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T O P I C    R E V I E W
romic00 Posted - Jan 24 2005 : 12:11:57 AM
Hey Aaron were you at the auto show in detroit last saturday jan 16. I saw someone that looked just like you.

9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 10 2005 : 4:14:16 PM
Yeah well whatever you say Aaron I still like it.
What amazes is that it can get to 391Km/h that is by far the fastest road car i've heard of. It even has a Black Box. I think it's ileagle to drive it in Australia; don't know where I got that from.

Aaron Cake Posted - Feb 10 2005 : 09:33:36 AM
I'm just not that excited about it. Sure, it's an amazing piece of machinery, but I think a car that costs $1,000,000+ should be at least drivable. Also, it's fairly ugly.

I remember seeing a show a while back which featured a McLaren owner. He was listing all the stuff he did to the car so that he could actually drive it. Cooling mods, adding A/C, adding a stereo, etc. The cooling mods struck me as odd, so I asked a friend about it. Apparently, the car overheats at low speeds due to the ducting used.

Honestly, it's a race car with a bit of an interior, so you can't complain that much regarding these issues. But if you build a car with no compromises in speed and handling, it's not going to be a very good car except for that purpose. Meaning that taking it out on the road more then a few times a month is not going to be something you do...

wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 09 2005 : 4:00:12 PM
Boo hoo, I llike Mclaren don't tease my Mclaren. Only 100 were made so it'll be great to see one or even be in one. I've liked it since "Need for speed II" came out.

Aaron Cake Posted - Feb 09 2005 : 09:26:22 AM
Meh, McLaren is nothing special...

wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 09 2005 : 05:19:44 AM
Hehe LOL.
Sounds cool I wish I was there. I wanna see a Mclaren. Boo hoo.

Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 27 2005 : 09:10:01 AM
And you didn't say "Hi"?!?

The show ended last weekend.

Chamkeeper Posted - Jan 27 2005 : 12:48:54 AM
Is that show still at Cobo Hall?

romic00 Posted - Jan 26 2005 : 9:16:38 PM
Haha i just remember that i was there sunday too. I saw you taking pictures of the corvet schelet. The silver one without the body.

Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 24 2005 : 09:12:44 AM
I was there on Sunday of the same weekend with a few other RX-7 owners. Good show. I was a little disappointed that there weren't any new hybrids, nor any pure EVs. Just a few fool-cell vehicles.

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