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Name: kevin devost
Referred by: Was bored.
From: courtenay b.c.
Time: Friday, March 11, 2005, 2:35:12 PM
Comments: I'm Cooler Then You Burn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Name: ramneek kochhar
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: india
Time: Friday, March 04, 2005, 12:11:45 PM
Comments: keep up the good work. Please keep updating ur electronics section. i hope u could give more detailed description for a novice like me.
Name: dnyanesh
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: india
Time: Thursday, March 03, 2005, 12:09:56 AM
Comments: please keep on renweing this web contact. i cant get circut of infra red remot control that can control many 6v relays
Name: Isaac Coleman
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: Tuesday, March 01, 2005, 1:00:36 PM
Comments: nice job keep up the good work.
Name: Brook essay
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: India
Time: Tuesday, March 01, 2005, 11:22:20 AM
Comments: Nice Job, keep it up and feed me more! One more comment, may be I am shameless,so be it---explanation of the circuits(notes) are very short and looks just user manuals...anyways,who wants to feel that way??? Thanks
Name: mohamed
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: egypt
Time: Monday, February 28, 2005, 4:27:14 PM
Comments: thank u>>>>>>>>>>>
Name: Leif902
Website: GreenMan Games Inc.
Referred by: Alas, poor Yorik. I knew him, Horatio. A fellow of infinite jest...
From: Off in my own little world
Time: Saturday, February 26, 2005, 9:10:48 PM
Comments: An amazing site with some great circitry... better than my spelling anyway... is that how you spell circitry? I have no idea... do you?... um... yah... http://greenmangames.vze.com! My (very odd and random) Interests: Programming, Electronics, Hardware, Software, Computers Shakespear, Poetry, Writings Physics, and all other sciences Environmental issues, hiking, sailing, swimming, climbing... lots of other stupid stuff.
Name: Jawad Amar
Referred by: Word of Nose
Time: Friday, February 25, 2005, 7:56:23 AM
Comments: Hi!
Name: pierre
Website: mobile ringtones
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: france
Time: Wednesday, February 23, 2005, 1:37:37 PM
Comments: Hi, I'm French and I love your website, you must have done an hard work to create it and I want to say you that your site is wonderful, thanks for your excellent work and good luck for your next creation ;o)
Name: Aaron Koroma
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: Sierra Leone
Time: Tuesday, February 22, 2005, 9:20:16 AM
Comments: None

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