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The File section of the site contains some downloadables I have worked on over the years. At this point, fairly old stuff however they might be of interested to someone.

How to tune up your lawnmower
I did this for a few years to earn some extra cash. This file explains how. It is actually quite simple. I wrote this in early 1996 and have not edited it since. However, the information is still relevant. As I recall, it is in Windows Write/WordPad format.
138K--Self extracting ZIP file.

Parallel Port Interface Control (DOS)
This is a generic parallel port interface control designed for the Parallel Port Interface on my circuits page. It performs output and input functions. This was written in QBasic then compiled, so QBasic is not required to run it. Note that development on this is not complete, and has basically stopped. If you wish to use it to something useful, you will need to finish it up (should be simple, though I have not looked at it in several years).
10K--BAS file.

Parallel Port Interface Control (Win31 and 95)
This is a generic parallel port interface control designed for the Parallel Port Interface on my circuits page. It performs output and input functions. This was written in Visual Basic, so it requires VBRUN300.DLL. If you don't have it, then you can download it then copy it to your \windows\system directory. I do not give away the source code for this program. View Screenshot.
9.04K--ZIP file.

A homemade GWBASIC "Paddle and Ball" game, like Arkanoid
This is a neat little game that I made in GWBASIC. It is like Arkanoid, but without the fancy graphics. In GWBASIC format so before you use it in QBasic you have to convert it to ASCII. Made to work on a 486 DX/33 so it may be too fast on a newer machine.
17K--Self extracting ZIP file.

A BASIC Terminal Program
I made this little program for my laptop. I often use a 2400 baud (stop laughing) modem to check my email. All the other terminal programs were either too slow or too big to run on the 8088 processor without a hard drive (no really, stop laughing). It was written in GWBASIC, but it will run in QBasic as I saved it as an ASCII file.
1.04K--ZIP file.

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