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Name: Jeremiah
Referred by: From the RX-7 Forum
From: United States
Time: Saturday, August 03, 2013, 8:26:34 PM
Comments: You've got a lot of great info on your Tina build, and tuning with mega squirt! Look forward to reading more!
Name: Malik
Referred by: From Google
From: Bolingbrook
Time: Monday, July 29, 2013, 9:07:32 PM
Comments: Built the econo cannon and love it.
Name: Tom
Website: PL
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
Time: Friday, June 14, 2013, 12:45:06 AM
Comments: Interising site :)
Name: Thomas
Referred by: Relatives last words.
From: Berlin / Germany
Time: Wednesday, June 12, 2013, 1:23:53 PM
Comments: Thanks a lot to you. Nice Videos bout RX-5. Helped me a lot rebuilding my 13B. Take care!
Name: Taher
Referred by: From Google
From: IRAN
Time: Sunday, May 12, 2013, 4:08:51 PM
Comments: Dear Sir. I saw your website many years ago when i was searching about some electronic circuits. What i found was very nice and helped for me. So this is my thanks to you and your nice site. Thank you :)
Name: CrazySpudgunManiac
Referred by: Came for the spudguns.
Time: Friday, May 10, 2013, 12:03:24 PM
Comments: I just love your Spdgunammo site !!! thanks very much for that ! :D
Name: terry kersting tpk
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: coral springs Florida
Time: Wednesday, May 08, 2013, 9:58:36 PM
Comments: Great site for do it yourself turbochargers,great tips on RX7 Rotory.
Name: loga
Referred by: Relatives last words.
From: india
Time: Sunday, April 28, 2013, 11:44:54 AM
Comments: sir your site very good
Name: garrett mccall
Referred by: Link off another site
From: az
Time: Sunday, April 14, 2013, 10:16:27 PM
Comments: wheres part 25 haha my uncles shop is called rotary powerusa
Name: luis garcia
Website: all
Referred by: Address randomly appeared in alphabet soup
From: puerto rico
Time: Sunday, April 14, 2013, 10:05:09 AM
Comments: from cosmo on youtube the best.

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