The Squirrel: My Nemesis

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Below is the random thought titled "The Squirrel: My Nemesis". Be aware that these thoughts may be based on opinion, and my opinion might not agree with yours. Also, the thought below may be based on mood, time of day, or any number of other factors. Please keep this in mind.

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, April 20, 2003

For the past 3 weeks, I have been trying to get a squirrel out of my garage. It's not the fact that he's in the garage that bothers me, it's the fact that he's in the garage above my car that's the problem.

Stored above the car in the rafters is quite an accumulation of valuable junk, as well as boxes filled with RX-7 parts. The squirrel has taken it upon himself to make nest in the boxes. I am quite worried that one of the boxes will become gnawed to the point that something round and heavy will roll out and land directly on the car. This would be a very bad thing.

Now, for the past three weeks I have been trying to trap this thing. My squirrel trap has never failed in the past, yet My Nemesis seems to be able to outsmart the trap and consistantly get away with the bait. The decision was made about 3 days ago to simply kill the thing. For the past few days, I have been hunting it with my slingshot, but have so far been unsuccessful in killing it. Perhaps the next step will be a shotgun.

It's not that I don't recognize it's right to exist. It's just that I don't recognize it's right to exist above my car. And it's rather a large blow to the ego to be consistantly outwitted by a small black rodent.

Comments From Others

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, June 21, 2016
When I first moved to my house on the edge of a beautiful wood I was friendly to the squirrels, and in fact I requested a neighbour not to shoot the squirrels on my land. He smiled and went away. In the course of the subsequent years the squirrels approached my house and started living in the roof with all the consequences we read in the other stories told here. They eat the wires, piss and shit everywhere, and use what I store for nesting. They also eat the new leaves off walnut trees, not to say all the walnuts, steal bird food, and If I had ears to understand their language, I have to put up with them swearing obscenities at each other. I resolved to kill them, starting out with an old air riffle and progressing through a .22, to a 410, and finally a 12 gauge. with the 12 gauge I can get them on the run, and depending on the size of the shot can spatter their corpses all over the trees. As others have said this doesn't discourage them and as long as I hit every one they don't get gun shy. You do have to watch out for your ears, and where year defenders or you will get deaf, particularly if you shoot them out of the windows of your house as I did. The room encloses the noise, and even if you think it doesn't sound like much that's just because your ears don't translate the noise, it hurts them instead. Not as much as it hurts the squirrels, however. Even if I shoot one or two a day, I can't keep on top of what comes at my house from a 100 acre wood. I'm now thinking I will learn from the other pieces in this website and make a trap. I think the large water butt with metal sides, and the peanut butter is probably the best bet. Also I have not realised that squirrels can be repelled by ultrasonic sound, and I might try these both in the house, in the attic, where it is most vulnerable, and the walnut tree I favour. The other thing I'd like others opinion about is that there are predators for squirrels, and (this is the UK), I believe polecats will take them out. I'm thinking about getting a colony of polecats. Apparently polecats will take the grey squirrels (which are vermin in the UK and which can be shot), and not the red squirrels, which are the indigenous species, which is now protected. The red squirrels are lighter and smaller and can therefore go to the ends of branches that polecats cannot follow them along. The grey squirrels are a bit heavier, and can't escape. All that said, another farmer friend of mine said that the way you can repel squirrels is by keeping a dog under the trees they attack.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, April 06, 2016
I'm a 70 year old man who killed a squirrel this morning by accident as I thought It was a ground rodent?? the little guy came to my door and scratched at the door? I just moved in and believe the people before had feed the little guy but I didn't no and beat it to death, I believe it had become tame and I killed the poor little creature. I feel awful and I'm sure several of you think I'm nuts, but I feel so bad that it has ruined my day and more in the future as I love animals and could have been able to feed it by hand to. God forgive me for my mistake as I could have used a friend as I'm alone and now more alone.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, December 29, 2015
I'm thinking of rigging a concrete block propped up with a stick smeared with peanut butter. Anyone ever tried that?
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, April 20, 2014
I pissed at these rat fucks,especially on the golf course.they will eat through a $300 golf bag and laugh in your face with that obnoxious chatter when you try to scare away with a 3 iron. Now they have gall to leave in my house..welcome to my house of dune Get two functional traps Squirrel traps and be kind give them a delicious "Last Supper"...this removes a guilt when you finally take down this vicious piece of rat shit.. While you watch them consume some peanut they humane thing and sing the song of The you drown this piece of shit in the his cage... The excessive rattle on last less than a minute...and sing rake & waggle & roll... Remove and look for the next happy camper to visit water tune of death
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, March 08, 2014
I live in Calgary, Alberta in an apartment building. I live on the ground floor while the crazy squirrel feeding fucker lives on the third floor above me. I work night shifts. One day I was woken up to a fuzzy rodent walking on my bedroom screen on my bedroom window. I looked out my window and holy crap there was a damn fuzzy rodent army outside eating the peanuts this crazy woman feeds them. So I want to know can I poison tree squirrels in Calgary? I want them deceased not trapped if possible. Thxs.
Clock Tower
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, November 26, 2013
The simplest and most effective way to eradicate the Tree Rat is to live amongst them for a year and learn their ways. Once you are trusted, you can kill them all in one fell swoop. Tried and tested

(Editor's notes: Is one also required to breed with their women?)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, October 12, 2013
I think all of you who are trying to kill squirrels are a bunch of heartless, cruel jerks.

(Editor's notes: Which you say until you've had thousands of dollars of property damage because of one. I have no issues with squirrels. I have major issues with the squirrel who just chewed the dust boot on the steering rack of my Insight, costing me hours in time to replace it and the cost of a new boot.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, September 22, 2013
I got tired of squirrels eating all my seedling pecans every year. They snip off the pecans and let them fall to the ground even before the pecans get filled out completely. I got tired of trying to shoot them with my pellet gun even though I had good luck. They're smart and get hard to shoot. I had a left over electric fence charger as my dog had gotten run over. I put strips of 1-1/2" pvc vertically in several places and wrapped two strands of wire around the tree for about 3 feet, one hot wire and one ground. Just about all of my pecans were gone but I wanted to try this anyway thinking that there wouldn't be any more squirrels climbing the tree. Within a few days a squirrel had tried to go under the wires in one place and got zapped. In a few more days, I found another one on the outside of the wires zapped. The whole time, I was thinking the squirrels would just be scared off but I got a bonus of zapping them. The charger is for five acres.
Squirrel Submitter
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, November 19, 2012
I have a Red Squirrel (more like he has me) that some how got under our kitchen sink and started to browse the leftovers in the garbage can. My wife was very disappointed in my inability to keep such a small creature out of our home. He shows up regularly on the back porch, gives me the finger, cracks open a beer and laughs as he pees his name on my newly painted deck. His name is Steev. That's how he spells it. How can I complain about his spelling errors, he's smarter than me. Anyhoo, I now just crack a beer with him and found out that we have a lot in common. Neither one of us like to hear my wife complain and really enjoy drinking beer. I guess it's true...If you can't beat 'em, drink a beer with 'em and laugh as you pee your name on the deck.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
I've had it with the squirrels in my attic, they have damaged the roof from the inside by chewing the wood all the way to the shingles. Which I paid $7000 just 4 years ago, and now have 5 leaks. I fear my house will be on fire and myself and my 3 kids will burn alive because of a wire short as well. If i have to go hand to hand with these SOB's so be it. I'm to the point where I can kill them with my bare hands. Hopefully the live traps will work, this is day 2. Plan B is 1200 fps air rifle.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, September 17, 2012
To all you despicable, depraved, barbaric, blood-thirsty, subhuman squirrel murderers: I will find you all scum and smash your bandit heads to pieces with a rock (bullet is too good for you) for your mind-boggling, unforgivable atrocity against the nature and the human conscience.

(Editor's notes: Pot, meet kettle.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, March 11, 2012
fry em with a little 110 and a switch. put some water in some pans and hook directly A/C outlet w a switch in between. won't know what hit em!
Luke Stywalker
The Squirrel: My 2003 Nemesis
Saturday, February 04, 2012
But ... why aren't voles any good in the compost? The world wonders. On a more topical note, squirrels and raccoons are hard to kill, since they are made out of little portions of grizzly bear. If you hit a squirrel anywhere else except in the head with a .22, it will run around all over for at least several seconds, sometimes ending up somewhere in a hole high up and un-reachable. This is bad if you wanted to eat it, or just didn't want it stinking up your attic for six months. Most of us live somewhere that loud objects shaped like guns bring consequences. Ergo, air rifles rule, preferably from a concealed position. Word to the wise - for the finishing off shot, in a trap or whatever, you can't penetrate the skull of a squirrel, groundhog, raccoon, possum, skunk, cat, etc. from the front, especially with the common flat faced target pellets. If you use a hard, pointed .17 pellet like a Crosman Copperhead, you can penetrate to the brain from the back or top of the skull, and usually the side. If you try shooting them from the front, they just hiss and snarl and jump and bleed a lot, but don't die. After three or four shots that way, they are usually blinded and you can move around and put one through the top of the head. If you have a dog or helper to distract them away from facing toward you for the first shot, you can finish them off with just one. Hope this saves somebody some ammo.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, December 30, 2011
This is my new favorite web destination, bar none. I haven't laughed this hard since I was eight wears old.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
they get in the attic every year and I just can't kill them all. going to run pipe from car tailpipe up in attic tonight and let it rip. no I wil not stay in the house.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
I shoot them all the time (hundreds) and I live in a city in Fl but still cannot keep them from coming back and getting in the attic every breeding season. I also live trap them, rat trap them, poison them (but rat poison doesn't work well) and use those glue traps. They all get them but they just keep coming. I'm going to try the metal trash can with water next.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
The perfect solution to chipmunks is cats, but I am really tired of finding little piles of chipmunk guts on the rug. Just threw out a dead vole. no good in the compost. The only catch is that the cats think if the creepy crawly is in the house then it belongs. i have thrown the cats at the mouse in their dishes and had them ignore him.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, March 28, 2011
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, December 24, 2010
I've shot over 200 of these vile little fucks with my Ruger Airhawk pellet gun until the local police showed up with weapons drawn. long story short I got a $96 fine and a court date for discharging a weapon in my back yard. The scumbag bitch next door feeds the little rats and I know she is responsible for ratting me out. I can only hope that the remaining tree rats get into her house and chew the disgusting mole off her face!!!

(Editor's notes: She didn't "rat you out". She reported someone with obvious emotional issues.)

USA lover
Canadians Suck
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
CANADIANS SUCK!!! USA, USA, USA, USA!!!!!! Yeah down in the USA we don't suck. BILL OF RIGHTS!!! 2nd amendment- the right to bear arms!(sure there are some regulations, but you can buy some cool stuff down here.)And with our weapons we will destroy you all! A full out attach on your capital. We'll get revenge for that white house crap. And how about our government, lasting over 200 years. Sure there are some problems(particually Obama) but it works! Why are we even arguing about who is better when everyone knows USA wins forever. Why not join up to fight the real enemy, Affganistan. Here in the USA, we don't neogotiate with terrorists.

(Editor's notes: $5 if you actually know the capital of Canada. We can own guns too.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Im putting out rat poison for them and thye seem to enjoy it alot and even fight each other for it. I just dont know if they are dying or not. too bad its gotten too cold and freezy so I have to postpone till spring. I need those buggers dead! I noticed they get very thristy so ill also use antifreeze next time. too bad it all costs but if it works, its well worth it.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, December 02, 2010
If you have a pellet/bb gun put out some bate, and snipe them from a window in you house. It also works for chipmunks. Or if you live in the country use a 410, 20, or 16 gauge and do the same thing. If you want to keep the pelts I would use a .22, and if you want to eat it don't shoot the back legs(that is were all the meat is) Remember in most states you are only aloud to take six of em' a day IF you have a hunting license. I would not advise shooting in the city, and i would not kill one unless i had a hunting license and they were in season at the time. So i'm basically saying don't kill squirrels unless your legally hunting them for meat and or pelt. p.s. AMERICA RULES
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
Never retreat. Never surrender. The only path is forward. I suggest the large can idea but without the water so they don't die. And here is why. I don't have a problem killing them, not at all, but revenge is sweet, so catch them a release them onto a person you don't like. Hopefully the person that has wrong you lives far away. This way the suffering in transitive and karma in gray not red. It is not their fault they are annoying furry shits so Ive decided not to kill if I can help it. Good hunting -Ninja
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, August 02, 2010
your a bunch of fucken morons who have nothing better to do than kill defenceless creatures. you will pay the price one day!!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
I want to poison this squirrel that has taken over my life in a bad way! Anti-freeze and peanut butter? how much? does this work? anyone know?
The Ninja
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, July 23, 2010
This is the funniest most informative site I've ever been to. Death to furry-crack-heads, twitchy little fucks eat all the fruit I farm in my back yard. -Ninja Ninja Stars work if you are accurate but they cost too much and the neighbors start asking to many questions, same with BB gun . Will try the trash-can and peanut butter without the water, do not want to kill them unless I have to but they do seem a little over populated. what idiot neighbor has a walnut tree in California, fucking furry-crack-finds everywhere, everywhere I say. I might make a hat to keep my head warm while I hunt them in the winter.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, May 09, 2010
one word... C4. Heh heh heh
Eastern Gray Squirrelicide!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, February 15, 2010
Buy the largest GALVANIZED trash can you can find (at least 30 gallons) and fill halfway with water. Put an inch of styro popcorn in the water and a cut-down styro cup with a teaspoon or so of peanut butter in the middle. Check 3 days later, there should be 6 or more dead buggers in there. They can't swim, 30 seconds and GONE! Their claws don't work on metal. They don't care if their dead friends are floating around. They just want the freakin' peanut butter! If they get smart and try to get the bait by hanging from their back claws just butter the rim with vaseline. Heh, heh, heh!!!

(Editor's notes: That's unnecessarily cruel.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, November 21, 2009
fuck him up! pellet gun head neck or well really it doesnt matter hit him anywhere and hell be dead he may run away and appear to have gotten away but he will be dead in a day or two if you hit him from the waist up
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, September 02, 2009
Get a pellet gun and shoot him or set up a trap
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, August 31, 2009
Yes, this is old, i know, but.. Call me, i shot a squirrel in the back with a blow dart gun.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
You guys are too funny! Squirrels are territorial (much like some of the people on this site). If you take out one (there are usually two) they will play move ups. I look for their access trees and plug the holes with balled up chicken wire at least the ones I can reach. They scent their holes so spray some sort of offensive urine (dog, cat kitty litter, human) in the hole. I stapled chicken wire ALL around my sofffits and facia boards! I know, I know! We are ALL desperate! I use a Chec, Slavia make air rifle w/.177 . Holey Crap. I'm not even a good shot, but one hit does most of them @ 45 Feet. I don't let my Retriever near them as they are flea, tick, and disease ridden. Ditto on the gloves. Umm yeah, the idea is to break their cycle of having babies in a particular spot for awhile. It worked on coons for me, but took a couple of years. Forget feeding the birds, little ladies, the squirrels are eating the stuff and when the birdie eggs hatch, they eat your baby birdies and or throw them to the ground. It about territory. Get the picture moms? Once I heard that tin foil around the tree trunk, up about 4 feet, shiney side out keeps them from escaping to other trees while giving you more ground time to pop them! They think it's another squirrel coming at them! Well, til I think of anythingbetter, thats all for now folks. ~ M
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, December 11, 2008
hey do any of u no how to get rid of squirrels ni your walls
p wea.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, November 23, 2008
I've killed 153 squirrels in the last 3 years in the city of Calgary Alberta Canada at my back yard in the s. west. I declared war on these rats in fur coats after hearing them in my attic and soffits. Black, brown , red (pine) and a few greys ...I use a 18 inch 6 x 6 inch cage type live trap with a spring door ( not the gravity type ) hung on the fence w peanuts in shells for bait . Once the squirell is caged ,I take it to the tailpipe of my vehicle and use a canvas duck tarp material an close in the cage with squirrel tightly to the tailpipe , start the vehicle, idle the engine at about 900 to 1000 rpm and 20 to 30 seconds later the squirrel is exterminated ... this is a clean kill with no messy drowning techniques where the animal can visibly suffer . For the smarter squirrel that has been caged before , and are leary of cages, I use a Kono bear 6 inch trap an set it on the lawn , below the cage.This trap was was designed in the province of Manitoba, Canada and is used by many professional trappers. This is a deadly and powerfull trap that is dangerous to set with out proper instruction but is extremely efficiant and breaks the squirrels neck instantly . It will also take down a large rabbit or cat by mistake , so in certain situations, and or with children around ,or lawn mintenance people, this trap may not be suitable.This trap must be closely monitered . .... Finally , the toughest, and skittery ,or old and wise squirrels that I have taken as long as two weeks to get, must be taken down illegally with my Gamo 1000 foot per second air rifle and scope at a 32 foot distance w .177 penetrateing pointed high grade pellets. The bait is peanuts at the bottom of my wooden fence so there is less danger of broken windows . Head shots are difficult for me and I prefer a front shot to the vital organs . Side shots traditionally dont work with the heavy bones covering same .. if any one tells you a 450 foot per second air rifle will take down a large squirrel , I would like true confirmation , because , frankly I believe it is most likely a very lucky lucky head shot . Finally, in closeing , I would recomend wearing gloves in handleing the squirrel carcus after extermination because of dirty squirrel diseases and or lice ..Thanx for your interest and happy hunting .... -p wea. ...
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, November 20, 2008
War has been declared on all squirrels in my neighborhood. Diplomacy has failed, and now it's time for drastic measure. I mix rat poison with peanut butter and smear it on chunks of bread. These I set out down range and wait. Within an hour I have a squirrel 15 feet away from the porch. I then put it in the crosshairs of my .177 air rifle and take him out. Even if I should miss (which is rare at that range), it's curtains for the little shit. Not terribly sporting or humane, but war is hell.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, October 26, 2008
get a cat
anonymousobject 5
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Bring in the tsar bomba damn you all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!P.S. you might wanna get a good distance away before setting it off (just a thought) ; )
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, April 24, 2008
I am the squirrel...

(Editor's notes: I am the Stig.)

Squirrel Spy
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
You have all fallen into our trap. We have been reading your posts for years and you have disclosed your arsenal. While you guys debate of whose cooler; Canada or the U.S., we have been sitting in the trees, inhaling your second hand weed smoke, and contemplating our next move. Well, people of North America, watch out. Your continent will soon be ours and we will piss on all the Mazda RX-7's.

(Editor's notes: Oh crap.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, September 30, 2007
I've got 2 or 3 in my garage and there chewing up EVERYTHING!!! Everyone keep's saying to put moth ball's around my garage. Will this do anything?? I think I'll sight in my kid's bb/pellet gun and take them out 1 at a time.

(Editor's notes: Moth balls don't work in my experience, but an ultrasonic rodent repeller sure does.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, August 13, 2007
Do what I do to the vile vermin: Trap them in a critter trap, then drop it into a bucket of water. Go back in a few minutes and throw his/her corpse into the garbage and set up the trap for the next victim. You'll never be rid of every little "tree-rat", but it'll sure help. Now, if I could only get my goof ball neighbours to stop feeding the diseased, destructive vermin.....
The Squirrel: My Nemesis: try ammonia
Tuesday, June 05, 2007
If it's in an enclosed area, you might try ammonia. I got rid of a raccoon trying to make a nest in my chimney that way. Take a super absorbent rag like an old tube sock or piece of terry cloth. Wad it up and tie a string around it, but not too tight. Maximum amount of ammonia is the goal here. Then I tied a longer string to it so that I could retrieve, replenish, and/or reposition when necessary. It worked great, they will go elsewhere. But this will only work in a fairly enclosed area. For the tree-rats (squirrels) outside, I caught 10 in the last week in a have-a-heart trap, using peanut butter. I killed the first one, but decided to release the rest a couple miles and a few busy streets away. Got tired of the driving so put out a rat trap with peanut butter today. Checked and found one resting on the ground with the snapped trap a foot away. He was dazed, and didn't run until I was about 4 feet away. After some cogitation I figure he got popped, then probably struggled furiously until he was free, and that's about when I walked-up. I don't mind killing the little fuckers, but I'm not into torture. Guess I need a bigger rat trap or a way to make it more lethal. (Any Ideas?) BTW, it's not legal to kill them here UNLESS they are destroying personal property, so I say whack away! I would love to thump 'em with a pellet gun, but just too many people around, plus it's too time consuming if you have to also be bothered by work.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, May 25, 2007
I left the drying remnants of paint remover syrup in the paint tray on the garage floor and came back a week later and found a dead squirrel face down in it. It was an accident but I am very happy. Must have died immediately. No funeral and lost a nice metal tray. Squirrels are rats!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, May 16, 2007
The best advice.......use a ground up mixture of nuts, peanuts, sesame seeds etc. No salt. Use a live trap. Bait the trap with a wad of the mixture on the trip plate. The secret is to also put some of the mixture behind the trip plate as well. That way even a squirrel that is capable of robbing a conventionally baited trap will usually be caught. Don't check the trap too often, so you don't spook them. Be patient, this will work.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, April 14, 2007
What! Never retreated, never lost. More like never fought! Burned the Whitehouse!, or just a house that was white.(maybe a 3 bedroom ranch) Pussies! You are having trouble defeating squirrels. Canadian army my ass.

(Editor's notes: Look up the war of 1812. Also, I think the Canadians had a little something to do with the liberation of France...(heavy sarcasm inserted))

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, April 09, 2007
none have u have realized that the Canadian Army is the only army in the world to never have retreated never lost a war since the states was known as the 13 colonies and even then we kicked the crap out of u guys and burnt down ur whitehouse and got bored and cam back to canada cuz u were all pussies
read neck
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, April 07, 2007
idk about those city boys up north but around here (alabamma) we just buy a gun aim it at there stupid little heads and blow em off!!! come on wats the point oFF?!?!?!?!?! SCREW EM
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, March 10, 2007
You are all potential SERIAL KILLERS....You little cowardly pricks!!!!!!!

(Editor's notes: I take offense to that. I have not been a potential serial killer for years. Think about it.)

Ford Freak
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, March 03, 2007
Who is this moron crazykillr5. Sounds like someone needs to be locked up before he kills somebody. Blow it up with an m-80. Shoot it with a desert eagle. Typical immature mind at work there.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
i've an squirrel in my attic/soffit an need to get him out.what is the best way.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, February 09, 2007
Im glad u c it my way aron. The fact is, canadians dont realize that america has ALL the firepower needed to create a blast as big as canada. U can just lay by the trap, w8 for that god damn squirrel and blast its sorry brains out!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, February 09, 2007
fuck u canadian sniper! (no offens aron if that is yer real name) gut a hole in a log, nail in nails pointing down then put sumthin squirrels like in the bottom then come in the nxt mornin, it should b trapped a cut the little mutherfuckers head off, lights out ya little god damn fuckin bitch!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
buy a fricken desert eagle and blow the livin shit outta it! Or, build a stand for a gun, hook it up to the trap with a string then bait it and say siagnara to that little bitch!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
P.S, The yanks could kill your god damn sorry asses You here me u damn canadians?!!!!!!

(Editor's notes: Real winner here, folks. Go stereotypes!)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, January 20, 2007
I just put a m80 in there nest and watch it blow.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, January 12, 2007
I have a whole community of the little critters that are killing my Weeping Willow by stripping the bark all the way around the branch. The sonic devices I bought do no good. I can't use a weapon in the city and trapping a community is not an option. Can in mix rat poisen with peanut butter and terminate them?. I don' want to use Anti-freeze because it might attract other animals. Will other amimals such as cats get into the peanut butteer Please help!

(Editor's notes: Peanut butter and rat poison will kill any animal in the area. Most animals like the taste of peanut butter.)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, January 06, 2007
You must really suck at hunting. I mean, I am only 12 years old and my neighbor had squirrels in his barn. I killed the family of six in 3 days of hunting after school with my slingshot. Just use sharp rocks and dont shoot unless hes close to the ground. PS My dad has a nice RX-7 and he lets me drive it in my yard. NICE CAR!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
or you could just forget all that other stuff and just buy a cat trap and put some accorns and wallnuts in it and leave it alone for a couple days and then the squrell should get its self trapped
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, December 24, 2006
nick i am 17 and i have 2 12gagues a 22 and a 30 30 as well as my 1000 dollar highly moded pellet gun thats just a toy tho there is a little island just off of where i live i went over there one day with my 12 gague duck hunting and there was no ducks the wind wasnt blowing instead i went in the woods i got 2 rabbits and 20 squirels that day and if any one is wondering yes i ate all of them i also skinned the squirels and kept the pelts i made a pouch fo shells but you can sell the pelts for aroung 10 dollars a piece the rabbits are verry hard to keep the pelts off of the skinn is thin but they taste good and so do the squirels I recomend putting a little bird sead up on a rafter an sitting a waiting for it to come out and then you can shoot it i dont recomend using a 12 gague for that tho i would use a pellet gun you dont want to enileate a box of parts so i would use a pellet or bb gun
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, December 18, 2006
i fucking hate squirrels! I wanna shoot them around my house but dont wanna get in trouble since im 16 and my mom doesnt know I have 2 pellet guns. Well they r so annoying u feed em onceand they follow u around waiting at ur doorstep jesus when im in my room i see them running around the street, i just wanna get my pistol and bam!
Kansas Goat and Walnut Farmer
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, December 16, 2006
Found this as I was cruising the net looking for a solution to a similar problem. Squirrel in our barn getting into sealed boxes and making nests out of our family photos, etc. Yesterday I bought a Daisy Power Line 854, I think, at a pawn shop. Think the guy ripped me off cuz he said $45 got home the *promotional literature* inside box said gun retails at $39.95. Anyway hope this way I can kill the little guys when they're romping around outside during the day...hell even if it's not him, maybe it'll be his grandma or something. STUBBORN! EVery time I go in the barn, just for good measure, I'll lob a 2x4 up him in his next, spear-chucking style. Ii've thrown cakes of rat poison up into his next for his babies to play with, if he has any. I've thrown rocks at him. AND HE WON'T TAKE THE HINT! He insists on staying in that nest. Any words of advice for me, with my new, overpriced, 2nd-hand pellet gun .177? thanks.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, December 08, 2006
I read this column looking for a way to remove a squirrel from my attic but what I found was a bunch of people who seem that the biggest problem in your life is an annoying squirrel!! I agree that it sucks, but I have alot of bigger problems, so consider yourself lucky! And by the way, I think I'll just call a rodent removal service and get it over with, however, I'll still have the problem of finding out how he got in. Finding and fixing the problem is the most important thing or else THEY WILL BE BACK
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Squirrels are very distructive. I use a .177 cal. pellet gun to eliminate the ones around my home. I believe they are somewhat territorial and I am hoping that I can eliminate them entirely from my neighborhood.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
wow. some of you guys are kkinda mean. Squirrels have a right to... never mind. Kill the little jerk.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
We just caught six mice in our house with peanut butter and a garbage can. Put some peanut butter at the bottom of the can, and wait him out. Put bells or somthing at the bottom so you know when you got em. Then drive him faaaaaaaaar awy. DO NOT KILL HIM!!!!!!!!!!! (thanx)
squirrel hunter
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, November 16, 2006
in Ohio you get a $500 fine for killing BLACK squirrels but i still blow them away with my crosman 66 bb/pellet gun 680fps bb 645 pellet hollowtip i suggest a pellet gun or 410 shotgun with a slug bullet.Happy hunting!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, October 16, 2006
Man, I lot of hate here - I see why we have such craziness occuring in our country. It's good that you got it handled but there would have been a simple way to deal with this. You could have simply removed the boxes and waited until the squirrels left; then put them back afterwards.

(Editor's notes: Not an option. Nowhere to put them, and moving the car out from under them was not an option due to the winter...)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, October 13, 2006
I got a squrrel that wont get out of my attic its driving me nuts!

(Editor's notes: Load rat traps with peanut butter. Worked for me.)

josh jahr
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, August 07, 2006
you said in reply to one guys post you cant have guns in canada
josh jahr
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, August 05, 2006
hey aaron good news, u can get a gun in canada with a special expensive permit!

(Editor's note: It's not expensive at all to get an FAC...)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, July 31, 2006
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, July 26, 2006
This is a squirrel folks. You are all starting to scare me. Where else do you vent all this pent up rage? No! Don't answer that!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, July 20, 2006
Squirrels can and do turn into little cute carnivores, they kill birds,and occaisonally small children....they have no preference.This is fact , therefore they are not neccessary and should all die. Poisen is the most dangerous method (Its ready to kill 24/7 and also has no prefference ie. cats,dogs, again small children ....Please be carefull with poisen. ) My trick is very simple.....squirrels love tree's......everyone knows this, take the fight to them the easy and safe way , set up a pole with a diameter of about 2 inches and however long will work for your application. Attach said pole from the trees to the house , garage , or other trees that the squirrels are frequenting.( you are making a squirrel bridge ) Keep it at least six feet off the ground. On this pole you attach the thinnest snare wire that you can find , make the length of the wire about seven inches , at the end of the wire make a loop that can slip on itself . you are essentially making a noose. bend the wire so that the loop is ontop of the pole with the noose situated so that when the squirrel uses the bridge you built him/her , its head will get stuck in the loop , this tricks its brain into thinking jumping is a good idea at the time , it jumps off the bridge and thus hangs it'self. Its very safe , the cops won't bother you , and the squirrel population will drop. This method will work day&night , no need for camoflauge , costly electricity , or messy nuclear arms.Watching the noose pole could turn into a favorite past time in your neighborhood !Sqiurrels do work for a variety of terrorist cells around the world and will try to convert other animals in the area .I Am CANADIAN,proud to be , and love my allies worldwide . God Bless America.
Squirrel destroyer
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, July 07, 2006
i shot the little peice of shit squrriel inthe face with a pelet gun an now all of its liitttle friends are scared to go newhere near my garage
The Squirrel: My Nemesis - Easy Solution
Saturday, June 24, 2006
You can buy an electronic rat trap. They are bigger than the electronic mouse traps. Ace Hardware sells them for $45. Or you can shop ebay. When I researched them on Internet, I found 3 brands. Prices vary and are not indicative of quality. Buy the most powerful one for your money. The trap is a little box that runs on batteries. You put the bait in it. When the rodent goes to get it he is electrocuted. An indicator light on the box tells you when the rodent has gone for the bait. You don't even have to touch the critter. Just pick up the trap and dump the rodent in the trash. And just in case his little friends decide to follow in his footsteps. You can bait the trap for them next.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, June 11, 2006
i have a jack russel and no problem with any rhodent
josh jahr
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, June 09, 2006
someone ought to start an anti squirrel army and kill them all! aaron i feel sorry for you that you cant have a gun

(Editor's note: I have a 12 gauge in the attic, my dad also used to collect guns...what's this about not having a gun?)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, June 08, 2006
they so cute but dangerous man they killed my father then i fought them they said they where my father all 20 of them
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, May 22, 2006
hahahaha only in america will you see people standing around talking about how to kill a squral ha he probly killed that thing 2 years ago iam just getting into hunting myself co2 powered pistol 400 fps and a pellet sniper rifle 650 fps man, i love america!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, May 19, 2006
Squirrel are like little rabid dogs. Dont put your hands near the little buggers. If they are nestin anyware do what i did when they got in my shed, play soldier get all dressed up in camo get bb-guns get smoke bombs and mouse traps. Rat traps are cruel and no one should buy them. what have rats ever done to you? ok the mouse traps are non leathal to the squirrel. dont bait them you might just get lucky snap his nose off and he'll bleed to death. lay them along walls so there like land mines. find his latest home and smoke him out. he'll be furious he's jump and scream about like he's allready dieing. when he is running about hopfully he'll hit a landmine and break his little squirrelly toes, this will emobilize the enemy while behind enemy lines it is a good thing to take prisoners to pump for information if you can set blockade (or tape) all but one of the exits to the armory(or bow) ok now set one of your live traps outside the only exit then smoke the fist out. then you can procede to "pump for info" start by asking simple questons,what are you doing here? Where are your fellow invaders? dont wanna talk huh? by this time you should know to have a tub of water to dunk him in if he don talk. if this method fails you can construct a cattle prod out of a grill igniter. after pumping him for what he's worth he is usless exicute the captured enemy with the bb gun. Shoot it in the head! Dont be cruel and shoot him in the leg first! As for his fellow invaders sniping and brute gorrilla warfare is in order! remember they are fast,they will bite your face off and if they make that whining noise they somtimes do when your killing their familly is not to be taking lightly this is there feble attempt to confuse you! they are usually pertched when they do this take the opertunity to shoot it in the heart. Bottle rockets can set fires and dont really do anything but its fun to try to his them with them.Allso while in battle bayonettes taped to the end of your gun is great for making sure the scum is dead before being respectful and burying their dead. Jab them in the spine if they are still kicken they wont be kicken no more. then finish them off with a nice stab to the neck. Remember Squirells are like little rabit dogs and should not be felt sorry for! Remember to decapitate the dead before you bury them or they will rise and kill you in your sleep. allso there pelts make good slippers. OH AND YOUR ALL YANKEE'S TO ME IM A BELIEVER IN THE CONFEDERATE WAY " SHOOT EM DEAD" "BLOW EM UP DEAD" "STAB EM DEAD" OK FOR ALL YOU TREE HUGGING BASTERDS BREAK IN TO THIS GUYS GARAGE AND CHEW HOLES IN HIS BOXES THEN EAT THE LITTLE GREEN PELLETS HE LEFT OUT FOR THE SQUIRRELS NO ONE WANT TO DEAL WITH YOUR PICKET SIGN BULL ok now that you have my 2 cents why keep it at the garage? they make nests in tree's all over the place. roman candles are great for clearin them out of there poorly built fortess's nail rat traps to the tree and hope there tails trip them. DEATH TO SQUIRRELS!!!!!!!!!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, May 16, 2006
Hey fuck the damn squirl and Canadians and Yankees i just shoot the fuckers with my rifle and eat them that night and as well i do to trasspassers on my land so fuck all of you canadians and yankees!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Editor's note: Ladies and gentlemen, we have a real winner here! I should point out to all those people that are saying "just shoot it!" that I live in the middle of the city where gunfire generally results in a police visit...)

canadian sniper
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, April 29, 2006
kid just buy a fucking pelet gun with a scope! practice shooting cans and stuff then shoot the fuck outta that motha fucking bitch squill! IF THAT DON'T FUCKING WORK WIRE THE FUCKING HOUSE TO 500 POUNDS OF FUCKING C-4 AND SEND A NUCLEAR FUCKING MISILLE UP THE LITTLE BITCH'S ASS!!! PS FUCK U YANKES!!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, April 20, 2006
I am having a horrible time with phsyco squirrels around and on my house. One in particular has a nest under the covered porch above the roof. The smell when I run my dryer(which vents on the covered porch) is like death. I have searched high and low , but have found no body. So I am assuming the live one is causing this stench. I do not know how to get rid of it. My aim with ANY gun is awful even though I borrowed a pellet gun, one with green gas, the other just spring loads. I never thought of using a rat trap. I supposed I could give this a shot. Anyone else ever have this awful smell surrounding squirrel investation?
.177 can kill canada!!!!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, April 13, 2006
just catch him with a net then stick C-4 up his ass stick the basterd in the house of the guy you cant stand and press the fire button walah 2 problems solved with one action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
I just stumbled across this searching for copper mesh to did u ever get the squirrel?

(Editor's note: I poisened one, and the other got it's head removed in the rat trap...)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, January 04, 2006
Hey, these tree rodents are chewing away at my house. I bought 2 have a heart squirell traps and they suck. The damm doors don't close tight enough.
Lexx Steele
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, January 01, 2006
you will need 1/2 inch copper pipe with a mouth piece the pipe should be about 5 feet long and construct a dart out of a small peice of metal rod or a wooden dowl rod and attach a exacto knife blade to the tip then make a cone the same diamater of the pipe and attatch the the dart put pipe to mouth and aim at squirl and enjoy
josh jahr
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
i fricking(i dont like cursing) hate squirrels, and i live where there are lots of squirrels(rural area, no neighbors), but i have a supressed mac-10 sub-machine gun and a remington model 700 police tactical rifle (and a lil .22 cal rifle) and i love watching squirrels pop when i get them (i use very destructive loads) its a gory mess once with my .22 i got it in the head and the head split in half, another time i shot another squirrel in the back and all it's organs came out of the front( i also hunt other small agitating animals)
Mad as Hell
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, October 10, 2005
I Have squirrels in my soffits , cant seem to get up there. But Im going to get me a pellit gun right now and kill that son of a bitch !
Hawk Eye Sharpshooter
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, August 11, 2005
All u gotta do is get a good pellet gun and get a scope on it. Then practice a lot in the backyard shooting at cans and stuff. You should be able to hit a bottle cap at 50 feet away every shot. If you can do this you will have no problem in your garage sniping the head off that shitbag tree rodent. Make sure you buy a pellet gun with a muzzle velocity that is around 1000 feet per second for excellent power and accuracy. You will probably have more problems with rodents and such in the garage and around the house and the pellet gun is a cheap, easy and fun way to get rid of them.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, August 04, 2005
I fkn hate squirrels!
The Terminator
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, May 31, 2005
Trap the little shit then drown him. They destroy everthing they touch.
Erwin Moniz
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, April 19, 2005
just leave the little bugger alone...........try taming him instead.(the-salt-on-the-tail-trick)..maybe he/she will nest in the house instead of the garage........(then you can shoot him with the BB gun) space and that sort of thing !!!
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, November 19, 2004
If it's not too late (God save that squirrel's soul)... Aaron...You are a human being, ...bigger....stronger....and ...smarter than that little bag of crap Try some electronics!!!!! I had , years ago, a chicken ranch, here in Argentina (down the South)... and squirrels, little rats, cats...every kind of animals were trying, everyday, to have some lunch at my expenses..... I made a "wire electrifier "....with a 12v battery, AC charger plus a solar cell, and It was FUN! Even my dog, who always was running after some chicken , was shot, and almost immediately knew that it was "forbidden land"....some place not to step on it again!!!! Rats and cats are specially funny ...they SHOUT! and their jumps are always artistic!!!! Bonus track? Chicken won´t try to escape....sorry, Ginger!! I made it with the equivalent of U$S 10, includin isolators and wire....using a little self-made coil, and a scooter HV coil (It really hurts!) It gave me a 10Kv pulse , every second.....with a 100mA max. load at 12Vdc.. If anybody wants the circuit, email me. See You. Rolf
steve o
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, October 28, 2004
hey i was on the inter net looking for a pellit gun for sale and i saw this site i culdent belive that you went threw all this trobble to kill the stupid thing if i were you i whuld get a hand pellit gun c02 and shoot the mother fucker in the face.come on man dont be a pussy and use posin,and if you dont got the money to get a pellit gun use a shvel like i do and knok the bitch out thats what i doo whith rat coons.
seth the master of killing the stupid thing
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, October 18, 2004
i have a pellet gun and i have been hunting them all my life. i live out in the middle of no where so i have problems with them too. If i were u i would get one and shoot the thing. the one i have u do not have to try and aim at it's little head. just aim anywhere. Apellet gun is good for in the house or attak and stuff like that. i also take it the woods with me. and if u use the shotgun u most likly would get the thing and put a hole in your garage. what did u end up doing or are going to do?

(Editor's note: I poisoned them.)

good girl
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
yaasssssss BIG UP good boy hahaa i know hoo u are..... i know wot skool u r at and i even have ur fone number.........u dont know me tho....... c u around STAN ......... lil miss goody xxx

(Editor's note: This comment approved because it is just weird. What the hell was that?)

shazy baby
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, July 13, 2004
just a thought seen as u all hate quirrels.... ''the road is full of flat and squashed squirrels....they were the ones who couldnt make up their minds!" i thought it was funny! keep it real aiight SHAZ x
Good Guy
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, July 11, 2004
Yo! Common sense yo da man giv em hell!
Common Sense
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, June 07, 2004
Hey, here is common sense. You don't want anything falling on your car. Then DON'T park the DAMN car in the garage. JESUS!

(Editor's note: And where else would I park a car that I am currently rebuilding? My living room perhaps? It makes more sense to simply remove the squirrel....which has now been done...and put the car in the garage...considering the garage is a building specifically designed to shelter cars)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, June 04, 2004
screw it all. use your hands or a net and grab the little ass
jojinderjojitdawliwal falak khan king (jack)
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, May 18, 2004
Ken McE
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, April 17, 2004
This really seems like a simple matter of applied rodentia-physics. You will need to locate the box or boxes that the little tree-rat frequents. I am assuming that the boxes do not have a good electrical connection to ground. If they do, you may want to jack up the garage and insert insulators to prevent a premature arc-to-ground during the removal operations. You can usually get old glass railroad insulators cheap on ebay. Simply stack them in layers until you feel you have sufficient resistance. Once you have picked out the most frequented sites, you will need to go in and lay sheets of heavy copper mesh in the most likely areas. Staple or nail down the sheets securely so the little car-part chewing disease-spreaders will not change their placement Now you will want to run out ten or twelve gauge electrical wires and connect them securely to the wire mats. The wires will run back to a central point in the bunker. You will need to set up your command bunker/Blind. You will need a commanding view of the target, a good wall of sandbags in case of misfires, a comfortable chair (the little b***strds can't stick to a reliable schedule and will often run late), a cooler, and a dry table or platform to hold all your gear. You will need accurate and up to date information on the movements of the rodent-terrorists. I prefer thermal IR equipment for the neccesary data collection but visual IR equipment will work if correctly manned You Should set up industrial strength A/B type switches so that you can selectively charge any single line. It is simpler to wire them all in common, but this increases the chance of collateral damage durning the removal procedeure. You will now run a second line to the back wall of the garage. Cover the entire back wall of the garage with heavy copper mesh and firmly connect the wire to it. Next you will need to rig up a simple positively charged protionic particle source. You can also use electrons with a negative charge, but only use one or the other during a given operation. so as to avoid arcing and sticking. The little nut-breath tire-chewing tick-carrying rabid sack of venom will normally retire back to its lair around dusk. Squirells have excellent day vision, but are almost blind at night, so they don't stay up late. Wait half an hour or so to make sure it has settled in and is asleep. After the taget has settled into the kill zone you will fire up your particle source and slowly begin feeding negative ions up the line to its location. Since squirells live in trees, they need protection from lightning. Insulating fur serves this function. By starting slowly and increasing the charge in a controlled manner you can defeat this. Lightning never starts slowly. Looked at from the point of view of an electrically charged particle, a squirell is basically a walking semi-conductor lightly coated with an insulating layer of urine-stained fur. When you feel that the litttle Mazda-hater has aquired a sufficient charge (arcing and St. Elmos fire are good indicators) you will make a second connection to the grid on the back wall of the garage. For this connection you will need to impose the charge suddenly. Now you have two objects with a negative charge in close proximity to each other. Like charges will repell and our brave little home-wrecker will find itself propelled towards the front of the garage at a considerable velocity. Remember to leave the garage door open, or the PETA people will come out and picket your house while dressed in giant squirell outfits. It will probably take a weekend to set up your preparations, but a good sporting demonstartion of applied physics is always worthwhile. Also, if you take quicktime videos you can sell them over ther internet. So, good luck with your little problem, let us know how it works out.
Aaron Cake
Tuesday, February 17, 2004
And the post above is solid evidence as to why it is called "dope"...
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, February 14, 2004

and smoke good weed or dont bother smoking at all
fuck u might as well smoke grass if u not getting good weed

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Monday, February 09, 2004
hey if u realy want to mess this gay squirrel up get a giant rat trap and put it in the rafters in your ceiling. put a peanut in the thing and the little prick will never see light again.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, December 16, 2003
..... I take it back.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, December 12, 2003
yankee way alright, cuz we're the only ones with the balls to get down and dirty...and weed is legal in ur country smoke some and forget about it

(Aaron's note: pot is not legal in Canada)

The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, November 15, 2003
Put antifreeze in some peanut butter and leave it out where the little dude can see it........down here we just shoot um.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Wednesday, November 12, 2003
Pellet guns are pretty much the same.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Saturday, November 08, 2003
It is called "broken keyboard." And yes, i am American, are you offended?
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, October 28, 2003
why not put a rat trap up there with some peanut butter and a nut or something. food-rodent-trap-snap. done.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Tuesday, October 21, 2003
"youll" and "lik" sounds just like an american to me.
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Friday, October 17, 2003
"chicken shit yankee"? come down here and say that and see what happens. doubt youll say anything lik that again
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Sunday, September 28, 2003
Why not just clean up the area where the squirrel wants to nest? Make it an unatractive area for it and it will go away.
You're a smart quy, you can figure it out. Your Canadian aint you? Why kill the little guy? That's the chiken shit Yankee way.
kyle gillette
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, September 04, 2003
Forget the BB gun, go with a pellet gun. They are more deadly. Or try a crossbow, those work well. I would reccomend a silenced .22, but then i remembered you live in canada where, to my knowledge, guns are fairly restricted. You could also call your local animal control, humane society, or department of wildlife and ask them to borrow a have-a-heart trap. these traps close when an animal enters, but does no harm to them. there is also the rat-trap method if you still want to kill it.
Nerf Smurf
The Squirrel: My Nemesis
Thursday, June 26, 2003
Buy a BB Gun. Then Camafauge with the suroundings. Aim for the head. And shoot the small metal BB right in the head. BB guns are powerful dont aim at you car windows. Use a Scope. Be a sniper. It will work

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