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 Anyone used eMachineShop?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 28 2004 : 4:34:06 PM
I am curious as to whether anyone here has ever used eMachineShop? I have to make some flanges out of 6MM thick steel, and it would be a major pain to cut them myself with just a jigsaw (especially the inner circles). I'm sure there's a local shop that can do it for me, but I have been hearing some good things about eMachineShop. I just downloaded their software, and it seems quite impressive and easy (for a CAD package).


3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 27 2005 : 09:13:00 AM
I should mention that I received my parts last Monday. I ordered a set of flanges to make a custom upper intake for my RX-7, and some other throttle body flanges (just in case). I had the parts cut on the water jet, and they came out perfectly. Total cost was quite high, but I had 3 of each part made, just in case. So that accounts for the higher price.

I'm totally happy with the service. It was almost exactly 1 month between the time I submitted my order, and the time the parts showed up at the door. I can see myself spending a lot of money on eMachineShop.

Oh, and they sent me two free rules with my order.

Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 29 2004 : 09:21:59 AM
The more I play with their software, the more I am impressed. I've never been very good at CAD, but I'm picking this up quite quickly. I think I'll just have my parts made, and then see how things go. Worst case is that I'm out $100.

And if things turn out well, I have a LOT of parts they can be doing for me in quantity.

There's just something magical about drawing a part, selecting your materials and machine, pressing the "order" button, and having it show up at your door a few weeks later.

Now, all I need is one of those neat 3D printers...

da-g-dog Posted - Dec 28 2004 : 5:24:18 PM
Never used them before, but it looks like a nice service. You might check out the BBB where they are located to see if they have any complaints filed against them.

hike master kyle

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