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Name: lcmvsv
Referred by: From Google
From: MA
Time: Thursday, February 09, 2006, 4:49:02 PM
Name: andreas
Referred by: My cat came to me in an acid flash back and informed me of your URL
From: norway
Time: Wednesday, February 08, 2006, 2:33:20 PM
Comments: what a great site! it realy helped me with my lawnmover!! thanks!
Name: evan
Referred by: God himself showed me the way to this site
Time: Wednesday, February 08, 2006, 2:16:16 PM
Comments: great site
Name: AutoInsignia
Website: AutoInsignia - The Car Search Engine
Referred by: From the RX-7 Forum
From: UK
Time: Wednesday, February 08, 2006, 6:52:34 AM
Comments: I was looking for information about the Mazda RX-7 rotary engine and found your pages about your car. Great site, and great information. Thanks.
Name: nadis
Referred by: From Yahoo!
Time: Tuesday, February 07, 2006, 1:04:02 PM
Comments: I want to design an inverter
Name: Ross Bregy
Referred by: From Google
From: Lockport NY
Time: Sunday, February 05, 2006, 10:57:45 PM
Comments: I am currently working on three projects at one time, a 656cc buggy I created, I am building a 2.5hp (briggs) gokart, AND I am Building a 3 speed w/ reverse 5 hp vertical shaft off road gokart. Man Im gettin whooped. If anyone needs help with answering any questions I'd be more than happy. I am heavly into custom fabrication and other metal work. Email is Killerpianist@yahoo.com
Name: ricardo rodriguez
Referred by: Came for the spudguns.
From: kenner,louisiana
Time: Sunday, February 05, 2006, 3:06:04 AM
Name: Leighgion
Referred by: From Google
From: Orcas Island, WA
Time: Thursday, February 02, 2006, 8:18:24 PM
Comments: Just wanted to drop a note to say thanks for leaving up your old soldering tutorial. It was invaluable help to me while I was in the middle of hacking my dual G4 CPU module to put into my Cube. I'm not that experienced at soldering and things were just not working out until I hit Google and found your page. Deep breath, light sanding of all the surfaces and the solder stuck!
Name: bobbie
Website: bob
Referred by: Just Surfed On In!
From: ohio
Time: Monday, January 30, 2006, 8:57:51 PM
Comments: hi man
Name: Gamal Abdelsalam
Referred by: From Yahoo!
From: Egypt
Time: Sunday, January 29, 2006, 3:21:57 PM
Comments: Good Site, Would you please tell me about Contactless Power System . I would like to make a circuit for transmitting the power without contact. I want to use this application for cranes.

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