Simple Parallel (Printer) Port Interface

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This is the basic interface I used as part of my Computerized Room project. This is the parallel interface only. The 8 bit input card can be found, along with the rest of the project, at Computerize Your Room/House. This interface, as well as the other two interfaces, came from the book "The Robot Builders Bonanza", by Gordan McComb. This interface is also useful for controlling small robots, etc. It is cheap and fairly easy to build, although you should not attempt this project unless you have prior experience with electronics. You probably won't damage anything if you hook it up wrong, but there is always a chance (some parallel ports are better protected then others). If possible, test the project on someone else's, or a school computer :-)


This is the schematic of the parallel port interface

Parallel Port Pin Assignments

Parallel port pin assignments graphic


Total Qty.
U1, U2, U3374LS367 Buffer IC74367, 74HC367
MISC1Case, Wire, Sockests, 18 Pin Socket (For Output), 25 Pin Connector (For Parallel Port), Ribben Cable


  1. I built the interface on a piece of universal solder board due to the large number of wires that must cross. It is also much easier to fix mistakes then on a PC board. I also used a 25 pin crimp connector to connect it to the parallel port. 26 conductor ribben cable was used to link the connector to the board.
  2. This interface only offers 5 inputs (on some computers it may be less). For more inputs, see Computerize Your Room/House. If you choose to use the inputs, remember that the voltage level can not exceed 5 volts or fall below ground.
  3. This circuit is TTL and therefor must be powered by no more then 5 volts.
  4. You can download control software from my files section.
  5. For more information on programming the parallel port, see Programming The Parallel Port In QBasic or Programming The Parallel Port In Visual Basic.

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Computer Controlled Frequency Counter/Logic Probe, Parallel (Printer) Port Interface


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Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, October 19, 2011 5:59:27 AM
I have some difficulties for vb6 program for parallel port communication. can any one help me by send me the complete code + dll files. thankx
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, December 04, 2010 5:15:59 PM
For effective and simple control of parallel port, check out LibertyBASIC. Port driver for XP and above is included with distribution and there is an excellent and supportive user forum with a hardware interfacing thread.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, November 17, 2009 4:13:37 PM
I'm exploring your site; it has great info. I built a small PCB with a ULN2003 chip driving reed relays to control my room lighting (dimmer) using the parallel port on my PC. It's simple and works quite well. I'd now like to add the ability to read the level of the dimmer and send this data to the PC. The dimmer has 4 LED's which I believe are 9VAC and are either on or off. I need to translate this to something that could be read by the parallel port and sent to an app on the PC. Any ideas?
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, September 10, 2009 9:44:08 PM
Verhy informative, Well done!
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Sunday, June 28, 2009 2:44:22 PM
is it passable to do this same thing using the usb port instead of the Parallel Port I have been looking all over the internet trying to find a schematic diagram on this if you have any information please let me know thank you Jeremy
kurdi muhammad
Using this circuit in Windows XP
Thursday, March 19, 2009 6:34:24 AM
You can download this dll file ( Inpout32.dll ) from and control your Parallel port even under Windows XP. Note: In Windows 2000 and XP and later versions of windows, you can NOT use the PPort directly . You must use a kernel mode device driver to that.......Actually inpout32.dll does that for you easily.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, March 03, 2009 7:16:47 AM
is it possible to use this interface to conect 2 computers for use with qbasic so that one way comuncation is possable
Black Hawk
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, February 21, 2009 10:33:47 AM
Dear Sir, by using any input, like 5v or getting 0v vich pins i can use to detect whether hardware is connected or not
Javad Ahamad K.V
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, October 10, 2008 1:16:46 AM
I am very happy with your vb parallel port helped me a lot. i have a doubt? if we want to input data through status port by shorting it and ground how we can detect at the time of running? eg: i runned my program then when i set 88 form colour shoul be red,and if the value is 104 the form colour should be blue without exiting the program.what is the code for that? i tried like this, if vbinp(889)=88 then form1.backcolor=vbred elseif vbinp(889)=104 then form1.backcolor=vbblue end if this is working when it wrote under an event like click or keypress ect..... but i want to check continously without changing any event plz help me........
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, October 07, 2008 8:44:50 PM
Sir pls give me a kernel driver for WindowsXP, im trying to access parallel port interfacing with Assembly Language Program using A86 assembler.. pls help.. im searching for so long..

(Editor's notes: Search the forum.)

Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, August 19, 2008 6:40:28 AM
sir, i want to access data coming from ADC by PC parallel port & store it in database(sql) . i want to access the parallel port by java(Net beans) & at windows xp. if u help me at the code portion of interfacing with parallel port i would be greatful to u. plz help & mail me sir.......... thanks
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, June 02, 2008 6:13:00 AM
i AM FOUND PRPLEM FOR INSERT PULSE BY SENSOR TO ADRESS 379 ,I WANT COMMAND FOR BREAK INFINITY LOOP ,FOR READ ONES AND ZEROS FOR THAT PULSES. TANKS Private Sub Command1_Click() Dim ones As Integer, zeros As Integer, delay As Long, COUNT As VARIANT Text2.Text = Inp(Val("&H" + Text1.Text)) DO WHILE COUNT=1 If (Str(Inp(Val("&H" + Text1.Text))) = 119) Then ones = ones + 1 Else zeros = zeros + 1 End If COUNT=1 LOOP Text4.Text = ones Text5.Text = zeros End Sub Private Sub Command2_Click() Out Val("&H" + Text1.Text), Val(Text2.Text) End Sub
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface using VB6
Sunday, May 04, 2008 1:07:46 AM
I have seen easy tutorial to interface LCD to parallel port using VB6.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Sunday, April 13, 2008 4:11:52 AM
Can you please describe me about parallel port data recieving and sending pins .... and how can i connect any thing with my computer using parallel ports .... and also tell me what i do if i want any wireless connection of any component (for e.g. a remote control car) with my computer... so that i can control that car via keyboard.. i will be thankful to u if u answer my these all questions
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, March 29, 2008 2:16:40 AM
sir, i want to access data coming from ADC by PC parallel port & store it in database(sql) . i want to access the parallel port by java(Net beans) & at windows xp. if u help me at the code portion of interfacing with parallel port i would be greatful to u. plz help & mail me sir.......... thanks.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, March 22, 2008 8:28:48 PM
To day I visit your site at first time and there i find what I need so easy (I whose tray one year ) THANK YOU FOR THAT
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, March 21, 2008 3:56:56 AM
sir please help me on how to control a basketball score board using printer port sir please reply tank you oh
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, February 28, 2008 4:47:11 AM
Dear sir i want to make a toy car that can be controlled using the computer. for example direction keys for navigation and cameras for viewing
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, February 27, 2008 2:03:27 PM
i have written a code for extracting desired bit pattern from the lpt port. The program run fine from within the Borland c compiler but when we run the program from its exe file we are not gettin the output. We have used outportb(0x378H,data) command. please suggest.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, February 20, 2008 2:10:06 AM
sir can you help me how to control an score board using printer port?
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, February 15, 2008 2:57:57 PM
Dear Sir, I just wanted to drop a note to thank you for inspiring me to delve into the world of "real world control with a pc". I built the parallel port interface (not a single problem)and my first experiment was to build an infared through beam alarm. I then used it to control a 2x40 LCD display. Being just a hobbyist and very new to electronics, I greatly appreciate all the hard work it takes from folks like you to share thier ideas with us. All of my training has come from internet searches and a ton of reading. For the moment I have been writing all the source code in QB but I've begun to learn Euphoria and C++. Who knows what the future brings? Again Thank You for an excellent site. John
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, January 28, 2008 4:04:35 AM
where is the c++ program??
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, January 18, 2008 10:26:10 AM
hello sir, i just want to ask if it is safe to use windows xp for interfacing printer port to our project via visual basic 6.0? because our professor told us that windows xp sends unwanted signals that might interfere with the process or our project... what do you think? is there any way to disable this unwanted signals? please e-mail me sir for help.. thanks!
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, January 18, 2008 12:03:26 AM
Sir pls tell me what exactly the function of parallel port interface in the operation of 8051 microcontrollers pls reply soon thanx
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, January 17, 2008 8:18:12 AM
Pls send me a java code to output a signal or pluse through a parallel port whhn a specialized java me3thod is called
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, January 11, 2008 3:09:24 AM
sir can you help me to install an electronic coin slot to a computer and control it or using its functions using visual basic program.i need help pls.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, December 27, 2007 4:05:52 AM
sir i want to make a toy car that can be controlled using the computer. for example direction keys for navigation etc. also add a camera for viewing
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, December 11, 2007 8:17:55 AM
i think it is a bit crappy but otherwise good =]
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, December 10, 2007 6:30:35 AM
Dear sir, please help me sir I asking you how can attach led , fan and etc devices and what is programing in 'c' language for controlled . for example LED blinking and etc . and what circuits
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, November 19, 2007 11:03:29 AM
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, November 06, 2007 6:03:19 PM
i want to control camera out put and movement by motors through vb6
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, November 05, 2007 8:13:07 AM
anonymous shailandra singh
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface interfacing
Thursday, October 18, 2007 2:58:30 AM
Dear sir, please help me sir I asking you how can attach led , fan and etc devices and what is programing in 'c' language for controlled . for example LED blinking and etc . and what circuits
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, October 16, 2007 4:33:22 AM
im using java please help me to acess the printer port for testing a modem cable if it is working or not... please, i need your help i don't know how to use it and i dont know the codes..
Parallel (Printer) Port
Wednesday, October 10, 2007 3:02:03 AM
sir we have a project, there is a controller connected to printer port where the program commands the controller to on/off.. HOw is that???please help...please send it to my email
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, October 02, 2007 11:47:05 PM
pls help me!! we have a project using a parallel port we must interface it with the computer but i dont know what kind of circuit diagram should i use. on our proj we have a design and L.E.D. the computer act as a switch to the led.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, September 27, 2007 5:56:45 AM
can i have at least 5 application of interfacing parallel port? please i really need it thanks

(Editor's notes: Do your own homework.)

Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, September 24, 2007 1:40:49 AM
plz give me parallel port interface in vb.we know about dll file requirement but how to use it in vb6. detail steps
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, September 19, 2007 7:25:06 AM
Dear Sir can you please send me the proper circiut diagram for parellel port programming circuit for controller . regards:- sachin
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, September 15, 2007 5:30:25 AM
Sir, I am trying to built a simple card reader. I would be having cards with holes and with the help of photo transistors I can read the card. I would like to connect the output of the photo transistors to parallel port. Port would be read by the computer and the data (for ie 10110) would be stored in text file with time stamp. Please help me out with this by shoing me the schemetic
U Lahiri
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, September 08, 2007 5:26:12 PM
I want to link printer port of Desk Top Computer through Vizard 3.0. Is it possible?
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, September 04, 2007 4:14:16 PM
i need to help how to programmable parallel port to send and recive data in or ther lang. i need program to control device
Parallel Port Programming using Java Language
Friday, August 31, 2007 10:27:09 AM
Can you give me a good site where to find parallel port programming using java language..
for giving input in parallel port
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:12:33 AM
sir want to knoe from you that what value of current and voltage is required so that we can give input without damaging port or mother board and computer can easily detect the voltage. hope for your reply thanking you
Wednesday, August 22, 2007 6:10:08 AM
sir i want to know whether we can do usb interface using 'c' or not.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, August 18, 2007 6:43:11 AM
Can someone give me a program how to read the signal coming from a device
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, August 14, 2007 3:41:25 PM
I want to study my project in parallel port interface subject or in robotic systems.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, August 10, 2007 2:34:12 AM
plz give me parallel port interface in vb.

(Editor's notes: Search the site.)

Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, July 23, 2007 9:07:05 AM
can any of u guys provide me the information about parallel port interfacing. I wanna connect a toy car using C-lang ... i desperately need it. plz give me source coding also. i'll be very grateful to u. Saqi here
Rajesh Palande
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, July 23, 2007 12:42:18 AM
Sir, I am trying to built a simple card reader. I would be having cards with holes and with the help of photo transistors I can read the card. I would like to connect the output of the photo transistors to parallel port. Port would be read by the computer and the data (for eg 10110) would be stored in text file with time stamp. Please help me out with this
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, July 21, 2007 3:39:59 AM
its good but i need more detail about this project
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, July 20, 2007 2:05:12 PM
very good
Wednesday, July 18, 2007 6:27:08 PM
hey guys i m working on controlling the trafic segnals my aim is to use only minimum ic's by which i can develop it if any one have any idea or any circut diagram even related to the idea of traffic controlling then do tell me or mail me..thankuuu...
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:45:24 AM
plz send me brief description about parallel port pins
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, July 17, 2007 3:30:22 AM
Plzz send me codes in vb to interface parallel port with RF model
yaser hamdy
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, July 16, 2007 6:10:08 AM
please answer me ur program did not work will with me
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Sunday, July 15, 2007 4:25:05 AM
hi i want to make a project to control the house with the computer this is quite similler so i want u to send me the circuit and the program its really urgent thank u
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, July 12, 2007 12:44:19 AM
please send me the code in vb to interface parallalport and serial port
jiyani rakesh
robots arm motion
Wednesday, July 04, 2007 12:15:11 PM
hey!!!!!!!!!!! I am making project on the robot arm motion control through PC if any one have the any Idea please tell immediately
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Monday, June 25, 2007 6:59:49 AM
i m working on a project in which i have to control a toy car from computer;plz send me the circuit diagram of parallel port interfacing,
Home monitoring system using parallel port
Friday, June 01, 2007 9:48:37 AM
my project is to control the devices connected to the prallel port such as toy car and any other device.project is in java.please give the advice about this and if the source code is avilable then send to me.or give the more details about my project very fastly
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, May 30, 2007 1:33:21 AM
I want to send time information from pc to 74ls447. So, i like to know how to write a program using assembly language.
vb code to control Parallel (Printer) Port and also make a window of video from tv tuner card
Monday, May 07, 2007 11:59:46 AM
please send me i am very desperately in search for it,NOTE i am not great in vb so a compleate code req. thank you.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, May 01, 2007 2:49:20 PM
need source code to connect adc0808 with pc in vb or c or c++ . thank you
ajeet singh mandloi
interface adc0808 with computer
Saturday, April 21, 2007 5:20:42 AM
i need source code to connect adc0808 with pc in vb or c or c++ . thank you
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, April 13, 2007 8:40:01 AM
your project is very complexy. but undestanding so so . bye!!!
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Friday, April 13, 2007 8:26:44 AM
i like so much your project but I will never use this:D thanks
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Tuesday, April 03, 2007 5:24:38 PM
firstly try tolearning the programation very well specialyC++
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Thursday, March 22, 2007 2:53:33 AM
Thank a lot bro! really need your vb codes for our project ^^,
Audu Eliazar Elisha
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Saturday, March 17, 2007 5:54:51 AM
Please sir, iam good in designing circuits but my problem is that i don't know how to use a computer system to control external circuits.I need your help by sending guids on how to develop programs and circuits to be controlled by serial ports.I will be very grateful if you could help me.Eliazar from Nigeria.
Parallel (Printer) Port Interface
Wednesday, February 28, 2007 1:00:02 AM
I ant to acquire data from an ADC to PC through parallel port . My ADC is ADC 0808. Are ther any risks in doing thatas I am doing it for th first time. Please help . Its urgent !

(Editor's notes: Your best bet is to ask technical questions in the forum instead of here.)

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