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T O P I C    R E V I E W
oscaryu1 Posted - May 09 2007 : 8:17:18 PM
Read my signature, that should help some. I cannot get my spudgun to fire. it did before, but not now, I dont use the spark plug, but the metal thing included with the bbq igniter, it worked for some time, then i put it away for a month, and it wont start up no more. i bought another BBQ igniter kit, and i got it to burn some AXE CLIX/PHONIEX.. help!
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - May 10 2007 : 09:08:05 AM
The problem is that the "metal thing" included with the BBQ igniter quickly fouls. The ceramic cracks and the actual BBQ igniter pushbutton wears out. At the very least you need to switch to a spark plug for a good set of electrodes, but you may also have to replace the piezo pushbutton.

And by the way, it's totally unnecessary to email me using the forum's email function. The forum is here for you to post your question to everyone, not bother me bypassing the regular mail functions on my website.

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