3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck

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Below is the random thought titled "3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck". Be aware that these thoughts may be based on opinion, and my opinion might not agree with yours. Also, the thought below may be based on mood, time of day, or any number of other factors. Please keep this in mind.

3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Friday, March 30, 2007

1. PalmDesktop still insists on installing itself under c:palm by default. We've only had the c:Program Files directory for what, 12 years now?

2. PalmDesktop will not run unless the user has admin rights to the local PC. So much for corporate security, eh?

3. Downloadable PalmDesktop does not contain the conduits to sync with Microsoft Outlook. You need to install the (old and outdated) software from the CD that came with the device. If you still happen to have that CD, of course.

Comments From Others

3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I hate that you almost(i say always cuz my geek friend has different software)always have to use microsoft! It sucks! So fing slow!
3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Friday, June 22, 2007
What is the point in a palm pilot in the first place? I always thought a good 'ol pen and paper or (if you really need some space; a lap top) could replace one of those any day. I mean hell, the palm pilot relies on a computer anyway, and lap tops are getting smaller and lighter with every passing season...
Sad Systems Analyst
More Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Friday, June 08, 2007
The Palm software sucks just as bad on the Mac too. Non-standard installation, craps out and must be reinstalled every time you do an OS upgrade, never ever ever syncs on the first try. Ever. Just plain suckage.
3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Monday, May 14, 2007
do you still get the free fanny pack with purchase?
3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
i dont have a palm im greatfull i dont
Your Mom
3 Reasons Why Palm(Pilots) Still Suck
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
I disagree to agree...?

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