About Myself
My Projects
Aaron's Homepage
My 1986 Mazda RX-7
My 1976 Mazda Cosmo
My Favourite Websites
The Forum

Aaron's Homepage is the personal website of Aaron Cake. It contains a wide variety of information related to my various interests. You'll find a massive electronic circuits archive as well as other electronics information, Mazda rotary (including my highly modified 2nd Gen RX-7), crazy and non-crazy projects, antique electronics, potato guns, assorted ramblings, auto show pictures a little about myself, an active community forum and everything in between. Aaron's Homepage undergoes major updates about twice a year and has been in operation since 1995 (29 years).

If you have any questions, comments or concerns, you can mail me here.

Buy Me A Coffee

Latest News

Added Cosmo Restoration Video: Part 57: Air Suspension 3 - Compressor, Solenoids and Tank Brackets
Saturday, October 05, 2024, 11:34:28 AM
Part 57: Air Suspension 3 - Compressor, Solenoids and Tank Brackets Part 57 of my 1976 Mazda RX-5 Cosmo Restoration has been posted to YouTube. Episode 57 of my '76 Mazda Cosmo Restoration picks up exactly where episode 56 ended: fabricating the brackets to mount all the air suspension support components. Here I complete fabrication of the tank, solenoid and compressor brackets. The idea was to create a compact and almost modular installation tucked into the inside of the rear quarter and I am happy with the result. ... (more)

Buy me a coffee? If you want. And other fixes.
Sunday, September 01, 2024, 11:14:42 AM
I've added Buy Me A Coffee (BMAC) links and buttons to every page. Why? Well, Google Ads no longer cover hosting the site. Quite frankly, Google ads barely cover a lunch or two every month. BMAC seems to be a great way to casually support content creators and I've used it many times to kick some cash over to the authors of Arduino libraries and other open source projects I use. Since I often have people asking me how to send me a few bucks via PayPal, I figured may as well make it easy. No one is obligated, and the site will continue regardless. At the same time, as I was touching the code of every page, I also fixed a whole bunch of other errors throughout the site: pages missing nav bars, YouTube videos no longer working after they changed their embed code, HTML errors, etc. Also noticed that all the circuits are displaying tiny images (really Chromium? Really?!) so that goes on the list. Oh and forgot the misc. section. Need to do that one.

2024 Auto Show Pictures Added
Sunday, July 21, 2024, 11:48:38 AM
The Misc. section has been updated with pictures from the 2024 North American International Motorcycle Super Show, the 2024 Canadian International Auto Show, Detroit AutoRama 2024 and the 2024 Forest City Cars and Coffee Season Opener. Enjoy!

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Last Update: Sunday, September 01, 2024