:22 AM
Comments: Thanks for this huge informations
Name: Yander
Referred by: From Google
From: Michigan
Time: Sunday, April 18, 2004, 10:07:56 AM
Comments: Great site and cool circuits.
Name: Greg
Website: (private)
Referred by: Can't...remember...How'd I get in this room? Who are you? No! Not another needle...*thump*
From: Alta Loma, CA
Time: Saturday, April 17, 2004, 9:57:07 PM
Comments: Thank you Aaron! I really love your website. I am 11 yrs. old and my teacher told me about this website. I am really thankful for you giving the schematic for the remote control jammer. Me and my friend built it. Thanks again!
Name: Micheal J son
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: Thursday, April 15, 2004, 10:31:00 PM
Comments: Thank you so much. I had a fun time laughing my head off with your things. Keep up the good work.

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