you know those moisture absorbing packets that you get in a box of brand new shoes?
well i need a few of them
anyone here know where to buy or get some?
hope there cheap
will a shoe store give me some of these moisture packets?
arc welding electrodes gather moisture easily and untill i build a rod oven i need to store them in a dry place with these things or they'll go bad in about 2 weeks
first of all, those desiccant are good for a short time. As soon that they are in the air they start to be less efficient. And I'm currious about your electrodes. do you put them in water???? my good low moistur canot make them working badly
The little packets from shoe boxes have a short life. You're better off either getting an airtight container made for welding rod or placing an amount of rod on an old cookie sheet and baking them for an hour or so at 350 degrees prior to using them. The oven will dry them out and keep them usable. It doesnt really matter for anything small, but if you are going to be welding anything that is going to carry a considerable load or used for anything regarding safety, like a roll cage or something of the like, proper rod care is essential.