Colour (Sound) Organ

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Anyone who has been to a night club, concert or school dance has probobly seen a colour organ. Colour organs cause lights to blink and flash to music from your TV, stereo, guitar and even your own voice. The colour organ presented here needs no connection to the sound source, it picks up sound from its built in microphone.


This is the schematic of the Colour Organ

PC Board Layout

This is the printed circuit layout of the Colour Organ

Parts Placement

This is the parts placement of the Colour Organ


Total Qty.
C1122uf 250V Electrolytic Capacitor
C2122uf 250V Electrolytic Capacitor
C310.1uf Disc Capacitor
C410.01uf Disc Capacitor
C510.0047uf Disc Capacitor
R1147K 1/2 W Resistor
R2, R426.8K 1/2 W Resistor
R3, R521M 1/2 W Resistor
R613.3K 1/2 W Resistor
R7, R8, R931K 1/2 W Resistor
R10, R11, R12310K Pot
D111N4004 Diode
Q1, Q222N3904 NPN Transistor2N2222
Q3, Q4, Q53106B1 SCRTeccor S2003LS1
T1110K:600 Ohm Audio Transformer
S11SPDT Switch
J1, J2, J33AC Socket
MISC1AC Line Cord, Crystal Microphone, Case, Wire


  1. R10, R11 and R12 control the response of the different lights.
  2. The circuit can handle up to 300 watts per channel.
  3. This circuit is NOT isolated from the 115 Volt line. If it is used with the case opened or not installed in a case, you could recieve a bad shock or be killed.
  4. You can also use the Teccor S2003LS1 SCR for SCR1. These give better sensitivity and brightness than the 106B1 units.
  5. Thanks to James Maloway for redrawing the schematic.

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Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, May 10, 2016 3:49:08 PM
I would HIGHLY recommend putting a fuse between Switch and D1.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Sunday, January 18, 2015 6:11:15 PM
It is a good sample design. Be careful you could be in dangers getting electric shock by using this design do to component failed. I would not follow this design as is.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Wednesday, November 23, 2011 4:25:48 PM
Where can I find a 10K to 600 Ohm transformer? I cannot find anything that is too ridiculously expensive.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Monday, October 31, 2011 9:35:17 PM
I just built this circuit, and it doesn't work, any troubleshooting tips? which way does the transformer go? I've checked the circuit to the schematic and it seems right to me, except I'm not sure about the transformer.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, October 22, 2011 1:11:59 AM
Just built this circuit and it works great. Using a RCA connector instead of the mic and connecting it to the audio of my home theater system.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Monday, May 17, 2010 9:48:00 PM
C2 should be 50V not 250V, also this circuit works just as well if the mic leads are replaced with left and right in-line stereo
Colour (Sound) Organ
Friday, May 07, 2010 2:55:16 PM
I have built this and it works great. For those asking, connecting the two leads from a headphone jack cord or whatever to where the mic leads would be works just as well.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Friday, February 26, 2010 11:48:34 PM
How could you get an input from an audio device, instead of a microphone? Thank You!
Colour (Sound) Organ
Friday, January 22, 2010 4:07:55 AM
Any substitutes for the 10k---600 Ohm audio transformer??? Cant seem to locate
Mike Schneider
Colour (Sound) Organ
Monday, November 16, 2009 7:59:09 AM
I've just built this schematic here in my classroom and am having difficulties with it. I noticed when I ordered the crystal microphone from Mouser Electronics that it is polarized but it is not specified in the schematic. I've tried both ways: one way I get a buzz sound and it was stop as I touched the mic, the other I got nothing lol. I'm not quite sure what I'm doing wrong here. I also did a ohm reading on the transformer I ordered as well. I ordered the same one on your parts list however I'm getting a reading of only a few ohms I'm guessing that could be the issue lol. Any ideas would be great.
souvik kundu
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, September 15, 2009 1:54:45 PM
can i use plugin with vcd or dvd .how? pls reply
Jonas Karl Christopher N Agutaya
Colour (Sound) Organ
Monday, March 23, 2009 4:02:39 AM
Can a 10K:10 ohm-audio transformer be used? If not, what can I do to increase 10 ohms to 600 ohms without changing any other values?
Colour (Sound) Organ
Sunday, January 11, 2009 4:46:38 AM
what is exactly this J1 J2 J3? how is the connection of resistors R10,R7&R11,R8&R12,R9
Colour (Sound) Organ
Wednesday, October 08, 2008 7:56:05 PM
Is there any way to make them more responsive. I made a 120v one and compared to my friends, who made the same thing, It takes a larger audio input signal. For an input, I used compression terminals that connect to the audio transformer (Mouser 42TM114-RC)
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, September 16, 2008 1:30:20 AM
can I connect a sound source(CD player) instead of microhone. Plz reply. Rgds Jay
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, May 10, 2008 5:17:58 PM
Is there a way where instead of there being a mic for your sound input that you could wire either rca cords or like 3-4 3.5 jack inputs for your sound and if so what are the schematics of it....thanks for your time and please email me back
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, March 11, 2008 3:08:56 AM
Could you upload the 12v version for everyone to see?
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, February 23, 2008 5:40:56 PM
correction: DC version with SCR (thyristor) wont clear lights after triggered once. Use a transitor instead, no clue what type is best
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, February 23, 2008 11:19:12 AM
Changes for 230 V AC Version: C1 & C2 = 22µf 500V Electrolytic Capacitor R1 = 100k 1/2 W Resistor Q3, Q4 & Q5 = C106D or S4003L Changes for 12 V DC Version: remove C1, C2 & R2 replace D1 & R1 with a wire connect +12V on top (common at bottom) use 12V bulbs ;)
Colour (Sound) Organ
Thursday, January 17, 2008 3:27:23 AM
What is the cost of colour (sound) organ?
Colour (Sound) Organ
Sunday, December 16, 2007 2:36:04 PM
Where can you buy all of the parts because i am doing science fair and i am running out of time.... and what would be the estimated cost please get back to my asap Thank you very much.
Pirate Paul
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, December 15, 2007 5:39:18 PM
The circuit schematic, pictorial, board layout etc shown here are identical to kit #152 offered by Graymark Int'l Inc, POB 2015, Tustin Ca 92781. Beware identification of the primary and secondary of T1 is vague and ambiguous. Obviously, it will not work with T1 installed backwards. For other kits, check (where I got the Graymark kit on closeout).
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, December 08, 2007 12:35:01 PM
whta is the cost of implementing the circ???????? whhat cld be the cheapest??????
Colour (Sound) Organ
Thursday, December 06, 2007 11:22:32 AM
Is there another type of transformer I could use with the 120v circuit? It's a bit hard to find that transformer and when I did it was an $80 piece. Can a power transformer do the same thing or maybe a less expensive transformer. HELP QUICK PLEASE Thank You, Kyle
Colour (Sound) Organ
Wednesday, November 21, 2007 3:21:20 PM
yeah pls send over a 12v version... really might use that..
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, November 17, 2007 11:47:12 PM
Would like to see a 12 volt version
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, September 18, 2007 2:59:58 PM
To help out, an audio transformer is just that an audio transformer. Try finding one on or hell radio shack should have them. I dont think I would be building this with out a fuse or at least using a GFI to plug it into ***note GFI may not stay set with the fast changeing current draw this will have.*** None the less use saftey
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, August 28, 2007 3:38:33 AM
can you give me the schematics and pcb design for 220 volts thanks a lot...
Colour (Sound) Organ
Friday, August 10, 2007 6:33:59 AM
I am 3rd year computer science student, we are asked to make a project about relays for triggering higher voltages using any devices with PC connection. do you have some idea about this? I can think of anything. I hope you can help me. Thanks
Colour (Sound) Organ
Thursday, July 26, 2007 8:25:36 PM
hi there.. i am really interested in the project but am lacking few things here.. like what is a audio transformer.. is it a normal transformer ??.. beside what is the AC sockets for isnt it that there should be there lights fixed there ??.. if you can answer me that will be higly appreciated...
Sam Lotz
Colour (Sound) Organ
Monday, July 23, 2007 1:06:32 PM
Could you please forward me a simalar circuit but with a 220v ac input. Thank you. Sam Lotz South Africa
Colour (Sound) Organ
Wednesday, July 11, 2007 9:05:55 PM
why ur circuit cannot be simulated?
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, July 03, 2007 5:12:12 AM
Agree you seriously want a fuse. Values should be given in the schematic. Capacitors should have voltage ratings.
Colour (Sound) Organ
Saturday, June 02, 2007 3:03:20 PM
what is the current draw? Why is there no fuse?
Colour (Sound) Organ
Tuesday, March 13, 2007 7:45:16 AM
pls tell me what parts do i need to change to make this circuit work on 220V
Colour (Sound) Organ
Friday, March 09, 2007 12:49:49 PM
you need beter diagrams a hole science camity agree with me learn and we are going to get google to look what they are puting on the internet
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