Computerize Your Room/House

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So you've read about my Computerized Room or have seen those nifty home automation products advertised in the back of electronics magazines? Or perhaps someone you know has done something similar. At any rate, you have decided to try it yourself. The first thing I will say, however is that it is not cheap.

You will first need a computer, but since your reading this, I assume that you already have that taken care of. Second, you will have to buy about 20 IC's and a very expensive ISA experimenters prototyping board. These boards cost anywhere from $16 to $45, and can be purchased from your local electronics store or from Jameco Electronics (See Where To Get Parts). They have a fairly wide selection. Buy the 8 bit version, the 16 bit varsion is not needed for this project.

Since this is a major project, it will be presented in sections, starting with the Simple Parallel Port Interface. The 8 Bit Output Card will come next, followed by the 8 Bit Input Card. All three interfaces came from the book "The Robot Builders Bonanza", by Gordan McComb.

I must also stress that this is a major project and should not be attempted unlesss you have a good understanding of electronics. If done wrong, you run the risk of not only destroying the circuit, by also destroying an expensive computer as well. Double, no, triple check your work to make absolutely sure that is free from errors before installing it in any computer.

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any damages caused due to a lack of knowledge or mistakes in the circuit when building and using these projects.

Now then, with that out of the way, on to the Parallel Port Interface.

Parallel Port Interface


This is about the most basic interface you will see. It uses only 3 74376's (74LS367). This interface provides 8 outputs (plus 3 address lines) and 5 inputs. This is usually enough for one room, providing you make use of some demultiplexers and the address lines. You could have up to 128 output lines using the address lines, a 74LS138 and 8 74LS154's.

Begin construction by mounting the IC sockets on the board. I used a experimenters universal solder board due to the large number of wires that must cross. If a PC board were used, you would need either a multi-layer board or many, many jumpers.

Now, solder wires along the top and bottom of the board, making all the connections between the IC sockets. Do not install the IC's yet. Assemble the cable using 26 conductor ribbon cable and a 25 pin crimp connector. You will have one conductor left over so just "peel" it off. Connect the cable to the board and wire it into the circuit. I used an 18 pin socket to make connections to the outputs and inputs on the interface easy. You could do the same if you like, or use a terminal strip.

Schematic Of The Parallel Port Interface

This is the schematic of the parallel port interface

Parallel Port Pin-Out

This is the pin-out of a standard parallel port


Total Qty.
U1,U2,U3374LS367. Buffer 7437, 74HC37
MISC1Sockets, 18 Pin Socket (For Output), Board, Ribbon Cable, 25 Pin Connector

You operate the interface by sending bit patterns to the printer port. BASIC, GWBASIC or QBasic are the languages of choice since most computers already have them installed (in your DOS directory). If you wish, you can download control software from my files section.

The command you use is the OUT command. The decimal address of most printer ports (assuming LPT1) is 888. Use this with the OUT like this:

OUT 888,X

X is a number from 0 to 255 that represents the binary bit pattern.

Although designed primarily to get data out of the computer, the printer port has 5 input lines (on some computers it could be less). You access these lines with the INP function. This time, however, the decimal address is 889. The syntax of the INP command is:


Y is the variable used to store the decimal value that is returned. X is the port number, which in this case is 889.

You may also use the OUT command to send data to the address lines. Just use address 890 instead of 888. Remember that there are only 4 address lines.

8 Bit Output Card

OK. With the basic parallel port interface done, you can build the more advanced 8 Bit Output Card.


This is much more complicated then the parallel port interface, mostly because of the address lines used by the computer to send data to different devices plugged into it's bus.

This interface is constructed on an IBM 8 bit prototyping board. These are available from Jameco Electronics (see Where To Get Parts).Connections are made with point to point soldering or wire wrap. Note that if you use the wire wrap method the board will require about 1/2 inch clearence on the connection side.

Use sockets for all IC's. Begin construction by first mounting the sockets. Depending on which board you buy, you might have lots or very little space. Connect the IC's together using either point to point or wire wrap. I used a 36 pin connector to facilitate connection to the back of the computer, but you can use any other method. Whatever the method, install that connector and wire it into the circuit now. You may now wire the connections to the bus (the gold contacts on the bottom of the card). If you need a reference as to what the bus connections are, check out The IBM Bus Pinout (I apologize for the poor image quality). It is a good idea to bypass power supply pins with .1uf capacitors to avoid problems with interference, power supply spikes, etc. Triple check your work before installing the circuit in any computer. The simple circuit to connect the interface to relay's is showen after the schematic.


This is the schematic of the 8 bit output card


Total Qty.
U1174LS04 Inverter7404, 74HC04
U2174LS00 NAND Gate7400, 74HC00
U3174LS32 OR Gate7432, 74HC32
U4174LS374 Buffer74374, 74HC374
U5174LS30 8 Input NAND Gate7430, 74HC30
MISC18 Bit IBM Prototyping Board, Connector (For Output/Input), Sockets, Capacitors For IC Bypass, Wire.

IC Power Pins

The power connections were left off the schematic for clarity. Here they are:

Relay Driver Circuit

This is the schematic of the relay driver circuit

8 Bit Input Card

This input circuit can be built on the same board as the output circuit, and share the same bus connections. This circuit is necessary if you wish to use almost any type of remote control circuit, which will most likely require more then 5 inputs as provided by the printer port.


Since this is quite similar to the output circuit, I won't go into the details again. Only the parts list and schematic will be showen, as well as the "power pins" chart.

Schematic Of The 8 Bit Input Card

This is the schematic of the input circuit

CAUTION: Be sure that the signals being sent to the input card do not exceed 5 volts or fall below ground!


Total Qty.
U1174LS04 Inverter7404, 74HC04
U2174LS00 NAND Gate7400, 74HC00
U3174LS32 OR Gate7432, 74HC32
U4174LS244 Buffer74224, 74HC224
U5174LS30 8 Input NAND Gate7430, 74HC30
MISC18 Bit IBM Prototyping Board, Connector (For Output/Input), Sockets, Capacitors For IC Bypass, Wire.

The power connections were left of the schematic for clarity. Here they are:

Controlling The Input And Output Cards

Controlling the cards is straight forward, using the basic INP and OUT statements as explained in the Simple Parallel Port Interface. The only difference is the address. The address for the input card is decimal 701 while the output card is decimal 703.

Choosing The Right Computer

This is the last section of this document. Choosing the right computer is getting harder these days. Since new computers no longer come with ISA slots, that basically means you are stuck using older machines. In a way this is good since it's no great issue if you fry one. Pentium class machines are essentially junk these days and basically free. Pentium II and III machines are quickly dropping into that catagory. Just make sure that you triple check your work before installing it into any computer.

Well, thats it. For more information on programming the parallel port, see Programming The Parallel Port In QBasic or Programming The Parallel Port In Visual Basic.

Related Circuits

Computerize Your Room/Home, Electromagnetic Levitator


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Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, August 05, 2011 8:00:58 PM
remind me one upon the time ago in 2000, i did this project. wow this project need more knowledge about how to programming LPT1 usualy use for Printer Port (for some old PC) I'm my new PC only have USB port :(
Computerize Your HOUSE
Sunday, April 11, 2010 4:55:06 PM
I sort of did the same thing but everything is external to the PC. I just used the parallel port for the interface -
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, February 20, 2010 1:03:31 AM
nice work sir............ it really works.......... thanq for dis circuit... plz make some new circuts like dis..........
Saturday, April 04, 2009 3:11:06 PM
Sir ny project i interfacing through parallel port.. but i faced trouble to run the project . The signal which i am sending through the software in parallel port i not detected out there. My software.. aim is just to make the signal high or low at desired inputs but it is not detecting can u plz help me out in these regards.....or can u suggest me what can i do for that...i just need the data to be high or low at desired inputs from parallel port...
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, March 06, 2009 2:36:27 PM
Could you provide me with more details on the project? i do not completely understand you setup. Maybe the full project from start to finish. Thanks!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 10:35:03 AM
Man, this project did make me return to digital electronics. It's really a Fun Project. I can remember building it the first time in 2001! Eight years ago !! Now I returned here to check how it did work... PS: on the input module there is a typo regarding the substitution types, LS244 and 74224 are mixed up somehow. Think it should be 244 for all.
Computerize Your Room/Home Circuit Improvement
Sunday, February 15, 2009 4:16:26 PM
On the 8 Bit Output/Input Cards, U2 is an unnecessary IC. You can use the fourth OR gate on U3 and move the inverter on A8 to A9.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, February 06, 2009 7:05:14 AM
wow i never knew you could do that. what are the prices and places to buy the parts in england!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, January 16, 2009 12:29:57 AM
great project thank's
Sajjad Haider
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, December 18, 2008 9:04:48 AM
Its Working Guys! I am so happy that now my computer room is fully Computerized!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, June 27, 2008 1:59:37 AM
I am doing kinda this project. Could u pls send me full detail of "Computerize your room/home"? Thank you very much!!!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, May 08, 2008 8:20:27 AM
fine work done
Arjun Guglani
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, May 04, 2008 5:55:22 AM
hey ... i am using simple solid state relays & connecting it to the parallel port for similar kind of out put but can control only limited no. of lights. I want to control more than 40 lights can someone help me with that since there is only one parallel port available so with use of some cheap ics i can do that.Thank You

(Editor's notes: Multiplexor...74LS154)

Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, February 22, 2008 1:01:37 PM
pls, I am interested in this project. Can you pls send me the complete circuit of it so i can use it as my final year project. thanks for your effort at droping this project on net.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, January 23, 2008 1:23:09 AM
i like ur project iwould like to do this as my major project please send me the complete circuit diagram as soon as possible. Thank you!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, January 22, 2008 6:16:05 AM
I like this project very much & also i want to do this as my project. Kindly send me all the details & updates including circuit diagrams of this project as soon as possible. Thank You.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, January 15, 2008 3:37:15 AM
hi guys..i am doing same project but i am trying to controling home by remote control i want full detais of this project.can you send me
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, January 11, 2008 12:00:27 AM
could you please send me correct diah for parellel port interfacing crkt. in your fig. pins 13 &14 are not shown
amrita kudesia
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, January 09, 2008 5:02:54 AM
I like this project very much & also i want to do this as my project. Kindly send me all the details & updates including circuit diagrams of this project as soon as possible. Thank You.
Deon Graham
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, January 08, 2008 3:52:45 PM
Do you have any book scamatics for this prject, i mean i not trying to be mean but your whole set up with your scamatics are a little fuzzy
Thomas Countz
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, December 26, 2007 3:40:55 AM
Hey Dude...awesome project...but...really out dated. I mean I don't want to be rude I mean its not like you just posted this but just for everyone else's sake....who would use a parallel port. Get and Arduino and hook up some stuff and go USB .... but for its time this is a very very advanced interesting project.....
Niksen H
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, December 17, 2007 4:56:24 AM
If I'm not wrong, I read that this project was no longer be used in your room. First time I read this page about 2002(?), I want to try it, but the ISA prototype card was too expensive for me (Rp 200.000,- about $20). So... I abandoned.... After I learned microcontroller, I tried to build one project similar like this and it works. I use AT89C51 Atmel microcontroller as it processor. I built 3 terminal module with 8 Input and 8 Output line each. I think if you have much time, you should upgrade your system using microcontroller. Expand your system to be an inexpensive home automation system. Sorry for bad english, and for some words that make you unconfortable... Peace....
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, December 16, 2007 8:14:59 AM
As a ECE student I was very interested on this project because this is really Goodone.I want to to do this project. So, please send me all details & updates on this project.
Adnan Hossain
Sunday, December 16, 2007 5:38:05 AM
Very usefull & helpfull to learn electronics. Tnx to Author.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, December 10, 2007 7:21:55 AM
where can i get source code for the project Computerize Your Room/Home in C-languge
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, November 12, 2007 5:48:41 AM
i like the project its the best can yoyun use visual basics to programme
jakeer sharif
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 6:36:49 AM
its very nice.everyone should try it.even it canbe done as a project
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, November 01, 2007 4:03:09 AM
its very nice and valuble meterial for all...
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, October 30, 2007 4:42:32 PM
what is with all of these sketchball comments? who are these people?
Viswanath Mouli Y.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, October 29, 2007 3:31:46 AM
As a ECE student I was very interested on this project because this is really Goodone.I want to to do this project. So, please send me all details & updates on this project.
Viswanath Mouli
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, October 29, 2007 3:03:53 AM
I am verymuch interested on this project because this is very nice one.I want to make this project. so please send me all details & updates of this project.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, October 26, 2007 12:46:40 PM
Just want to make sure, the first schematic(Parallel Port Interface) is separate from the 8 Bit Output Card schematic and 8 Bit Input Card schematic or are all three of them connected together to make the more advanced input output project. And can the Parallel Port Interface also be programmed via visual basic? Thanks for the schematics! and ideas. It is helping me a lot with my final semester project.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, October 25, 2007 3:42:20 AM
Congrats for this huge project........
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, October 20, 2007 2:46:36 AM
Sir.. This project should be great for my end of year project.. can you please send me more detail about the project.. I will be looking forward for it.. Thank
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, October 14, 2007 10:33:55 PM
this project is very interesting and i hope it will works too...can you please give me some updates of this project...
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, October 14, 2007 5:08:28 AM
how does a USB interface look like, i would like to see the schematic diagram of it. please send me the schematic over my e-mail adres
piyush yadav
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 1:30:43 PM
sir this project is very good, I want to make it in my final year. sir please send all the details related to this project
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, October 04, 2007 1:06:57 AM
Sir,is this idea similar to establishing a remote home control system? could you please send me the project details cause im really interested in it and wanna learn more. Best Regards
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 2:03:20 PM
sir pls send me all details of this project regarding its cost. it is very good project and i want to make that project.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, October 03, 2007 10:43:23 AM
Hello,i m very much interested in this project please if you could send complete details with circuit

(Editor's notes: Scroll up.)

Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 10:09:31 AM
sir could u plz send me alldetails about this project as i m a 4th yr. ece student n wud want to make this project,the cost n all other requirements
manoj badoni
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, October 01, 2007 4:43:09 AM
i am me electronic student at pec chandigah,i want to do my thesis in this area . kindly send me more information on this or any topic .
naveen jain
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, September 26, 2007 10:03:44 PM
hello sir i m a student of final year and i want to make this project so please send me full information about that
nishant pradhan
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 1:55:20 PM
please send me the detail and diagram of this project. i m much interested to make it as my major project in fourth year of my B.E.
Calvin DMS
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, September 25, 2007 6:09:43 AM
Hello,i m very much interested in this project please if you could send complete details with circuit
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, September 22, 2007 5:20:30 AM
sir i liked the concept of the project very much. i wish to make it as my major project.can u provide me with the complete details.thankyou
Friday, September 21, 2007 2:36:58 PM
Do you have any instructions about programming RS232?
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, September 21, 2007 4:37:02 AM
sir, i am 3rd yearECE ,i am interested in this project.please send the complete details about circuit and cost also maintainance.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, September 20, 2007 9:49:25 AM
Please help iwant to interface an electric bell with acomputer
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, September 20, 2007 2:08:00 AM
hello sir plz send me all detail of this project with its circuit diagram

(Editor's notes: Scroll up.)

prashant thakre
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:54:37 AM
this is good project
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, September 20, 2007 1:26:14 AM
sir, iwant to that this project is only for on /of or controlling the appliances like increasing the speed of fans
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 10:33:35 PM
sir i m final year student and my branch is ECE.i am interested in this project please send me the details with the circuit diagram

(Editor's notes: Scroll up.)

Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 3:36:10 AM
hello sir,i am student of final year and have opted this project as a major please send the complete details of this to my email id. thankyou

(Editor's notes: Scroll up and actually read the content. You would think a final year student would be able to comprehend...)

Muhammad IRfan
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, September 17, 2007 2:01:16 PM
Very best circuit . i try my best to enjoy this project
aman verma
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, September 16, 2007 10:38:09 AM
sir i m final year student and my branch is ECE.i am interested in this project please send me the details with the circuit diagram.

(Editor's notes: Scroll up.)

Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, September 05, 2007 6:29:46 AM
can u send me the whole details and circuits tks
Prashant Surana
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:48:28 AM
Hi, i m student of III sem electrical engineering. i m very much interested in this project please send complte details with circuit
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, September 01, 2007 4:48:52 AM
i've opted this as my major project. Can u please send me its details along with its objective.
Ankur BHalla
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, August 31, 2007 12:47:44 AM
Hi.iam a final year b-tech student. Explanation procedure is very understandable for begineers. iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits thanks
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 5:30:29 AM
Hi.iam a final year student.iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits.........
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, August 23, 2007 1:38:11 AM
Hai i am a diploma holder in electronics i am very interest to do this project can u pls send the full details of the project to my mail and i am very thank ful to you if you do same.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, August 16, 2007 3:12:38 PM
Hello. Do you have an schematic to build an ISA parallel port?
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, August 12, 2007 11:14:18 AM
iwant a help to make a computer controlled lathe mechine
biswabhushana dash
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, August 11, 2007 4:00:36 PM
Hi.iam a final year student.iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits tks
mee mee
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, August 10, 2007 3:58:01 AM
Hi.iam a final year student.iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits tks
P.Sree Mahita
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, August 05, 2007 9:06:16 PM
Hi,I am a final year student.Please send me complete details of this project and the circuit details.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, August 01, 2007 9:45:15 AM
Hi.iam a final year student.iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits tks
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, August 01, 2007 9:03:23 AM
ur points helped me in doing my project ............ thank you very much
srinivas sastry Mathi
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, July 27, 2007 4:33:23 AM
nice project for lerner
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 11:09:50 PM
hi i am doing a project for electronics i am trying to make a key holder so when you clap it starts beeping and flashing LEDs turn on for 3 sec. we have to use a picaxe 08m chip to programe it. i cant work out the circuit diagrame for it. can u put one on your website
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 9:14:25 PM
You might be interested in this circuit...which if done right could give you 320 ports or device triggers... This is a lot of ports / switches / whatever, but it might be better to do this with pcb's...I'd go nuts hand wiring all this stuff like this guy did....solder the chip sockets inito the board & go from there....
Fady Fawzi
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, July 25, 2007 5:01:00 AM
so so interesting curcuit but i don't know in wath it can use activaly
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, July 23, 2007 7:37:51 AM
i want the coding for this computerize your home.....
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, July 20, 2007 8:56:45 PM
Somebody help me... pls.... I need a diagram of a device which is controlled by a computer via parallel port..... any device pls
vamsi jagannath
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, July 19, 2007 2:38:37 AM
This project is very interesting for me.And I will try to do this project in my next semester.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 7:55:04 AM
i'm working as a lecturer in ECE.can u give me the brief details about this and ur suggestions
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 2:37:07 PM
Hi, i am planning to do this project for final year.can you give me more details about this project and also approximate cost
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, July 16, 2007 12:26:27 PM
Hi.iam a final year student.iam very interested in this project can u send me the whole details and circuits
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, July 12, 2007 6:05:50 AM
good circuit but it is not easy for bigners
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, July 06, 2007 11:56:29 AM
i m final year student and want to do project on this topic .can u give me d brief information about this and your valuable guidence
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, July 06, 2007 7:53:44 AM
hey, i think this is the most interesting project i have ever tried.I have done in my room and I must say it is just FANTASTIC!!!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, July 05, 2007 4:56:41 PM
hi all i m student of final year electrical engineering this is a nice project but here details are limited u cant make this project working with these details u have to get extra details...if anyone is working on this project let me know i also need a project for final year,,,,,
amit kumar singh
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, July 05, 2007 12:39:55 PM
Sir, i am planning to do this as my B.TECH project. so,please give complete circuit diagrams,description and working.
jabber arobero
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, July 01, 2007 11:11:44 PM
im a computer engineering student and im graduating also this coming graduation. But i cannot graduate if i dont have a major project and i choose your design because i want also to computerized my room and i like also your design and sir can you plz send the information how to do this kind major project
vivek jeyakumar
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, June 17, 2007 7:39:50 AM
it is a wonderful idea i have the same idea could you give some valuable suggession to give a project to turn on the lights only when some one is in the area and also give some idea of the circuit
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, June 16, 2007 11:59:56 AM
i need to know more about it
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, June 16, 2007 7:24:33 AM
can i get some more details
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, June 15, 2007 12:33:38 PM
Hi, i am planning to do this project for final year.. can i get more details
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, June 15, 2007 8:39:00 AM
i am a engineering student and wish to do this project. i find the information given here inadequate and can you please help me and guide me throughout the project
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, June 11, 2007 2:25:03 PM
I am an engineering final year student and i am planning to do my final year major project in this subject... So can u please briefly tell me something more on how this works....
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, June 09, 2007 10:37:23 PM
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, June 06, 2007 4:21:09 PM
very interesting,amazing , in fact just to good
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, June 03, 2007 3:15:19 AM
i want detail of this project & also budget of the please send reply.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, May 26, 2007 9:56:52 AM
sir, i am doing diploma in electronics&tetecommunication in datta meghe polytechnic , nagpur. i read your "computerize your room project" but i m not able to understand that how it actually works. so, sir plz send me a very brief discription of working and use of this circuit.
rajat sharma
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, May 25, 2007 8:18:42 PM
this is the most easy circuit to do interfacing with computer other gate based circuit are complicated thanks to this circuit
Computerize Your Room/Home
Tuesday, May 22, 2007 4:54:42 PM
hi sir i m doing diploma of electronics technology in swedish college pakistan .sir i m interested in makimg aroom computerised.for this i read above discriptions but i good understand.sir plz send me a very brief discription of this circuit.ok bye
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, May 21, 2007 1:27:12 PM
i think its a great idea but to much stuff im not like sooooo smart i just need sumtin real fast
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, May 20, 2007 4:02:19 PM
hi there its great project but i wann more information on it from england
Computerize Your Room/Home
Sunday, May 20, 2007 2:51:12 PM
hi therei. its nice project. but i get more information abt it could yopu give me plz.i ill wait for reply.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, May 04, 2007 3:47:07 AM
i tried this project a number of times and to my dismay it failed every time. Then i came to know that parallel port is not accessible under windows XP Sp2 which i am using. So is there a way around. Also please send me a PCB layout of the project. I am an Engg Final year student.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, April 26, 2007 6:56:45 AM
Your stuffs are cool dude. They do prove to be a lot of help to us neos. But the backspace thing doesn't work in here and is driving me nuts. Could you fix it?
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, April 19, 2007 10:52:23 AM
am an engg student as well .. from india.. need more info on the project.. help me!!
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, April 19, 2007 3:15:17 AM
i had seen the circuit it was nice i think i can do this kind of projects in my college
anonymousmohamed abbas
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, April 11, 2007 7:12:55 PM
thank you very very much
Computerize Your Room/Home
Wednesday, March 28, 2007 3:42:23 AM
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, March 26, 2007 4:01:10 AM
please I want some information about inputing data into computer by parallel ports
Le Chouan du Morbihan
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, March 24, 2007 4:31:38 AM
it seem to be very interessant i had wrote an plc emulator in html technology. I need a interface wich work on parrallel port. I want a bus for Input an output card. Novice in electronics, TTL. so I need help I had eagle want to use 74HCT245 et 573 for bus master interface
Abdul Muhyi
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, March 24, 2007 12:02:28 AM
I m student SMKN 1 Cimahi, This Circuit very-very good, and I interested to know more bout this project
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, March 22, 2007 9:59:17 AM
can u gimme an elobarated explanation of the above an egg student from india and i really wish to implement this project..
Audu Eliazar Elisha
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, March 19, 2007 11:50:11 AM
Hi,iam a student of electrical engineering,please i need more elaborated circuit diagram on this circuit.I have interest in computer control systems...Any contribution on this subject is a welcome developement.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, March 17, 2007 8:11:20 AM
i am engg student from india this project is very neat advanced glorious
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, March 12, 2007 6:09:52 AM
gives just an idea.... details are necessary to complete this.. many unexpected problems may arise during construction
Computerize Your Room/Home
Saturday, March 10, 2007 12:46:14 PM
how to connect the circuit
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, March 09, 2007 8:27:44 PM
I am a student of the Zamboanga, philippines 7001.. is there any, more automated alarm?
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, March 08, 2007 9:19:17 AM
Very good project.Thanks.
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, March 05, 2007 9:03:30 AM
The project seems to be an intresting one... im planning to make one.. Well, there is no information about the author.. So, i cannot contact.. Whosoever the author is i'd request to please mail me on or provide the email addres so those in need could contact.. Still... i'd be pleased if any person would help me getting a full set up detail of the above... n if any person have carried it out practically... please provide a feedback if possible so tht we could kno how the project is working..
dave tytheridge
Computerize Your Room/Home
Monday, March 05, 2007 6:08:03 AM
this is helpfu
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, March 02, 2007 4:00:16 AM
i'm a student from malaysia...i interested to know more bout this project...i'm studying electronic engineering and i want to make this project in my last year,can you send me more information bout this project including; fully schematic circuit, how to connect the circuit into computer and what the objective this project...reply the answer into my mail fastly...tq
Computerize Your Room/Home
Friday, March 02, 2007 3:37:41 AM
how to connected from computer to circuit
louis rossi
Computerize Your Home
Thursday, March 01, 2007 12:58:38 PM
hi, i'm a student in south africa, i was on the the net when i saw your onteresting subject about computerize your home. i'm studying Computer science (Bsc), and i'll have to make a project for my third year. i have a knowledge in programming language : C++, C++.Net , Java, and Delphi and i've a diploma in electronic engineering. so , i would to know more about your interesting project because mine was about "Prepaid electricity".
Computerize Your Room/Home
Thursday, March 01, 2007 5:07:20 AM
good project
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