Home > Circuits > Sound/Radio > 22 Watt Audio Amplifier | ![]() |
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The 22 watt amp is easy to build, and very inexpensive. The circuit can be used as a booster in a car audio system, an amp for satellite speakers in a surround sound or home theater system, or as an amp for computer speakers. The circuit is quite compact and uses only about 60 watts. The circuit is not mine, it came from Popular Electronics. |
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this is our project in our school. it's so nice and sounds good too. It is better when you put tone control on it with bass, treble, balance, and master volume...nice!!!! | ||
how to attache bass, treble and volume controls with the circuit and also the audio cable? | ||
Is there any substitution for TDA 1554 chip?? Its not available in my area.. :( plz suggest.. | ||
how can i connect a volume control in this circuit..???? | ||
Just to say to all: This is 22 watts PER CHANNEL | ||
reply to: sameguy. Hi there. you need a preamplifier to use a mic. with the amp. | ||
Thank you so much for the circuit diagram.I built the amp it work perfectly. I added LED (as power light), FAN (to cool the IC), DIODE on the positive power line which served as a protection in case polarity is mixed, 100k variable resistor for volume control and i also added Bass and Treble controller.For the power supply i use a PC power supply.All worked very well, so clear sound.I am very happy.Thank you . | ||
This Amplifier is soo amazing and sounds soo clean..I Love it. The wires I used with the circuitboard were taken from an old telephone wire (excelent conducter). The Heatsink was held tight in place to the IC along with heat transfer paste. An old headphone jack with the wire was used for the left-in & right-in connection. Four 8 ohm speakers were used for the left-out & right-out connections(two for left & two for right) Only thing I need now is to make an attractive case for it and use it with my computer exclusively. My next project will be to build the "12VDC to 120VAC Inverter" which I will use with my Solar Panel Batteries... | ||
Hi everyone. Instead of using a speaker as output, I want use headphone. Is this possible? I want to solder directly from this diagram of headphone jack http://techpubs.sgi.com/library/dynaweb_docs/hdwr/SGI_EndUser/books/Octane_OG/sgi_html/figures/speaker.headph.port.gif to the amplifier output. Please help me. I want to use my extra headphone. I still don't have money to buy speaker. | ||
please i broke the signal ground. will it work? | ||
Is this 22 Watts per channel? Thanks | ||
I've done this in my elecs lab project and it work perfectly. The problem is to supply it with a 220V AC, so i have to create a adapter for the supply. Can you make a circuit with a mixer,a higher output and with a volume control. I liked to add a potentiometer but I don't know where to put it. sorry im a beginner at this. | ||
HI: I am using Logitech Z5 speakers on my pc, with on-board Realtek ALC889 audio chip. Im looking to amplify the speakers since the on-board chip doesnt put out much. However the Logitech speakers are a USB device, id like to know if i can use this amp with them somehow, or do you know of an amp i can use ? Thanking You :) | ||
Came across this page by googling ta1554q. The IC chip on the amp board I took out of a Boston Acoustics satellite/sub speaker system. I bought just the sub for $.99 at a yard sale, but sounded distorted when I powered it up. disassembled it, found part of the plastic enclosure broken, used the woofer as part of the center channel of my home theater system (sounds awesome 50wrms), and the amp to power the surround tweeters. Bi-amped Infinity 6x9s out of a Caravan, crossed over at 3.5k w/car audio active x-over. Powering it w/18volts, and it hasn't died yet! Laptop power supplies are great for powering devices like this! Find them cheap at thrift stores! | ||
Can you please how to connect the heat sink? | ||
Do you still need a PCB? | ||
Hello, I really like this amp. I want it becose i installed 2*6cm speaker in may backpack and i whan it to powered up. So can this amp powered by 2 9v batteries connected in parallel? I want to play music on it. Sorry for my bad english, im from Croatia. The country bellow slowenia. | ||
can this amp be used with a microphone? | ||
Hi, Im a music lover and also fanatic (beginner) of electronic projects. I was interested in testing a 22 watt audio amplifier as part of 1st trial. Can I ask copy of PCB lay-out if is OK to everybody.. | ||
How can I insert a volume control ? | ||
Thank you ever so much for the circuit diagram. I was so worried about what to build for my senior project and fortunately for me, your 22 watt audio amplifier solved it all. I couldn't find TDA1554 so I used TDA1554Q and it worked so well. I also couldn't find the ceramic capacitor (C5) at the power input so I disregarded it. I added LED (as power light), FAN (to cool the IC), DIODE on the positive power line which served as a protection in case polarity is mixed) and it was all so good. It worked very well, so clear and little distortion. Thanks for the good work man... | ||
Just built this circuit as an amplifier to busk with. Having got my electronic qualifications some 25 yrs ago and by shear fluke ending up in management it was fun to use a soldering iron again!!!! also to end up with something that worked at the end was an unexpected bonus. Many thanks and Kind Regards. Heath. | ||
i built the amp it work prefectly in addition it was my school project i install 1.fan 2.110 220v ac 3.12dc 4.two 50k variable resistor for volume control | ||
hey doug can you send me the layout copy.....thanks. I would like to try to build this Amp....looks good. | ||
the circuit is work but amplifier gives noise.what it's a reason i add a fan above heat sink its very cool but still make noise | ||
I just took this camping, we were running it off a 32 amp hour battery with 2x15 watt solar panels. This amp only drew 1 amp of power! We played music all night and all day, even with the music going the batteries charged back to full. Very impressive. (Editor's notes: Of course, 1A at 12V is only 12W. So run a lower impedance speaker to get closer to 20. Or a higher supply voltage.) |
This works better than I expected! | ||
If anyone is looking for a PCB layout for this, I have one. Email me if you would like a coppy. | ||
How are the pins numbered on the tda1554??? Other people have already asked this but i did see a reply, and have searched EVERYWHERE on the google machine and can't find the answer. | ||
How can i insert a volume control in this cct ? | ||
yes ,this circuit works for any type means any ohmic speakers | ||
Works Like a charm. i even put in a power on/off switch, and a cooling fan, and integrated it all into a housing. The finished circuit is about 3" x 4". Well mine atleast. | ||
Haha it really does work, and it really does sound very good. i didnt have any perf board or anything, i just soldered the components together on a piece of pcb ( no traces ) and smothered it in epoxy. driving 4 8 ohm speakers... TOO LOUD and it doesn't distort. | ||
Hi! i wonder if its 22w/ch or its just 11w/ch. But anyway, i am more interested in building a hi power bridgeable audio amp. Can u feature a ckt disgram of a 200w bridge transistor amp? Thanks a lot! | ||
I made this circuit to power my mp3 speakers in my car and it works! My only problem is that when I turn up my mp3 player above 3/4 volume it starts to cut out. I have a great heat sink and know that is not the problem. I am using a TDA1554Q chip. Any advice to improve on this? | ||
I wish to make 10 of these with my students who are 15 years old. can some body tell me what are the possible diffculties / problems. Where to source all the components and other necessary parts . I am in New Zealand. | ||
You need a changable resistor befor the circuit. you can use two mono for the channels, or a stereo. It's better. it is only one channel: _____ ---------------------| R |-------| GND IN ---------- | ----------- OUT if you turn the R to in, it's full volume. | ||
tda1554 works well | ||
I just ordered the parts from digikey.com and am anxious to use this circuit to amp my mp3 player to the front speakers in my car. When it is done I will post my success. I looked for about 24 hours worth of circuits and decided this is easiest to do. Thank you for this site. Turbobob | ||
The best power source is an old PC power supply. I made a change to an old one, i have 13,8V output with 15 amperes. Works perfect, without any noise. | ||
Can anyone tell me how to insert a volume control in the circuit?? I am planning to use this circuit as a car amplifier, using my cellphone as input to the amp..will this work?? Pls advice | ||
if i linked the output of the right channel to the input of the left channel, would the amp be 44 watt mono, or would it go BANG | ||
it works perfectly...........but some problems in volume control........please help me.. | ||
my amp made up of la4440 dosent give 20 watt what should i do | ||
The TDA1554A is not available insted there is TDA1554Q can this be used for this circuit. | ||
I also have issues with the volume control, were and wich pot should be used, can it be eq with pots for trebble and bass, and if i cant found the TDA155, wich other can i use? | ||
the circuit is work but amplifier gives noise.what it's a reason did you give a details about the circuit or please insert working principles on the page | ||
This tda work perfectly, i assembled several and all worked ok. it cost less than 5$. | ||
PLEASE HELP ME!!!! Can you email me the pin configurations? And how many amperes is required for the resistor? please reply immediately | ||
What would be a good source for this circuit? I think a couple of batteries nor an small cellphone charger will do well the 5 amp | ||
Reply to walencho: If you popped a cap either you reversed the polarity of the capt, the power supply or have (had) a capacitor that was not rated for 25volts ( or atleast 12v + 25% ), or put more than 25volts at the power terminals. Check all of your connections. Chances are, if you connected the supply backward, you may have damaged the chip. Too much current is not the issue in your case, infact, given that this is an amp, you'll need some current to drive the output. Use a car battery or 12v gel battery to test it with.. | ||
I am also having difficulty in locating the volume controller. Is it using 10 k ohms doubble pot or 100k ohms.Some circuit i have notice that there are sub volume & tribble controler. Where should i add in and what pot should i use. | ||
Hi walencho, please check the polarity of the capacitors since Electrolytic Caps dont like to be connected the wrong way around. The schematic seems fairly straight forward, it would be good to get a copy of the Datasheet for the TDA 1554 since this will assist you to apply the correct potentials to the inputs of the IC. Regards Bart South Africa | ||
very good circuit, perfect for my car. i make two of these, joined together and kaboom, i have a low cost but high quality amp for my car. thanks a lot, more power and continue doing useful circuits. | ||
When i built the circuit, it didn't work. To further compound issues, the 2200uF capacitor blew up. What could be wrong and what is the solution. Pls feel free to mail me. NB: My lecturer says the current is too BIG! Is he wrong? | ||
Where is the pin code of TDA 1554 two channel audio amplifier | ||
Thanks for the great circuit. Works like a charm | ||
thanks gays it is the easiest to set up and greate performance I've used it 4 6yrs now and no problems. just dont short the speaker terminals | ||
Please can you show me how to calculate the gain of the amplifer and other relevant calculations. Thank you | ||
thanks for yours circuit, it's very useful for me i used it for my project and it operate perfect | ||
Just look at the comment by "anonymous". He asks if this can play MP3? You fool how dumb you are? Its not a DAC, nor does it contain any microprocessor to process MP3 Files. It just amplifies the incoming message signal. You have to connect it to any audio source (or any other source whose signal u want to amplify). K, leave it. People like you will not understand these things. And can't you see those 2 inputs and 2 output lines? why the fuck did u ask that? Even small child can guess that. If you want more speakers, add more op-amps in similar manner. Have some logical understanding. | ||
For volume use a dual gang 100k pot with the middle pins going to C1/2 (open side of caps not amp side), signal in going to the right hand pins and 0v to the left hand pins (ref pins facing downward). | ||
Please can i use the TDA 1554 chip instead of the TDA1554Q and additionally, is there any difference between the two. | ||
why does the diagram dont work properly' can you please teach me how! | ||
NICE ONE MAN! works great..... i've just added a 10K DoublePot for volume control. The middle of POT goes on IN for each channel and the signal goes on one side and the ground to the other. Thanks, | ||
Yeah where does the volume control connect? | ||
where is the volume control connected sir? thanks.... | ||
thank you for the schematic | ||
any boby can send me and diagram of 300 watt apm. thank you so much! god bless...... | ||
thank u for your circuit! b/cuz of this circiut i bild an 22 watt amp thanks god bless...... | ||
no sound coming out of speakers :( i do not understand why. I conected every component like it is in scheme...any sugesstions... | ||
thanks for this circuit because we use this for our project in electronics 2. | ||
I'm having a hard time finding a power supply. I can't seem to even find a transformer to build my own. where can i go, or is there a cheap circuit i can build? | ||
What do i need to do to allow this to run off an mp3? also, how many speaker outputs does this support, and can changes be made to support more? | ||
iT wOrks.!! | ||
i too would like to know if a preamp is needed wit an Ipod? | ||
can any body pls mail me some more powerfull amplifier design then that of this one......... pls | ||
Thie amp is fab pliz send me a 200 watts amp circuit diagram | ||
if was to build this 22 watt amp circuit would a pre amplifier be needed if i was to use the headphone jack from my Mp3 player? | ||
The circuit looks great and should be inexpensive, but a power supply capable of driving it is not going to be cheap. I was wondering what those of you who are already using the amp are powering it with? | ||
it really works great and i love it | ||
I made this circuit for my PC on February, 1998. Now, almost ten years later, I'm still using it. It's great. | ||
man its a good work !!! can u help in making fm transmitter and receiver on vero or pcb board ?? | ||
thanks a lot for this cct. it out is very high and it cheap. just try it ,you will be amazed on what it can do. | ||
I dont know on how to connect the ic to other components. I dont know to connect the pins of the IC to other components. | ||
For me it works perfectly, I found the same schematic long time ago from another source, with the same values for the resistors/capacitors. It works also with stereo input and quad output, for this case the speakers are connected between the pins 6,8,10 and respectively 12 and the ground. I used no printed circuit board or veroboard, I simply connected the components on the TDA chip. But I plan to make a board, it's safer. | ||
I dont know what is the connection within the ic and the other components. Kindly show up the exact drawing or the connection of the components not in the schematic diagram. Your website is great, it helps me lot when I'm doing my projects in school. Thanks!!!! | ||
The circuit diagram is excellent and it works perfect. Quality sound, good to listen to. | ||
can i have the example of the pcv???? plz (Editor's notes: There isn't one. Read prior comments.) |
works just fine, and it's great ;) | ||
For me it works perfectly, I found the same schematic long time ago from another source, with the same values for the resistors/capacitors. It works also with stereo input and quad output, for this case the speakers are connected between the pins 6,8,10 and respectively 12 and the ground. I used no printed circuit board or veroboard, I simply connected the components on the TDA chip. But I plan to make a board, it's safer. | ||
The 22 watts amplifier is really good but i can't see the PCB foil pattern of this amplifier. Can i have the PCB foil pattern of this amplifier? (Editor's notes: Clearly, there is no PCB pattern available.) |
I tried to do it on a breadboard using a 12V car battery and it never worked, but I wonder if maybe someone could send me the pcb of this circuit. | ||
Hey. This looks similar to a 16W bridged amp I'm building now. Cool. You have some good resources on your webpage. | ||
what is the inderppendance of the out put on this circuit | ||
hi its doesnt work..i do anithing its on the schematic.. | ||
i bought all the components for the circuit but i can't figure out the pine arrangement on the ic TDA1554. Can someone help me out? | ||
How do u do? can i please get another alternative for the TDA1554 two channel audio amp now? plsssssssssssss help my projet is due | ||
hi my name is joe parker and i like this amp | ||
Hey i just wondering if anyone could send me a design for a Printed Circuit Board on this Amplifier? | ||
can anybody send me all the calculation & design step for design of 20 watt audio amplifier? | ||
can anybody send me complete design with calculation of 22 watt audio amplifier immidiately? | ||
I want to thank you,this for helpful for car audio amplifier ,can send same thing for woofer? | ||
i need complete schematic diagram of 200 watts sterio main amp any body can send me thanks!! junran | ||
How to design Vibrating speaker ??? How is the design of connecting speaker with woofer(i.e tell me more about watt distribution .for eg..17W for woofer & 5 watt for speaker...) please reply to this @ my mail address. thanks in advance. | ||
hey i need the protection ckt .when i m using this amp in my car and taking vcc from thecar battery and if there is short ckt then my car battery will explode. so want some protection ckt. | ||
please provide me the circuit for the 125 Watt RMS Audio Amplifier. | ||
Your website is dynamics that's great...here i have found everything i wanted. I want to thank you for creating that web. | ||
your website is to good | ||
please desing on my , audio amplifier 200 watt or 100w or 150w 0r...... | ||
hope that there is also indcated with tone control and it so nice also thank you | ||
i need : 20 watt audio preamplifier and amplifier for my inter i-phon. thanks | ||
Equivelant IC would be a NTE 7114. The TDA1554 is no longer manufactured. | ||
This site have been wonderful,can i have some equivalents ICs because i can not get the original IC.Thanks | ||
can i get the datasheet? | ||
i am from Nigeria. if i could not found the ics that are involved, then can i used the equivelent?. if yes, then i will like to know the equivalences. than you. | ||
I would like to profess my love for you. The enjoyment I experienced after building this amplifier; the sheer euphoria is overwhelming. Call me. | ||
sick mate | ||
can i connect the left output to the right input so i can have a one channel double power speaker? | ||
pls send me how to connent 5, 4, 3, 11, 14, 13 and 7. (Editor's notes: Huh?) |
thank for such a wanderful jop you are doing. | ||
what Ic's can i substitute. the place where i do all my electronics shopping only has TDA1905,2005,2020, and 2030 please help | ||
Thanks alot for such a website atleast am able to turn my class work to practical stuff .kituu in KENYA | ||
HI anybody have the pcb ? please email me (Editor's notes: No. Further enquiries about PCB patterns will not be posted.) |
this circuit is unbelievable.... Could you please send me the PCB layout for this amplifier? Thanks | ||
Can you send me the PCB lay-out of this ckt.
(Editor's notes: Nope.) |
how many watt use this | ||
who can send me a simple circuit of 50 watt amplifier???with a supply of 12v.tanks | ||
this circuit is unbelievable....my friend use this circuit as a hobby and business...tanks to this project.. | ||
Hi! Could you please send me the PCB layout for this amplifier? Thanks! (Editor's notes: There is not one available. Further comments of this nature will not be posted.) |
kindly post on the site a block diagram as well as the component layout on the PCB of this circuit. urgent.thanks. | ||
Hi! Could you please send me the PCB layout for this amplifier? Thanks! | ||
i want amplifier circuits details | ||
it looks 2 simple hope its worth spending on. is there anyone who has done it yet? | ||
i want to know if the out-put power is 22 watts per chanel or it is only 11 watts per chanel please can u giv me the circuit diagram for LA4440 40 watts per chanel...tnk | ||
it lokss very easy i am abaut tp try it y just bought all the parts | ||
This is good circuit we get information from it and make it easy Thanks | ||
pliz send me a circuit diagram for the LA4440. Thanx in advance. | ||
i have an available 9v ac adaptor here.can i use this to power up this project?please advice...many thanks | ||
i got only TDA 1554q.TDA 1554a is not available. is the circuit still the same?can you pls give me the circuit diagram if ever it's not the same and please include the pcb lay-out.many thanks.... | ||
can anyone who can send me a pcb layout for this circuit???pls pls pls i need this amplifier for my motor bike honda wave 100R pls....ill w8 for your reply pls... | ||
could you send me a copy of pcb layout of 22 watt amp | ||
could you please send me the pcb layout of your 22 watt amplifier..... i don't know how to create my own layout..... thanks.... | ||
TDA 1554A is not available in my place,TDA 1554Q is available can u pls sent me the circuit diagram | ||
tell me about speaker ampedance | ||
i got only TDA 1554Q chip ,can you pls sent its 2 channel circuit diagram | ||
I want design diagram to make PCB. | ||
could you change the TDA1554 for a LM4780? | ||
circiit looks good but how will we control sound volume | ||
can it be used for dvd player how to connect to it | ||
Its great!!!!! | ||
can u send me the working process of this circuit | ||
this is a very simple power amp circuit diagram i wiil try it | ||
Gnd should be to the negative terminal of the power supply | ||
am a beginner from a dfferent field other than electronics. can you tell me what the ground means | ||
This is not applicable for my radio which is not good | ||
if anyone wants a PCB designed from a circuit design if you e-mail me with the a picture of the circuit and any other specs (like maximum size of PCB etc.) and i will design it for you and send you the export of it in .wmf .plt .emf .dxf .dv3 .dtt .dtd .dtl and .aff Also if i figure out a way to accurately screenshot or scan it to scale then i will also do that. - weeble | ||
What is Gnd? | ||
can have a pcb lay-out of this amoplifier | ||
what is left in and right in. ive read it from your editors note but i dont really get it (Editor's notes: It's where you input your audio for the left and right channels.) |
i have heard and experiment it and it is truly amazing. can also please send me a pcb design i have a hard time designing it. thank you. ps hope you send a more powerful amps | ||
Pls.., put the spicific value of the components in the schematic diagram. (Editor's notes: Scroll up about 6 inches to the parts list. There you go.) |
Can I use the TDA1555 instead of TDA1554? I only have TDA1555. Will this work? How about the compatibility? Sorry for my english, I don't speak english very well, but I can understand what you all write. Thanks. Cheers! (Editor's notes: Check the datasheet.) |
Please show me the pin # | ||
how do i remedy the circuit sometimes heatsink is so hot i even put bigger oversize heat sink. bu it doesnt help a lot | ||
cool | ||
it's very interseting.And u doing a good job of this.So that I am really say THANKS to u for this. But I have a reaqest to u that if u want plz send me some of more circuits of MAJOR PROJECTS of ELECTRONICS field. THANKS | ||
this rocks | ||
i'm not Aron, but I may be able to answer a couple questions.
Left in - right in, is for stero inputs coming from your componet
Heat sink, I havent actually seen the chip but on my circuts (CNC), Some can bolt on through existing screw holes on the circut, Some I drilled holes in the circut board and screwed through it to the "over sized" heat sink. I'll send you a bmp. if you want.
The 5 amp Current it draws has nothing to do with your supply IF your supply has more, it takes what it needs and leaves the rest., If you have less it wont be as loud.
(Editor's notes: Sweet, thanks.) |
what do you mean by left in & right in ? (Editor's notes: Signal inputs.) |
can you please demonstrate how to connect the heatsink | ||
what is the meaning of right in & left in | ||
add also the circuit analysis of this project so it will be easier for us to understand the operation of your project. | ||
Aron Cake Hey Man I am a Beginner In The Electronics Feild. I want to ask You That Are You Sure That This Circuit Will Operates fine With 12v And 5a Power Supply Also I Have A Power Supply Of 12v and 8a Please Tell Me Is There Any Effect On IC If I Give This Power Supply Of 12v And 8a. Please Reply Soon...........Thank You!!!!1 | ||
are you sure it really drains that amount of current? (and i should build a font with a 12V / 5A tranformer?) thanks | ||
i have no access to printed circuit board but i hope the normal vero board will do.if you have any objection to this,mail it to my box. i will want you send me a circuit diagram of an automatic battery charger. (Editor's notes: Your best bet is to ask technical questions in the forum instead of here.) |
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