It's My Birthday

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Below is the random thought titled "It's My Birthday". Be aware that these thoughts may be based on opinion, and my opinion might not agree with yours. Also, the thought below may be based on mood, time of day, or any number of other factors. Please keep this in mind.

It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 13, 2003

That's all I really have to say. Should have taken the day off work, but I have too much to do. I am now 23. Which is scary close to 25, which becomes very close to 30...

Comments From Others

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 02, 2023
Alhamdulillaah I am 26 today. I think I'm the only active user on this website now. Going to pass this onto my kids as memoirs. I am currently doing umrah with my beautiful partner and have spent the night in the haram and now in Madinah. Its been a tough year but I have come out with 3 Rolex's, a promotion, new business and a Range Rover. Allahuma Barek. Bigger and better to come.
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 02, 2022
Alhamdulillaah big 25 now, I am driving one of the cars of my dream and had a fabulous day with my better half, I got RayBans from sil and got lots of money and clothes from DB, I also got GTS tailights and lots of perfumes. I am grateful for alot and have alot yet to achieve. Scary how I am closer to 30 than 20 now. Big things to come ahead. Also it was EID today on my birthday!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 01, 2021
Testing to see if this still works, hasnt worked for the past 3 years sadly
Fatimah M
It's My Hijri Birthday
Monday, August 07, 2017
it's my birthday I turned 22 today and all I want is to leave this life and die :)
Big 2-0
Monday, May 01, 2017
Alhamdulillaah finally, I'm 20. First time I came on this site I was 12, time really does fly. I'm really into cars now, won at court and have my car a wash. Academically​ been a decent year. Imran got married recently. And I believe I've already met my future spouse. Brother still stuck on 19 and being prick. I hope to write again next year :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 31, 2016
Yeah...tomorrow is my birthday, 1st January and am gonna be 20. Am scared and nervous. Am adding years to my life and am more mature. Plus I have many responsibilities, one my fears is disappointing my family, they've sacrificed a lot to bring me to the point I am now.I pray that God should continue to bless and protect them. Ameen. Anyway, Happy Birthday to myself, wishing myself long life, good health and prosperity.
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 14, 2016
Today is my B' day I have turned 28, all I can say is that Life has really got better it doesnt mean that there are any less problems but I feel I am stronger enough to handle them and I am more greatful for the people I have in my life. I am dont believe in God persay but I would like to thank the energy out there for giving for bestowing me with so many gifts in life I could love adore and look upto. I hope everyone in life could feel the peace and happiness I feel within and could look at positives around them. This year specifically has taught me that all my life I have ran behind happiness but I have realized that its in my core being that I feel happy and peaceful and I dont have to try for that. All the hardships I have faced this year I know has only made me a much stronger person and I know I can endure a lot of hardships in life. My learning in life has been that life goes on whatever good or bad hence keep moving nobody is going to survive good or bad hence make the most of whatever talent you have to be the reason of happines in someone else life
stacy stinson
It's My Birthday 11/16/1979
Sunday, November 13, 2016
I want the best birthday ever
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 26, 2016
Oh 26! Something about this number. There's something about the number that keeps me off my feet, it feels me with so much anticipation, 26th of September just a normal day, a gloomy day as usual. I just remembered 26th of September is my birthday!!!!! What happened it only seems a moment since I closed my eyes last year in passion of achievement and success another year has been gone from my life. On the bright side: Last year made it crystal clear to me that “Life for the winner is more glorious and why it’s much easier for the privileged to be successful? This year has been meaningful in so many ways… personally, professionally and spiritually. I have enjoyed every single moment of it. I don't think it will be fair if I try to take credit for all this alone. Thanks for being a part of this great feeling! Here goes the formal part: Once gain "Thank You" to everyone for all of the birthday wishes and gifts. It means a lot to me that you all took the time from your busy lives to wish me a happy birthday. In the end special thanks to Mark Zuckerberg and Facebook team to invent such a great tool to remind my family and friends about my birthday.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 31, 2016
Hi. 😊 i shoudnt have posted here but atleast nobody knows me facebook does. So im here Wanted to share that im running 21 this coming August 14 2016 litterally sad coz i cant ask for leave or an absent on my birthday. But I guess that just life. Just nobody cares. Wanted to see my mama,papa and my 2 sisters on my upcoming birthday. Just No life. Employed but feels boring. Thanks
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 22, 2016
Birthdays are nature`s way of telling us to eat more cake. Birthdays are like boogers. The more you have the harder it is to breathe. Another year older, none the wiser. Birthdays are just finger posts on the road of getting old… I was born with a gift, the gift of awesomeness. I`m not just a year older, I`m also a year better and prettier. I know you`re jealous. I`d like to thank my mBirthdays are nature`s way of telling us to eat more cake. Birthdays are like boogers. The more you have the harder it is to breathe. Another year older, none the wiser. Birthdays are just finger posts on the road of getting old… I was born with a gift, the gift of awesomeness I`m not just a year older I`m also a year better and prettier. I know you`re jealous. I`d like to thank my mom and dad for making this miracle possible. ITS MY BIRTHDAY mom and dad for making this miracle possible. Tomorrow is MY BIRTHDAY
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 01, 2016
Hello, Hello, Hellloooooooooo! So it appears I like to write on this website quite a lot hahaha, so I thought I'd give it another go (isn't as easy to find anymore haha). Anyways, looks like I've been posting on here since I was 10. I'm not turning 21 today which is pretty cray cray. Turning into a wee ole bag!!! Anyways, if anyone still reads these, HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYYYY!!!!!!! And happy birthday to meeeeeeeeee! 11 years later and I still don't feel old enough to be an adults lol xoxo
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 29, 2016
I was looking at my old facebook post about 5 years ago, complaining about life,love,family relationships.Looking back at it i just cant believe how much i'v grown to such a lady who has it all figured out(not really all) but i know what i want in life.I cant thank God enough for helping me through it all.Am turning 27 today.Am lerning a new language and i will have my masters degree this year,am so proud of myself and the woman i have become! Happy birthday to me and my mom(we were born the same day,lucky girl huh?) Today i celebrate Me! 30 June
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 03, 2016
I have moved to Barcelona summer of 2015 from Asia to study. This is my first time celebrating my birthday away from my family and real friends. My birthday would be in 16 days, but as early as now i'm feeling sad that i will be spending my birthday alone. I'm still hoping i will be spending it with someone though. But just in case, i have planned something not so exciting to do on that day. Will take the train and go out of Barcelona and go to the beach. have lunch. spend some time at the beach reading and will go back home before sunset. Exciting.
Esam Samuel
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
I thank you God, for making me see another year; thanks for the gift of life; I'm eternally grateful for all the blessings that you have given me that makes me appreciate a good life, for the struggles you casted on me which made me stronger and helped me realized the ideas of life's bitter sweet reality and most of all for the love which he unconditionally gives through my ever beloved family and friends. Thank you all for making my day joyous and God bless you.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 27, 2016
My birthday day is coming up tomorrow and don't really know to go abt it..... But coming on here I realized God has been good to me, Happy birthday to me in advance and to everyone celebrating on the 28th of April as well
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 25, 2016
I'm 19 now :) Happy birthday to myself and all of you who were born April 25th
Charles Osagie
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 02, 2016
I wanna thank god for is love goodness and mercies upon my life i have done all kinds of things in my entire life i just wanted to be able to help people but then i see myself hurting them. there is nothing greater that the love of Christ because if not for his love i would not have been here writing this post today. lord wishes do come true so on this very day you said in your word in the book of Isaiah 6:1 In the year that King Uzziah died, I saw the Lord, high and exalted, seated on a throne; and the train of his robe filled the temple lord today i dont want any cake or too many brithday surprises but i just want to make a wish and i want you to grant it for me oh lord let every strong man that has been fighting me all my life right from the day i was born die today so your glory and your love mercies progress and long life filled with lot of good health be mine today. let the wicked never see my year today let them die so i can see your glory in my life Amen. thank you so much lord for i know my prayed has been answered.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 02, 2016
It is my 22nd birthday and I am working for the best accounting firm in the world, as well as studying. The pay is shit, but i get the tag of big4, and not only the big 4, but the best one of them. A year ago, this is exactly what i had wanted. To be working in a big ass firm while still studying. But somehow i do not like where i am right now. I am dissatisfied in my life and i can not open up to people, so i cant tell anyone about the things in my life. No, not even the closest friends. Because i have issues. But, I hope that this is the year and I make it count. I hope i achieve everything i am hoping for, i hope this year, i make the most of my life.
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 22, 2016
AM turning 27 tomorrow, and am feeling kinda low now. I dont want people wishing me for my birthday anymore, because it seems like they are faking for the rest of the world.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Today is my birth day, it means i take one more step from my first cry
Its My Birthday
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Today is my birthday today. Wow am so happy about my life and how far i have gone in life. I thank God for everything because without him been alive today wont be possible and the greatest shout out to my Angelic mom, mama i love you so much and thank you for bringing me to life. I love my family so much and it would have been so cool spending my day with them, but i know they are happy for me and i also have great friends to spend my day with here in Lagos. I wish myself, success, happiness, joy and a brighter future in life. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME
Fiona Isabela
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 20, 2015
Alhamdulillah for everything. Today is the 21st of December and i'm turning 16. Let me thank Allah swt for the another wonderful year of my life in this beautiful world .
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 14, 2015
Wow! Time sure flies.... yesterday i was 19 and today i'm 20 .. i wish myself absolute change. it's time to level up...... happy bday to me...
It's My 3 days
Saturday, December 12, 2015
16th Dec is the day. Just 2 days away and I didn't want to use the word 'sad' but it fits. So, it's 'sad' to think that none of my friends would even know it was my 19th birthday if Facebook didn't inform them. And it's quite depressing to know (I'm almost sure) that i'll spend my "special" day at home watching TV because I'm not even sure I still have those "friends" I was talking about. Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Although I'm not in very high spirits...
Sairah Jane Pontillas
It's My Seventeen Birthday
Friday, December 11, 2015
Today is my Secenteen Birthday, I'm so glad because all of them greet me but I'll wait for someone's greet.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 09, 2015
tomorrow being 10th December is my birthday, and i will be 26 i want thank God for adding another year to my years.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 01, 2015
9 days before my birthday but i'm not happy :'( :'( my parent is both past away its so hart to me, worst feeling ever :'( you feel me? :"(
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 17, 2015
Turning 24.. Hoping for Acche Din ahead.... :-)
Houda ess
Happy birthday to me
Sunday, November 15, 2015
23:00 -16-11-2015 still 1 hour for my birthday and no one cares for me .. that's make me sad i feel i am alone :( ... but i am glad bc finally i have 19 yupyyyyy! ... i love myself and i wish a happy life for me and all mi wishes become true :* :*
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 04, 2015
Its ma bufday 2 day 5th Nov..but am nt feeling 2 happy cos am d same time I give glory 2 God 4 giving me d privilege 2 see anoda year.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 29, 2015
My Birthday is in 5 days and I am not feeling it. Probably because I am to old to think of having a grand celebration with my loved ones and friends. I AM JUST NOT FEELING IT! I should be happy, right? I have a job, a fiancé who is beautiful and kind, a step daughter who is pretty and adoarable, my supportive parents, a big sister who is basically my 'run to' person and crazy friends. At this age, i still dont know how to prioritize stuff and say no to people. I feel that something is missing or differrent. How can i focus on a goal if the only thing i want is to enjoy life and be happy. How about my career, my wife-to-be who is stressed because we have not planned anything yet after the engagement, financial status and struggling to have my own little business.
Socialmalla Ozianduobanyi
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 23, 2015
I will like to thank God for bringing me to life today. I'm grateful to God for the gift of life he has give me. Today is a day that I am extremely glad because it's my birthday. Today I celebrate my 26th years on earth and I cannot forget to ask God that this date should be repeated indefinitely for many years to come. Happy birthday to me
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Tomorrow is my birthday! July 30 I THANK God for He is always there for me and for my family. Today I am 54 years old, is not a joke. I struglled to survived, endured the pain that has been inflicted me physically, emotionally ---and the worst- is mentally... (the big challange in every human being < sacrifices>). This is the way of God to remind us to know Him, to Worship Him to love Him because He is Faithful to us! He will never Forsake us! God is Good! I was so blessed because the best gift that I have received in my entire life is when I and my children, grandchildren, daughter i law became CHRISTIAN! TO GOD BE THE GLORY!

(Editor's notes: God helps you through all the problems God caused in your life?)

It's my 20th Birthday! :)
Tuesday, July 21, 2015
HI! Today is the 21st of July and I'm turning 20! I don't know but i am sad bc i'm not a teen anymore and people will say "You have to act like a 20 year old woman" DAMN.
Natalia O. P
It's My Birthday & I LOVE IT :)
Tuesday, May 12, 2015
It is that time of the year when I say to myself, INDULGE :)) The best years of my life are right here in front of me..let's rock this world and make some noise .. Happy Birthday Natalia - RE all The Way!!! xo
Make Du'a
Saturday, May 02, 2015
I'm finally 18 today Alhamdulillâh. Kate and William had a baby girl today, I played snooker at 'Cousins' with my brother then ate out. 17 was a long year for me. Failure after failure. But it's just got me stronger. I don't have a rabbit anymore but I do have some fishes lol :)
ogar Emmanuel
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 20, 2015
Suprising how I stubled on AA gr8 site, Its my birtday today, April 21st 2015, and. I just look @ myself as everybody in 1, 2 all those born dis day happy birthday to u and me. Never met u before but sure love u, because I sit @ home and wonder,think, of people who were born same day and year with me, who are in difrent countries far away from mine, I visualise a situation where I met few, n I hope d faces I saw realy existed. My bday is spent with u April G!s
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 17, 2015
Today I celebrate ME! The birth of Me! The person I have grown to be! The person I will become! The sister, daughter, friend, girlfriend, employee; I am! and the Mother I will be someday! I celebrate Me today!Happy birthday to Me! I wish myself many more years of joy, love, laughter, health and prosperity. I wish myself strength and wisdom for days to come and success with everything I do today, and tomorrow! so on this special day HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME
whitney African Barbie
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 05, 2015
It's so sweet 2 see another birthday,All thanks 2 God, Chante Halleluya, I wish my self d best things life has 2 offer, dancing Shoki 2 the glory of God. I Rep March 7th #TeamPisces
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 23, 2015
yey! i'm turning 18 this Feb 24! scary i am now in a legally age! hahaha Thanking God for this year for giving me the best of friends, the best of family! 18, so probably i can get boy? joke
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 21, 2015
Idk What To Say Am 24 Today I Knw I Still Many More Years Ahead But All I Can Say Is Thank U Lord For Making This Day Come To Pass Even I Hardly Pray,To U But Deep Down You Defintely Know How Much I Love You YNG -1-
It's My 27th Birthday
Saturday, January 10, 2015
Waaooow though am getting older bat still am most grateful to God for such a blessing is not cheap uno to everybody. I love music so today i will sing alot of music. is sunday i will go to church bak go out with some friends ........ thnks for the space given me. thank you Lord for my life, family. co workers, friends etc....
Jessica Wong
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 13, 2014
Simply love December... maybe it's because of my birthday and Christmas too. It's 14th of December today and it's is my birthday again. When i opened my eyes this morning, i still can't believe i turned 48 now. Thank god for giving me an angel heart, a beautiful face that is younger than my age. Unfortunately it's a loney birthday for me to celebrate it by myself. Anyway, I wish i will stay healthy, remain pretty and happy always.
human being.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 29, 2014
i will turned 16 less than 24 hrs. and rlly, idk what to feel abt it. im sad that im getting older, like really???? 16 is actually old. or maybe not. im sorry im weird. and plus i hv to face big exam next year and i hv to pass with flying colours and i hv to struggle real hard. so pray for me! i just, i dont wanna end school cse i hv only a year left. sigh. and just, im grateful to god for giving me the best people in my life. i hv the best family & bestfriends ever. thank you. <3 x
Jessica Owens
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 23, 2014
My birthday is July 29,2002 I just want to say I am thankful for GOD the one and only person that hasn't let me down for bringing me into this world without him I wouldn't be here and I would not know the principles and the exceptions you have to do in order to live a happy and great life . Once again I would like to thank him and my mom and dad for bring me here
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 19, 2014
I thank God to is my birthday
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 12, 2014
everyone has their big day once in a year and yeahhh today im celebrating my 21st birthday! I am so gratefull for the another year of my life! not forgetting with the blessed of god I have made a very good friend and family throughtout my life.Thank you for all the people who remembered me today by sending cards, and letters, gifts and good wishes. Thank you for all the experience of this past year; for times of success which will always be happy memories, for times of failure which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for you, for times of joy when the sun was shining, for times of sadness which drove me to you. Forgive me for the hours I wasted, for the chances I failed to take, for the opportunities I missed this past year. Help me in the days ahead to make this the best year yet, and through it to bring good credit to myself, happiness and pride to my loved ones, and joy to you. Amen.
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 10, 2014
It's been 20 years..I am so grateful for all who perfected me. I am so grateful for this life I have. There are millions of memories and experiences which made me feel like Yes I have grown up. Well we can't do everything but pray to live fullest and do what I dreamed of and by which I can serve this society to grow. For everyone this day is special, they may get surprises, gifts and blessings. But on top of that what matters a lot is 'Happiness'. Stay happy and don't let this smile taken away from you any moment of life. What ever you thing you can do it. And what I am thinking right now is 'I should go and enjoy this day, make some promises with myself, some vows which can turn my life, after all its my Birthday,..:) Celebrate everything, until further notice..:)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
Thanking God for a new year, a new mind, and peace. That big 33!!! Love life, be happy, smile, Life is wonderful!
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 05, 2014
It's My Birthday, And I'm Really Grateful I Made It to 1
kaps j
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 24, 2014
HELL ya....Its like a million memories flashing every second of all these,college n,friends n teachers....songs n movies...laughs n fights....treks n night outs...parties n foods...still a life time is not enough to do everything...hoping for Achche Din ahead....;) Sharing my birthday with ma lil sis n ma cutie pie niece....feels great ...:)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 06, 2014
My birthday is in two more days, and I was searching a good quote to post and came across this website. I found it to be inspirational. All the good, and the bad, the happiness and sadness in the comments just makes me realize that each day is what you make of it. You're mood will depend on if you focus on the negatives or on the positives. So for my birthday, I will choose to be happy. Enjoy my 22nd celebration. Focus on the good things I've accomplished, and plan to make better choices in the next year. Happy belated (or early) birthday to everyone who reads this!
Hurray for TODAY!
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Oh 24! Something about this number.Today I am 24 and I am excited.There's something about the number that keeps me off my feet,it feels me with so much anticipation.I may not have the money to celebrate it with booze,food and any other happy consumables but I have blessings to be grateful about. I have the job that I want, family that loves me and friends that care for me.Life isn't all perfect but it is beautiful and worth celebrating for.I am just thankful for the experiences I had in my younger years-all of them ,bad or good, molded to be who I am now (at 24) so to whoever reading this and you bumped into this site like me, A happy birthday to you!Celebrate life,Celebrate YOU! :) :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 04, 2014
ir's my fucking birthday today..
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 03, 2014
I had one good birthday yday...seems like m on d ryt track! :) One thing m sure abt after 24 yrs of lyf is this saying whr dey say "God helps those who helps themselves". Now this is true. Like very very true. So mk sure that u r helpin urslf....wherevr u r watevr u r doin...jus help b better.
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 20, 2014
I woke up this morning smiling. Thinking the blessings that i have. Today June 20, 2014, I'm celebrating :) my 21st birthday. Many thank you to the people who remember the day I was born ...happy birthday to me :)
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 25, 2014
I guess am lucky that it is my birthday today. Im a year older now and somehow I have this funny feeling the I wont live longer. Anyways, I just pray that I will live my life to the fullest.
It's My Birthday yeah!!!
Wednesday, March 19, 2014
Yeah I've almost made to 11!! Lol 😄💗💗💗💙💙 just like 10 more hours already opened 6 presents but more to come I'm very grateful that I get all of this I don't desevere it but I still get them I'm a very lucky kid
blasio kajuna
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
I'm lost in the middle of my birthday. I want my friends, their touch, with the earth's last love. I will take life's final offering, I will take the last human blessing.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 05, 2014
Today is that day, a day to celebrate life. I have had tragedy and happiness like everyone...I am thankful for another year. I am blessed to know God in my life and have him directing me where I need to go.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 27, 2014
I'm. Turing 25 February 28 I thank God for this special day. I'm not going to celebrate no money for that. My friends leave so far away . I wish I can go back in time to make things right so yeah Happy birthday to me .
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 21, 2014
It my birthday today and thank God for another year and i believe he is going to ad me more years, I want all my friends to join me and thank God for another one year
leon lobsta
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
I have reached a time when i understand and realize that I need to accept some simple facts of life. The number of people who remembers the day I was born are pretty few and far between – ever…happy bday to me
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 08, 2014
I turn 19 today,feel happy and special hearing my phone ring with birthday wishes 4rm my friends and loved ones.But the greatest gift i wish for and know i'll never get is having my late mother beside me body and soul.IT makes me feel sad,but one thing i know 4 sure is that she's with me right hear in my heart and she just whispered me "happy birthday my baby".
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 05, 2014
in a few hours time i will celebrate yet another milestone in my life.Hubby was kind enough to take me for an early dinner date coz he will be away.Happy bday to me
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 30, 2014
Today is my birthday...i turned into 18 today...actually well i really dont know how to feel...yeah im happy & grateful but i feel like im not ready for growing up or take responsibilities...i thought about it so deeply last night...i even wanted to cry but today seeing my friends and my loved ones...i threw away my negetive thoughts...but im still scared...i feel like im stupid for feeling like this...never mind it so im ganna say Happy Birthday To Me...
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 25, 2014
It's my bday today! HAPPY 21st bday to me! It's my DEBUT!
Best Spell Caster
Sunday, January 12, 2014
Thank you to the Spirits for getting me my man back. Thank you Dr. Lee for taking the time to do the spell for bringing my man back to me. I went to 3 different spell casters, but only you got the job done. I really wasn’t sure anymore if spells were real, but now I know they are. Like I said before I appreciate all your time, effort, and energy you put during the spell cast. He is more open and he admitted he loves me and really wants to try a relationship with me again. After 2 months of separation. We are now back together, and he plans to move in when his lease is up. THANK YOU DR. LEE.... Get to know about his work via

(Editor's notes: What a ripoff! I contacted Dr. Lee to cast a love spell for me and it didn't work! All it did was add 4 inches to my penis. Now every woman I attempt mating with is scared off by my 16" penis.)

Akin sheyi
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 10, 2014
its my birthday and am turning 11th the second time.....
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 22, 2013
I am surprised why every year on my bdy...i have different freinds and well wishers from the previous year..anyways happy bdy to me :))...
Leketta Harris
It's My Birthday January 12, 2014
Tuesday, December 17, 2013
I will come back at that time lol
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 03, 2013
it's my birthday today DEC 3 am 24,i wish to have fun and celebrate it with my girl and friends,but there is no money on me although this happen to when ever my birthday is on the way...Well i thank God for giving me the special grace for seeing another year in my life...HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME LLNP...
Hill Rachel
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 23, 2013
Thank you Lord for this is the day you have made in my life. it's my BD many more years ahead IJNA.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 19, 2013
Toda y is my special day. I have been getting calls and messages from family and friends, how much more can yo ask for, love from people who care about you is more than silver and gold. I wish my late daughter Ndalo was here to celebrate with me.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 30, 2013
Just turned 19 a few minutes ago. I'd forgotten it was today, and either way I usually end up musing about my life so far, alone in a corner somewhere, but... holy damn. I don't know whether to laugh or give thanks for the friends who forced me to stay up with them till midnight, then spanked me 19 times... It's really hard to be solemn and world-weary when someone's slapping your ass. I don't really know what it is about birthdays that makes so many of us criticize or lives, but spending my 19th year of life around these people makes me think that I haven't done too badly for myself, and that maybe the world's an okay place after all.
Joseph Pius
It's My Birthday today.
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
Its my Birthday TODAY, i'm turning 30. All thanks to Almighty God for granting me the grace to see another year added to me in peace, joy and happiness. cheers. Wishing anyone else who has a birthday today many blessings and may you have an awesome day and year ahead. Best Wishes, from Pius
Happy happy birthday to me :)
Saturday, October 19, 2013
Its my birthday today.. no matter watever I do on this day it is special even if don't celebrate it. Sometimes we plan so much in life but as time passes we realize that life don't give us whatever we wish everytime.. we'll have to accept watever comes to us.. though its a special day for me yet feeling low :( Anyway happy birthday to me.. :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 20, 2013
Came across this site by mistake. I read almost every post on here. Happy Belated birthday to everyone here. It's going to be my birthday tomorrow. Getting old here. But I thank god for every year of life he has given me. I continue to thank him every minute of my life.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 05, 2013
its me again. am now 29 yrs old. its been a better year than the last, i see some hope for the future. please god no more setbacks. let my life go smoothly from now on.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 08, 2013
hapi birth day to me...... jst turned 22 today,,,,,, am very hapi n thax God
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 14, 2013
ALHAMDULILLAH for everything...I'am turning 22 this day!!! may this year willbe a best year 4 me and 2 my twin brother.
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 05, 2013
I turned 22 today and everyone around me was so excited but since my mom passed away in feb, I don't really feel the urge of celebrating birthday, in fact my whole idea of birthdays is changed. You can say it's another year you get to celebrate your birthday or may be it's a year closer to death. Either way, I feel it's useless celebrating this day but I did for the love of my folks. So yeah, Happy birthday to me ^_^
Gonna be 21
Thursday, June 27, 2013
This year I broke through my shell, channeling my anxiety into enthusiasm and having fun doing all these new things. I felt alive, it felt great. Then I got caught in life's heavy chains and they dragged me back in. All I can think about is my manfriend... Nngh, I'm not a lover, I'm a careless artist! No matter what he does and how bright he shines, it's still dark in here. I wanna smile in my own light and leave this shell a free spirit--if not be strong enough to carry it and jump over any demon that tries to trip me again. Have a good summer, everyone. Peace.
Another birthday come and gone
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
22nd may, hit 21. My day was the summary of my life. Nothing special and always wanting more. Am I not greatful? Or do I ask too much? Either way, I will never relive that day again, which I looked forward to soo much throughout my life, only to be below average. Maybe I'm looking forward too much? Maybe I should be looking back instead and being greatful for everything that has gone well... Or maybe im too human and will never be satisfied. Either way, I've sampled enough to know where to go from here...
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 04, 2013
It's my birthday today! How ridiculous that one would even begin to acknowledge the passing of time with balloons and cake. Neither of which I had on my birthday this year. I totally feel the whole 'amazin' parties and fun from younger days although I am lucky to have a very special friend who has recently walked into my life and has made my day very special. A true Angel. So that makes me happy. Atleast I have not been barraged with 'hilarious' Jedi jokes this year. May the fourth be with you. Goodnight.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 02, 2013
Mashallah, today I am 16... Finally. I opened a bank account today got my hair done up and fitted some light shades around the house. In EastEnders it was Billy's birthday LOL. I got my GCSE's coming up. I was a Young Mayor Candidate and I got in total 3 A*'s before I was 16. I'll write again on this site when I'm 17 InShaAllah
Ghizlane Jabroux
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 25, 2013
it's my birthday today, and I've just turned 21years old. God bless me and all people love you all
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 22, 2013
It's going to be my birthday in a few minutes. I'm turning 20 and i'm afraid of not being a teenager anymore. I was in love with my life between 16-18, i had so many and close friends, i used to went out at night a lot and i was always having fun with my friends, going to high school and stuff like that. Last year probably was my worst b-day. I was literally alone, far from my family and friends, at uni and feeling so sad. I was just wishing a lot more fun for the next year. Now i'm in the same moment a year later and i'm still feeling so sad. I miss my old life , my frinds, my school... I'm just realizing that in another 20 years i'll be "old", i'll probably work and have kids or something and i just hope that i could remember these years as the best of my life. I just want to turn 16 again.
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 08, 2013
It's my birthday today, and I've just turned 18 years old. Realistically, I should be out having a good time with my friends and well, just being plain stupid and enjoying life. I'm not satisfied with my life. I've never really been a normal kid, I've always been a whole lot more mature than my average 18 year old friend or family member. I've never really fit it, and for all my life ever since i could remember, i've wanted to turn 18. I have a really shitty job at dollaramma with the crappiest management, and i don't have many friends. But somehow, I feel turning 18 is just right for me. I have a wonderful family and someday I hope to be happy with them...and I know that day will come.even if it takes a while longer than I would like.
Karen Reece
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 06, 2013
April 7th... my birthday... I know god will continue to bless me with this precious life... However.. It's like I don't know myself or where I am going in life.. I am living a lonely life.. I know I will find what is my purpose for life and I will be happy... Thanking the lord for life.. I wish to have a Happy birthday before I die..
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Im turning 21 today, but something doesn't feel right. I love my mother and I thank God everyday for her existence and health. Unfortunately, something is missing, not sure what it is. I dont care about people even noticing my b-day. I guess im getting older and it hurts, a lot. Its a beautiful thing to be alive, but I hate the fact that people treat you differently and expect more, "because you're an adult". I wish I was 12 years old again when life was simple and innocent. I hate how money rules every factor of our live's. I just want to be happy in life, but doesn't everyone want that?
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 04, 2013
I'm 24 today. I'm unemployed and I feel so much despair and loneliness right now at this point in my life. I hope that I will be able to muster up some perseverance to keep on going and to wake up in the mornings, to go on that job search. I'm really unhappy with where my life is at right now. I hope the next year coming will bring about some positive changes I am desperately needing. Well, happy birthday to me I guess.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 02, 2013
It's my birthday today and i've had a surprisingly good life. God has truly blessed me. Even though we aren't financially stable i'm able to look at the positives. I have such great friends and an amazing boyfriend. My family is the best you could ask for. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 22, 2013
I'm turning 20 today, and I have no clue of where I'm going. Now I'm not depressed anymore, I'm just numbly walking. Life is not terrible, it just isn't good. I really hope I get my shit together throughout this year.
Parveen KJ
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 21, 2013
It's my 19th Birthday today! I feel a little sad probably because my mum just went through a major surgery. I usually feel happy on my birthdays, but I feel a bit down today..It just seems like any other day. Everyone is just as irritated and absorbed in their own lives.. I did not do anything special today. Well, anyways HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
I turn 22 today. It feels like an ordinary day. It took me a few hours to even remember it was my birthday. I am spending the day cramming for exams, so I don't really get to celebrate. The whole day has been permeated by a sort of melancholy. I feel like things should be different, like something is missing.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 16, 2013
Today, 17th of my birthday!!!!!! I also just turned 18, I feel as though I should be on my way to doing something by now, but such is not the case. I can't believe that 18 is only 364 days away...365, actually- thank goodness for leap years... Today I have received many kind wishes for my birthday and allow me to make a humble “THANK YOU” For all the people who remembered me for those who have sent messages , chator e-mails; they are really appreciated. You who took time out from your otherwise busy day You who stopped awhile, left me a message and did say, My dear friend, grethika I wish you a very “Happy Birthday”! It's not that I'm afraid of growing old. I'm afraid of growing wide. Is treasured, never forgotten, forever appreciated and cherished as priceless
Andres Gonzalez
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 25, 2013
I'm turning 31 today. It's just great. When I was younger, when I was in college, 10 years ago, I had nothing. Today, I have a wonderful life, a few but really good friends, and the best of all, I'm increasingly knowing my purpose in life, thanks God. But I'm sad right now because I was reading all these posts and I realize that people have a bunch of troubles and those troubles are sinking them. I wish i could do something to help you guys. I want to speak life to the people who is depressed in their birthdays: I had nothing seven years ago, but some friend introduce me to God, and His unbelievable love He showed to all of us trought His Son, Jesus Crist. Maybe you're no a believer, but that doesn't affect the fact God loves you. I pray you can know God, because I'm sure He's taking care of you right now. Cheers! You're alive! You have a lot to do! You can kick the troubles, you can defeat your enemies! Go on people, everything is gonna be alright, trust in God. The captcha stinks!

(Editor's notes: Then you'll grow up and realize God is just a scam, and that through self confidence and knowing how the world works, you could have been far happier without the myth.)

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 23, 2013
the day is special as on 23rd i m 23rd...hehe..someway lonely n someway happy to be lonely..there is so much crap in my mind...n flowers also..happy bdy to all who born wid with me this day..njoy
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 10, 2013
Its my birthday and everyone around seems to be happy for me with all the wonderful presents and wishes coming in. I just be faking smiles. I don't really feel excited about my birthday no more and my girlfriend is not making it any better. Happy 22nd birthday to me tho
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 07, 2013
my birthday is in jan so no one has any money i have never had any parties also my nans b day is just before mine and she always wants to be the centre of attention so im forgotten i never feel special i feel like im a nobody i dont say anything because i know everyone will just say im selfish and jealous and stupid but my nephew is 4 and has already had more birthday parties than a 16-17
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 06, 2013
Hey All, I am a great deal older than any of the commentators here and I realised many. many years ago that birthdays are awkward milestones that are pretty meaningless at the end of the day. Everyone can have a good birthday even a GREAT day but you need to accept some simple facts of life. The number of people who will rejoice the day you were born every year (apart from your parents) are going to be pretty few and far between - ever. If your partner can't be bothered to arrange anything for you or at least make it an upbeat day then you are probably with the wrong person. Come up with your own great birthday ideas - treat it like it is someone else's - if you can't think of anything to do or way to celebrate why should other people? Ring the changes, so that each birthday ( if you really want to look back on it...) is memorable for its own reasons. Remember the most important thing about your birthday is that it is a excuse for OTHER PEOPLE to have FUN and the more fun you make it , the more likely you will have a faithful following each year. If you have found friendships slipping away, ask yourself why and either accept it, put the effort in for the other 364 days of the year or find new ones. Finally my No.1 tip, which I realise some of you because of age, circumstance or finanaces may not be able to do, TRAVEL Wake up in a different place,preferably overseas, on your Birthday. Just being somewhere different makes life an adventure - and never underestimate how ready strangers are to celebrate your birthday too !
It's My 20th Birthday
Sunday, December 23, 2012
its my 20th birthday today (23/12/12). well the world was supposed to end 2 days ago, but it didn't and i turned 20. It feels bad not to be a teenager anymore and the day has not been so good too till now, still i am hoping for the best to come as the day is not over yet. SO Happy Birthday to me and to all those who have there birthdays today :)
Iza Ahsan
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 14, 2012
It's my birthday today! My family gifted me the most awesome tote bag ever! Woohoo! :D And a brand new pair of headphones! A box full of dark fantasy just for me! Yay! And plus, I'm 14!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 08, 2012
It's My Birthday Tomorrow. I heard that you're wish comes true when you blow out the candles; Though I never believed that shit. Anyway I'm actually hoping one tiny thing; I've been wishing for this thing to come true for a while; and by 'a while' I mean for what like 6 5 8 years ? I lost count really. I hope that the person whom I love will affront me and tell me that he/she loves me too.I hope that I marry this person one day. I'm keep crossing my fingers for that. So yup ; Happy birthday to me.
Marian ( romaninan name boy )
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 03, 2012
Today it's my birthday im geting 14 yrs old the second time , on a foot( meens 28 ) i started this Special day like ususal going at work ( i late 1 hour) bought some candys for my coworkers and 3 bottle of Juice . Alot of them didnt belive me its my birthday and ask me to show them the ID , after that i got home stayd on internet , wach a movie and cook a babrbeq with my gf . She is the only one who bought me a gift so i was very happy She wil be mi wife soon . Was just a usual day for me 3.12.2012 . Srry bcz mi english sux im from Romania !
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 02, 2012
I really like this idea of posting the birthday thoughts here.:) Well, today is my birthday and i really have mixed feelings about it. Its generally been great for me since my closest friends and family had wished me happy birthday and some have wanted to celebrate together with me. I really appreciate that and is really happy. But i guess there is always some little things that one is a little upset about.. like the number of friends on fb that wshed me happy birthday have decreased and i am like a little dissapointed about that. But, i will accept that and i think i shouldnt ask for more since i am alrdy really fortunate and loved by my friends.:) So for those who are unhappy about their no. of friends that wished them happy birthday, try to think of something positive, like those who have wished u happy birthday through sms or other ways. even if it is just one, it still shows that someone does care:) Happy Birthday to all those who felt neglected on their birthdays, you truly deserve to be loved.:)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 22, 2012
its my birthday today 11/22, i offically turned 20. i took a few shots right now to celebrate with a great friend, career wise...i feel good about my future, looking forward to becoming more independent. Currently, with a fantastic lady. mindset, uplifting and always improving day by day. have an appointment in a few hours for my business partner. also i just feel like there is so much NOT to worry about because today is SUPPOSE to be a great day...My goals are to be more emotionally disciplined, be totally "cool" when things are bad or good. Have Purpose to what i do on a daily, have passion on what i do when i do things, always improve my thinking thru perception, i must persevere and be patient in obtaining my goal of being excellent in everything. there is more to life. i want to experience. its my birthday!!!! i rather conquer SELF, than being conquered by SELF. HAPPYBIRTHDAY TO YOU...
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 22, 2012
18 today, but I've decided I will be a child for as long as I want to be. I don't feel much of a desire to live. I lost a few of my best friends this year and I am generally sad, yet I continue to go through the motions as if nothing is wrong. The fact that my life in general sucks is only made worse on my birthday by the fact that I'm supposed to have a fun and special day today. I can't tell if the future holds light, progression, freedom and less burden, or if I am destined for further stress and despair. I also hate when Thanksgiving eclipses my birthday.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Today is my 18th Birthday, it's a shame I do not live in Quebec as I would go to the bar (: Looks like I will have to settle for buying a lottery ticket.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 06, 2012
Tomorrow is my birthday. I am supposed to be happy but instead I am in pain. WHY? I broke my hand :(
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 01, 2012
Its my 32nd birthday and I have never felt more alone than on this day. I have a husband and a beautiful 3 year old but for some reason this birthday feels so sad. I don't have any friends and my family lives so far away. I want to feel better about having to spend my birthday with my in-laws because my sister in law decided to christen her child on my birthday. Is it selfish to just want a special day to yourself with your closest family and friends. Why do I have to spend this day with those people and why do I have to live so far away from my family? I should really appreciate that I have a son whom I love with all my heart and really that is all I need.
Turning 18 in less than 30 mins
Thursday, October 25, 2012
well, wow wow wow. I'm turning 18 in less than 30 mins! I just wanna say Thank you Lord for giving me another year to spend my birthday with my family. Although some of my friends are complaining because I'm not going to throw a party on my special birthday, well.. I dislike planning so.. yeah.. but it gives me this feeling that I should've planned for my friends as well. Well, goodluck for me. I just want to be happy on my birthday :) xoxo
The Melody
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 25, 2012
Its my birthday today, I turned 19 around 6am. For the past couple of years i just have not been able to summon any amount of excitement for the. I mean yeah im one year older, but every year i cant shake this feeling that on my birthday its just gonna be the worst day of the year for me, and for the past couple years ive mostly been right.
Samantha Bowman
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 18, 2012
I am 22 today...doesn't really feel like it. I think i should have accomplished more by now. This is my year though. I can feel it.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 18, 2012
It's my birthday today. I turned 17. Not quite a kid, not quite an adult. I'm just blessed to have the amazing friends that I do. One even stayed up until midnight last night just so he could be the first to wish me a happy birthday. I'm so grateful.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 17, 2012
I turned 17 about half an hour ago. I just got off the phone with my girlfriend who I love immensely and she loves me back. She loves birthday's and is determined to make mine enjoyable for me. Im far more than skeptical, because I hate my birthdays. I always have, and am pretty sure that i always will. I hate the obligation, the phone calls, the false interest and the attention. It sickens me and yet my parents, like every previous year, have organized a family dinner, and I just cant wait for today to end... I just want to be left alone, and left in peace. I want to draw, play video games, or watch television by myself. I hate my birthday...
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
Arrived here while searching for "uneasy day before the birth day. I'll be turning 25 in some time but before every b'day i get this uneasy feeling. Tried to identify the reason behind it: As strongly as I would like to deny, I yearn for social acceptance. Or to put it more appropriately, being in others thoughts. And this occasion is a chance for people to show the same. To give a hint that yes they do know about me, I am someone worth a wish. Or, a big OR, while I processed these thoughts, I realized I am not that much of attention seeking (lost for word here) prick. I think more about it as a social acceptance metric. Assuming I am alone in a room in faraway Amazon rain forests. Nothing I can hear except for continuous rain falling on the trees and further percolating down the dense trees. And above all, I don’t have any means of communications. And I am doing what I like to do, writing. At least one aspect of this figment of imagination is true. I guess I’d be more than happy to not being bothered and break this flow resonating with the rain outside. And giving it a retrospective thought, it’s been a long time since I wished anyone at the strike of gong. So expecting someone to do the same isn’t complying with the concept of an ideal world in which I have faith, give more than you can ever take.
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 08, 2012
it is my birthday today.. i dunno what to say.. i am waiting a message from a girl i love.. but the problem is, probably she doesn't even know it is my birthday.. it sucks... but inspite of everything bad, i am happy. because i am in the place where i wished to be.. and i got some good friends. thanks God.
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 08, 2012
I am dreading my birthday and not because I will be forty. For years my birthday has been a ordinary day, never being taken anywhere special, just the normal stuff, kids,cooking,cleaning. I always give the kids and husband lovely birthdays yet mine has always been unimportant. To make matters worse my husband left us last year 4 days after his lovely birthday family dinner organised and prepared by me. I wish i could get excited, the children enjoy giving me presents (which i buy and wrap for them to give me) but really I wish the day away, I am now twice as miserable on my birthday and find pretending exhausting. I feel so ashamed admitting I hate my birthday when so many other people have real problems, but I can not help the way I feel and have never told a soul, hence 'anonymous' being my name. How sad am I? I suppose I should also give up hoping for a lovely mothers day. I had hoped my husband would one day allow me to lay in and look after the kids, maybe take me out, but he left, so he still gets to lay in on mothers day at his house and I am left looking after the children who seem to argue and play up more on that day than any other. maybe one day someone will make me feel special just one day in a year or even just one day in a life time. I love my children and I am lucky to have them in my life, but sometimes I really need some tlc.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 04, 2012
Let me wish myself a happy birthday & thank God for giving me another wonderful year in this beautiful world. Yeah because its my occasion so please let me make it my own. Don't feel like inviting anybody. I am pretty crowded inside. Let me hear the within. I want to listen to myself.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 03, 2012
It was my birthday yesterday. I'm not too excited because I'm 30+ and haven't had my second child yet!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Well it's 12:03am which means it's my birthday and I am now 33. I haven't been asked for ID for at least 6 months and I have more grey hairs than I can manage in pluck upkeep. I don't have a boyfriend, don't have any kids and am terrified of waking up tomorrow and realizing I'm actually 63 and have wasted the last thirty years of my life. My dog loves me though, so even though I'm going to wake up alone, there's nothing better than unconditional love from the one you love - even if it's a dog! Life's short - you're old before you know it and damn I wish I could have told early-twenties me that!
Clarissa Dhingra
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 28, 2012
my bday is in 2 days, so happy, but i never got any decos yet... loooool
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 27, 2012
its my bday and i feel old idk why its sad:/
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
I never post on forums but today I turned 27 and felt compelled to write something down. My bf is at work and I'm sitting here alone wondering what this year will be like. Hopefully better than the last. My relationship is not what I thought it would be after 3.5 years I thought we'd be happier. My job was so stressful that I quit 6 months ago - something I never thought I would do and my family are miles away. I have no close friends around me and now I'm wondering how my life got like this. But still I have to be thankful for another year and the chance to change. This is my life, I only get one and as tough as it gets I have no regrets. I hope this year will be my best yet.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 23, 2012
12:12 24/9/2012 MY 29TH BIRTHDAY.. not happy..
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
So today I turned 27, not a great feeling when you have recently been heartbroken, well no..... It was 2 yrs back, oh no still unable to move on.... Why this happen a lot with me, so difficult to move on in life. Anyway no special plans for today yet, away from home, friends and from everyone who perhaps care about may be this day will also pass as an ordinary day, but knowing its my birthday.... I m feeling more depressed.
It's My Birthday!
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Today i turn 20! I'm realizing that I have no friends besides my family. All my "friends" are currently married, with kids, or on the other side of the world. So here I am, taking a year off of college to save up money to go back to school. Not sure what I truly want to study, however. Well, here is to my 20's! May they bring great health and wisdom!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 05, 2012
its my 28 birthday and yet i feel depressed. i am still lonely and never even had a best friend. i wish this day ends faster than other days because i want it to end, dont want to see any more days like this.
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 03, 2012
Today is my birthday, I've turned the ripe age of 20. My career is pretty good, I earn more than my friends and family, I'm seeing this lovely girl, but yet am becoming increasingly dissatisfied with life. The Girl I'm seeing is amazing, although I get on amazingly with her. I'm in a job paying good money, yet turned down an extension of my contract bcause I thought I could do better - Now I must find myself a new contract or full time job within the next 10 days. I don't like what I look like, I always want more from everything and sometimes I couldn't give a damn what other people think of my morals, which has gotten me into a lot of trouble with my ex's in the past. I had a few close friends over to my place on friday night, we all went out and had a good night. We then all went out the next morning for a big game of paintballing - I spent WAYY too much money but it was fun. Had organised for an extra 20+ people over in the afternoon once we got back, but it was a complete flop. Absolulely nobody else, minus the 5 people I had over the previous night (that stayed that night) were there. It was dead. It was then I had the Instant realisation that I have no true friends - and at 20 years old, that's a bit shit.
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 27, 2012
Today I turn 26 and finally I get my wish and don't have to work today. Unfortunately I spent part of today looking for work. I found out yesterday that I have to move out and currently have no money to eat, so I don't know what I'm going to do. I spent pretty much the last of my gas/food money registering for classes which start tomorrow and still have to hopefully get my financial aid processed. It's my birthday and this is the worst one yet because all I feel is stress and anxiety, with no real idea how I'm going to make it through these next few weeks.
special day :)
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
and hence ,, Today I'm turning 22 it added one more year of experience to my life =) I was just recalling the things changed in past one year and I learned few valuable things which will help me forever Insha'Allah =) I can really sense the changes as i'm growing .. changes around me ,, in me ,, my mindset my outlook ,, everything changing =)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 08, 2012
I turn 36. I wish I could learn to be more happy. I have a lot to be thankful for. A great career, loving wife, baby on the way. I still think I am dissatisfied with my career. Okay, I am going to let my raw thoughts pour out. I deserve that promotion to that I didn't get, I want to bang a couple of asian chicks at work but can't cause I am married and I'll have a self induced guilt trip (also cause I am a pussy and worried about societal implications. I would also feel bad to cheat on my wife who is really fantastic). I want to be rich and powerful. I want to have a greater impact on society. I want my parents to be happy and satisfied. I want my dad's health to improve (he has had strokes and is in terrible shape). AND man, I wish I can constantly improve. Did I already mention, I am horny and would love to bang a few. Don't want to hurt anyone :) I hope I can improve as a person and improve the lives of those around me. Love to all. Be happy, it's your birthday!!! Hope things get better for those of you out here who are sad.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 29, 2012
I am turning 25 today. Happy birthday to me. Feeling a bit sad because it's my wedding anniversary and birthday and the day is not going that great. I have alot to work on, such as finding a job and being at piece with my soul. But if I die tomorrow I know that I am proud of what I have done and truly did the best I could with the time I had. I am grateful to Allah first, my husband, family and friends. Happy birthday to me.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 26, 2012
Today I turned 27!! I love my life and my only to convince my hubby that it's time for a baby :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 21, 2012
happy birthday to me! i am 22 today and have had an AMAZING day. my boyfriend got flowers deliverd to the door an.d took me shopping and made me feel really special, i feel great and have vowed to make this year the best one yet
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Today is my birthday, usually I would be so excited but this year I'm just not feeling it. I am very thankful that god has gaven me these wonderful years and I'm thankful for my family and all they have gaven me but I just feel like no one really cares anymore it feels like there just having to tell me happy birthday because well isn't it expected when it is someones birthday? It truly feels no ones bothered that it's me Natalees birthday but it could just pass off as anyone else's it's a special day but it doesn't feel as special too me.
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 13, 2012
july 12th I will be 21 for the second time (I WILL NOT GET OLD!!!!
Gerardo Macedo
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 07, 2012
I've enjoyed my birthday so far. been surrounded by really good friends family members and co-workers I wish everyday was like this one.. even thought I have problems I am happy with the life I have thank you to everyone that has influenced my life, in good and bad ways, because you all have helped me grow. Its only five hours and thirty-one minutes after.
Piedmang Peppers
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
I'm 23 and starting on my new life as an author.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Well, it's my birthday again. Currently struggling with my birthday cake... It was a nice thought from my family to visit the bakery and pick up a single piece of chocolate cake but this has got to be the worst cake ever. It even has this weird blue-brown powdery icing so it pretty much looks as bad as it tastes. And of course, out of politness I should eat this. Next year I'm baking myself the cake again. Less torture.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 03, 2012
Woooohoooo! I'm 23 today! It is going to be a super day today... Oooops I mean 24!! Darn it I'm getting old!!?!?!?! Best wishes to all.
Monday, July 02, 2012
So I'm 13 as of 3:17 this morning. Haven't done anything special yet, I already celebrated with my friends about a week ago because one of my best friends left for Europe a few days ago. And until around 6, I'm just gonna be sitting around watching tv and on the Internet. At least now I'm wasting my summer as a teenager :)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 28, 2012
So the original commenter is now like 32, and I turn 23 today. :( I follow in your footsteps of becoming an old man. Let's be crotchety together.

(Editor's notes: Yep, 32. Meh, 32 isn't much different than 23 if you keep the youthful attitude.)

It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 23, 2012
Today's my birthday. I'm 14 years old today. I was talking to my sister earlier, and I said "It's my birthday". She goes, "Again with that excuse?". I think about it for a moment and ask her how many days you actually get to say that. Of course, once a year until you die. You get one day a year to be able to scream to the world: "It's my birthday!" So take every chance you get. Embrace it. Feel Special. Smile. Some birthdays aren't as good as others. Some are shrouded in anger or sadness. Some fall through the sky and hit the ground - hard. Some just aren't what you want them to be. But some birthdays are magical. They're special and you'll always remember them. They may not be super extravagant, but they're extraordinary in their own way. The simple things that happen over the course of your day that make it beautiful. I love those things. Those people who make you happy. That make your life worth living. Those birthdays are what should make up the feeling you feel when someone says "Birthday". You should think of those special day that you could never forget. Today for me, was one of those special birthdays. I'll go forward to tomorrow with a certain amount of sadness because my wonderful day is over, but hey. Now I look forward to next year, for my next birthday. But for now, I can smile and say, "It's my birthday".
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 22, 2012
15 TODAY!!! SO HAPPY :D :D :D!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Does it ever get better? Or even remotely good.
A random boy
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 16, 2012
It's my birthday in an hour. I'm just lying in bed, my head full of thoughts. I cut my hair today. I used to have long hair, and I liked it that way, but I dunno, I guess this is part of the "growing up" process... I feel confused, like I'm not quite sure If I actually turning 15, or my brain is playing a trick on me, and I'm still the little carefree kid that didnt have to worry about money, grades, or love. That was all simple before. I suppose I should just sleep and see what life will have I store for me tomorrow. I hope the girl that I love will wish me a happy birthday. That would mean more to me than anything else... Well happy birthday to me, I guess, and happy birthday to anyone else, who happens to be born of June 16th :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 05, 2012
Im 1 .. . 3 Yay! God I feel so much older.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 04, 2012
I'm turning twenty with my twin brother today! It's weird not being a teenager, but feels right I guess. Happy Birthday T!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 03, 2012
I'm 34 today! Happy B day to me. I give thanks to the creator of all things that I have lived to see today. Bless me and the world. Thank you!!

(Editor's notes: Yes! One must always give thanks to Chuck Norris!)

It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 02, 2012
its my birthday i am 11 i am so happy
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 01, 2012
Happy 17th to me! I'm so blessed by everyone around me. No matter what your age, its the love that you give and receive that actually matters. Don't freak out about "milestones", just appreciate those who helped you get there. Love to all.[:
My Birthday
Sunday, May 27, 2012
It's my Birthday. I am 39, and feel like I am still in my mid 20's. But this is not why I am writing. In my daily life I am constantly crowded around ppl. I am either on phone, in someone's home, or my house JUST HELPING PPL. But on this day no one is around... So I sit here and write to no one in particular hoping to find solace. I smile just a little, as my security word is affection.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 27, 2012
I just felt I should also write something down. I am always scared to say how I really feel. I feel so lonely and depressed. I think my parents feel that I am disappointing them but I still feel I am still young (I am 28 today) although I have a wife and a son who I love so much. My wife loves me and that makes me happy but I wish life would have been more than money. Business is very bad for me and I do not have any friends anymore (I got some wishes on my blackberry messenger from "friends" and only cos I actually said today was my birthday). I am glad my wife is still supportive and I hope things get better for us that is one thing I ask God, "Please provide me money to take care of my wife and son" I cant believe that all my business proposals get turned down. Enough of boring you with my sad life. Happy Birthday to everyone celebrating and ME!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 20, 2012
I'm 24 now, I'm getting old but I feel like I am a teenager, I have to admit it I feel sad because I don't have a special someone to greet me and some people don't take me seriously. Well in life we don't need to rush things also, life is too short to be happy. God bless us all.
Another birthday
Saturday, May 12, 2012
I'm 16 now and I've realized I've changed a lot this year... but not enough to keep a smile throughout the day. happy birthday to me and everyone else ! ;D
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 10, 2012
Its my 36th birthday today! woopie. I need to change into a career or job I like rather than do unsatisfactory work according pay. I also want to start vlounteering etc in my community. I truly believe I am smarter and wiser than ever before. Now if only I could get back into the same shape I was a decade ago. LOL.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 09, 2012
I turned 15 today.. feeling quite old. not a child anymore.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 08, 2012
I turned 28 today! Wow last time i remember really partying on my bday was in 2006 with my good old gang. :-) Moved elsewhere, and the bdays never seemed to matter anymore.. Anyway I'm Happy today. Yeehaw :-D
varuag B
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 06, 2012
I turned 24 today. I am still a virgin...not big deal really though, ppl suck usually. From today I pledge to achieve bankai :) in everything I do before I turn 25. And a very happy birthday to me. PS: FUCKING RECAPTCHA made submit this 3
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 02, 2012
Mashallah today I am 15, I feel old. I don't have my rabbit no more, and I hope I get lots of money today. I got my first A* in Biology before I turned 15. Sixteen is now just around the corner.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
its my bday! im happy to have lived another year with all the bad and the good that has happened and it yet to come
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 22, 2012
Its my birhday today, just turned 28 and my life is not what I imagined it would be. My hubby decided to celebrate my bday yesterday bcoz he's busy today, but even that was rubbish. He spent all day on the phone n laptop, we only went out to pick up my cake. I slaved in the kitchen cooking for him n dats it. I was planning to enjoy my day today wid the kids bt pouring down wid rain here in manchester. I really want to enjoy myself today maybe I will. I deserve it, happy birthday to me!
girl somewhere random in the world
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 19, 2012
guess what its me again :) girl somewhere random in the world.. hmm it should be woman by now.. lol okay I really think this site has become a tradition, 3 years in a row woohoo! Im turning 21! wow seems like yesterday I came to this site and complained about turning 19.. ahahah I canr help but go awww that silly girl.. so how was the year? well I did wish myself some joy but sadly the opposite aplied.. I didnt like the courses in uni, I became really depressed, and therefore failed my class.. so here I am again, doing absolutely nothing, just waiting for fall where I start school again. a new one that is.. this year really did suck babdly, but I found out what I wanted to do with my life that must count for something! I have a couple of things hidden from my family, lets just say they are religious nutjobs and I am a secret atheist/agnostic.. I am living a lie but I have hope, I realy hope that by the time next year where I will come back to this site I will feel content, happy and finally say that I have lived! that I am being me and not some charade! 21, 21, 21.. its a big one but no one seems to have noticed.. my mom hasnt remembered it thus far nor any other of my family members, only one friend sent a short text saying congrats.. I feel like I should be celebrating it but im all alone in my room infront of the screen talking to you guys.... well fuck this shit.. I think im going to sing a b day song for myself, watch my fav movie, make a nice meal and love myself for who I am.. I am strong, I am good as I am! so dear me happy fucking birthday to you! you deserve the best! seeya next year guys :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 28, 2012
Turning 20 today!!!!!!!!!!!!! goodbye teenage life and hello adulthood..... uh............. wait nooooo :( well its not too bad bring on the adult partys ;P
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 27, 2012
To anyone who’s reading this because today is your birthday I sincerely wish you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Feel good about yourself after all this day is all about YOU! Life gets harder, people come and go and at times loneliness overcomes... but on this day I want you to smile :) I am turning 20 btw. I wonder where life will take me
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 24, 2012
Yeah, so it's finally here again. That one time in the year when you think, "hey... I've grown". My birthday. 24th March 2012, celebrating the fact that I've been alive for 15 yrs. Well it's not exactly celebrating since I have so much homework/studying to do that I don't have time to have fun :( Sad right? Yeah... But oh well, I've got all my friends around the world wishing me a happy birthday and that, makes me happy and I'm grateful for all I've gained in these 15 years :) One more thing, happy birthday to everyone for whenever your birthday is! ;)
It's My Birthday Too
Thursday, March 22, 2012
Reading the other responses on this page make me realize what an incredibly fantastic life I have. Pretty amazing. Happy birthday, me!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2012
can't believe i'm 30 today!!!! i still feel like a teenager, i don't feel any older or more grown up! 30!!!! OMG!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2012
I'm 21, don't have many friends, I have an amazing boyfriend Nobody fights there battles anymore, Everybody's got to fight but nobody's got there dukes out. So what do you expect? F*CK YOU You have to work to put a smile on. :)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 08, 2012
It's my 26th birthday, I hate getting older even though I don't feel any older. 30 IS NEXT!!!! I should have called in sick but I didn't so here I am letting the world know today is my birthday and I will cry if I want to......Peace out y'all...happy birthday to you!!!!! AND ME!!!! xo -ONE
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 25, 2012
knock knock .whos there ? oh its my past again did they past 365 days so fast . well what to do you can take my 23 th year with you but i will always keep the good memorys, the new friendships and try to learn from my mystakes and try not do them again this year bye . knock knock whos now ? oh hallo present . whats this box a gift .oh its my 24 year i can wait to open it and find out whats inside
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 23, 2012
tug!tug! my heart says haha i dont know to do! im turning 19 in 2hours last teen years and we need to celebrate!! party harder:)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 23, 2012
Last year of being a teenager today, not so sure how I feel about that...
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
My Bday today, i'm 20 :o, times gone fast, in a happy place but still feel something is missing, for all you people who are upset, just wanted to say sorry, sorry when you've want to hear it, but never did, through the hurt, pain i'm sorry. There really is more to life, bit like a game of hide & seek xxx Always happy birthday fellow bday twins loads of love Bee x
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 22, 2012
I never feel like celebrating my birthday, it freaks me out and I don't know why. I wish I could react "honestly" different to these feelings, but I never have been able to.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
I randomly put this into google and I'm surprised at what I found... well, I've turned 31 today, woke up with my amazing girlfriend, opened some cards and had some cake. I've found the number of people texting and wishing me a happy birthday has reduced, but thats because I'm happy with the number of close friends I have and don't feel the need to expand my 'inner circle', I have no great fortune to speak of, I was a d*ck for most of my 20's but I'm the happiest I have ever been. Happy birthday to those that share this day with me :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 20, 2012
Its mu birthday today and it sucks. Missing the girl who doesn't even care to wish me.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 16, 2012
I turned 23 today. No happy birthday song. No cake, not even a cup of coffee! My girlfriend used to remember my birthdays! But we broke up a month ago! the worst part is i'm having a mid-term exam in the next 3 hours!
It's His Birthday
Monday, February 13, 2012
A year and a half ago we had a fight. He lives 13 hours away from me so all we had was the phone and occasional visit. He said some vicious things to me and my husband (not his father) and after I told him I thought he owed us both an apology he said he would not apologize to my husband (which would have caused a life of tension if he didn't) and never to speak to him again. I was taking "my new husband's" side over his (my son). I helped support him for 27 years, the last 10 through periods of drugs and unemployment and the fight was because I told him he really needed to pull his life together. So it's been almost two years and I am just whispering in my heart, "Happy Birthday and I love you Nick".
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 11, 2012
It is is 1.06am and this is 12th of feb, 2012.Today is my birthday an im turning 23.I am happy because some of them who are truely close to my heart have all wished me.howerv i hav this feeln tht the no. of xpected frnz wishin me on my bday are gradually reducing every year.thatz scary and leads to a dark state of loneliness.Dunno if this is called growing up..!!anewaz i am still happy that i hav some of them with me...cheerz to my life...n cheers to dis day...peace.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 05, 2012
I turned 24 today. I woke up with my eyes pasted bc i fell asleep crying and I cried some more today. Birthdays are suppose to be happy but I feel sad. However, I went to church, took communion, and prayed that God will take me out of this depression. I feel okay now. Thanks to my friends that reminded me of a lot of things that i should be happy about. I'm going to dinner at 6 with them. I'm content with this day. Glad I found this site!
Happy B'day mulle!!
Saturday, February 04, 2012
Thinking about the past, and looking forward to the future.. Turned 26!!! Happy B'day to me :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 04, 2012
It's my birthday today.. I am 28.. It feels weird.. hope its a better year for me.. I pray for my dreams to come true :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 31, 2012
Today is my birthday and I'm turning 20 :) I'm looking forward to what's ahead of me and here's to surviving another year.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 28, 2012
I'm 24, still an undergrad, single, a handful of family problems to deal with, just trying to be the sane and stable person I pretend to be.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
I'm 11 today yay loads of old people come here 44 old lady/man
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 23, 2012
Today is my 21st b'day, and I feel depressed that I'm getting older though, and that I haven't managed to find a satisfation or a goal in life
Rainbow Anne
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 16, 2012
Your birthday is what You make of it. Decide to be happy. Arrange to do something that you will enjoy - invite your friends, loved ones and family. Treat them. You will have a ball. Its my birthday today, I have had text messages and face book messages and post coming in all day, I am 44 and seperated, my 4 kids have all (almost) left home, but I can't think when I have felt more surrounded by love. You only get 1 chance at life - live everyday to teh max and fill your life with happiness beacuse that is the way you have decided to live it.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 15, 2012
Hello lovely people!! I turn 21 today.. this is my first birthday where I am celebrating alone.. But that's cool.. I loved the time when my family wished me at exact 00:00 o'clock.. :) I feel blessed. I wish God to bring more Happiness and love to this Universe. Have fun guys..
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 14, 2012
soo. it's my birthday like after 25 minutes. turning 17. I feel far no special attention. we'll see if my birthday is forgotten..or I will get some kind of surprise. which i doubt about. I don't know why but before my birthday and at that special day I feel depressed, I always cry. I cried my eyes out today because I have a feeling that no one cares about me. so yeah..happy birthday to me.
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 13, 2012
I am 13 years old Today nd its sooooooooooooo nice i can't wait to see my big borther. To all the people out there may God be with uuuuu. love u all, maw thanks
Friday, January 13, 2012
Today is my 21st, 12:30pm the day is still short, I feel depressed that I'm getting older though, and that I haven't managed to find a satisfation or a goal in life
construction worker
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 03, 2012
So my birthday is in 14 days. and i am already feeling depressed about it. I will be turning 25 this year. I have never actually had a adult birthday party. in high school i dated someone 6 years older than me. and she did not like me hanging out with my friends er maybe it was more she didn't want to hang out with them what ever. Anyways that lasted 3.5 years than i jumped right into another 3.5 year relationship and the same situation.I have been single for the last year now. So now its been 8 years sense high school And i don't actually have a single friend. my days consist of going to work for 14 hours and then going home and doing nothing. I am depressed all the time and when it comes to my birthday there is REALLY nothing i want more than to be surprised by someone. setting ANYTHING at all up for my birthday. But i know it will just be another birthday by my self. Christmas and New years both just passed and again. i spent new years by my self and Christmas with my family. And not a single person called or text to wish me a merry or happy Christmas or new years. I could plan some kinda activity for my birthday but i have no one to invite,
It's Not So Bad
Thursday, December 29, 2011
Today is my birthday. Nothing special, just that since I removed my birthdate from my facebook profile, I didn't get bombarded by the obligatory wishes from "friends" this year. I did, however, get HB texts and calls from my TRUE friends, the ones who don't need reminders. To those of you boo-hooing about another year and no friends to celebrate it with, let it go. Enjoy the spontaneity of doing whatever you want: it's your day! See a movie, shop, eat your favorite food, bake your own dessert, drink your favorite drink, visit your favorite places/people. Just remember people are not mind readers. Make your own happiness! Celebrate every day! BTW, I'm 42 today, I still look like I'm in my 20's, and my health is excellent.That's all that matters. :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Today is generous day....Why? Because someone allowed you to live today. Aswell as the rest of you life. Today I am 20 years old. Crazy how time blows by. Tommorrow might not be there, lets live hard tonight, and not give up on those deep dreams. It sucks not being able to be with your friends and family on your birthday....and christmas is gonna be just as worse, BUT remember there are people that have it worse right this moment.
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 19, 2011
Its my birthday today and no one got me a card or a birthday present my family dont care about me, and I lost all my friends due to my x partner who did not like me having any friends, now I have to start all over again and make new friends which is really hard. I feel so sad and its my birthday.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 15, 2011
my 33rd birthday is coming up and i have always been told i looked 20 or 26 but now my birthday is coming on 21st of december and what msg do i send to my friends to invited them to my birthday? need help send me ideas please appericate it p.s. i cant believe im 33 its sinking in slowly
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 14, 2011
It's my birthday today :) chuffed to still be alive. 19 years I've been treading this earth.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Its my 32nd birthday and nobody remembered Im afraid Ive lied about my age so long they forgot about my birth all together! I agree with most of the other writers ,Every year I wait for a surprise of some sort and I get a suprise alright suprised everyone forgot!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Just wanna say Thank You to all the people who remembered me on my birthday! Im so blessed to have u guys! Thank you Lord Im alive and healthy, I am enjoying my job for the first time, lots of crazy friends, an ever-loving boyfriend Robby Cruz and a supportive family! Im so excited this year :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
today I am 35. I came home from work at 9 pm. There was no dinner prepared and I startet a fight. I said there is no point in cooking now since it will be too late to eat when dinner is ready. And now we go to bed hungry. Each year I wish for jewellry, but never get it. Let' see what it's gonna be this year. I always look forward to my bdays but then.. I want some nice planned activity, some attention and a nice gift. But I am always disappointed. I could do the planning myself, but that does feel neglected, too. And I wolnder: Am I any better or just a self absorbed cow?

(Editor's notes: Maybe next year you should make it clear what you want for your birthday.)

It's My Birthday - Nov29
Monday, November 28, 2011
Another day another year. I turned 35 as of today. Woke up to a crisp morning which blossomed into a bright, sunny day. Life is good. Ah well, it seems good enough for me anyway. I would have liked to go mountain climbing today, but its a work day. Guess the mountain have to wait till the weekend. Got the birthday wishes from my family and friends, nothing on facebook though. It can't be anyway as I am not on facebook. So good wishes to everyone and thanx to the developers of this page. Now I go back, pretending to do some productive work while I kill away the hours browsing the net, waiting for the evening when we celebrate the occasion with booze and pizza!! Booze and Pizza .... hmmm not the best thing I guess. But then, good enough for me. Cheers!!
sad and lonely
Today is My 24th Birthday
Saturday, November 19, 2011
Last year for my birthday i had to work all day and night. This year my close friends forgot my usual..and the guy ive been with has been so uncaring this week and ive been upset..i was hoping he would take off work and spend it with me but instead he works all day and forgot about my bday as well...and now i feel so depressed. I hope one day i am able to do something fun on my birthday. now its just me and my mom so maybe we will do something together.. 24 isnt it suppose to be exciting? yet i feel so lonely
Wednesday, November 16, 2011
It doesn't feel like my birthday.
It's My Birthday on the 10th
Tuesday, November 08, 2011
Yay my birthday on the 10th nov (born 1998) feel so excited!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 07, 2011
14 today..... where's the spark? :(
The B'day Girl
I'm officially 31 now
Saturday, November 05, 2011
Today is my 31st Bday and it's just feels like another ordinary day.. Nothing special, no bday cake, no presents, just sitting in front of my computer trying to reply all the birthday wishes on my FB.. I did replied all of them, since I don't have another thing to do.. I'm broke!! !@#$%!!#
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 05, 2011
it's my birhtday and for some reason it doesn't feel as special as it usually does :'( i don't mean to sound greety but i just feel like nothing is the same anymore...don't u all feel like that when you turn 14?
It's My Birthday tomorrow
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
So tomorrow's my birthday... I don't mind my birthdays... I try spoil myself in some small way. What stresses me though is what to do to celebrate with friends. I know I'm lucky, I have some very good friends who want to do something with me for my birthday and I know I'd be sad if I didn't. But somehow it feels like a big stress and I feel guilty asking people to do something on account of me. Wish I could enjoy that part more. Still I'm gonna enjoy tomorrow and not worry about that till the weekend!!! Happy Birthday to any other November babies out there!
Latasha sharay holder
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 02, 2011
MY Birthday now is November 20 in that is on a sum i wish it could be on a Friday now i am so mad but i hope i will have alto of fun on that day come i cant wait to it get here i will be 20 but i don't look like it i like i am 13 now
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 29, 2011
Worst ever, broke and alone in a state separated from family and friends. Hate birthdays and holidays. I'm 19 today and no one remembered except my mother who sent me a card last week.
Birthday Girl
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Hey everyone, it's my birthday today (26/10/2011) and I am 41. Last year was the big 4-0, this year is quieter but it's been wonderful getting phone calls, sms, emails and visits at work from family, friends and colleagues. In case you're not sure you are loved, a birthday certainly proves it :) Everyone that matters to me has contacted me, and it's very special. I am in South Africa, it's a beautiful Summer day, I will leave work a little earlier, then have an exercise class (yes, at 41 it's important to keep fit and healthy) and after that, dinner with my boyfriend who is my best gift this year (dating 1 year). Wishing anyone else who has a birthday today many blessings and may you have an awesome day and year ahead. Best Wishes, from Sunny South Africa xxxx
It's My 15th Birthday !!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, October 22, 2011
15 alreadyy :-)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 22, 2011
Im 30 today, What I know , life is short. The day you are at your end you've better be ready :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 21, 2011
i've turned 20 this year..n i am not sure wat i am feeling...its weird how time has moved dat much..i wonder wat will chnge this life has been on a route to chnage since last 3 years!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 11, 2011
m turning 17 today.......n m having a really snappy crapy lonely birthday.... got my exams....gotta prepare for my maths exam which is due day after tmrw.... : (
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 09, 2011
today is my birthday. i had to work 415 to 815, but ended up being til night is ruined...i cant sleep now, i cant help but feel lonely and sorry for myself that i have nothing to show for myself, friends that dont care, every year i hope and wish that this is the year someone will make it special for hasnt happend yet. today i am 20...and i feel 30...
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 06, 2011
Time is fast but it lies, 7th of October just a normal day, a gloomy day as usual. Still I feel a strange melancholy. I am beginning to feel old ƒ¼ ƒ¼ ƒ¼ mainly because I am yet to achieve what I thought I would have been by this time. All I can think is that I am a Work in Progress & another year has ticked away. I was passive & laid back for the previous years. I hope that my job is now a career (and not my life). So much had changed ever since but as of this moment I am happy, I am glad that I made it to survive for another year. Still I am so thankful, for my growing family, for a handful of not so CRAZY friends, for a busy career, for a never ending deadlines, for EVERYTHING! I know that God will give me more & I am thanking Him in advance. The ¡§title¡¨? I believe it¡¦s not NO, maybe It¡¦s not NOW. I know He will give me the shot in due time. I¡¦m gonna hit the mark! I am persistent & I will never say never. Though I¡¦m single. I am not a half waiting to be made me whole. I¡¦ll be fine!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 01, 2011
WOW! its my birthday today, oct 2, 2011. I'm sOoooooooooo hApPYyyyy...even though.. im all alone...because still God stay with me.. im blessed..' HAPPY BIRTHDAY 2ME.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 25, 2011
i turned 19 now, i must be HAPPY today.. ahehe love my self
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 04, 2011
It's my birthday today, I'm 26. I remembered this page from last year when I found it by accident, haha. So... I guess I should be happy with the way my life progressed in this past year. I'm in the city of my dreams and I know more about myself and about what I want from life. Yay for me! And happy birthday to all of us :))
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 13, 2011
my boyfriend did a very romantic thing to me. he sent me a bouquet of roses and a cute teddy bear. Im just lucky to have him. I love him so much!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Today is my 26th birthday, another year has passed which would usually be a downer but it's been a great year. My boyfriend sent me a dozen yellow roses to my office, where I have a job I love. Went ice skating last night with my little brother and get to see my brother, parents and nanna tonight. Happy birthday to all my August peeps, I hope your year has been as wonderful as mine! xox
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 11, 2011
well its my bday turning 23, so have a happy bday to me..yeheyy!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 11, 2011
I am 54 today, and this is my worst birthday ever.
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 29, 2011
I'm gonna be 19 tomorrow!!! yay! I 'm gonna enjoy my last year as a teen! Happy Birthday to me! :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
oh wow 59 today, 6o next year, where did those years go, can remember feeling old when I got to 29!. Life is great, love all those close to you, try to ignore the bad bits
Himanshu Vohra
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
I don't know why i am so sad at my every birthday. i am turning 18 today and everyone so happy except me. I have lot of friend but still i feel so alone :(
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 18, 2011
Feel empty, its like ..."Just another day...."
Thursday, July 14, 2011
I don't really know why I should celebrate getting older. After having forgotten that I'm 21 and then being reminded I've been thinking a lot about aging and how annoying it is. I know 22 isn't much yet, but I don't like it. Anyways, have a nice day all of you! This page is cool :¤).
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 11, 2011
20 today. Doesn't feel like it, but then again what is a birthday supposed to even feel like? Keep forgetting it's my birthday. All I've been thinking about these past 2 hours is college debt...
Phoebe S
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 01, 2011
Hello again! haha it's my 6th year doing this and today is my Sweeet Sixteen :D aha i love reading through all the past birthdays and everything! HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYBODY & I HOPE ALL YOUR DREAMS COME TRUE! :D JHW ¢¾
27 Is The Magic Number
Monday, June 27, 2011
Indeed, it's my twentieth today, but when is the Editor's birthday, I wonder?
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Today is my 19th Birthday!!! Feels like five minutes ago I finally reached the 18 milestone... ah how time flies. Incredibly depressing that life is going by so quickly,but I'm told life doesn't really begin till you'rein your mid twenties anyway. Here's hoping! happy birthday everyone!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 16, 2011
53 today, feeling old and slow , it's been raining here for two months, and that's after 5 months of winter, no wonder I feel like crap...... oh ya and I'm sitting here bored at work , explains why I am here on this site I guess. Enough whining , if someone gets me some cake maybe we can smile (while I gain another pound or two) lol
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 10, 2011
happY biRthday tO me and I am so extremelly over excited !!! :) Today iS speciaL the wheather iS wOnderfull ,nice aNd sUnnY

(Editor's notes: Ask for a new "Caps Lock" key for a gift.)

It's My 21st Birthday
Saturday, June 04, 2011
whoa. i remember the first time i discovered this site which was just last year when i was feeling strange about not being a teenager any longer! and whoa. how much has changed every since. and i'm not one who likes massive change and goodbyes. but as for this very moment, i am happy. i'm glad i made it and that i survived 21 years. will have a cozy lunch with the family and having dinner with my friends later tonight. should be good, and i am excited, world!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Its my birhday tonight, and i simply dont know how to feel about it. Im turning 19, and this year brought many strange things into the vicinity of my general exsistence. Music became more alive, love became more relevant, and my studying is going great. Still i feel a strange melancholy. Socially its been fairly good too. For the first time i have been hosting a few parties, and they actually went great! And also I bought a sixpence.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
i'm 23 today. i feel old, need to remind myself that i'm really not that old, must appreciate my youth. got a few posts on facebook, but no party, no presents, no friends, i'm all alone :(..
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 06, 2011
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 03, 2011
Im 52 today may 3rd it would be nice if my grown sons reconized it..they never would be nice to hear happy birthday mom
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 02, 2011
Mashallah today is my 14th birthday my brother left me a game next to my bed and my little sister gave me a present. In the morning I found out Bin Laden's dead. Hope I still have my rabbit next year as well. Hope my cousins come with money as well.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
its my birthday today, im 14 :), happy birthday to anyone else whos birthday it is :D :D tbh tho my friends aree cooler at the birthday thing than my family sometimes :LL xox
39th Birthday!
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Yee Hah! What a great year I've had and another fab birthday today. My boyfriend is now my fiance, my job is now a career with a future [and not my life], Paul's girls are now my future step-kids and I love him and them, my beautful parents and my idosyncratic but wonderfully loyal friends! I know I am lucky, and I will enjoy it to he max while it lasts :o) Happy birthday to you all too! The next I sign in, I'll be 40 - yikes...! Rx
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 21, 2011
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 20, 2011
Yup, 39 today, glanced at a few of the other 30 somethings and most seem disappointed at where they are, yet happy to at least BE where they are, I can definately sympathize! Anyway, happy birthday to me and to all you other good souls. C ya next year!
girl somewhere random in the word
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
sooooo its me again :) one yearv has passed, much has happened, i graduated, became unemployed,then welfare, then became a substitute teacher. next is starting in university yayyy :D cat wait,,,,, this year has been full of surprises good and bad, though mostly bad :-( ... ohh well goodbyy teenageyears, hello adulthood :-) im 20 cant believe it, i feel 17 lol,... guess were always a kid on the inside... soo i guess this site will become my little secret tradition hehe :) hope this next year is going to be good :-) goodbey beautiful people, see yaa next year :-*
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 15, 2011
Its my Birthday !!! WHOO WHOOO !! Im 28 today feels like im 21 love my life and everyone it !! Happy Birthday to ME !!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 09, 2011
I turned 24 today! Eek. And i'm soooo sad and depressed. Time has flown by and i'll be 50 in next to no time! I feel like i should have achieved a number of things by now. Once i stop moping around i think i will start living my life as if it's the last. Going for a nice meal with friends 2nite as well, and having a bbq with family so hopefully should cheer up later!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 26, 2011
yay yay its my birthday and happy birthday to everyone else if its your birthday too!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Its my birthday today. i am 22 years old and actually forgot until i was in a lecture and wrote down the date. I don't really do the whole "its me birthday!" plather of stuff - not because i don't believe in it - it's just i'm a bit shy about that kind of thing. Just got home to 2 of my flatmates. They had got me cards and iced 22 buns. I know this sounds sad but it makes you feel warm inside when stuff like that happens - not cos its your birthday (only 40 odd years till retirment lads!) but the kindness of people! happy birthday every1!
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 25, 2011
Its my birthday, a day of reflection and a day of hope for the future....I'm 37 today..... wow, still feel like a 16 year old. As birthdays go its going ok....Still waiting on that magical thing thats supposed to happen to you on your birthday....You never know, its early yet!!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 25, 2011
turning 21 tomorrow! not sure what to think. i was sick for the past few days and my plans were all ruined. no seeing friends and need to catch up on school work. i'm so bored. :C
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
yay its my birthday today, im 14 but im not doing anything and i wont see my mum or dad :(
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Its my 21st today.... Hmm thought of the day: "only 19 years until i'm 40" wonderful ay!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
It's my birthday, and I feel invincible, and like I can do ANYTHING. You're only young once!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 10, 2011
my bday in 2 days......
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 03, 2011
im 25 today, half way to 50! got my partner, my flat and my car so im quite far along the life path! so why is there still a hint of depresion in the air? Probs miss the freinds i use to party with all the time, until the bills came along!
koova da hoova
2nd of february my b-day
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
i got lots of prezzies 2day it was immense but in fucced off coz i really want facebook and havent got it yet grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr o well im 12 2day nearly 13 woop woop my breasts are finally growing in cant wate lol im jokin ha ur all fat head translate da fat bit into german and dats what u lot r idiot xxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Yay!!! It's my birthdaty I turned 26 today. I feel much younger thaqn I am. I'm very spoiled today. My husband bought me this computer, my mom got me a bu nn coffee maker, my sister got me a sweet apren & some new clothes. I recently got a nrepuppy. I'm lovin life!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
so yeah its my birthday today it's nearly 1 in the morning. what can i is just so mixed. i hope people have remembered it's my birthday, i would love a party i know it's not gonna happen, but i would jut love that, but yeah , i'm 16,
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
On your next birthday, I suggest you watch a BBC documentary on Victorian Age mental asylums. I spent the most part of the day fighting back tears, but the evening turned out alright, with apple pie and vanilla ice cream and nice little messages from semi-strangers.
It's 22nd My Birthday ,17th january
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
So its my 22nd birthday today ...never have i felt so misarble to be experiancing life this way I woke up today at a hotel with my bf it was a sweet thought.. then he gets me breakfast in bed which I enjoyed at 6 am I turn the tv on & today the 17 th is considerd blue monday ..blaaah im a solar capricorn so I already felt that coming on , im watching a cdn tv show and its about war breaks my heart , then i watch another on sbbc they gave out 25$thusnd too two voulanteers working abroad and in the country plus an additonal 10$thousand too each of the remaining contest that made me happy flipped the chanel and world vision is on breaks my heart a little more ....i wish that humanity was more peacful and considirate of the human feelings which burden us homosapiens the most so I think since other speices cant fully express their feelings as well n clear as us, I wish all humanity could experiance the chemicals the same way as the elite dose minues the guilt iif they have anyé.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
I need to stop cheating on my boyfriend. i love him. If i want things o work out i need to grow up not just older!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 15, 2011
yay its my birthday! im 15...ive notced most people posting here are 13-25. Happy birthday to the rest of yous. And if your young, one reason to live is to see waht happens next. My saying is : theres a reason for everthing. and its true. you look back and you see this led to this which led to that. and you may not always see the good in it now but later you will.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 13, 2011
It's my birthday today, January 13. I am 40 something... I think 48. I don't want to figure it out exactly...I am pretty sure it is 48. Well, I think I'm going to let my hair turn gray this year. I don't want to look like an old guy with dark died hair. I don't feel old? I kid around with kids still. I like a good laugh. Hopfully I feel this way when I turn 60...then that would be old or I guess that would be old. So I have ten more years to do things I have always wanted to do. The good thing is that I now have the resources to do the things that I always wanted to do. Well, here is some advice for you younger guys. Do all the adventure stuff before you turn 40 and buy the sports car when your in your late twenties; you don't want to be the old guy driving the Porshe. Take care of your knees, your body needs them...they will eventually wear out.. Try not to purposely injure your body. Watch your weight and don't forget to love yourself. Because other than your mom, nobody ever will. Love your family - Mother Father Brothers they will always be there when every thing fails. Believe in God don't try to be smarter than religion, after all someone had to create the universe. Many happy bithdays to all!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Today, 12th of my birthday!!!!!! I also just turned 24, I feel as though I should be on my way to doing something by now, but such is not the case. I can't believe that 24 is only 364 days away...365, actually- thank goodness for leap years... Today I have received many kind wishes for my birthday and allow me to make a humble “THANK YOU” For all the people who remembered me for those who have sent messages , chator e-mails; they are really appreciated. You who took time out from your otherwise busy day You who stopped awhile, left me a message and did say, My dear friend, Aiza Lyn, I wish you a very “Happy Birthday”! It's not that I'm afraid of growing old. I'm afraid of growing wide. Is treasured, never forgotten, forever appreciated and cherished as priceless
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
i am soooooooooooooooo happy it's my birthday and i just turned 13 i'm a teenager i can't belive it it felt like yesterday i was just a kid and if anybody is turning 13 i wish them luck to go through the big skip!!!!!! :) Ps: is anybody born on the same day as i and that is turning 13? if so i hope they have a nice bday!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
I remember when I turned 13...I was so excited to be officially a teenager. Now I'm turning 15. It feels so crazy that in 6 months I'll be able to start driving.
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 07, 2011
it's my bday i am 14 years old and i love havin presents but sadly i have none yet hopefully i will in a bit i am the first up
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 02, 2011
OMG!!! I turned 13 just less than 8 hours ago. I cannot believe I am a teenager. I had a fabulous day - including re-designing my room. ily mum <3 xxx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
I just turned 29 and i'm feelin'...... BLAH just another day lol Happy Birthday to ME!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 19, 2010
It's my birthday today, I've turned 27!!! Beginning to feel old :( mainly because I am yet to achieve what I thought I would have acheived by the time I reached this aged. Oh and my facebook "friends" suck, not even 5% have acknowleged my birthday! Anyways, I'm grateful for God giving me life thus far and pray he guides me so I reach my full potentials. Ps I wish I was a summer baby....
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 19, 2010
hey, its my birthday, im 29 and i feel like...... well like im getting close to 30!!!!!!!! im at the moment alone actually not completly alone my 3 kids r here, fast asleep in there own bedrooms, my cats sleepin and hubs doin a nite shift so im not alone in the house bt im alone. another thing that gets to me is i share my birthday with my nephew, who is 1 today which makes me feel worse as now i hav to share the attention. im dreading the morning bcuz my mum (nephews grandma) wants us all 2gether as a family so we can celebrate in "style" with maybe a 3 balloons with 29 on them, and the rest ov the room decorated in iggle piggle stuff how exiting!!!!!!! then cums the evening spending it with the galz bt not lookin forward to that as 2 ov the gals had a tiff on friday and i think r hating each other, so how im goin to keep the atmosphere calm god only knows!!!!! so yeh................ happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! im xited:(......opps :)
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 19, 2010
i feel like, not so happy! im alone in my bed, partners at work, phones been goin barmy since midnite, amazing how every1 rememebers to txt on ur birthday at midnite and not wish u again when they see u in the morning!!!! and if they do its a "oh happy birthday" thats all, where as the midnite txt is so heart touching so sincere and nice!!! hmmmm oh well happy birthday all u guys that share a birthday with me!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 18, 2010
It is my birthday! I would rather be somewhere hot sitting on a beach with a big umbrella, a book and a drink. I wanted children before a got to this age but it hasnt happen. I pray that God will bless me with a child before my next birthday! I love my family and they are always kind to me on my birthday. My husband remembered my birthday but for 6 years he has never given me a surprise on my birthday because he says he doesnt like surprises. If my husband doesnt take me out for my birthday I will go out with my friend to hear her band.
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 17, 2010
im officially 17 on 17th! damn. i was expecting too much from someone. hoping that i could spend the day with him. but i guess i expect too much! until i didnt do anything fun or atleast something amusing for my birthday. &it turned out BADDDDDDDDDDD! this sucks!
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 17, 2010
I'm 19 today, All I wish for this year is not to be treated like a kid and a Ferrari car lulz.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 15, 2010
I just turned 23 nine minutes ago. Today I have a 3hr long exam which I am not prepared for. I won't get to celebrate properly until the weekend. I feel okay though. I let go and made a firm decision to start this year of my life off with a clean slate. Now I'm gonna go have a great nights sleep and hopefully go for a few drinks with some friends after this exam. Hitting the town for celebrations on Friday night. Happy Birthday to me :] x.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
today is my 18th birthday. unfortunately it's bittersweet. my boyfriend is away at college, and considering that it's a tuesday, i'm stuck at home doing stupid homework. Although this sucks, i am very lucky to have my family, who went out of their way to make this a special day. My best friends also helped me celebrate by going out to lunch with me. Hopefully 18 turns out to be as much fun as it's worked up to be!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 04, 2010
its my birthday nobody to spend it with. :( my boyfriend is working late tonight from 3 until 12 in the morning i dont have a job yet .......... and no birthday cake like is so depressing i just wish you were here john
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 02, 2010
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Hey guys i want to say happy birthday to my bestie 'Blondie" she is soooooooooooooooo amazing just the way she is and she is 13 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Today is MINE...I own it, for it gave me life and the ability to do what I do. I ROCK @ 45..CAN'T BELIEVE I LOOK THIS AWESOME. Happy Birthday ME!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Today is my 15th birthday... I can get my learner's! No party though. :D
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 24, 2010
Yeeeeeeeh its my bday, just turned 33 and boy o boy, the small kid inside me is all smiles and bubbly. This small kids in me always come out on each of my bday. I am thankful to God for the gift of another year. I am so happy for all the bday wishes my friends have sent me on Facebook.. they have made me so so happy. Planning to go out for dinner with a friend and i could not ask for more..I am loving my bday.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 21, 2010
I am 31 today, don't know how to feel about that but I have many things to be thankful for and many things I would change. Four beautiful children, a handful of friends, a successful career that I hate. All I can think is that I am a work in progress and another year has ticked away but many more to come. I have come to a revelation lately that I am not living enough...time to become a YES woman!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 20, 2010
My birthday today... sweet 16(sarcastic laugh)... yeah it's gonna be a boring day...
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 19, 2010
woohoo! im 20 :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 19, 2010
yaaaiiiiiyyyy, It's my Birthday!! I'm frikkin 21 now!!! tiiiimmmmeee too paaarrrrtttttaaaaayyyyyy :D
It's My Birthday!
Saturday, November 06, 2010
I turned 13 today i am so happy! going for a big birthday party and sleepover with all my friends CANNOT WAIT! :D
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 04, 2010
its my birthday yay i am 25 x x x
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 04, 2010
13 2day whoohoo!
Lucky Girl
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 03, 2010
It's my b-day, got a blue-ray player from my boyfriend,WHY DO I NEED IT? anyways,i love him! happy b-day to ME :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 01, 2010
its not my birthday!!! beat that
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 29, 2010
I'm 24 today, pretty kick-ass! Pretty much on top of the world
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 28, 2010
56 today, you young wiper snappers, do what youre goin to do, cause before you know it, you'll be 56, good luck
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Today, I'm 14... I'm really happy, because this is the day that I've been waiting for... I'm going to have a birthday party tomorrow and I hope it will turn out well. My parents are not here with me, but they already gave me presents, and I'm so happy about that. I can't wait for my birthday party tomorrow. It's not a huge one, only a small one. :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 18, 2010
I wrote on here this time last year, but this time I'm 20! Yay!
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 15, 2010
14 today! im just so happy! <3
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!!!!!! i'm 16!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 10, 2010
It's My Birthday!!!!!!!! I am finally 18 on 10/10/10 ¢¾ i guess im lucky ;) im just happy to be here. I've been looking forward to this day for years
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 08, 2010
I turned 40 today. No cake, no card, no "happy birthday song" from either my husband of 12 years or my 9 year old daughter. I hate birthdays.
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 04, 2010
I am 17. don't feel very different- age is just a number, right? I am 17 going on 18...(Sound of Music) Soon I'll be able to vote!
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 01, 2010
Time is slow and it lies... October 1st, rainy usual. It makes me feel blue, kind of depressed I'd say. I'm a stoner, and right now im quite high to be honest. I wish today could be over...right now. I just want to be alone, yet have to go out with my friends. I guess I'm just going to drink to make time pass usual. Time is so slow when you think about it. But I realized time lies. Just a normal day..except for the fact that I turn 20 today. I have to do something with my life..and believe me, I am coming back next year to show off =P. If theres one thing I realized today it's that you have to DO SOMETHING if you want your life to change. You need to start planning it right now if you don't want to be 40 and regret everything you did. Okay, my life is a failure right now (not really i got a boyfriend, family and a few friends..though I lost my best friend this year..) but I got time to change it. I was passive for the first 20 years of my life (I watched....) now I got 20 more to show what I learned and be successful with my life. I don't want to fail and I will use each second I can to DO SOMETHING to progress. *go lights a blunt...*
Jesse Telles
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
I'm 28 on the 29th yea i never thought i'd see this day. Next year is my golden birthday. But this year i'm gonna drink it up
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
im 14 today..yay. x
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
I am turning 20! whoo! About to get sideways!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
its my birthday today im 24 and i feel great! got lots of birthday wishes, flowers and balloons delivered :) i feel sorry for that person age 44 who never had a party why dont you organise a party for your 45??
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Im finally 18 today... Gonna tat it up:)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
51 today! Not sure whether to laugh or cry.
14, babah(:
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Today I'm fourteen. Twelve minutes into my birthday. It's weird, I've been looking forward to this day for years, and yet, ever since yesterday when my mom broke out into a fight and she started calling me a horrible daughter and stuff, I cried myself to sleep. I don't mean to sound like a baby, but it was a horrid fight. Any who, ever since that day.. that night, I haven't been looking forward to my birthday, and I'm quite scared for what is to come of today. I feel like a 3rd wheel sometimes, so I don't know if school will be much fun, and my mom I think will make matters worse. Anyways, happy birthday to everybody :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Today is My 25th birthday!! feeling old..wahhhh, time is passing so fast is crazy!! Let's party!!^^
It's My Birthday... :/
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I'm 19 today. I hate my birthday. Something about it is SO depressing. Something about getting older makes me feel like I'm getting less special... Quarter life crisis, I suppose
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 16, 2010
It's my birthday today. I'm 23. I can still remember being 6 years old and playing jump-rope with my sister and playing handball at primary school. C'est la vie. Happ birthday to everyone around the world who's birthday also falls on this day, 17 September 2010. Celina, Brisbane, Australia
Jessica May Heart
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Today I am 36. I am here with my lovely cat, whom I adore. Sometimes I feel like I have achieved very little, and in the eyes of some I have achieved a lot. I don't know what my purpose in this life is, I am the best person I can be, I am as grateful as I can be, I want to love myself more, as I still find it difficult to take good care of me, and to truly honor myself. So from today I pledge to start taking good care of me, and love me. Best wishes to all of you out there and to me!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
its my birthday tomorrow 16
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 13, 2010
Its my 21st birthday in one hour and to be honest i feel somewhat depressed.I keep expecting to go out drinking with all the people i love but my boyfriend is in prison, my friends are all busy and my family is far too boring. I also am having a hard time finding my way in life and college. i guess eventually you just have to say to hell with it and do your own thing. even if its not the ideal american dream. I guess i would rather be poor and simple rather than being to rich and stressed to enjoy it, anyways happy birthday to me

(Editor's notes: Dump your criminal boyfriend, find new friends, and get some self confidence. You'll be far happier.)

It's My Birthday
Monday, September 13, 2010
It's my 24th birthday today. It's also my mom's 50th! I hope she has a beautiful day, and I hope next year I turnn 23 again hahaha. Happy Birthday to Us!!!
It's My Birthday Today :]
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Well today I turn 15. Its hard to believe I have spent 15 years on this Earth already. I want to be optimistic for the future, nonetheless its always the same. I create the picture in my head that the next birthday will be good (not amazing, but to be content with)& then it's always a let down. Maybe my expectations are too high, but when only 1 friend remembers my birthday its gets me thinking- just how many people care about my existence? Another year older; still never been loved.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
It's my birthday, I'm 44 and never had a birthday party. and by the way 44 isn't all that bad. except for not ever having a party.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 08, 2010
I am 33 today, the age of Jesus Christ at his crucifixion (I am an atheist). Which tells me that I should be wise now, and not be upset because I only got 4 birthday wishes in facebook. I am happy, but anxious: I haven't achieved all that I want and I feel I am late for everything (career, love, etc.) and I am racing before it's even later. I have big plans, even though I'm a little tired. I feel neither young nor old. I just am. Here.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 07, 2010
OMG i'm 37 today ,how i'm doing ,i feel old and out of power but i still fighting to be good in life .no sickness is going to stop my 40 birthday in 3 more years...
iriz birthday
sep.14 2010
Monday, September 06, 2010
hai!!!!matanda na tlaga me i wish on my bday everything will change!!as in and alsa sana mag ka love life n ko joke ekoj lang happy 17th b day 2 me......
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 06, 2010
24 today! This will be the year I make big changes in my life!! Can't allow myself to be in same postion next year! Happy Birthday to anyone else celebrating! x
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 02, 2010
its my birthday today i turn 16, im feeling old :L
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 02, 2010
I'm turning 27 now! It is also the birthday of my Mom! Happy Birthday to us! Hope everything will be okay and will turn out right...
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 01, 2010
Its My Birthday today. I turn 13 today, I'm now a teenager. I hop today turns out special.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Today I am 22. I hate my life. Hopefully I'll just fall asleep and not wake up.
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 30, 2010
I M tUrNing 22 FrM 2dAy. Bt tHeRe Is No AnY fUn LiKe BeFoR iN B'dAy. I wAs HaPpY sTiLl SuM oF mY fReNdS rEmEmBeR iT!!!! I pRoMiSe To ThRoW aWaY mY aLL nEgAtIvE tHiNgS fRm Me N bEiNg A rEAl HuMaN fRm NoW. :)
Yuck 27!
Sunday, August 29, 2010
So yeah it's my birthday today. Why do birthdays always feel disappointing. I know this sounds crazy but 27 really sucks, it means I am getting too close to thirty and i should really know what the hell I'm doing with my life! Scary that i don't really want to do anything, I want to be somebody but i just don't know who that is and i hate being who i am now, i need a better me!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 29, 2010
it's my bday today , jus completed my 25 th rotation arnd the sun . some times i wonder if earth doesn't deteriorate with these rotations then y do i?
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 28, 2010
its my birthday on august 28 im 14 and that about wrap it up. good bye Quack
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
TODAY IS MY 22ND BIRTHDAY! TODAY IS ALSO MY YOUNGEST OF TWO SON'S BIRTHDAY! HE IS ONE! It is an incredible experience. Sharing my special day with one of my special guys!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
It's my birthday today. I turn 24. Im probably not the only person in the world who has their 24th birthday on the 24th of August, but sure wish i was. Im spending the day alone, not out of choice, if only i had a few more friends. My feelings are in turmoil. Caught between celebrating the day of my birth, getting older and really not wanting to, and just having no-one to take me out and spend the day with. It's my birthday today. Just like any other day i think.
Another rotation around the sun for me.
Sunday, August 22, 2010
I'm turning 24 today. It's been about a year since I quit marijuana and alcohol, and klonopins. I feel 5 million times better for doing it though, and would encourage you all to give up the bad habits. I have much more energy and peace now. I've been unemployed for a good stretch now with some minor work in between. In this economy I will just keep on going to university, working is almost not worth the time if you know how to pick up a book. I've been through two, 2 year relationships at this point in my life. Unlike 99.9% of people I now know that love and ego do not mix, that divorce is caused by a lack of friendship, not a lack of love, and I've accumulated more wisdom then most of the elderly. Age itself does not hold any real meaning or existence, I've been 24 years old a million times and now it is time to break the shackles of this cyclic existence and exit this valley of tears...
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Today i turn 17 years old. Damn, i'm not a kid anymore. I hope today turns out well.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Im turning 14 today :)))) but to be honest, I dont really have that Birthday "Thrill" anymore :/
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 19, 2010
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 19, 2010
I'm 20 today. Rang in the day last night high and crying. I always get sensitive when I smoke, but today I still feel hollow. I have friends, family, and I'm working successfully toward a degree in my passion, but none of it feels quite right. I don't connect with my friends, I don't want to rely on my family and I'm becoming more unsure about my degree. I have hope that it will get better, clean and shining inside myself I have hope- but today is my birthday and I feel alone and distant. For my 20th birthday, I think I'm going to try to love myself for real and for the first time in a while. Here's hoping.
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 16, 2010
Today, August 16th, is my birthday, and I feel exactly the same as I did yesterday!
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 16, 2010
Its my birthday i'm 24 today,, just happy to be here gonna make it a good day. Going to the spa and gonna get HIGH..Happy birthday to me :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 16, 2010
I just turned 32. Didnt think I,d make it this far. Life is like a roller coaster. Ups and downs with happiness and fear, laughs and cries. When nobody calls you on your Birthday, dont worry. Every day is a present from God with a brand new opportunity to celebrate Life with Love, do it every day! Thank you Jesus for giving me life again.God Bless you all!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 14, 2010
i just turned 14!!yayyayayayay i cnt stop smiling!!!!!!lalalalalalalalaa =] =] =] =] =] =]
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 13, 2010
I turned 35 today and my life sucks. I am not where I am suppose to be in life. I feel like I am cursed.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 12, 2010
every year i get all excited about my birthday. and every year it just sucks. you'd think i'd know better.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
I am 17 years old today. I want it to be this exciting moment in life... that age of carefree teenage happiness, but I feel no change. Maybe as the day goes on?... or the month .. or the year? I never ever really feel any different.. a number is a number but sometimes I do wish I could feel that... I don't know something. Well even without that feeling I will make it a great day. Or at least I will try! Happy Birthday to me and Happy Birthday to everyone out there whose birthday is on August 10:) because guess what if we have the same birthday that means you must be as cool as me .. lol MUA!
It's My Birthday im 12
Sunday, August 08, 2010
not a teen
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 06, 2010
I knew this day would come. A little over 40 and not a single present. I guess at my age birthdays and Xmas are about giving which is rewarding enough. I did get a cake and have family to share it with :-) Lovely idea for a web page. For all the Leo's out there just over 40 in the words of the cat from Red Dwarf you are Still looking good.... :-) ... and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 06, 2010
well i turn 31 in a few hours, didnt think i would make it this going to get drunk as shit and im going to get help with all my problems today........dont know if this will work out but the other option isnt a good one. CHEERS to getting on meds that i so desperately need
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Well ... it's my birthday ... I'm 38 years old. I am introspective, happy, hopeful, and a little sad. Not sure why I'm sad ... I have friends, family, and a nice boyfriend. I think I saw myself somewhere else when I pictured myself at 38. I need to not let that sideline me from all the good positive things going on. Done. No more sidelining. :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
It's my 18th birthday and all I can think about is that my best friend should have made it here before me or at least with me, even instead of me would be better. I miss her.
Its my birthday today!! im 14
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
its my 14th birthday today wooooohoooooo
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
just turned 19... just gonna chill and have my favorite food haha very exciting
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 03, 2010
Im 17 Today, EveryOne Has Forgot, My Fella Just Got Out Of Hospital, :/ Realie Carnt be Botherd Glad Im Working Now, x Happy Birthday People, x
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 29, 2010
YeaYY the clocks strikes 12 so im officially 21. Happy Birthday to ME :) Been a really really tough year and the best thing i learned is never wait for things to be PERFECT!! they never will be.Enjoy whats in your hand,cuz today is a Gift thats why its called Present :P
Happy Birthday to me!
Monday, July 26, 2010
Today, 26th of July, it's my birthday! I turned 23 and realized year by year it loses its charm for me, if last year i was smiling, this year it's just an ordinary day, i am rather sad and i've nobody by my side. Maybe its because not even my own mother didn't call to wish me a Happy birthday. But i know one thing - the day has not ended! Happy birthday to me and to all of those born on this day :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 24, 2010
yaayy its my brthday today..turned 19!!! SO EXCITED!! =D
It's My 19th Birthday
Friday, July 23, 2010
its an unmeaningful birthday this year.. im in such a bad mood and im sick. fuck.. and i feel that im all alone.. but i like it.. and i randomly have the urge to travel and discover
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I'm 32 and everyone has forgotten again. I am not going to bother mentioning it to anyone and am sure it'll sink in with family members, wife etc later on, and then I can wallow in their guilt !
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
its my 17th birthday today! ever since i was 11 I have cried on every single birthday for various reasons- lets hope we break a tradition this year!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 22, 2010
I'm 16 today :) well its 1 o clock in the morning but later on today.. house party :D:D:D
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Its my 24th birthday! i feel young and pretty :) got a surprise from my dear sister -- big bouquet of red roses! :) well awaiting the special someone in my life who wud send me red roses next year :P Njoy! Birthdays rock!! :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 13, 2010
It was my birthday yesterday - hitting the point between mid-twenties and late twenties - scary! Had a really good day in the end - the people I care for most remembered and negative people - well, fck 'em :D Got a big night out planned and my friends will be there to share and enjoy with me. Happy birthday to me! I hope everyone enjoys their birthday - let positivity shine through for this year and beyond!!!
It's My Birthday on 26 th July
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Greetings.I will turn 19 on this 26th July,but some how I just don't feel like a teen.I have no zest in me. I pose, in front of everyone, to be bubbly and all, but inside I am lonely and very stony.I have lost the friends with whom to share secrets (or maybe I never had them).My interests seem awkward to them, and of late I feel being ignored and left out. Also , it may seem paradoxical but I somehow don't mind it.I am usually enjoy the solitude,but it is just that occasionally, I too would like someone to lend me an ear.I too would want someone to share silly tit-bits with. And all such silly teen-talk,I am come,I agree that I hate it , but once in a while I too wouldnt mind it. I always was a secret-keeper of the group , but I guess ,those secrets were supposedly meant to be exposed, and not kept to ones'-self as I did.. Anyways ,now that I am nearly an adult, I feel so sissy and soft. I cannot say that I want my childhood back ,for till this date ,I have never had any inhibitions about letting the kid in me out , I still go out and play in the rains and sail paper boats and everything such. My only wish is that May Everyone realise that to there is no point in living in inhibitions, no point in behaving as adults(nor is it fun).when everyone wishes to live as a kid then why cant one just do it . Happy Kid's Life mates. See you next year hopefully.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 08, 2010
Wow 43! What i would give to know back when that I know now. The choices I would have made differently, the people I may have never met. Although there are things I may have done differently...this life I've lived has made me the person that I am. A wise man once said, " Life is a lesson ...if you live long enough."
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 06, 2010
My birthday and I'm stuck on bed rest for allergic reaction.. what a lousy way to spend what is supposed to be the best day of the year.. wish i can go to work instead :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 05, 2010
im 19 today. all my friends are busy so i googled its my birthday and my dam phone is broken. i shall watch television today and eat lots of food. mmmm!
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 05, 2010
WOW!!!! I am 35 today. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!! Everyone and all HUMPH!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 05, 2010
YAYAYAYYAYYA so excited its my 14th birthday and my life has been awesome so far. i plan to continue on living it up :) in 2 years im driving!!! YAY!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 04, 2010
lol itz ma bday
Augustine Naveen Raj
It's My 19th Birthday
Friday, July 02, 2010
yahooo i am so happy as today is my birthday. wishing all the guys and girls born with me a verrrrrrry happy birthday
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 02, 2010
It's my birthday. 17 years old. Just a beginning of the wait for the next birthday.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 01, 2010
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It's my 16 birthday today... I've gotten some great gifts from my parents but other than that my "sweet sixteen" hasn't been such a big deal. My mom just asked me to clean the house so I guess that's how I'm spending my sixteenth birthday. But It's ok, my sister, her husband and kids, my grandparents are coming over this evening and that'll be nice. Exept I'm not getting a birthday cake... I guess everyone expects me to celebrate my b-day like an adult now...
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
In ten minutes, it will be my birthday. June 30th. I wonder what my sixteenth year has in store for me. I hope something bigger than the last fifteen years have given me.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Today is my sixteenth birthday, June 27 1994. Man I'm starting to feel old, I'm going to an arts high school next year and dorming there. I'm also getting a monroe piercing today, I'm pretty nervous, but excited. I'm hoping my birthday with my family goes well, family events with my family are always, exciting. Happy birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 26, 2010
Its my birthday today wooooo!!! I am 13. It is annoyin coz the weather forecast was sunny but it is really cloudy :( and i am having a pool party. Oh well at least its not raining -touch wood :P
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 24, 2010
18yrsold....Jeremiah 29:11......

(Editor's notes: "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.")

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
23 today..................................... moving job and city in 3 weeks. terrified.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 23, 2010
It's my birthday today!!!!!!!!! Yahoo....!! Go June 23 , 1996!!^^
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 19, 2010
i am 15 today :) but cba to go out with everyone! LOL! xxx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 16, 2010
I'm 19 today. Last year of being a teenager. I'm excited to finally get the fuck over my teen years. :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
It's my B-Day today....Yippie! It's a another year older, for which I'm truly grateful, to be in the land of the living. Funny though, how I feel when it's my a mixed bag of emotions. In better shape financially, then this time last year, so that's something to really celebrate about LOL! Blessings in this order: God, family, friends, & each & every one of you my brothers and sisters near and far. Happy Birthday to you! Stay healthy & at peace!
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 14, 2010
Well I turned 24 today, I spent all day waiting for it to be a good day but it never really made it. My students were naughty, my friend who agreed to go out with me didn't even know it was my birthday, and then cancelled on me to stay at home with her cat after I already got to the meeting spot. I didn't get anything from my family. I call them from the other side of the world all the time, you'd think they could use skype just once a year to wish me a happy birthday, but they didn't, I tried to call them anyway, but there was no answer. Now I know I should do my homework, but I just want to go to bed so it can be tomorrow, and this day doesn't have to drag on any longer.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 14, 2010
I just turned 24, I want to be 23 again, prime numbers are just so much better
It's My Birthday!!!!!
Friday, June 11, 2010
I'm 18 and I won the lotto today :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
its ma birthday heheheheh
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 08, 2010
Its my birthday tomorrow...And i am so happy because i reached at this age with full of joy and love..i just got married last month...happy birthday to me..oh i am 29 years of age..
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 04, 2010
strange how bored i was that i googled the phrase "it'smy birthday" well beacuse it is. i'm twenty today. it feels odd. it's sad to know that my stupid actions are no longer categorized under the fact that i'm just a teenager, as a matter of fact, from now on every stupid action that i do will be considered stupid. cut off the sad talk and look at the bright side, i'm happy today (:
naini A
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 03, 2010
ahh..its my birthday tomrwww...And today um just waiting for the clock to strike twelve...every year i do..but this time the story is diffrnt..since um turning TWENTY(20)!! but ths time therz sum sort f responsibility in mah mind that um a grown up now...i feell happy that um grown up but within hearts i am missing the childhood fun....i havent askd for nything for my bday from my parents ths time neither i have spread ths this that itz mah bday tmrwww...i just wana see..who are the ppl who think i am valuable to them...letz c who calls up to wish..happie bday nano!!!....i am a grown up...i will alwezz pray god to make me wise so that i can live with a standard in mah life and acheive what i desire.....happie bday to meeee....cherrzz!!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 03, 2010
Im 14 today :) Yaaaaaaay.I dont no why but i feel like im getting to old, like ive lost all my innocence.I had a really great day , went shopping, got alot of gifts and stuff, but the ningling 'getting older' thing has been weighing on my mind. Am I Getting Too Old Too Quick?
D Money
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 31, 2010
so its my birthday today and i turned the good old double dueces... 22 for those of u whom are blind to the beautiful world of the ghetto.. holla at cha girl
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 31, 2010
Im 38 today! I used to love Jesus until i realised he didnt exist. I have all i could want in life yet its so shallow and i feel bored all the ime. i drink too much cos im depressed at getting older and the truth is im a total mess. Follow your dreams friends, but dont let them consume you. Believe in God if it makes you feel good and dont follow the path that i did. I guess the blackness of death is getting ever closer, one day the pain will be gone and the nothingness will consume us all in a void of dark and loneliness. Happy birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
I'm nineteen today. No one cares.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
I guess am lucky that it is my birthday today. Im 33 now and somehow I have this funny feeling the I wont live longer. Anyways, I just pray that I will live my life to the fullest.

(Editor's notes: Life is short, don't waste time praying. Do something useful and you would have lived life to the fullest.)

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Yesterday was my birthday and I have to say it was better than I expected except for one friend who is also my ex did not wish me a happy one and it hurt my feelings. Kept thinking "should I say something to him and if I do what do I say without sounding immature since I turned 34 years old. I prayed about it so I'm sincerely trying to let it go, possibly let the friendship go too.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Its my sweet sixteen - doesn't feel like it. lol. My parents are more interested in my brother's new gilfriend than me.Can't help feeling like crappp!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 15, 2010
today i turn 24, happy birthday to me and everyone else born on this day, i wish i could party hard but i cant cuz i have a freakin exam !!! LAME!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 15, 2010
It's my birthday too, just turned 14 but I'm really bored and have nothing to do until like two hourswhen i go out to dinner :/
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 10, 2010
It's my birthday today! I found this site 2 days before my birthday, because I was googling about trying to find out if there was any point to being 25 and I was feelihg all depressed about feeling old and I thought I come back here and see how I felt on my actual birthday. I've had an okay day, everyone I cared about remembered to say happy birthday. I haven't done anything exciting, I couldn't think of anything to do. I mainly hope that I will be a bit less poor and have more work by next birthday, then maybe I won't feel so insecure about being older. My skin is looking old, is it going to fall off by the time I am 30? I'm sure it didn't look like that last year. Drink more water? I wonder if Ihad more money and I could do something fun, would I want to? I can't tell at the moment. Maybe it's time to stop celebrating them. Everything seems to be about money now, can't do anything without it. I'm bored.
Ashley from the Lou
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 07, 2010
Today im 17!
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 03, 2010
yesss.. its my birthday today! i turned to 17 LOOOL XD! am so happyyyyyyyyyyyy :D:D:D:DDDDD !
✩ It's My Birthday ✩
Sunday, May 02, 2010
dude, so today is my 20th bday & i'm pumped! going to madison to shop & spend some time with the girls, then i'm going to get shitty tonight! haha it'll be saweet! i hope every one else who was born may 2nd, like my friend ali, has a rockin' birthday as well. :-)
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Yeah today I am 13 years old Mashallah. My mates Imran and Kamrul are going to come but I doubt on Kamrul coming. I hate my brother today he thinks he is all it. I just did my Media homework two days ago woohoo. My dad is going to get me a T.V and my mum gave me a fiver. More money expected to come..hahaha. Mashallah.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 02, 2010
Well, today I turned 27. I'm feeling a bit selfish because this is the third year in a row that all of my friends forgot my birthday. I've decided not to bring it up because I did in the years past and felt terrible about their guilt. Although, I have had worse birthdays, this year I didn't have to bake my own cake. I think I'll just skip it next year, and try again when I turn 30. Happy Birthday to me.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 01, 2010
it's my birthday today, frankly i'm a little bit depressed about it. 2 of my 4 cards came from people who are friends of other members of my family not me. And tonight i am going out with someone elses friends because my own aren't here or don't care. the few people i would have been pleased to hear from today haven't even bothered to text me. birthdays remind me how lonely i am sometimes, i am happier when they're over.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
i dont know why im exceptionally happy today.....this is so fucking once in a year, your special day... im too dramatic coz this is my last teen age year and i haz to say goodbye to all the good stuffs of youth and get eaten by the serious world of grown-ups. PS: i dont wanna learn to have sex with just anybody, grown-ups do that. yuck.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 26, 2010
yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay my bday finaly 15
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 24, 2010
what a crap birthday im having!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 23, 2010
It's my birthday today too! I turn 16 it went pretty well. people on my group made a surprise party and sang happy birthday and stuff ate a looot of chocolate guh...but it was awesome i finally am able to get my drivers license! :D anyways happy b-day to everyone!
Mr Old.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Well Ive woken up this morning and it would appear i have aged by one whole year. Well 32 to be exact. Being 30 something is the most frightening thing Ive ever had to deal with. I feel i should have achieved big things by now. I still feel like I'm in my 20s and can't help but feel i am being cheated out of life.But i will smile and look grateful when people sing to me and make old man jokes when really i will be crying inside. As you can see being 32 makes you spout rubbish too. Anyway being 32 sucks....... The End.
It's My Birthday!!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Yippy - It's my 38th birthday tomorrow - 23.04.2010. I'm so happy, I have a great day and night planned with my lovely boyfriend and friends. Things have been a bit hard going for the last couple of years but I kept at it and never gave up -it feels like it's all going to pay off. I'm just so happy to be fit, healthy and in love - I hope the rest of you have a great day too :o)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 22, 2010
it's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Happy birthday to all my fellow bearthday havers! ( 22 April is Earth Day ) Have a great Birthday! :D
girl somewhere random in the word
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 19, 2010
Its my B-day today :) 19 arhhh I know its stupid, but i cant help feeling old, like i am one year closer to my death.. except from this little depression, the day has been fine. my friends "surprised" me with some gifts, though it was hardly a surprise, the whispering and secret conversations between them kinda revealed it hahh lol :) but i acted surprised he he ;) what els is there to tell, hmm not much lol :P soo i guess this is it, i am 19, it is my last teen year, i hope its going to be good, coz i need some joy, well who doesnt lol whatever thi thi ;O happy B-day to me yaayyyy :D seeyaa next year beautiful people :-*
It's My Birthday TODAY
Monday, April 19, 2010
my stocks went up after a surprise positive earnings report, made $$$, was extremely happy...until i looked in the mirror and saw how haggard my face had become. i'm only 24. when i was 23 people told me i looked 16...and now i just look...24. urg, getting old. wrinkles, sunspots, scars, drooping... :( time to spend my profit on cosmetic surgery. on the bright side, i'm thankful for everything in my life, especially my parents. i wish they were here right now. i wish...i could get more sleep.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 15, 2010
Turned 33 today and it was a pretty good one. Just happy to have reached 33 where so many others have not. Got a little bored before bed and decided to google "it's my birthday" and here I am. had to join the list of its my birthday googlers.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 14, 2010
It's my 21st birthday today. Birthdays are both fun and sad. I have been thinking about my life so far and I've noticed that I tend to bring up the bad moments over the good. Today is definitely going to be a day of self reflection. It is also the day where you differ your friends who genuinely care and spend time with you compared to mere acquaintances that you just have on facebook.. it's sad.. i know. Today may be my birthday but today I'm going to be thanking my mother since it was one of her most painful day yet proudest moment. I dedicate my day to her.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
I'm 11 today!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 11, 2010
it's my 25th birthday today, i love my life bec of of my family, but i hate what ive done with it....
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Like everyone else I goggled its my birthday. I did get well wishes today from near and afar which was heartwarming but spent the afternoon walking the streets of Toronto alone. Guess I was wanting for friends to ask me to do something for my birthday. Never happend. Evreyone is to busy. Should adopt want my cousin does in Italy. When it is your birthday you invite people to dinner at a restaurant. I might sound like I am a bit down but I have been blessed to experience my 52nd birthday, still be healthy, have a job and friends that at least think of me on this day.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Like everyone else I goggled its my birthday. I did get well wishes today from near and afar which was heartwarming but spent the afternoon walking the streets of Toronto alone. Guess I was waiting for friends to ask me to do something for my birthday. Never happend. Evreyone is too busy. Should adopt whatt my cousin does in Italy. When it is your birthday you invite people to dinner at a restaurant. I might sound like I am a bit down but I have been blessed to experience my 52nd birthday, still be healthy, have a job and friends that at least think of me on this day.
The Fifster
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 10, 2010
2 days ago i turned 11 and it was pretty rubbish my cousins wer here showing off like mad trying to get attenton but now i dont have to see thm for another year! hallujah! great gifts and 2days my party! laserquest! p.s im a loser
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 10, 2010
i'm turning 21 today! i hope all other april 10 babies are having a wonderful day. go out and enjoy it.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
it's my birthday today just about as of four minutes ago it's also jackie chan's birthday i hope is he is looking forward to a good a day as i am :)
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 04, 2010
"yeah " its my birthday. worst one in over 15 years. this is the worst year of my life . my wife moved out on valentines day the kids are going to her house today. I LOVE THEM ALL DEARLY. wish I was in another world.45 today on easter. hope anyone else sharing this birthday is having a better one.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 04, 2010
Its my birthday :) im 24 today. Life is ok, plenty of hope for the future, although i know hard times are always ahead. For me so far its been a day of reflection, Everyone out there - have a wonderful day and love those you are with
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
It's my 20th birthday. It's almost noon and I've decided that instead of stressing about my waning childhood, I should have fun and celebrate the cusp of my adulthood! we all get to be every age for just one year, and I'll never be 20 again!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Its my birthday today and I turn 25.It seems the perfect age and I wish I could freeze time to stay 25 forever.Its half past midnight, its going to be a special day, my boyfriend of 5 years and I are at a great place in our relationship and taking the day of to spend it in the countryside.Birthdays are sad as well.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 25, 2010
cant believe i typed "its my birthday" into google but im glad i did. im 20 today. i dont know if i love or hate birthdays maybe a weird mix of both. i miss primary school when birthdays were so exciting, you took cupcakes into school so everyone was your friend and got to sit on the birthday beanbag or a speacial chair or something. Anyway happy birthday to everyone whos birthday is today
Sweet 17.
Saturday, March 20, 2010
Wow, it is disheartening to see all the sadness posted up on this thing. I for one am supremely happy to be turning 17 now. I know, most people find the day selfish or lonely but not when you have a lovely twin to share it with!
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 19, 2010
It's my birthday today. I turned 17. I'm thankful for how nice my family and friends have been, looking forward to 2010! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! Ali Aziz Khan
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
Yey. It's my 21 birthday. Seems like nobody knows this fact.... Guess I don't have as many friends as I thought I have.... And the other thing is I only have like 60 cents, and I ain't gonna have no party. No cake, no nothing. But I couldn't say I feel too bad. I'm actaully working on gift for a girl which lives in another country and has a birthday tommorow. And it's not even like I like her very much.... Eh, just felt like sharing this with someone. I'm from Lithuania by the way.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
its my sweet sixteen babyyyy :) weird to think how when i was little i thought this birthday would be amazing..yet its surprisingly slightly below average.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
im 23 now and i feel like im 40
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
It's my 35th birthday today and I feel so sad. I didn't get one happy birthday today and I am married. I am unhappy and now is the time for me to begin enjoying my life built on the basis of supplying happiness to myself instead of looking to find it in others. I am married to a man that justifies all the wrong he does and is backed by his mother. Instead of being a provider and equal contributor he tells me I should be lucky I can take care of everything. I am still beautiful and look very young. I need to find away to change the way I react to him or get a divorce. Just how to begin I am not sure, but I will certainly find out!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
damn... i m 27 n havent done anything spcl in life :( well , not thought of doing anything spcl today also :P
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 09, 2010
I'm turning 15 today and nobody cares. Happy birthday to me.
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 08, 2010
I turned 22 today. WOO HOO!!!! Its pretty cool I guess. I dont feel any different. I've felt alot older than 22 for a long time now though but its still pretty cool. Its always fun having a birthday because its the only day of the year where its all about you, at least it should be. And thats nice sometimes. I like birthdays. Im getting a PS3 for my birthday which is awesome. Im working today though. In fact im at work rigth now so its kinda hard to be enthusiastic and excited about today. At least when I get off I can go get some free drinks, free food, be around a couple cool people and then go home and have some fun with my girl ;) Woo hoo 22!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 07, 2010
It's my birthday today. so i googled ' its my birthday today' because thats how exhilirating my life is.
jessie judge
It's My Birthday and i feel nothing special
Thursday, March 04, 2010
Its 4 march and it is my birthday today. It is evening now day is almost over. I am so glad its over. It was a terrible birthday. someone I love does not care about my birthday and did not even send flowers or even a greeting card. I wish this day gets over as soon possible.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
16 today :D
jessie judge
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
Its my birthday today. My family wished me when i woke up. My boyfriend did not even send me a single card as we life far from each other. Rather when I told him Im upset about he abused me and told me how selfish I am. It was a depressing day for me. I made a decision to break up with my boyfriend as I realized we could never make me happy as he never cared what is important for me. I never expect big from him on valentine's day from him but my birthday is important to me and he knows it too. I hope i made the right decision....
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 01, 2010
I am 43 today. Happy Birthday to me :)
Maritza Estrella
It's My 43 Birthday
Monday, March 01, 2010
43 and proud of it!!! My life is great, thanks to God... My kids are healthy and I have a husband who cares about me... My parents are still here with me and that's a real blessing!
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 26, 2010
Well, today is my 17th, and it was shit. No cards, no presents and I had a Physics test. My family forgot (actually) and I can't be bothered reminding them. My parents got divorced on this day 10 years ago exactly. And every birthday since has felt more like a funeral. So happy birthday to me :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 24, 2010
Turned 29 today. My wife thinks I should be happy, but I've spent most of the past few weeks trying to pretend it wasn't coming. For her, birthdays are celebrations, for me they are introspections and I don't always like what I see. But my little girl is almost 1, so I do have some things going for me. And my tacky Hawaiian shirt is making my day a little brighter. So happy birthday to all my fellow Pisces today.

(Editor's notes: Meh, age is just a number.)

It's My Birthday
Monday, February 22, 2010
Well it's that time of year again..... 28 here, nowhere to go, nothing to do. But i would like to wish all the same people a happy birthday. When we live, we roll down a mountain like a snowball. The more memories you have to compare to your life, the faster the years roll by. I hope you understand what i mean, and if you don't. You will.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 21, 2010
It's my birthday today, February 21st 1980 is my birthday. I am 30 years old today and wow, it seems like everything has gone way to fast. It hasn't bothered me at all until today and I thought I was OK with it but it seems to be hitting me really hard. I have a wonderful wife and I'm thankful, just never thought I would ever reach this age lol, can't stay in your 20's forever.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 20, 2010
WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOTTT....15 today :) well..not until 11:02pm ..In australia so 1pm in england :) Happy birthday Rihanna, Kurt Cobain and Gordon brown aswell :L xxx
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 19, 2010
I've now been 18 for an hour and fifteen minutes. I remember being 15 and wanting to badly to be 18 already. heck I remember yesterday feeling so little because I was 17. But now that I'm 18 I don't think I want it anymore. I don't want the responsibility, I want to be a kid and climb trees and chase ducks and shove crayons up my nose. People say there are such great privileges to being 18...I can buy a gun, guns scare me. I can buy cigs, I HATE them. I can buy porn, I HATE that more. I can vote, I don't care and it doesn't make a difference at electoral college anyway. I can join the military, but they wouldn't take me because of my medical conditions. I can drink in most countries, I dislike alcohol. Plus not, if I get in a fight I could go to jail for it, and if I get raped, the guy gets less punishment. .......soo....what's supposed to be so great about 18 again? sigh...Happy Birthday to me
Monday, February 15, 2010
yay its my birthday IM 16
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 13, 2010
Happy 30th Birthday Aaron.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 11, 2010
glad I googled 'It's my Birthday' Big Love xx
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 08, 2010
LOL its my birthday im 22 now!! woohoo! and I Googled ITS MY BIRTHDAY on my birthday hahah hahah haha happy bday to me xx :P
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 28, 2010
I have turned sixteen today. But I don't feel particularly happy. My mother cries most days and I wish I could help her. She cried today too and so you can see this day has really been just like any other. Sweet sixteen. 28/01/1994
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Its my B-DAY! WOOT! IM 18!
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 25, 2010
I turned 23 this morning. I live in France, and it is 10h37 AM. So far, I have decided to skip class, opened two cards, read a couple of messages and texts, had a sleepy phone call from my boyfriend (can't remember anything!) and had my first cirgarette of the day. I always feel birthdays rest on a thin line between happy hysteria and total depression. It's a lonely thing, generally, as you are the only one concerned, and nobody knows exactly how you feel... even people who remember your birthday are far from going through all the thoughts and feelings that you are. So far for me, it has been peaceful. I know that my boyfriend has a suprise waiting for me tonight. I am very happy, but something in me also want to curl up in bed and do nothing untill this day is over. If it is your birthday, fellow human, happy birthday to YOU. Use this day to figure out who you are,what you want to do in your life, what you want to stay the same and what you want to change, which way you want to go. xxxx Take care
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 24, 2010
16 baby happy birthday to me
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
It's my birthday today and I'm 47. I had to calculate how old I was; I guess I've stopped noticing it on a day to day basis. Both my parents have already died, and I have two little daughters and a husband I love dearly. My career is not where I would wish, but I have a wonderful job so I guess I shouldn't complain. I wish I could stay this age forever, but then I guess that wouldn't really work as my kids and husband grew older.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
I'm turning 20 today. I can't believe it, it feels way to old. I wish I wasn't at school and I could celebrate with my old friends and family. At least 20 is easier to say than 19.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
How exciting, a birthday blog! Anyway yeah it's been my birthday for a whole ten minutes, I am 19! Just thought I'd come and leave my mark here. Peace. xx
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 14, 2010
Here I join the ranks of people who googled "It's my birthday" on their birthday! How 21st century! Anyway, wish me a happy 25th on the 15th of Jan! Thanks Internet people!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
It's my birthday! today Jan. 12, 1992 I am 18 years 0ld :D ...I don't want to turn 20, getting old is awful :(
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 09, 2010
Its my 28th birthday today, got snowed in so couldnt get out anywhere and my boyfriend went off to the pub leaving me with the kids... I'll wring his neck
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 07, 2010
It's my birthday Jan 8 and i cant ask for anything more then just health love and happiness with a wonderful hubby and 4 beautiful children no gifts in the world can compare!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Yay! It's my 35th birthday today! January 5th 1975 my mom and I had a date with destiny...I feel a bit tired today and could be bordering on the crabby side but when I think about it, it's my birthday and furthermore, I still got it! Love to all the birthday havers!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 05, 2010
Happy birthday to everyone who's birthdays are today! Hope you have a good one! I'm 16 today, and can officially drive now! Been waiting 16 9/12 years for this
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 02, 2010
It's my birthday today. I turned 17. I'm thankful for how nice my family and friends have been, looking forward to 2010! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 31, 2009
I am an old man in my yearly 20's
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Today is my Birthday Mom told me I was a pain in the azz when I was born and that I am a pain in the azz today. Thanks mom Iam 39 now!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Happy Birthday! Its my birthday today, Dec. 22, 1959. That makes me 50! I have done alot of wrong things in my early life and now have to live with them for the rest of my life. But in the last 15 years my life has been amazing, especially compared to the 15 preceding years. I had three kids with my first wife and did the best I thought to do. It wasn't near enough but I can only hope that they will forgive me. My new life has given me what I allways had dreamed of. I miss my mom on days like this but enjoy remembering her. I hope to get a few more years in at work and then leave the state and go somewhere warm and live out my life with the love of my life. Happy Birthday again to whoever is having one and no matter what you are alive and experienceing life. Life is now, ENJOY!
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 21, 2009
Its my birthday today I turned 18.. i found out that the 2012 end of the world thing is on my 21st birthday...
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 17, 2009
December 17th 2009 It's my birthday today, 40 years old! I believe the saying 'life begins at 40' A couple of weeks I felt like I was being born again, miracles happened to me indirectly which seemed to be out of the extraordinary the night the moon was getting into sagittarius. I appreciate my life and feel trully blessed like my name which means 'Blessings' if translated into english. I am starting to take care of my life my kids, and my sorroundings. I met a very old lady today who shares my birthday!! Happy Birthday to ME!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 14, 2009
Whata Birthday! I'm 34 today! No not really, I'm 43, but don't tell anyone. Just young at heart. To those who fear 13...its always been lucky for me. Birthday's that land on Friday's are always extra funny. I hooted and hollered, opened a few cards and prestents, took a few calls from friends, and ate cake with loved ones. As I blew out my candles and made my wish...if I get a Birthday like this again next year I'd be blessed.
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 11, 2009
I'm 49 today:)
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 07, 2009
It's my brithday today and I'm 22. I wish I had people here to celebrate with! ^_^
It's My Birthday 6/12
Sunday, December 06, 2009
Hahaha I can't believe there was a thing for the people who look up "It's my birthday" on their birthday. Well, today is mine. Happy 21st birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 04, 2009
WOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! 16 baby!!!!!!!!!!!! :) :) :) :) i feel very validated for some reason lol :P LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE LOVE!!! i hope everyone has a fantabulous day and has a greaaaaaaaaaaat fuckin birthday!!!!! nothing but love today for you ;)
It's My Birthday 12/01
Monday, November 30, 2009
yeah its my birthday im 20 today! not gonna lie im pumped about that, but this is my first birthday in 3 years single. my girlfriend of almsot 3 years dumped me recently. sucks, but thats life i guess. wish i could ignore it and focus on enjoying my nite til midnight. also, happy december!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 29, 2009
It's my birthday and I'm 10 today.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 26, 2009
Its my birthday and thanksgiving I'm thankful I was born! lol I'm 22 now! hope 22 brings lots of new adventures and accomplishments :)!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 16, 2009
Its my birthday today and i am a good 30, gee time sure flies.
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 13, 2009
Its my birthday today friday the 13th of November,im 22!! and im a very lucky person always have been and i was born friday 13th dont understand the bad luck for that day!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Yeah i',m 11 today yeah go november the 12th!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
im 21 today....sort of lonely......slightly sad cause my mobile got bday messages today......lets hope life improves....
It's his Birthday
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
his birthday is today... he's 18... I love him to death... Caleb you pretty much rock!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 09, 2009
Clocked up another one today, 45. I think thats good :)
Rosie B
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 09, 2009
hmm... couple of months with no-one searchin it' my birhday?! ...Or just not adding to the list. How sad are they?? I'm 21 today. best b-day in a while (18th was craptacular) £300 + prezzies isn't a bad haul!! =D Now... to zee pub! x
It's My 19th Birthday today
Sunday, November 08, 2009
And I am so excited!! New laptop!!
Wifey Sly One
20 today
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
no more teenage. YIPEE. Not a good start though...just before midnight I sprained my ankle. Couldn't walk, lift up my leg or sleep. My whole foot was swollen. Called the ambulance at 1:07...they sent out an out of service doctor which arrived at bloody 4:28 this morning. Took pain killers, went to sleep and woke up with my sexy hubby next to me waiting to give me my prezzies.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
its my birthday today too!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 04, 2009
It's my birthday today and I'm 46 years old. My Dad died this year, just about 15 weeks ago and I miss him. It's the first time someone close to me has died. I feel horrible and miss being able to talk to him. He was a skinny wee thing when he died. His spirit kept him going for a long time. Made me wonder what life was all about really. I used to think I was invincible and would live for a long time. Lately, although I know I won't live forever, I don't mind living through my life and then it stopping. I do value it but know it has a natural ending [if I'm lucky]. Kindoff welcome the fact that it ends somewhere up ahead. I'd hate to live forever and lose all the people that I love and ultimately be alone. I'm just going to my bed in a few moments, might have a nice cuppa tea before I do. I'm going to have a normal day today when I get up later this morning. I'll probably do a bit of work, phone my Mum [bless her], she really misses my Dad. I know life goes on. I've cried quite a lot when I've thought of my Dad but afterwards think it's beautiful that I do cry for him. I know I feel today. Anyway, it's been that kind of year. Happy Birthday to anyone celebrating their birthday today. My Mum said I came out with a bang at 10:32pm on 5th November! I think she was making it up. I probably had to be dragged screaming into the world. YUK!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 01, 2009
I'm 23 today - it's raining and I have no plans. Oh other than a hair appointment. Joy.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 01, 2009
Hey, it's my birthday here too!!! And that guy who said 9/9/9 being the luckiest number in China is wrong... The luckiest number in China is 8, so 8/8/08 is the luckiest date, which is also why they had the Olympics in Beijing that day. Anyway, happy birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 30, 2009
On googling 'It's my birthday', like so many others, I've landed here. It's funny that we choose our birthdays to become philisophical about life. I'm 24 today. I keep moaning that I 'feel old' but in the long run, I guess it isn't. Life is constantly changing, just when you think you know where you are, the rug gets pulled from under your feet. Just make sure you pick yourself up, dust yourself down, and keep smiling. Cake helps too :)
Jess :D
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 29, 2009
yay im 13 today o the joys of my future teenage years
fairy girl
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
its my birthday im 29 cant believe it feel about 15 in my head :) could have been in paris but had to work Bummer !!!
It's My Birthday today:]
Saturday, October 24, 2009
its my birthday today and im finally 15.i am studying to get my learners..any comments or sugestions?thanks:]
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 23, 2009
today's my birthday! just googled "it's my birthday" and this came up. nice onee
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 23, 2009
I am 26 today. My life so far has been a blessing. I have a wonderful husband and great 3 year old boy. I am trying to complete my college degree, which is the toughest thing ever when you are trying work full-time and be a wife & mother. I am hanging in there though. I am not going out to party today, just going out to eat. My two boys are home sick today. At least the rest of the family is able to go eat with me. Well... I guess I will have to have a glass of wine. Heres to another year of life!
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 19, 2009
It's my birthday today! (19th Oct) and I'm 19 woooo!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 15, 2009
Its my b-day today
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 12, 2009
i think it's funny how long people have been posting here... and now I will add to them. Today is my birthday. 26 today and I woke up miserable. I'm umemployed, just back from an awesome eight months overseas and I want to keep travelling. BUT I'm back, here in my home town, living across the road from my Dad, spending each and every day receiving rejection emails and sending off more useless job applications. hmph. will someone buy me a cake so i can make a birthday wish for a job?
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 02, 2009
its my birhday my life is wonderfull i have a loving family warm home im loved and very very lucky ! i love all my family so much thankyou
iyce iyce baby
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
its my birthday i've finnally turned sweet sixteen =P yeay im finnally legal to stuff lol. x x
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Its my birthday today....22years old... is it too early to start eating birthday cake?
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 28, 2009
wppo de dooo, itz every1z b day inni, happy birthday to who eva was born tdaii!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 25, 2009
wow 43 today, i love birthdays hope everyone out there with a birthdays today has a totally amazing day.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
40+ and all Iwant to do is shag a different bird. You would think the wife would turn a blind eye today wouldn't you?

(Editor's notes: Make a deal that she can do the same thing, no questions asked.)

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
hi all i cant believe it its my 17th birthday
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 17, 2009
its my birthday today... i am 19 WOOHOO
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
It's my birthday today (it's 25 past twelve!) and I have celebrated (so far) by eating quite a bit of lemon be honest, I hope turning 20 will be better than turning 19-it's been an awful year and I'm happy it's over (lost my job, failed to get into my first choice uni, the guy I discovered I was in love with got a girlfriend, my parents told me-yesterday-they were considering splitting up and I thought I was doing nothing with my life all year-which I kind of wasn't). Now I'm off to uni and hope for the best-or rather not a repeat of last year. I have got a good family and friends and thank God for them every year that goes by, so now I'll stop whining and go pack up for uni!
Zara KAY
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 14, 2009
how random is the website but all in all its my 19th birthday yey!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 10, 2009
I am 22 today and my days not been tooooooo great :( !!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
32 Today! no wrinkles yet
ap (:
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
its my birthday today (: im 15. supposedly the world is going to end today because its 9/9/09 but i hope it doesnt (: byee x

(Editor's notes: In China, 9/9/9 is probably the luckiest number you can have. So it's all relative.)

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
18 year old yeahhhhhhhhh
a bumbum
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 05, 2009
im 15 todaaaaaaaaaaaaayy :) sosososososo happy now just need to get my life sorted 8-)
anonymous Barbara
It's My Birthday September 16
Friday, September 04, 2009
I can't beliver it on my birthday i will be 58 i want to take a long trip and have some fun.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 01, 2009
It's my 17th birthday today Just thought I'd type it in on Google and see what would come up and this is the only site that did =P
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 28, 2009
yay it's my birthday! i am 22! happy birthday to ME
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Happy Birthday to me. It's my second 21st so my kids say. (yup 42) I'm not where I thought I would be in life, but have no regrets. I love my beautiful children and although I'm single, I don't wish for anything. I miss my daddy though. He went and left us nearly two years ago. Apart from that, I'm grateful for all I have. I'm grateful for my family who are so mixed up at times but are still my family. I love my wonderful kids who drive me around the bend most days, but also bring such love into my life. I love my few but very loyal friends who support me in everything I do. most of all, I love birthdays! At 42 and nearly 28 years of work, I have yet to work on my birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY everyone, god bless... mWAH!
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 21, 2009
wow gr8 day.....really very excited today its my birthday
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Hi, Its my Birthday today and no one around to celebrate with. I am surfing net sitting at home. Lets see what lies ahead .
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 16, 2009
I'm 14 today :) dont really have much to do though i went shopping and had a burger king :L
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 14, 2009
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 14, 2009
MY BIRTHDAY TOODAY :] 17!!! wooo much better than 16 :P xxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
13 finally a teen!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 09, 2009
omg! its my birthday too! Sweet 16! i feel so old
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 08, 2009
I am 49, with my 7year old son, Why What happend it only seems a moment since i closed my eyes at the age of 39, Live for today thats what they tell us, be happy and Vinay get out and have some fun.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 08, 2009
im 18 today woohoo....
its my b-day
Monday, August 03, 2009
its my B-Day i cant believe it OMG u stole my cake.
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 03, 2009
you are 29 years old now. (:
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 02, 2009
it is my birthday today . i turned 20 and i feel old but i will be a sport though!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 01, 2009
15 bitches, 3 more years!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 23, 2009
I am 17 today!!!!!!!!!! and all my friends are on holiday :(
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Its my birthday today! :D im 19
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
yup today is my birthday, im now 21, usually this would be a big deal except now i am in the military and in germany where the drinking age is 16, i am also marrying a german woman who is a tad bit crazy but i love her. but damn getting married when i am 21
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 16, 2009
its my bday tday....i am not feeling gr8 as i am growing old. i have turned 30 today and i dont think i have achieved much. i have ot married yet. Plus i am still a virgin and that feels aaaaawfulll......i think i have spent half of my life doing nothing.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 16, 2009
Its my birthday today... 23
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Happy Birthday to me. Started the day in a bar/club with some friends and some friends really care about me - lovely thought. Anyways, thoughts for this year and that passed...really felt something for a bird this year but that didn't work out, cutting her out will be cruel but the best thing for me - putting myself first for once - onwards and upwards Hope this year is one to remember and that a bad patch I've been through is just something I look back on and think, I've emerged from that stronger. Happy birthday to me, those born today, tomorrow, yesterday and every one up until my birthday next year Anyone reading thoughts for life have changed - find your true passion and pursue it. Loving life will only start there - I'm working on it - fingers crossed it works out!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 12, 2009
i am so excited that it is my bday today!! i had icecream cake and chatted with friends and that was enough to brighten up my day!
Charlotte J
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Its my birthday today, im 16 and yeh i have had what i have asked for, but this weekend is sooo busy lol. Its also my brothers birthday on monday and my dads on tuesday! :L lol. jst think its gone a bit fast, although i cant wait till im 18 cos going abroad with friends for my birthday :D, 'should be gd =] ..
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 11, 2009
yay its my b'day tomorrow 12 july
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 10, 2009
hiyaaa itt myy burfdayyy i hadd a amazing dayyy taa XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 09, 2009
It's my birthday today, I woke up not feeling particularly great about it, the man in my life isn't great with birthdays, I think it's a man-thing, but he tries bless him, surprises aren't his thing!. The guys at work have been wonderful, they all remembered, I have loads of cards, pressies and FOUR cakes!!! What a lucky 42 year old I am! Happy Birthday to anyone else whose birthday it is today!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 09, 2009
Its my 13th birthday!!
It's My Birthday!!!!!
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
it's my birthday today and my bf bday was yesterday....guess we arent doing anything for our bdays till this weekend! :(
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 08, 2009
It's my birthday.............................. AGAIN! 14!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 07, 2009
I woke up so depressed wtf is up with me!? It's my birthday...happy birthday to whoeverhas a birthday today :) x
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
It's my birthday and it's shit. No-one is here to spend time with me. Pretty much everyone I know has forgotten (same as last year). This is probably why I typed in "It's my birthday" into Google. If anyone else is in this postion, I'm wishing YOU a Happy Birthday. I at least hope you guys and gals have an enjoyable day.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 29, 2009
It my birthday im 16 ive done nothing today or with my life and I may kill myself.
anonymous Lyn
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Feeling good although i'm 50 today. Just downloaded the Green Day video with my I-tunes vouchers, got loads of cards, have got best son,mum and friends in the world and having next week off work! Cool!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Today is my birthday and all of my family is dead and my friends didn't remember. It's very sad and I will be alone.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 22, 2009
Today I turn 30 :(
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Wooh! It's my birthday today! I'm 14! Been up since 4am - I guess cas' i'm excited about the day! :D Happy Birthday everyone! xx
Lynn McGarry
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 07, 2009
Today is my 18th Birthday yayyyyyyyy
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Hey! its my birthday, i've turned 23, n im very happy :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 18, 2009
I am 15!! wow - i feel so much older than i did yesterday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO EVERYONE ELSE. I love the website xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
its my birthday and i feel like shit. i dont even want anyone to know!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 02, 2009
cant believe im 45 today where have the years gone still feel and act like im 20 arghhhh lol anyone else who shares my birthday have a great one Viv xxxx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 02, 2009
Yeah today is my birthday I am 12 years old. I got a few videogames from my best cousins. I am out of 11 years old where my brother is stuck on haha! I love all my family even my rabbit lou-lou.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 30, 2009
It's my birthday today... I'm 28. It feels like a nothing age. :) Like I'm waiting for 30. Going to attempt to poison myself with vodka. Wish em luck. :P
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
I am 24 today, unfortunately I feel alone and lost. I am not happy at all,
Lisa C (aka Voodoo Kisses)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Happy Birthday to me today... Damm Im going to make this year a good one....The last 6 years of my life has been shit in the pit of hell...and be dammed if its going to continue....Im wishing myself... Good health, Wonderful Happiness, Abundance of Wealth and Hugs of love from this day forward....Happy birthday to me ....and just to the so called suckers who forget its my special day.....Hehehe bad luck you have been deleted off the xmas card list forever....Mwah
Princess Celvie Ann
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Haha, wow here I am again on this website! Damn, I can't believe it has already been one year since I posted on this site. Gosh time goes by too fast. But I think I had an accomplished 17th year. I filed my first taxes, I made my first income this year (hehe i'm a student), got my first refund, had a first major fight with a bestfriend and grew closer cause of it, went to Hawaii with my sister - Maui - to bond and bumped into my bestfriend there, applied to colleges, go accepted, got rejected, fell for someone and was too hasty about it but I learned, fell even more in love with T, and grew closer to God. I think this past 17th year was a good one. I hope for many more to come and I'm very thankful. I just wish we had more time on this earth to do more. Such the universe! Which I am for sure!! Hehe thanks for everything Father! Much Love, Princess. <3 467 T.
Edward Joseph
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 12, 2009
I thought I'll be the only guy who will think of searching "It's my birthday" on google. I was wrong.
It's My Birthday tommorow!!
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
i am going to celebrate it alone and i made my own cake plus i made a photoshop of myself too and will place it in my cake heheeeeeeee! I am going to be stress free tommorow. I should be!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Today is my and my twin brother's birthday.... we are 22.... yey?
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 23, 2009
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 20, 2009
i'm 21 today... why am i even here... why am i not drinking yet?? good question... bye all... *runs to the liquor store*
Moayad Al-Edan
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Many people realize their hearts' desires late in life. Continue learning, never stop striving and keep your curiosity sharp, and you will never become too old to appreciate life.
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 13, 2009
I'm 18 now. not 17 anymore. I feel both excited for the upcoming year yet sad that I have responsibilities now XD and am an ADULT (argh!!!). Well, I may be 1 year older, but I can act the age of my heart ^_^!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
I'm 33 today... I love my birthdate March 11th.
Rhys Tau
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 03, 2009
My birthday today! Im 19 years old!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 21, 2009
I'm 22 and I want to do too many things but I only have so little time. Oh and I can't seem to fall asleep
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
my b-day is today!! february 18th!!! also lighten up- you need to look on the briteside b.c soon enough u will die!! haha well happy birthday
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
44 today - the same age backwards and frontwards - go me
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 16, 2009
it was my birthday today, 22 years old, and nobody said 'happy birthday'. apart from my ex, and that just reminded me how agonizing life is without her. what a shit day
Renee S
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 08, 2009
LOL how fun,It's my 26th birthday today and i was sitting here thinking, why is it, that all my workmates and friends and people i havent seen in years rememeber to wish me happy birthday,give me a card,send an email etc but my own parents forgot? grr of all people, ya think my mum would have rememebed the day she pushed out a 9 pound baby lol Other then that, its a good day, nice and warm and im having a party on saturday with all my friends and family so i really cant complain! Happy birthday to eveyone else born today!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 29, 2009
it's my birthday today
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
whoop whooopppp! im 23 today!!! lovin it prezzies and lunch and a nice fat cake!
Vanessa Rivera
Today Jan 27, 2007 I turned 43 years old
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Today marks my Birthday, I've turned 43. I feel sad but joining this wonderful page makes me happy. I wish all the Birthday people a good day be good to yourself on this momentous day and love to you all! Buddha is right, life is suffering, Keep your chin up!
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 23, 2009
i'm 14
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 19, 2009
My birthday, it is.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 17, 2009
its my birthday today, want to have a quiet one, is that a wrong thing?
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 15, 2009
its my birthday today!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Happy 23rd to me! I rock!
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 12, 2009
hi im 52 got some lovely presents of my children grandchildren and sister. But still sat on my own kow drinking a glsss of wine messing on the net, yes me my age messing on the net love it.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 11, 2009
14 today! :D
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 06, 2009
Wow, so many ppl posting abt their bday LOL. Well its my birthday too, so happy bday to me :D Im 28 today, and to tell you the truth unlike last year, im much more smarter, happier, contended, wiser person and im sad this day will be gone soon :( i got some cute presents today (ill get one tomorrow) my friend jus wished me happy bday as well, shes so sweet, anyways lifes good & i feel like im blessed with my family and friends and thats the biggest gift of all. kisses to everyone, especially my love, I only wish i could've spent bday with him, maybe next year ^_^ kisses
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 05, 2008
It's my birthday today and I've had a happy day
Stephanie aka Big Red
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 04, 2008
well hello all, my birthday is today and i am dressed like a freakin princess, my boss got me a crown, i have a kiss me its my birthday shirt on and i have received small gifts all day and flowers, i wish Chuck was coming to my party, but he is not, but everything happens for a reason, maybe some other time, happy birthday to everyone else, have a good day
Reshika Dhani-Jacobs
2nd December 2008
Tuesday, December 02, 2008
How I have been blessed with a wonderful hubby and my 7 month old son. No gift in the world could quite compare.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
It's my birthday today and I'm bored!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wow, lot of random thoughts to get through here it would take me an eternity to read them all as i am a slow reader and typer so hope who ever picks this one out of bunch to read aps how long its took to write!!!!! Anyway back to the main point as you may have guessed its also my birthday 31 today is that old? i dont feel older i dont feel any different than i have for the last 15 years or so to be totaly honest. My lifes abit like that film GroundHog day nothing really seems to change i mean things get better for awhile then they get turd then better then turd i think you get the point, but dont get me wrong im a happy lad ive done alot of great things seen alot of fantasic places and boy talked to some wierd and wonderful peeps. Its just im missing somthing you know that nagging feeling you get at the back of your brain that you just cant quite understand what its trying to say. I know the biggest thing that would help me understand some of the nagging is having my beautiful baby boy back in my life, i havent seen him for 9 long long years hes 10 this year and it breaks my heart each and every day knowing that im missing out and the joy he would bring me and he in turn is missing the love i would shower on him! (love you son). anyway my friend has just caught me spilling my guts into virtual space and i feel abit silly so time to sign off and so to all the many peeps that will come and post toughts after mine HAPPY BIRTHDAY :0) x
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 24, 2008
Its my 22nd Birthday today, and I've come to think that 'even' ages are reallly boring! I mean how cool was 21, 19, 17, 15...the ones in between, with the exception of age 18 and age 2, were realllly boring! I mean what is 22... you're kind of stuck in limbo there aren't you... you're an adult, but you still think like a kid, you should be thinking of your future, but you still want to party, if you don't have a mission in life yet you're a loser... you know what! The hell with that! I'm gonna change it, and make 22 the new 18!
happy birthday
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
you're now like 28 or sumat. it's my birthday today
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 17, 2008
It's my birthday today!!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Hey it's my birthday today, i'm 25 years old. Having a very good birthday so far enjoying it with family and friends and drinking champagne. They say 25 is a milestone, a big one, you're no longer a young person, but a fully grown adult. Scary! just hope that this year will be a happy one :) happy birthday peeps!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 05, 2008
Kevin Anderson
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 03, 2008
Hurrey...its my birthday today and now I am 26 ...alas for the first time...I am away from my family...15 more days...I will be back with them...and ha...its Marriage time :D ... getting married on 23rd ... Wish me good luck..!!! I wish you all a rocking day, enjoy...!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 30, 2008
my birthday is today
Lee Mei-Yeong
It's My 20th Birthday
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
omg. i actually googled for my birthday. erghh.. weird yet interesting knowing how many ppl actually did what i just did. Well, am working now.. i'm 20. Next week is my last day of work. Gonna continue uni. Hopefully things'll get better in time. Happy birthday everyone. Lastly, it's my Mum's day too. Coz she gave birth to me on this date. To all.. our MUM should share our birthdays as well.. Without her, there wouldnt b a day for us. Hugs to all mothers on earth. I love my family. Thank God i'm having another year of my birthday. I wish for more to come. Be happy everyone. I'm off to party with my colleagues!!!
It's My Birthday!!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
The big 18
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 25, 2008
35 today!! so many things in life r good :), so many r not :(. hey ho, another year older hope this next year is better than the last. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME & EVERYONE ELSE WHO SHARES MY SPECIAL DAY!!
It's My Birthday .
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Its my Birthday! I am 22 today! n m wondering what have i accomplished in 22 years of life. Dont know how i should feel about it..but as long as i am not 25 or 30 ..i think its good:)
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 23, 2008
its my birthday. i am now officially 15. i just wish something good will happen soon because i really cant stand my life lately... so happy birthday to me.... -and to all of you of course- and lets hope something great will happen soon!!! good luck to all!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 18, 2008
20th OCTOBER, Well, its my birthday today and on this day i become 24 years. On this day i get lot of loves from my love partner and family than other day.
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 17, 2008
I turned 17 today, and I was wished happy birthday once. It was never sung to me, or anything. Not to mention I have 5 siblings. Its pathetic, and I feel horribly depressed and basically cried all day.. I didn't get anything at all from anyone and it basically just sucks. It alright though, some people have real problems.
It's My Birthday....
Friday, October 17, 2008
i am 22 years old, today. my present is that my dog is getting neutered ... hey, that's expensive. and then my husband is going to cook dinner for me i think. it's funny to read on here how many people find birthdays depressing. i do as well. im TWENTY TWO. that's the lame point. 21 was it, youre cool, in college, you can drink. now im 22. f it. now all i have to look forward to is getting a good job, buying a good house, having some good kids and getting old while all of it goes to hell.
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 17, 2008
23 today, is it just me or is it a crap age.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me today! Officially in my 30's now.
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 06, 2008
Wow, it has already been 3 years since I wrote on this page. Check it out on October 6, 2005. So much has changed since then ! It's my 32nd Birthday ! Yay ! Gonna have some sushi with my girls and partaaay like a Rock Star. Bar Stars ! Damn I feel good ! Whatta happy day, now see someone TRY to fuck it up. Won't happen, smiling all day... see ? :):):):):) I love me, Happy Birthday To Moi ;) !!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 04, 2008
45 today, oh boy what a downer. So sad i even googled 'it's my birthday' and i ended up here! lol
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 03, 2008
21 years old, slightly bored, but im moving somewhere......
It's My Birthday!!
Wednesday, October 01, 2008
Today I'm 22 years young!! :D "And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
I'm 23 today and I feel like Jen did way back in May 19 2003!!! getting older...!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
wwwwwwwhhhhhhhhhhoooooooo im 27 today yeah still in my 20s not too old yet...... ;) happy birthday to me happy birthday to me, wicked happy birthday to everyone eles who shares the same day................
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 29, 2008
Happy Birthday to me. 21 years, and a lifetime left!
toby watson
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 27, 2008
im 16 today!! i can have sex legally not like that has ever stopped me...
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 27, 2008
Yay I'm 38 today and have discovered that I'm still growing up and apparently now growing outwards too. Time to grow up a bit more and ask my lovely lady Jules to marry me tonight.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
It's My Birthday ! 16 Woop Woop 1
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 18, 2008
happy bithday cloe love anna
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 18, 2008
its my birthday and nobody remembers
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
I'm 18 today and I feel like such a granma! But hey.. atleast I can vote.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
im 20 today
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Its my bithday 16 Woooooo
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 12, 2008
today im 7 years old i feel happy that im 7 today im having 12 people coming and my brother is 3 but its not his birthday
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 11, 2008
It's my Birthday!!! Only 52 and feeling great. I am traveling home today and I am looking forward to a free dinner and an evening with my wife when she gets home late from meetings. Celebrate on Friday with cake and then see the kids on Sunday. I will also go for a birthday run when I get home with my dog Daisy. What a perfect birthday.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 10, 2008
Wow, so I found this page because like many others I googled 'its my birthday'. I am a little bummed today, not really sure why, I turned 26. I think it depresses me that the older I get the less people care! After all neither of my parents have even called me yet. For my husbands birthday I planned an extravagant weekend, taking him to his favorite group in Boston then to a Sox game with seats that cost a small fortune. He on the other hand has seem to forgotten that it is my birthday. He left this morning without saying anything and has called twice now and still hasn't wished me a happy birthday! I think the saddest thing though, is that I am at home bored and typing on this page. Now if thats not some self-pity coming from me, than I don't know what is! I hope you all have a great day! Happy Birthday to everyone else that shares this day with me and Ryan Phillippe, yep I just googled that too!
Mary Anne Lambert.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 06, 2008
October.28.1961 i well be 47 this year.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Yes! today is my b-day. 43 years old. A lot happened at the last 365 days. My wife left me with no reason, I had to build my own life again from scratch, new house, new women in my life. Now I can say that I am much better, I enjoy my experience with women, damn I feel good. Happy Birthday to me...
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Today I turned 27 and feeling all right about the past 26 years. I don't know whats in store for me the next year, hell the next 27 years, but I wish you all as well as my self a safe and happy birthday.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
Happy Birthday to me, I am now 23, cant wait til i can get out my tree xx
It's My Birthday yaya -.-
Monday, September 01, 2008
Searched iit up also because iim boored and apparently found this siite of useless "hey everyone iits my bday" annd ii thought, hey foook iit, iits my bday too ^^ iim 17 now :] one more year tiill 18 *gasp*.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Its my birthday on 29 August!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 21, 2008
WOOOOO its officually my birthday =] yay ONE YEAR OLDER!!!! Happy birthday to everyone else that shares this FAB day. love to everyone and ME =] xx
fat pink
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
well its my birthday this weekend.....34....another great year of partying , fun and froliics, abusing my body.....and genarally being bad......but i will enjoy it all the same.... happy birthday to me and all those who come celebrate at the dave and bucket on saturday night........merci...xx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
it is my birthday on thursday 14th agust
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 06, 2008
i'm 49 my husband bought me a pen its very nice but..... on the other hand he does bring me tea in bed every morning
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
YAY im 15 now lol nothing to exciting
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 03, 2008
woohoo!!!! its my birthday tommorow 15 finally! having a day out to Brighton ,shop ,shop ,shop!!!
Sam Perrin
It's My Birthday!!!!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
22 today!!! wow i feel so old! all down hill from here! i have the same birthday as harry potter lol! Happy birthday all you july 31sters!!.....and harry
It's my Birthday! =]
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
It 16!! Woot! i can LEGALLY smoke!! Hehe Happy Birthday to me =]
It's My Birthday (not 2day)
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Im just sayin dis rite now even tho ma b-day isnt till december cuz ma b-day is on christmas and it kinda sucks when i want a celeb 2 come but i also want them 2 celebrate their christmas...
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 28, 2008
It's my birthday tomorrow and nobody would know I was born on this day 23 years ago.... Hmm, it always helps if you have ppl to celebrate with. I guess the older you get...
Smile Smile!
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 28, 2008
Yay! It's my birthday! July 28th! :)
chunky monkey
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 26, 2008
what a great morning burnt toast and a glass of juice off the kids in bed. some great gifts and for 1st time hubby is doing a dinner party egg mayo sandwiches here i come what more could a 28 yr old want.tonight will be good tho kids in bed him at work a large glass of wine and the box of thorton chocs i got of my mam mmmmm
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 25, 2008
It's my Birthday July 24th
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Yeh its my birthday today im 18, dunno if thts good but it will probably be better than 17 lol, anyways 2 everyone here have a happy birthday:D
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 24, 2008
oh. my. god. i'm 34 today. where'd my life go????
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 20, 2008
A bit late but it was my birthday on the 1st of july and i became a teenager WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! CLOTHES AND MONEY! I LUV MY BIRTHDAY IM 13 NOW BYE
It's My Birthday ( well yesterday)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
I've now become an annual visitor to this site. I want to say Happy Birthday to all reading this and hope everyone takes time for themselves on their one day of the year. That sense of excitement you feel as a kid when your birthday approaches should never be lost, regardless of age. Be happy with yourself and put everyone else's opinions of you second (another year older and sort of wiser, lol)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 01, 2008
Today is my 18th birthday. I was thinking and I feel like i havent accomplished the things other kids my age have accomplished. i have never had anything to drink before or had intercorse. most people probably say good for you youre ony 18 but in these days i feel more like an outcast for not expierencing these things. i go to college this fall and im afarid im not going to fit in. im afarid im going to end up going wild because thats not how i am now. i dont even know if that makes sense, but im 18 and feel very out of place.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 29, 2008
Turned 55 today. So much for freedom 55. Oh well. Still love my life.
35 years
Thursday, June 26, 2008
I'm stuck working overtime on my Birthday. Getting ready to move across country with my wife of 1 year and our 8 week old. I have a lot to be thankful of though. A very very lot. Thank you.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 23, 2008
Its my birthday and im now 16! 23rd of June rocks! 16 is a good age but it canbe stressful for some with GCSE's, but now Ive finished school forever dudes!
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 20, 2008
The big 32 this year...just had my 3rd child he is healthy and is tight but personal life is good so I'm going out on the town tonight and partying like im 22!!! Happy Birthday!
Birthday Google anyone?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Wow, these comments have been going since 2004! It's my birthday, and like a lot of you I googled "it's my birthday" and ended up here. Birthdays are depressing, if you ask me. Reminds you of how dissappointing life becomes as you get older. Whatever, HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 19, 2008
yeah it my birthday and a realy bad one :(
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
my birthday today =] duh :P Just turned 17 wish it was 18 though.. x
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Its been my birthday for 9 minutes now. im going to bed and will look forward to enjoying the rest of it dan la mrrowwwwwwwwwww. I love being 26. Its niceeeeeeee. Every wrinkle tells a tale. If youre not happy make yourself happy :)
Help me Ronda
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 14, 2008
It's my BIG 40!!!!!! AHPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 12, 2008
on 10th of june it was my birthday but i found this website today so wanna say i did enjoy but birthday alot.& i just turned 22.
bimbo john-i know who you are, and where you live.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
hello everyone, today is my fucking birthday. YAY. HA HA HA. guess what, i didnt get any presents at all, and my son died. my car is in the shop, leading me to have to take bart. and my husband is dieing of cancer. i am turining 42. i have to sit in my house, and watch my husband die of brain cancer... HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 09, 2008
damn turned 30 today time to get out the shovels and start digging
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 05, 2008
getting older.... time to get rich or die trying!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 05, 2008
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 03, 2008
I turned 25 approximately 10 hours and 47 minutes ago. I don't know how I feel about that yet. My husband's grandmother told me "After you hit 25, it all goes down hill." Is she referring to my boobs? Because I'm going to be REAL mad if that's the case.
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 26, 2008
I forgot to post! May 3rd was my 36th birthday! My two-year old is doing great. Now, if I could just figure out a way to improve our situation! Happy Birthday to everybody else!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 26, 2008
18 today....hip hip horaay... middle of exams so a little glum! but i suppose i should be more happy, for the presents are yet to come! Love life, dont want it to ever end!! peace!x
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 22, 2008
I am now 20! Half way to 40! Scary stuff! hehe! in the last 2 decades i found that things can be difficult! ive had my heart broken, my family fell apart! but i have learnt that things always get better! learn from your experiences and enjoy life to the full! Embrace it! And try everything! Never regret anything that made you who you are 2day! Lifes a bitch! get over it :P im sure the next 2 decades will be just as tough! But lets go and find out! Lifes a heavy trip ;) Wooooooooo!
It's My Birthday today!!!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
YAY!!!!!!!!!!!!1 bein 18 i can buy porn, go to the strip clubs, and smoke EVERYWHERE!!!! YESSSSSSS.......
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 16, 2008
whOohoo 23 baby! and making a difference. Primary property By the next Birthday! 2 Investment property... aston martin and range rover here I COME!... I`m headed 1 way and 1 way only STRAIGHT TO THE TOP! ya'll know i`m a party like a ROCk STAR!
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 16, 2008
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Today I am a 20-something. An hour ago I was a teen. In the last two decades I have discovered that: 1. Life is beautiful. 2. I want to see the world, every inch. 3. I'm never going to give up until the day I die. love to you.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
39 today and feeling very HOT!!!! Think i'm gettin better with age - damn I feel good. Wouldn't want to be 21 again for anything!!! Mwah xx
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
yeah the boy that sent that last one must have been gay look at the things he has wrote what a fuckin twat
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
heyy man im 22 years old on monday does any oen have any ides what i could get??
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 02, 2008
MAY 2 2008-- Im 51 today and still hangin' on
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
It's my birthday on 1st may 2008. I'm going to be 25. Wierd...once you hit the 20's everything seems to go a lot quicker for some reason. Oh well, least your insurance goes lower!! :D Happy Birthday to all...long may you live... Bless Ro
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 26, 2008
hi it is my birthday today . i am iranian and i will be 20. but i think it is not such an intersting birthday bkz nothing especial is happened so far. but i hope i 'll get an awesome gift from my dear God.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 24, 2008
When your birthday falls on a weekday, it has a better chance of sucking. I had a bad day at work and my wife works the night shift. She tried to make plans to hang out with friends this weekend, but family problems prevented them from committing. I got a few Happy Birthday wishes from family, but overall I feel dejected. And it's my 29th birthday, so next year I'll enter the 30-something crowd. Happy Birthday to me. Yay...
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Today, April 19th is my birthday. And the one person I thought would be excited about it other than myself, didnt even care to mention it this morning. No "Happy Birthday, I love you" nothing. I guess Ive seen too many fairy tales where the men are these glorified imaginative sensitive amazing ppl. My fiance is everything but! And now im sad on my birthday. And before you even ask, No he doesnt have anything special planned and thats why he didnt say anything. He isnt that kind of guy! Trust me! Same thing happened the year before last, and last year.....its a pattern...
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
21 today. that's all.
Princess Celvie Anne
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wow its actually my birthday right now! this very hour this very day. Right when the clock stuck 12am I went outside and yelled, "Today's my birthday, watch out world cause here I come!" Well it was something like that! But yeah I'm 17 now I can't belive it. Its weird to think a year ago I celebrated my birthday in Japan but now I'm back here in the states. Well HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!! Its my birthday!! sighhhh ierno if i'm more happy or sad about it. but i'll make the best of things!! THANK YOU LORD FOR ALWAYS BEING THERE WITH ME!! AND THANK YOU FOR ALL MY WONDERFUL FRIENDS AND THOSE AROUND ME!! FAMILY. THANKS FATHER!! AGAIN, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!
OLUFoolufemi ayandokunlEMI AYANDOKUNol
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 13, 2008
blessed be God its my birthday today and life has been wonderful and getting better.....i'm enjoying my marriage, my work as a lawyer, my role as a father with three God-held children, and my volunteer work as a pastor in the Redeemed Christian Church of God. God has been so good to me. Praise God with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 12, 2008
i just typed in its my birthday, the i found this.its my birthday. April 12. i am really lonely. im celebrating alone. just want to share it with anybody. thanks.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 12, 2008
34 today... don't feel any different than I did 20 years ago, I haven't grown up at all! Happy Birthday to you all, I hope you enjoy your day.
It's My Birthday on the 17th of April.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
I will be 30! I feel really old and I do not have any plans for that day............I pray a miracle happens to me dat day
Lee lee
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 08, 2008
Turning 51 April 9th. My wishes..get feeling sexy again since I have been exercising losing weight and shaping up soon chemically with beautiful blue eyes n soft hair to make my afternoon a delight....peace health and be outside and enjoy the sun the moon and the stars ..Love life just the way it is. Smile
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 06, 2008
This is the third year in succession that i have returned to this page and left a comment. I think i like the idea of bitchin about how terrible my life is, on a day such as your birthday. You can try and look at what youve achieved or if your happy on a milestone like this. So im 23, probably feeling better than i was at 22, no worse than i was at 21, so lets hope 24 reaches new heights of delirium, i just plan to end up with little memory of today, if i drink enough anyway. Truth is ill probably sleep through a lot of it. And this little bit is just for me if i come back to this page next year, hope im where i planned to be, doing what i think i want to be doing, in some modicum of happiness. And anyone else, enjoy a birthday, it only happens once a year, ill try to follow this thought today myself, today is just an indication that you must be one step closer to happiness and greater wisdom. Hip Hip Hip Hooray
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 06, 2008
its my birth day soon and im getting avp stuff and your all invited to my party at 123 fakesreet london britian earth universe A.
april 3
Wednesday, April 02, 2008
tomorrow will be my birthday, i will be 47 yr old. I do not look 47, nor act 47. inside I feel like i am 16 yrs old. to all who were born in 1961, may we feel young in heart!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Happy Birthady to me!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Happy Birthady to me!I'm 22 today.It's a luvly day.I'm very lucky & happy to be here. **********************
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 29, 2008
shit i am 11 years old today fu*k
I'm 15 today
Saturday, March 29, 2008
This is probably one of the worst birthdays i have ever had.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 27, 2008
im 19 today! love,live,life im goen to never never land with my chosen family man!!!! THE MILKEY BARS ARE ON ME YEAHHHHHHHHH
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 22, 2008
its my birthday today march 22 and i am 17 yay but i can't believe my mom almost died yesturday. well ill try to enjoy my day.
It's My Birthday an im ten years old!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, March 21, 2008
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
28 today and feeling good!! Got a few msgs this morning to wish me a happy birthday & being brought for my dinner tonight. Two more years til im 30. Wooohoooo............ 10 years since i was time ever..........ah well.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
I am 34 today and so far have had no cards (sorry nanna,except yours~) and only my 4 year old who wished me happy birthday this morning at 7.30, am begining to think my day dosnt matter anymore.Does that happen as you get older? I geuss so. Happy Birthday Me!!!! yeah
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 14, 2008
It's my 21st birthday today. Woohoo, but then I wonder, does anyone care, and will anyone wish me happy birthday??? :S I need a drink!
Hate Kait
Hate Kait's Kaitastrophy Ball
Friday, March 14, 2008
Im 19 and tonight im holding my party, Hate Kaits Kaitastrophy Ball, Happy Birthday to me! =]
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 13, 2008
Its my birthday today, i cant believe another year of my life has passed me by... Although its the first birthday i can remember as being truely special thanks to that special someone.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
im 17
Danielle (Aka: Dizzy,Miss President,M.C.,Danny)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 05, 2008
Today is my 17th Birthday! I am very excited because in exactly 365 days I will be 18!!! I am very thankful for all of my friends at SEHS, Jeremy, My Lil' Sis, and my mommy! They have made these 17 years worth it! I love you all! I hope that everyone has a GREAT Birthday!
It's Almost My Birthday
Tuesday, March 04, 2008
Tomorrow, March 5th, 2008 I'm gonna be 13! A teenager! Finally I'm free to do what I want! Thank you…Bye!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 02, 2008
its my 15th birthday(: 33
Sunil Soin
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 29, 2008
Today is my 32nd birthday and miss my mom and my sister's...O God help me Give my one Birthday when i said that i am the luckiest man of the world.....
Paige Bayly
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
It is my birthday tomorrow, i am turning 16 and my present from my dad is going skydiving!! WOOO Then later that night im chucking a party which involves getting drunk and a penis pinata!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
It's my 18th birthday today and I got woken up at 1am by an Earthquake. Then again at 7am by my mum who'd secretly filled the house with balloons and banners. I got all I could ask for and more... Well, almost. =]
anha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha haonymous
It's My Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
lol, hi gemma
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 22, 2008
I used to love my I am 55!! How the hell did that happen?
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
I am 25 today and it does seems old. and those of you that are older to you this may not seem old but yesterday i was only 24!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
It's my birthday too. :) (19th feb) I just turned 15 :D!!
James D
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 17, 2008
18 years old today! woot! I'm gonna go run 10 victory miles at my high school track.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 14, 2008
23 and lost. is my
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
30 today :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
So is my birthday today or was it yesterday? since i moved on the other side of the Earth hemisphere... hmm i guess we'll party for two days!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
It's my birthday today!! 13th February. I'm 19 today. Being 18 is sort for my culture, it's the age by at which you should have accomplished a lot of great things and for it passed without me completing any of them. So I've decided to be a new man from now on. Disappointment for what I've become thus far sparked the ambition to be a better man from this day forth I am reborn. It's my BIRTHDAY, isn't it?
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Its my birthday today - im 33 today! Its also valentines day and my wedding anniversary! im now at work and when I came in my manager had dressed my desk with baloons and decorations. There was also a signed card from the office and a botlle of champers - such a lovely gesture. Im having a night out with my hubby tonight, but not sure where we will be going. I need some martinis! I dont feel that great today though - feel a bit lonely - i miss my parents - especially my mum. Heres to reaching another year in good health x
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 08, 2008
39 today!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 07, 2008
22. gonna do everything i can to become a bartender. don't ask. IT'S MY BIRTHDAY. peace.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 07, 2008
It's my birthday today and I've not told a soul! (well, except you guys) Maybe if I lie low enough the whole day will pass without any kind of a fuss.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 06, 2008
7;40pm its my birthday im 24. not doin anything bored watching tv, got a card but have'nt actually received it yet but know its waiting, im depressed and content if that makes sense, think i might have wasted a few years which il neva get back but any wasted years have all taught me something. feel like going out and dancing all night with a lot of alcohol ;o
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 03, 2008
And my husband sent me an e-card. WTF? And no cake either. I can't believe I cried on my birthday. I'm 26.
I am 9 and its my birthday
Friday, February 01, 2008
I am 9 and i cant wait to get my presants because my mum says they will be lovely and i agree because they always are.
mike wilts uk
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
today is my birthday 30 / 1 / 08 well i reached 52 and still alone i have some good friends but not the same as having someone to love so happy birthday to me ..............
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 30, 2008
Well i'm 21 today! Think thats a good thing, but I really wish my younger sister and her friends would stop asking me if I feel old yet???????!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Well Happy Birthday to me ..................
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 28, 2008
It's My 36 th Birthday..whoooaaoo!!
Friday, January 25, 2008
Anyway happy birthday to the rest of you out there celebrating the day you were born.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 24, 2008
happy birthday to natrice
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Today (23rd Jan 2008) I turn 31. Apparently I am difficult to buy for, hence why I didn't open anything this morning. Come on guys - you have a WHOLE year to think of something, any thing, just think about me. It is my day and I want to feel special damn it! A nice person I work with went out last night to a bakery and bought me a custard square/vanilla slice - my favourite. A little thought is all I ask.
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 21, 2008
Today the 21/1/2008 its my biorthday and I'm 60. Yep I made it to 60. Happy birthday to me happy birthday to me
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 20, 2008
It's My 19th Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 19, 2008
Damn.. Today is the 20th of January year 2008 im 32 and it's my freaking b-day. I don't feel well but im trying to be strong. I have no friends calling me, nothing to do out here in front of the monitor typing, i cant wait until this day is over. But anyway happy birthday to me...
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 13, 2008
its my birthday in a couple of days and noone gives a shit. I mean, its true that the only person that gets excited for your birthday is YOU, but noone even acknowledges it. My parents don't wanna have cake with me because they have work and my friends don't even care. I was supposed to go shopping with my mom but she's pissed at me for some unknown reason and doesn't wanna take me. For some reason, I feel like everyone is revolted by my presence. I know I sound like a moaning little bitch but hey, everyone's birthday comes once a year, so why couldn't people just give a decent shit about me? I'm not asking for anything, I just want people to be like, "Hey, it's her birthday..let's be nice" Oh well.
It's My Birthday!!!!!
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
names gareth live in luton / uk im 18 fuck me life is starting to fly past
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 07, 2008
Hey its my Birthday today !!!! 8th January
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 04, 2008
Today is my birthday. I just turned 16. I still feel like im about 10! I don't feel old enough to do the sort of things 16 year olds do. None of my friends remembered. My family barely did. I've had a lonely birthday. A very lonely birthday.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 03, 2008
itz my bday today!! i am turin 14...omg the last year jst flew by...interestin to c all dese commentz....i hv to say most ppl rememberd my bday:) frd calld me at 12 in d nite...she duznt live in hk...v spoke for 30 minz(onlyyyy) i miss her sooo much...i hate movin...i wanna go to a boardin here sux!!! but newayy HAPPY BDAY MEE!!
It's My dissapointing.
Monday, December 31, 2007
It's my 23rd birthday today, 12.31.07. I googled 'its my birthday' and found this interesting site and thought I would float my thoughts around cyberspace for once. Only one person called me today to wish me happy birthday, but it wasn't my mom, or my dad, or my brother or sister. Its about 4:15pm so I'll give them a few more hours but I have to be honest, I'm feeling a little sad. When I woke up this morning I told myself that I didn't care about today and that it was no big deal...but honestly I'm feeling a little dissapointed and lonely. I have a great husband, an amazing house and car, my two furry children (a dog and a cat), and good friends...just not the kind that call you on your birthday. Boo.Alright. I'm done with my pity party...time to go do something productive. :) Happy New Years everyone!
It's My Birthday.. yay??
Friday, December 21, 2007
its my birthday and didnt feel like sleeping.. just googled "its my birthday today" and got here.. looking fwd to spend some time with friends .. phone calls with family and lot of sugar before i sleep the next nite.. Happy birthday to all future bloggers..
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
today's my 22nd birthday. my life sucks right now except i still have my health and this semester i think i got straight A's. i was too shy in high school and didnt study the first three years of college. because of the first i have a lot of regret and feelings of having missed out and because of the second i lost a scholarship and moved back home to go to school here. my first girlfriend i got when i was 19 and it was horrible, she cheated and lied and i put up with it for almost 3 years. my 21st birthday was spent alone at home and i did not go out or anything like that. i dont know what im going to do tonight. i havent really got any friends, didnt make any this semester. i go and search on google for "things to do in houston" but nothing interesting comes up. ive been to the art and science museums, i dont have money for shopping, movies dont interest me much. at least in dallas i had friends and roommates and went out every now and then. life here is agonizing. it wouldnt be so bad if i just had to deal with loneliness and depression or boredom, but to deal with it when youre stuck in a house surrounded by your family is less fun. i only wish i could go back to when i was 15, and do it all over again. it was good to read all of your thoughts on your birthdays, though. i wish the best to everyone above and happy birthday to anyone that comes here and reads this on theirs.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Its my Birthday today..... i am 25....... another 50 years to go.... lol
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 06, 2007
it be my b day today. 27. feel'n 40. got kiddos, a hubby, and a life full of baggage. wouldn't change it for the world!
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 03, 2007
It's my birthday today, December 3, 2007. Getting closer to that magical, mystical big 50. Still feel in my heart and mind like 25. Happy Birhtday to me!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 29, 2007
its my birfday today yay mee i am 13 wooohoooooo yayy i am soo happy finally i am older than all of my mates init bruv i am going to have a great day today!!!!!!! yay lololololololololololololololloolol and hey to all of mi mates in greenshaw!!! yay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!lololololololololololololololololo
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 26, 2007
I'm 23 today. Which I agree is scarily close to 25 and 30. It's my first birthday out of school and in the real world and I'm still trying to decide where I want to be, but I trust it will all work out. Happy Birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 25, 2007
My birthday is tomorrow on Nov 26th and I'm very excited about that, because I'll be 20 :D I hope to keep smiling at this age, and to always be the same young childish girl I have always been. Happy birthday to me and greetings everybody!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
im 19 2day want a fresh start and new year a nice sexy boyfreind (preferably my ex neva goona happen..) im sittin college N i shud B in uni but thats the way life goes...But so Xcieted looking forward to getting drunk and getting a sexy ass car dis year i''ll be bac nxt year 2keep u updated!! Happy to all xxxXxXxxLove YaXxxxx
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Yesterday the 19th was my 29th birthday. It pretty much sucked. Other than my parents taking me out to eat it was bad. Only 1 of my friends called me and no one in my extented family called and no cards. My own grandmother forgot. I always get a few cards. My cousin is like Old Faithful with cards and phone calls and I got nothing from her. Felt pretty special. My husband could have at least made some kind of attempt. My 6 y/o daughter wrote my name on a peice of paper.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 15, 2007
It's my birthday on November 18th and I need to make a decision about this acting thing. I aint getting any younger and with all of these pretty young chickens running around it is going to make it harder to land gigs. But I do have a nitch, ME! At least I have done a move with Brad Pitt, Done 2 national commericals so I really cant complain. I have a wionderful man in my life, so I will live another year, and keep reaching for the stars, but this year they are going to come true!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 12, 2007
Lol I did the same as sean!
Tammy Moore
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 12, 2007
Happy Birthday To ME!!!! I guess I will always be a kid even at 49 I still love my BIRTHDAY!!!! Thank you Jesus for allowing me these 49 years and I hope to be in your service untill you come to get me!!! Praise The Lord!!! God Belss Everybody that reads this BELIEVE!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 12, 2007
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 12, 2007
Tomorrow i hit 36. It's scary that i feel no different to what i did when i was 15 :) Do you ever feel older on the inside??? I suspect tomorrow will be like every other birthday of late, chocolate, sitting about and snuggling up with my beautiful wife in the evening and watching telly :)
It's My 21st Birthday
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Wow - i'm 21!I woke up this morning and thought - hmmm i think somethings happening today... then i remembered it's my birthday!!! :D i'm losing my marbles already! it's all downhill from here! Wishing myself a very happy birthday xx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 10, 2007
Louis P
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 09, 2007
I am 18 today !
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 09, 2007
It is my 40th Birthday Today- I thought my life was good, but recently everything I believed in fell apart, but hey-Life Does that to you every once in awhile. I decided that the best part of this Birthday, was not the day-but everyday afterwards- You either start living or start dying, so I am going to live it up. And to everyone out there -Have a Happy Birthday on me and Here's to Living it up, right.
Shalyn Meadows
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Today is my BIRTH-DAY!!!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 02, 2007
Itz ma b-day on monday am gona b a teenager!! 13 lol :D and also for the last comment there was im a scorpio so fankz. im sittin er typen borring stuff that ur finden suck ass so i sudjest to move on to the next comment cuz im just rameling on about nufin in purtickular and yes i am dislecsic that is y i cant spell. :( i am very bored now so i cant belive u read this far in my totaly boring comment lol though i thank u cuz you will probebly be theeee only one. !!!!!!!!!! lol gosh this is a long comment ur still reading this!!!!! wow u hav 2 much time if ur this far in this gay comment!!!!!! but i love the people whom did cuz it showz they care about random fock yeah so am gona stop typen now cuz ur all probebely say "SHUT UP" yeah? kk bubbie xxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 02, 2007
Today it is my 21st birthday!! I googled "its my birthday" and this page came up! how fun! =p
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 01, 2007
Im 22 today and it doesnt feel that only a year ago i was 21 so much has happened this year i got married brought a house .theres not much left to do now other then have kids i cant wait.HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE !!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!! im i now Old
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 26, 2007
Today I celebrate my 31st B-DAY, my niece is 20, and my true friend's husband passed this day 29 years ago. I send my wishes and best regards to all on this day. Happy Birthday to all the " Scorpios!!" :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I"m going to turn 28 in 28 minutes! happy birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
I am 66 years old today. And I am loving it! I am still here, still enjoying life, glad of the experiences I've had so far. Age really is just a number - I feel great!! So anyone out there dreading another birthday - another year older - forget it and be glad for what you have!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 16, 2007
well, don't feel so bad. today is my birthday and i just turned 37. my idea of a great birthday is watching my family clean up after themselves and wait on my hand and foot. scary how priority shifts when you get older. mother of god, this message is to all young women out there who think getting married and having children will be bliss. my advice, shake your head and realize what you have now is ten times better then what is in store for you. think long and hard.
14, october 2007
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Its my birthday today, I am 38 and still dont feel a day over 21. To all the other birthdays today I hope you all have a lovely day.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 13, 2007
Wayhey 15 today!!!! happy birthday to anyone else :) xx
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 12, 2007
39 today, just been to the boozer with a few work mates then probably a meal tonight. Why is it though on your birthday you always look back and never forward........? Sounds like i'm depressed, trust me i'm not just got 5 minutes alone and stumbled on this site. Happy b'day everybody
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I love this site! yeah Im now going to be 32. you know what the great thing is? I thought I was 32 all of last year so I actually gain a year! anyhow I have decided to live to 300 (entirely possible for us youngsters aparently) so whats a few years between freinds. Happy birthday Librans! Hey by the way I love to do goal setting on my birthday - its so much more cheering than sitting there wondering what I have achieved - why not have a go yourself!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 11, 2007
I'm 23 today!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 09, 2007
it is my birthday
Monday, October 08, 2007
it is my birthday in 5 days it is on the october the 13th yey me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!99999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999i will be 9
Larry McCampbell
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Today I turned 50 can't believe it where have all the years gone... it's cool to be 1/2 of a century old looking forward to the second half.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 06, 2007
My 41st today and still kicking it like a 25 year old! ;) Life's good xD
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 06, 2007
its my birthday i am happy !!!!!!!!!! woo woo!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
hi its my birhtday 45 kids woke me with love and kiss's dog wagged his tail and alls well im my life a wondrfull husband four wonderfull children . feel old no i still feel 20 just learning to aprschate life is what you put in if you put nothing in dont expect any thing back ! family round for cake later .
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 02, 2007
It's my Birthday 27 today! My gosh I thought I'd never reach this age it always seemed far away.. it's not bad though I dont FEEL any different! I've had a great day; I was spolied by all of my friends and family and boyfriend and just spent a night in a really beautiful hotel in one of my favourite places in the world! Happy Birthday to all other librans.. ;)
Gooner Ali
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 01, 2007
42 Today. "Like, wow man!"
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 30, 2007
hi happy birthday to all who share with me,it has been the best birthday ever,i am 50 today,wasnt looking forward to it, but there has been flowers,cards, and present galore, was going out with my family for a meal, but guess what they surprised me, by getting a limo, and then a party after, what a day it has been, it has been non stop phone calls,i am so proud of my husband and children,all of my family,even the kids had kept the secret,and i didnt have a clue, and to think i was a little down when i got up this morning,thinking im 50,but it has been the BEST DAY EVER, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL, :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Hi, its my 50th birthday today,and i just typed in its my birthday ,didnt expect anything,but here l am, ive had lots of flowers etc and my family are taking me out tonight, looking forward to it,l only hope the next years dont come has fast as this 50 as gone,lol, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ALL OUT THERE,
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 27, 2007
its my bday 28th sep which is 2moz!! cnt wait
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Its my birfday today!!! YAY! the big 2 1!! i made a cake, my boyfriend made a cake, and my mum bought one, so its cakes all round!! lol!! Happy Birthday to everyone esle too!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 23, 2007
it's my birthday today (well the day that im commenting) and 13 and fell like shit ='[
B-day whoop whoop lets get this party started cause im avin a sweet 'n' theres no other betta than myne so Plz come at Weeton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Its ma B-day whoop whoop lets get this party started cause im avin a sweet 'n' theres no other betta than myne so Plz come at Weeton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!XxXxXxXxXxXxXxX(ESPECIALLY HOTTIEZzZ!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 22, 2007
I am alone nothing to do my mom went to work and my dad went out as always and I'm just home doing nothing I hate my life sometimes I wish I wasn't born
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 21, 2007
getting old 57!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, September 20, 2007
but 6 grandchildren think I'm still 21! Some hope! Maybe 31!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Be glad to be alive! Happy Birthday to anyone else with Birthday today. Avril 9North Wales Uk)
It's My Birthday (25)
Thursday, September 20, 2007
I wonder if I'll still get cake in hell on my birthday. Speaking of heaven and hell, as I round the quarter-century mark, I sure hope that there isn't any such thing. I'd hate to think that some all loving creator set up a series of tests of which he was the only judge, then gave me the the choice to follow the instincts he gave me and to not always make the "right" decision.... and then damn me forever if I lose. Yeah. I sure hope it's not a test--that this is all I have.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 20, 2007
Well I am 39 today.....and like many others I Goggled "It's My Birthday" lol....I just can't believe 39 :) I have many things to thankful for. I have been blessed with 2 wonderful kids and a wonderfully handsome (looks like clooney) and talented husband !!!!! And a very supportive family. Happy Birthday to everyone....and Happy Birthday to ME......
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
28 today yeeehaa! googled it too, bored see. wanted to find something amazing...this'll do i suppose. HAPPY BIRTHDAY EVERYONE!! 19/09/79
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 17, 2007
Today is my birthday and it is BEAUTIFUL outside in Cleveland, OH!!! I am 33 but have decided I only feel 24....even though I am a proud mother of an 11 year old! I am making a scrumptious appetizer, dinner and deliciously dark chocolate birthday cake! I love to cook! I took an amazing walk in the metroparks today and was able to go to the art museum and see all the artist's work from the chalk festival over the weekend! What a great day so far! Can't wait to pick up my son from school! OH! Don't forget to get your mom's flowers on your's a special day for them too!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 16, 2007
vahe haha its my birthday
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 14, 2007
20. No longer "teenage angst" but "clinical depression" instead. My friend Trenton reminded me, 'Whatever will be will be. The future's not ours to see'. Life's funny. What goes around really does come around. The things you put out into the world have a tendency to come back and bite you. Something that was a good idea for someone else suddenly isn't so good once it's being applied to you. Men make plans, and God laughs. We plan for the future and we hope and expect things to go that way. And yet what I keep being taught is that as soon as you create a plan, everything begins to go wrong. Life has an irritating habit of getting in the way of what you wanted to happen. And it's not just that other people don't act according to plan, I find myself not behaving in the way I had planned. I had the perfect plan, then Life happened. Maybe this existential thing will phase out by next year.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 13, 2007
33 today! girlfriends sleeping with another bloke, £1500 in debt, can't stop smoking, my daughter is bat like a tennis ball from one home to the next....I'M TRYING GOD DAM IT!! (at least i wasn't born on september 10th..) :-)
It's My Birthday today
Thursday, September 13, 2007
Yeah, it's my birthday today but its not the best birthday I've had. I recently lost career not a job but my career. I had a lot of things to look foward to but did not make it. Now drunk at home and jobless, I'm looking for something to do. Loser you say, yeah, I think I hit that point in my life but life goes on. Happy Birthday to me!! Andy ;)
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 10, 2007
I'm 36 today and happier than ever. I can't believe all of the people posting on this site having a pity party for themselves...if your life sucks, change thankful for what you have. Everyone has something, even if it's just a pulse. Get down on your hands and knees and thank God you're still alive to have a birthday! (That's what having September 10th for a birthday does for you) =)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 08, 2007
i'm 25 today, quarter of a century and a lot more to see
Georgie Bear
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 05, 2007
Hooray I'm 25 today, 1/4 of a century and what have I done with this time?..... Well lots actually! And I'm quite enjoying it. x
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
I'm 54 today and wonder where the years have gone. I'm still not famous, thin or wealthy. Oh well maybe next year!
anonymous girl
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 03, 2007
Its my birthday today and im 14 years old i cant wait 4 my party later on today if anyone else has their birthday today i say happy birthday to her/him
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 03, 2007
it dont matter its my birthday 2 day not a thing off partner or kidas as long as i give 2 them who gives a fuck about me
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 01, 2007
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 30, 2007
i turned 23 today, i had to work and prepare to go to war for the third time after this weekend. yay me.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 30, 2007
Today I am 44. This year I want you to know that I am leaving lonliness and negativity behind. I'm looking forward to rewriting my life and when I revisit this site next year, I'll have a good man at my side, I'll be happy, healthy, and abundantly wealthy! See you next year...I've got some work to do!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
Im 20 today and after a day at work I just wanna open a bottle of wine or have a few beers and relax with my friends.....but they're either running round an astro-turf pitch or working this evening- sucks big time!!!
nicky bobby
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
it my b day, and for the first time i genuinly couldent giv'a shiz. 16. on the 28,08,07.
Chris Alley
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
It's my birthday today. 22 years old. depressing.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
I'm 17 today and i am of age in the wizarding world ... whoooo HARRY POTTER ZINDABAD
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 24, 2007
Yeah,. funny thing to pop up when I googled 'its my birthday'. I'm 50 and i have 2 kids and my own biz, though not ever enough money! As I get older, I do get smarter...dare I even say more content. Probably as much as I know what I don't want anymore...the struggle is futile...let life ebb and flow and be there for your people that are there for you!~
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Yep today i'm 35, and it's (mostly) still good to be alive. Guess i've made it to around the halfway mark in this life and i'll tells ya one thing: It's better to regret something you have done than something you haven't. So go DO something folks! Coz guess what - you just may not be here tomorrow. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVERS!
It's My Birthday13
Saturday, August 18, 2007
ýts my býrtday today and ým so happy today
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 16, 2007
whooooooo its my birthday
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
happy birthday 2 every1 on this page! and 2 me too today because its my birthday and i am 17. every year i get like 3 of the same present from differnt people which is quite ironic. last year i got 4 perfumes off all different people. This year i got 3 cd's off 3 different people!! how bizzare is that! happy birthday
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
it's my 21st and i need alcohol and some baloons + cake and life will be great
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 12, 2007
This has been my best birthday yet. I'm 23 today and I feel like I've finally grown up. I'm having great weather, and great times with friends and family. Its sickeningly gooey, but I'm really happy for the first time in a long time and I just wanted to share that with the internet...
Sunday 12 August 2--7
Sunday, August 12, 2007
well its MY birthday, and i am truely blessed. i thanked my creator for giving me the breath of life for 40 yrs.... my child made me feel sooo special, but my partner is his usual miserable self... i got no hugs... no kiss... just a grunt!... i have never in my life celebrated a birthday, so why did i think my 40th would be any diffrent? well, nevermind, i,m saying HAVE A BLESSED BIRTHDAY, and give thanks. :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 10, 2007
today, i am 44 years old. in my lifetime, i have seen the advent of the information age. i am, for the most part, computer illiterate. today, i am looking back on my life as an effort in futility. my skills are honed to what i was expected to accomplish as a member of my generation. instead of furthering my education, i chose to go to work and raise a family. i was in love. my first marriage lasted 7 mos. today, i am leaving my woman of 5 years, the mother of my one-year-old boy, because everything i wanted for her has come to fruition. she no longer abuses controlled substances and she wants to be a mother to her children. i no longer am needed as someone to lean on, and i have only experienced disrespect from her teen-age boys, to the point of accepting verbal and physical abuse, knowing that i cannot retaliate without causing an investigation from the dept. of human services. my life is wrapped around my son; and now i am going to be forbidden to see him because i took in the children of another man, when he couldn't care for them anymore. where is the fairness in that? when can i feel okay about giving up? i am not in danger of going to jail because i am not their legal guardian, but the last year has been a constant barrage of court appearances for their mother, and i have no control over their behavior. am i wrong to feel this way? will i feel this way when i turn 45?
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 09, 2007
It's my birthday! August 9th. Stupid Sixteen.... Dad, WHERE'S MY CAR?!

(Editor's notes: Your car will be parked in the driveway...after you get a job, save the money and buy it.)

It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 09, 2007
23 today! Life is great. I have much to do and learn and and a purpose to strive for. Be the best me ever! I don't know what to expect of my life at this age or any other age, nor do I think I should worry about it. I only know that if I want someting in my life, taking on the challenge of striving to get it will be worth something for sure, even if it doesnt produce what I intended. Life takes on meaning wherever you find it. And EVERYONE tries to find meaning in their life. Still enjoying the Mystery, myself. I hope to keep the curiosity alive as I grow older, always exploring different concepts of meaning instead of allowing my worldview to grow fixed and stagnate. In my opinion the best way to grow old is to keep the best parts of your childhood alive, while building on experiences to keep yourself new and changing all the time. Good luck! And HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
Russell C
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 08, 2007
I'm 24 today and nobody cares enough about me to do anything for or with me. I don't even have a girlfriend to make me feel special :(
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
I turned 39 today. OUCH! How did that happen? Yesterday I was 25... now I have a teenager and seem to have missed half of my life! Oh yea, I also woke up to a great birthday present, my refrigerator/freezer had died during the night. Lost all the food, big mess! Happy Birthday to me! Yippee...
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 06, 2007
Not that I am in anyway feeling sorry for myself by typeing 'It's my Birthday' into a search engine oh no!!!! Tomorrow I will 33 years old.I have spent today sitting in front of my computer condensing 2 days work in 1day (don't tell the boss!) so that for my Birthday at least I can have a day off. Still tomorrow I will get to spend the day with the people that I love most in the whole wide world and that some how makes everything so worth while.HOPE YOU ALL HAVE GREAT BIRTHDAYS TOO. Remember you are only every as old as you feel x
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 05, 2007
It's my birthday... Im 20, and it sucks. I have no friends calling me, nothing to do. sigh... i cant wait until this day is over.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
It's my birthday today!! I just turned 15. I am so old :(
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 30, 2007
It's my birthday too! A lot of people wished me a good one!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 29, 2007
It's my birthday. Bit of a let down as usual- my expectations are way too high!! I still haven't learnt, and I'm 31 today. Bring on the wisdom...
Jelly Bean
It's My Birthday baby!
Saturday, July 28, 2007
32 today. I got breakfast in (almost) bed and beautiful flowers, anything after that is just cake!
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 27, 2007
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Happy Birthday! Ima party if i want to. Do what i want to.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Turning 17 today... fun stuff fun stuff. Happy Birthday to all the other commenters!
Punk Ladybird
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 22, 2007
It's my birthday I'm 18 XD ..
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
It's my birthday!!! 07/18/1988. I also typed in "It's my birthday" in google and this popped up. *laughs* I'm suprised at how nice some people are sometimes. For example, this guy in my theater class that I just met 2 weeks ago bought me an entire cake for my birthday as a surprise. My spanish teacher bought me strawberries, my coworkers baked me cookies, and my fiance is going to take me out for dinner/desert. I'm suprised at the cross section of types of people in the world. Like the lady that yelled at the homeless guy because he said "good morning and god bless" to her as she walked by. *sigh* A totally unnecessary conflict.... I guess the nice people like the ones today even out some of the bad ones.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Happy Big 33 To me! YEAH
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
It's my birthday today and I'm working overnight. I'll get off at about 7 A.M. and go home and sleep because I have to be back to work at 7 P.M. today. I'm also going to be 24 years old, and that's sort of depressing in itself.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
im am 18 today!!! oh yeh oh yeh! partayin lyk a biatch 2nyt!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Happy birthday to me - wish I had something fun to do today :S
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
I posted one message then took sometime to read other people's messages. Great idea for a site, happy birthday to me (and everyone else born today, tomorrow and the day before) and I hope more than anything, this year is one to remember. Turning 24 and I need to start living
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 12, 2007
It's my birthday, and I'm 27 years old. I was supposed to be somewhere in life by now, but I'm living with my parents in the town I was born in (and desperate to leave). I'm coming to the realization that my boyfriend of 2 years is a dud. He didn't even get me a Christmas card last Christmas, and all I got today was a couple text messages (none of which wished me a happy birthday). He texted me a happy birthday last night, but that doesn't really count. He's terminally broke and jobless. I'm a fool but I still hold out hope for the man he was when I met him. Aside from all of that, life is great. My family is amazing, and made today really special for me. I am so thankful for them. I just need the courage to move on and trust that I will find someone as amazing as the man I used to know; the man I fell in love with. Sorry for the ramble. Today really was a great day!
wayne morgan
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
its my birthday wop de do i lost my job an the love of my life its the worst day of my life 23 an im gutted but i just core give up
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Its my birthday today, and only a few people and remember so far. which is quite upsetting.
birthday person w/ a puppy
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
It's my birthday, but I caught my mom smoking and it now sucks!
It's My Birthday and I am alone.
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Its my birthday and all has turned to sh1t. I am still mourning my breakup, were i found out that my best friend, who was my girlfriend at one time, was lying and using me...trying to bring me down purposely. I keep telling her to leave me alone but she keeps dropping in and trying to be in my life, pretending that nothing has happened. I just miss my best friend but know that she was the worst thing for me...So alone even thought i do have family and friends...So here i am crying on my birthday. that sucks.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 07, 2007
WOOOHOOO! im 20! x
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 06, 2007
its my birthday and im thirteen! im feeling cranky and pubescent today and i don't know why.... grrrrrrrr.... im going to take it out on people i like! JK! Watch Harry Potter Puppet Pals on YouTube! See Ya!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 05, 2007
i´m 34 today! Just haven´t got a clue what I shoiuld do today. Other people should organise birthdays, not the people that have them! Anyway, I have to work today, so i´ll quickly forget about it!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
it's my birthday! smokin a fat one at 55! Life is good! Enjoy Life! Mike
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 02, 2007
It's my birthday today. I'm turning 19!!! YAY. Its 1:12 in the morning, I just got back from work and I'm too hyped up to sleep, just thought I'd share. Have a good day!
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 02, 2007
hi 2 all those brn on the 1st of July the same as princess Diane. God bless her. happy bday to every1 else And yes its me again not famous yet but i still got another 9 years. but never give up, im 12 today still breaking the record for the youngest one on this website. And anyway ive been on bits of programs always believe in ur self and remember the name PHOEBE
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 30, 2007
Im 19 to day. I guess a lot of ppl have goggled there name on there b-day. lol
The Admiral
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 29, 2007
It's my 22nd birthday, and here I am studying for a probability+statistics final. My party consisted of a few friends and I going to the pub and having a few beers, and listening to the blues band. Could've been better or more epic. Here's hoping your birthday is better. - m
salim ali
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm 39 today
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 28, 2007
I'm 40 today, but in my heart I think I'll stay 39!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 27, 2007
im 15 today!
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 25, 2007
Today si my 14th birthday! Im so happy!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 23, 2007
its my 24th birthday today and I just realized i'm not 17 anymore. dear God
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 21, 2007
yup i googled my birthday at work on my own slightly bored! i'm 18 today sigh time for some more responsibilty i suppose xxx
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
I typed its my birthday too... I'm turning 23 RIGHT NOW!!! Have a great B-day everyone. ju
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 20, 2007
hippo birdday too mee! lol
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Monday, June 18, 2007
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 14, 2007
lol was reading through some of the comments and the one that made me laugh was "I think everyone tells the computer its their birthday!" YUP! I'm included - still up while all my house mates are in bed and decided to google "its my birthday!" i'll be 23 in 10minutes, nearly midnight. 23 is a good age...but secretly i loved when i was 19! awww memories! Hope to have a year like that again this year!
It's My Birthday!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
It's my 14th birthday! yay!!!! Im so happy!!! Although i dont get many presants..... TO BAD its my BirthDAY!!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
Hey everybody!!!!! It's my 20th Birthday! Woo Hoo!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 13, 2007
I typed its my birthday on google too! Yep, its my birthday.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 12, 2007
Today im 34 and feeling a little old, a little content, and set in my ways. Perhaps its time to shake things up a little. Best of wishes to all on this board who probably found it by accident when they typed in "its my birthday" to google. I felt like I had to tell someone =)
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 11, 2007
Tis my birthday today, god im 27 years of age..... :)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 09, 2007
turning 18, still a virgin.. fuck it
nicky aka pister
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 06, 2007
helloooooooooo! i am 17 2day an i feel like poo!! an i hav an exam 2mora!!! cnt wait 4 nxt year!!!! oh an helo aime if u gt my message!!!! hurrrrrmmmmmm!!!! bye!! xx
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 03, 2007
its my birthday today! im 20! no more teenage years 4 me! have a great day everyone!!! xoxo *hugz*
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 27, 2007
It's my birthday and I am now 23 years old. I have yet to get my b-day BJ.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 26, 2007
woooo its my 14th brthday 2day n luv being a year olda
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 24, 2007
w00t w00t 14 today +D
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
I wish everyone who shares my birthday a very happy, healthy birthday. I am 58 today and have never been one for wishing my time away, so feel more than a little guilty that I find myself looking forward to 2009 when I intend to retire. That will fall on a Friday so I get away a day early. I have been planning for this and am busy improving my golf and widening my circle of friends - so good luck to me and especially good luck to all you 23 May people - go for it and have a good one.
Little Lisa
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Today is my birthday and I woke to my husband walking saying past me saying Happy Birthday, no hug no kiss and quess what that was unacceptable because I deserve more so I looked in the mirror smiled blew myself and kiss and baby we're movin to Cali. So I put my house on the market as my husband suggested we do to downsize but really he just can't cut it in the workplace so when my house sells I am outta here from the Desert to the Coastal region and I couldn't be happier.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 23, 2007
Today I'm 55, I'm halfway to 110 and I'm happy. Happy Birthday to everybody young and old
Cornish Cream
53 ain't old.
Tuesday, May 22, 2007
Today I'm 53. When I was 23 I thought 53 was so old (my mum's age) but now I'm here I realise that it's nothing of the sort. OK so I don't have quite so much energy or stamina as I used to, so I would say to anyone in their 20's or 30's, try to do what you want to do while you've still got that drive and energy. That doesn't mean you can sit on your arses and do nothing, mind! Make the most of your youth, but don't abuse others in the process. To all you young'uns out there, you have so much ahead of you, so much to learn about life, people, the way the world functions. Always treat others the way you would wish to be treated, try your best at everything, and don't be disappointed when things don't work out, you have time on your side. Some of the comments on this site are sad, it's a shame when your loved ones forget your birthday. Life sucks sometimes and folk don't do what you want them to do, but nobody's perfect, thank god. OK I'm rambling, but it's been nice.
It's My Birthday Too
Sunday, May 20, 2007
Well, it's not been as depressing as some of the birthdays out there but it's not been remotely interesting either. I'm at that age [36] when either no-one cares or no-one remembers or no-one mentions it in case you are feeling old. I did get a cheapo plain cake hastily served on the box it came in, that had been ripped and flattened. It was the anti-cake. Anti-climax. Anti-birthday. Will be happier next year [please].
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 20, 2007
i am 22 today and i am so happy because its my birthday wooooooooooop woooooooooop i love birthdays, i love birthdays!!!!!!!!! wooooooooooooooooooop woooooooooooooop POOHEAD POOHEAD!!! GARSHALL
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 18, 2007
its my birthday and i can cry if i want to lol OMG IT IS ME AKA JADE ELIZABETH CUMMINGS BIRTHDAY!!! Ya BABAY......i am 13 years old now but so far my birthday is sucking
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 18, 2007
It is my birthday today!!! I am 19 WOOHOO!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 11, 2007
It's my birthday today && It has been a great day! Got a couple birthdya gifts from people and a lot of "Happy Birthday's" too! I'm going out tonight, so you know what the means ;] Partay Babay! Hellz Yeahh. Well. Just thought you people should know that. Peace Out XoXo
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 11, 2007
Im 17 woohooo!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 10, 2007
im 19
It's My Birthday May 9
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
and im really old! baby boomer going KABOOM. Knees hurt, back hurts but im still here. HAPPY BDAY to all!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
I'm 45 today, just another day....Got a few email B-day grats, nice and quiet just the way I like it.......:):), So you all kick back have a shot of your favorite bottle and relax......It's just another day. Six two and even..........
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
Today is the first anniversery of my 21st birthday!
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 04, 2007
Today is my birthday and I feel alone. I miss my mother. She died of a brain tumor.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 03, 2007
Hi again. I'm 35 today. My beautiful baby boy is 14 months old tomorrow. I wish I could go on vacation with him in Hawaii. But, money is scarce since we are on one income. I'm so lucky he is healthy and we are together. I hope I will be able to show him the world. To all you kids out there - stop drinking so much! It seems like it's all you write about on these pages. It isn't good for you and it's dangerous. You'll have lots of years whene you'll be legal, and you'll do it in moderation and enjoy it more anyway. God, I sound so old and boring, but I really am telling you the truth!

(Editor's notes: Yes, it is the truth.)

Suzanne in Manchester, England, U.K
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 30, 2007
im 23 years old today, having a really good day ! Just waiting for my boyfriend to get home from work so I can see whats he's got me ! Ha Ha. Just thought i'd tell the world its my birthday !!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 29, 2007
Joe Krieg
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Today is my birthday!!! 27.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 26, 2007
I'm 18 today.this birthday has been kind of anticlimatic. I'm still underage in Ontario. One more year. Whatever drinkings more fun when it's illegal anyway. Happy birthday to the rest of you born today!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
33 today, Happy B-day to the rest of you and God Bless!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
I'm 10 today
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
GOODBYE MY TEENS!!!!! im 20!!!!
gemma louise
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
its my b day and im having a bad luck streik . so sad im 15 and life is shit . i wish i was doing sommet fun but not just stuck at school .help me feel like a dead person i wish ! if its ur birthday hope u have a betta day and a gr8 fucking life .l8r luv gem

(Editor's notes: You're 15, get over it.)

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
im so excited cause im 16 tomorrow and i really cant wait!! its absolutly fantabulous!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Im 17 today, I have spent the day on my own..... split up with my boyfriend of 3 years a few days ago and i really do wish it wasnt my birthday, birthdays are ment to be fun, but not mine! Im now going to go be sad... bye! x
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 21, 2007
Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday to ME! Happy Birthday dear Sarah - Happy Birthday to MEE!!! 27 today...I can say "I remember when" statements and think those teenagers are too darn loud :) nah...I love every minute of this day - happy b-day to everyone else who was born today!!!
sad me
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 19, 2007
i feel like an old lady here--lets just say i'm 29 :) feelin sad and lonely right now, having a pity party. Things will pick up later though. anywhoooo-happy bday to all.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
Happy Birthday to me!! This is a really long list so I thought I should be part of it for sure. Anyways today is my birthday April 17th and I am now 22, but I'm not unhappy at all. Happy Birthday to everyone else with the same birthday! :P
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Happy birthday to all those with the same B-Day
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 15, 2007
Today is my birthday. I am 20 - no longer a teenager. I cannot believe it...
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 13, 2007
i'm 16 today and i feel old. i wish i was still fifteen. it's a bit weird thinking that ten and a half hours ago i was still fifteen but... i guess i've been fifteen for as long as you get to be. it's not fair to keep it any longer than that.
It's My Birthday and im 18
Thursday, April 12, 2007
All the people that have wished me happy birthday told me that it's too bad im not a year older (19 - Ontario drinking age)....fuck them. Im going drinking anyways.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
today is my birthday and only one person remembered completely. My mom, and I'm 14 so that's not a surprise
April 11th!
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
April 11!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Happy Birthday To Me!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 07, 2007
It's my 26th birthday and it's snowing in NYC! So much for my kickball Saturday extravaganza. I'm still laying in bed and my boyfriend just mysteriously ran out the door saying 'i''ll be back in 10 minutes." hmmm, surprises?!
It's My Birthday, and ill die if i want too
Friday, April 06, 2007
Its breaking dawn on the day of my birth but i havnet just awoken, in fact, iv been awake for the whole day so far. Dont know why really, but it could mean i sleep for a huge chunk of the actual 'day' itself. Anyway, i wonder if im the first repeater on this page as i wrote something last year as well. Im in a depressingly similar state as to then if not worse. Nothings getting accomplished and to those older ppl who tell us 'kids' to get out there and make the most of it, if only it were as simple? So piss off, ill spend the day asleep and then wake up maybe 7pm and cry into my lap. oH whos a happy boy on the merry month of may...
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 06, 2007

(Editor's notes: Makes sense.)

It's My Birthday
Friday, April 06, 2007
iits my birthday and i am 13 today. which is seriously close to 16. WHEN I WILL GET MY LISCENCEEE! my party is tonight but only nice people can come not stuck up stoners.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 03, 2007
It's my birthday today! I am now 21 years old, and happy birthday to all the other April 3rd birthdays out there. Happy Birthday to Me!
I am 23......
Monday, April 02, 2007
Hello one and all....first things first, A Very Happy Birthday to all the birthday boys n gals out here. I wonder what ppl expect when they say 'its my birthday today'. Its my second birthday away from home and I have no one to go to and yelp at saying 'ah! its my birthday today' Its just a usual day like any other. I woke up at the same time, did the same things.....etc., etc., but then it is noted I am a year older 23 yrs old precisely. Its a feeling of a lot of unaccomplished dreams but there is also the desire and longing to make good of the time left than rue on lost times. 23 yrs on planet earth, I believe life is just a one chance, is there really a second birth or maybe a second innings.... i dunn really think so. Make the best of life all u ppl out there. There will always be disappointment, but these r lifes stepping stones. I wonder if I'd be all n no one at the same time so that in mind I am happy I am wot I am. Nonetheless u'll r invited to join in my birthday celebration (its not gonna be grand, we'd keep the grand affair for after Lent), it will not be the most talked about thing in town but just some peaceful and precious moments wid me. Cheers!.... Happy birthday to myself
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 30, 2007
its my birthday today & im 33 cant believe it really-it seems like yesterday when i turned 21 & my mother told me that the years fly by from then on in-how right she was. well happy birthday to me & vincent van gogh too!! x
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 29, 2007
its my birthday tonight @ 12! MARCH 30th But I dont have any friends! I do have my boyfriend woo hoo........ any way just thought writing about it would be more effective than celebrating it..... love sarah
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 29, 2007
YAYAYAYA IT MY BITHDAY i`m turning 15 oo nd i have the most amaazing boyfrind ever !!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 29, 2007
Today is my birthday and I am soooo relieved the day is almost over. My preschooler made me a card... THAT was the BEST gift ever. But he kept asking when my party was and I said I was not having one. VERY upset little kid. Me just depressed that really I am only important to my little one. Oh well. I am so grateful for my son. I am just so sad sometimes. And espcially today so ALONE. Thanks for this website, I am done being a pathetic loser. PEACE!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 28, 2007
Im 27 Today, I have wasted my life until now. I wish i went to college,I wish i never met my last g/f. I wish I lived abroad, I wish I had someone to spend my birthday with.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 27, 2007
Happy B-Day to me!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 24, 2007
its my 37th birthday today....i miss my mum
XxX Chloe XxX
It's not My Birthday
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Hello It's not my birthday GoodBye
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 22, 2007
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Its my 15th birthday but it is really nothing
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
its my birthday today I am 36. I think age does not matter, but I love birthdays and letting people spoil you a little
Happy birthday to me
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Oh wow lots of celebrants in here..thanks to google now i will have chance to announce my birthday today March 21 and 24 today..whewwww my wedding will be very soon excited for that also.At 24 i will not be alone anymore butl l will have someone beside me each day.Good to have naother year and hope to have many more years to come!Happy birthday to all celebrants today
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
IT'S MY BIRTHDAY and it's actually been a really good time considering i went 2 skl bu ti am totally in love with this guy and he... Guess what?!?!?!?! ASKED ME OUT!! WHAT A FAB B'DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 18, 2007
Today the 19th of march 2007, is my birthday and I am 53. Had a really great day but earlier in the week I had to attend the funeral of my friends partner he was only 53 as well. It puts things into persepective and makes you feel greatful for what you have. You feel that you should appreciate all around you - but others don't get it. Some close to me still are not generous and giving. You would think that your partner would want the best for you and want to give things to you especially when that is what I do for him when he celebrates his birthday. You know lots of suprises and gifts but anything is so tight fisted and resented. This is nothing new to our situation but when you feel that life can turn to the unexpected I will overlook this and just be greatful that there are many great people in my life and maybe some dont get it. So I am trying to apprectiate every day as it comes and see others for how they are and enjoy them for what they bring even if this is not what I try to aspire to.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 17, 2007
hay guys, its my birthday today 17th march , st patricks day. & im 43 ,how depressing is that? you know i remember my 21st as if it were yesterday, i recall my dads comment on the day (well he said its all down hill now) god he was right, the years have passed by at rapid speed..but hay im happy, its not all gloom & doom. so cheer up today you have reached another year ....
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2007
im 23 im not long for this world everyone hates me im going to kill myself

(Editor's notes: Well that's depressing. Who cares if people don't like you? People suck.)

lisa edmed
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2007
happy birthday 2 me
Graham Lees
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 15, 2007
I have just turned 20 today and the only thing I could think of to do was to Google search "what to do on my B-day" this nice page came up so I thought I would drop my two cents! I wish I knew how to celebrate my least more than writing a comment on this page!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 13, 2007
like so many many others i was looking for inspiration when i did this search. You YOUNG guys have nothing to worry about and everything to look forward to. I will be 47 next wed and have had a great life in the last 20 years as things start to become clearer. I do know one thing for sure. Try your hardest at work and be good to your family as you only get 1 real chance at it. I still dont know what i want for my presents but it doesnt seem SOOOOOO important anymore. ENJOY
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 12, 2007
it my bday today
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 12, 2007
It's my birthday. She said se would throw me a a party, but she waited too long and everyone had other plans. I hate that my birthday is the day people forget.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 11, 2007
its my borthday today march 11 im 14
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 11, 2007
Jesus you're a happy soul int ya..... Its my 30th today, i havent got many cards or gonna have big party so in many ways life has treated me the same. i guess the difference is that birthdays dont matter to me one bit.. some people get the big surprises some dont. thems the breaks man.... but to be honest i like a quiet life so it dont bother me lol .... happy birthday everyone whose birthday it is today
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 11, 2007
It's my birthday today! I'm 17 years old! My day was perfect... a perfect last-birthday-before-college. Happy Birthday everyone!
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 09, 2007
I turned 41 March 8 2007 (its been, the 9th for the last 50mins EST) anyway just like every other year all but a few of my friends and colleges forgot. -of those that did remember it was a "Oh its your birthday isn't it?" as i was leaving work, to myspace comments (one from my niece), and another myspace message, (My family called but they all live out of state, and remembered mostly cause i called them on Sun to tell them i was deploying with my guard unit to Afghanistan in the fall.) Worst was that my roommates -who asked me just a few days ago when my birthday was -forgot. But, like every other year people will remember to late. and apologize with a 'belated' birthday greetings. then a 'you should have told me/us.' Last year was the worst, I mean it was my f-n 40th for gods sake. your buddies are supposed to surprise you or take you out drinking or something -but no. And yes, for the most part, I do remember these peoples birthdays. I don't want birthday presents. All I've ever wanted for my birthday is for my friends to remember my birthday on my actual birthday. -not the next day or a few days later. I guess I hate my birthdays. they are a sad reminder of how un-important I really am to people i find important. Call me bitter or whatever but this year when the belated birthday greetings are offered I will tell them as such -then carry on. In summation -"it's my birthday -and it sucks."
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Yey :-D It is my birthday today and I will try and celebrate - despite the fact that I have to revise really hard today, as tomorrow I have an exam that will rank me against my fellow medical students for my future job.....hmmmmm I'm beginning to think early March is a terrible time to have a birthday as a medical student!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
23 today. Having an awful day, no-one at work knows or cares and I'm about to go and buy myself a large pile of fattening food to make up for it. Feeling peculiar - 23 is such a strange age, old but young...

(Editor's notes: 27 is stranger still...)

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 06, 2007
Happy Birthday Everyone!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 05, 2007
Its my birthday to-morrow Tues 6th March. Happy Birthday Trish, love from Tony and James. Sally, Billy and Benny xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 04, 2007
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 02, 2007
Its my birthday today! my 20th, supposed to be a great celebrating with my friends family etc. So why arnt I? and why am i depressed?
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 01, 2007
Its my birthday today. 34 years old. too old to act young, and too young to act old.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 01, 2007
can you give me a present im 12!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday today and i'm 25
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
I'm 25 today OMG a quarter of a century. Nearly 30!!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
It's My Birthday 2 moz
Saturday, February 24, 2007
hi its me birthday 2 moz and i am soooooooooooo excited i am going 2 b 13 so now a teenager !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 22, 2007
I'm 58 today and am happy I've had a good life so far. Lots of love from daughters and family. I have decided just to live moment to moment from now on and let my universe unfold as it should.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Oh $hit it's my birthday
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 19, 2007
I turn 30 today. Although I"ve been laiming to be 28 for the past two years.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
its my birthday on valintines day
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
I feel lonely.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
it's my birthday and i lie if i want to
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Im 13 tomorrow and i dont even know what im doinn :( Please Help me! I lIve In Ipswich!
It's My Birthday (yesterday)
Friday, February 09, 2007
My 30th birthday ended 13 minutes ago. I hope the next thirty years are better. I hope the next three years are better.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 08, 2007
Todays, my birthday! Which always sucks ass & is the most depressing day of the year! You spend all your day analysising your life & realising how shit it is! Great! Happy Selfish old Birthday to me...! raaaa...
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
My BiRTHDAyyy iS 2MARROW !! iMA BE 13 YAyyyy WOW iM BOREdd DAt iM iN DiZ DUMN SiTE W.E
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 29, 2007
Today's my birthday and I'm lonely. = (
It's My Birthday
Saturday, January 27, 2007
Tomorrow, the 28th is my birthday...41. I am alive!!! It's my first birthday since being hit by a car and left for dead last February. I was walking across the street when this drunk hit me and took off. I don't remember it cause...well...I was pretty messed up - airlifted and everything. I'm just now getting to the point of forgiveness and gratitude. Tomorrow is going to be a good one. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing,'re alive and, if that's not a good thing, then make it a good thing. Peace and power everybody!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 25, 2007
It's my birthday 26th Jan. Very powerful move last year, learned a lot, more than any thing learned from mistakes. Now what? I turned 24 today. Life is all about relationship. Thank you
no regrets, just lessons.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 24, 2007
today i turned thirty and although everyone except my mom and my husband forgot, i feel good about it. i've been though alot in my life and i'm just glad to be healthy and watch my kids grow. " NO REGRETS, JUST LESSONS IN LIFE ". enjoy if it's your birthday too.
Dr Connorodeski
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
29. Nice. Have you reached your prime if you can drink more than you ever could before but have the common sense not to? Well a little more common sense and I'll have hit my stride.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 21, 2007
I turned 40 over the weekend and NO ONE GAVE me a party! I've been married for 12 years, I have a 19 yr old son and a 10 yr old daughter- and it could have been any day!!! My husband gave me unwrapped perfume and a gift card for a manicure. I was sooo upset I didnt talk to him all weekend. Am I overreacting? NO cards from friends, sisters, ect!
Saturday, January 20, 2007
hey best bday ever my bf's in the bathroom getting ready for the night. we're staying at hotel so everyone can hear! OMG here he comes... holy shit ju;lsbfc e;ob juqeu eqf qe damn I gotta go 4e2
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 18, 2007
I'm 18 today and I'm sitting at school in my 1st block class and my boyfriend (idiot) isn't here, so, so far it sucks.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 17, 2007
Im 21 today
Larissa Mille
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 15, 2007
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 12, 2007
Its my birthday today - first away from home... i am a whole 19!!! yaayayay for me
gunna party!
Friday, January 12, 2007
22 years ago tday i was born! so were lots of other people. you know who you are. happy birthday to you.
some special girl
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 12, 2007
I am 33 today! Happy Birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
21 yesterday, 5 people sent me their regards, two spam mails did as well. I got one gift. From myself. It's nice to be me.
Mally mal
I turned a quarter today
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
As I reach an age in life, like other ages, that only comes once. I have to say Life is ever moving and ever showing me that it is going to continue with or without me. So the question that follows is do I want to be left behind. And I reply Hell No.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Google rocks. Its my birthday! and i have nothing to doooo.....
It's My Birthday!!
Thursday, January 04, 2007
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 04, 2007
Im 42 today and I hope someone takes me to lunch.
It's My Birthday - Aren't we a ll a little vain
Wednesday, January 03, 2007
Interesting that we are all so self-absorbed that we typed in "it's my birthday". We all need a little recognition, eh? I'm 29 today. 29..I wonder how many years I am going to wish I was only 29. It's not really very old at all. Happy Birthday!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
I am 33 today (now) and am still looking in life...don't know where I am going or where I have been....
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
It's my second 21st today! I'm loving it. I've the day off work and my evening will be spent at the theatre watching a pantomime- keeping my inner child happy. Happy Birthday to me and all who share this birthdate. Happy birthday also to Sue for 16th Jan and Giz who's 21 for the first time round on thd 20th Jan.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
so, i get to say it's my birthday today! happy 2007 to everyone. today i turn 25 and i am depressed. i feel old.
my nephews birthday
Sunday, December 31, 2006
looking for nephew he is 26 today new years eve can any body help me .
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 29, 2006
It's my 18th birthday. I'm legal. I don't feel special. I was expecting too much. Hope the year is better than the day.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 28, 2006
i turned 15 today a month ago. i spend every b-day at my grandmothers house for thanxgiving... kinda sucks...
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 25, 2006
its ma b-day sooonish il be 13 hehe thort id put it dwn lol add me anyage bt beware i cn get fukin cocky i aint no fukin teachas pet(i was expelled) no angel no mummies little fing no daddies princess.............GET WT I FUKIN MEAN DUMBASSSESSSS
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 23, 2006
14 yay
pink women
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 21, 2006
im 13 this year oh my god im finally a teenager n how is ever one doing. hope u av a merry christmas n happy new year
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 20, 2006
When I Googled "It's my birthday" I actually thought, 'Hmmm, I bet no one's typed that in before' and well, I was wrong! I'm 19 today, not getting my hopes up for loads of presents or anything, just happy to be in love and looking forward to the next three nights, which are dedicated to my birthday! Love it! Had one of the worst weeks of my life, but I won't let it get me down, chin up! To all of the 11-16 years olds who posted comments about how bad their lives are without out boy/girlfriends etc. stop acting asthough the world hates you, it's the worst kind of attention seeking. I might make this an annual thing, I actually enjoyed reading the comments, helped me pass this sleepless night! Happy Birthday to all the readers, future visitors and me!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 19, 2006
Well, today was my birthday and it pretty much sucked cause no one rememebered it and well, i had three finals today and i had the crappiest birthday ive ever had, but judging by some of these entries there have been worse. reading all these makes me feel tons better. my sweet 16 and all!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 16, 2006
welp... today I am 24.... and what have I accomplished??? Oh who cares!! I can throw a shot back like no other!! Oh the good ol years!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 16, 2006
rhino ere im 13 2day yay lol a teenager at last im well happy luv ya all
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 14, 2006
Its my birthday too. I'm 18. I'm happy we all have birthdays.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Today, December 13 is my 28th b-day. I'm finally graduating from college, and I'm in the best marriage that has ever existed. Happy Birthday to me! My husband is taking me to a Clippers game tonight which is the best present EVER! This site is great! Randomly random. I love how all the teeny-boppers are mostly happy about their birthdays, and the 20-somethings are like, "eh."
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 13, 2006
Its my birthday and i am 13 today! arrrrr a teenager
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 10, 2006
29 2day 11th dec 2006,quiet 1 this yr have a big party next yr 4 my 30th.cant wait to see wot the kids have got me.sad i supose writing this myself to myself but who cares,happy birthday to me!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 08, 2006
What a roller coaster of a year!!! Had an affair, got caught, husband kept me. Affair still in background, don't want to give him up. Why is it that when you get married, everyone tries to bed you?? Are single women unapproachable, I must have been!!!

(Editor's notes: Heard of saying "no"?)

It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 07, 2006
Its my 25 Birthday tomorrow Decemeber 8th, and I'm not as excited as I thought I would be, I'm actually kind of sad..I though it will be different.. But I didn't do a lot of the things that I wanted to do this year, I didn't even get half the things that I wanted to have this year.! And just 2 weeks ago, I lost one of my dogs, still can't find him so I miss him. Well, Happy birthday to.. me! I wish myslef all the happiness and luck!
It's Badly My Birthday Mate
Monday, December 04, 2006
It's my Birthday. well, it was yesterday. SQUIDAHH! > 23 < keep the goof-balls under control
It's your Birthday
Friday, December 01, 2006
i wish you happy birthday hope your b-day goes well love always shortie
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Well its my 18th, i can't wait to see what awaits me =)
Christinaa :D
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
ITS MY BIRTHDAY TODAYYY... im 15.. and NEXT WEEK Biggest partii ... cCANNOT Wait :)
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
heya every1 is me bd nxt wed WOHOOHM ma guna b 14 soo wish me apy bd lol..
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
It's My Birthday. Buy Me a Present
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 20, 2006
Its my birthday Im 60. Dont feel it in fact feel great just the same as i did when i was 30! I am on holiday in Gran Canaria and the sun is shining, I have champagne on ice and intend to down some later. Every day is a bonus. got to go now as got some living to do. As for all the others on this page that seem so miserable DO CHEER UP! john
It's My Birthday
Sunday, November 19, 2006
i love my birthday!
tianna briggs
i dont have a birthday
Sunday, November 19, 2006
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
I too Googled "It's my birthday" to try to find something to make me feel better. How ironic that so many have done that same thing and ended up on this page...we all want to be unique, but there is nothing new under the sun. And there I was feeling slightly silly Googling "It's my birthday". 23 years old, struggling with bipolar disorder, smoking too much and no one to talk to. Happy Birthday to me....

(Editor's notes: Bipolar disorder sucks. I had a girlfriend who was bipolar. But a birthday is a day like any other. Only depressing if you make it.)

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 07, 2006
It's my brithday and i'm seventeen. it's weird that this might be the last birthday i celebrate at home with my parents.
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 06, 2006
well today is my birthday and well so far its not goin to bad i mean i am not gettign what i want for my birthday but hey i never will get exactley what i want for my birthday!!!!! well i wanted a car buti am not getttign that my parents made that clear!!!.. but ohwell we are poor!!! OHYEAH ia m {~*19*~}

(Editor's notes: Getting a car is easy. The first step is getting a job....)

It's My Birthday
Monday, November 06, 2006
Its 9.10 pm on my 52nd birthday. I am alone and going to bed because I have sprained a muscle in my chest and in pain as I breathe.

(Editor's notes: Yeah, well I had kidney stones a few days ago...)

It's My Birthday
Monday, November 06, 2006
53 today and yes I typed in it's my birthday and ended up here, I know what is really important to me, having a sense of control, of steering the car , of cause and effect, of having my own business and being my own person, and having to behave well enough not to alienate everybody else, but not worrying about behaving badly when someone I don't want to deal with wants to be more important than me in my life story, after all , this is my life story!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 02, 2006
It's my birthday today! I turn 19, I'm a youngin.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 31, 2006
It's my birthday. I was happy and excited until I talk to my husband. He said he wasn't sure if he'd working much in the next few weeks and wouldn't be celebrating. He said he wanted to do family portraits for my birthday gift. I sound ungrateful, I dont want it. I hate having my picture made. Life sucks.
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 30, 2006
I'm 29 today - and suddenly feel i have no control over my year I'll be 30 and still a disorganised mess ! 364 just isn't enough time to sort myself out.....aaaarrrrghh !
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 28, 2006
Its my 34th birthday today i was supposed to go out for dinner and drinks but my husband is sick so i am home taking care of him
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 26, 2006
i ve just turned 27; how time flies! Happy birthday to me x x x
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
18 Today! Im legal!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
I was given away on my birthday 51 years ago....such a strange thing to happen....that I should have been earmarked in that way..........It was the BIGGEST thing that could happen to that baby WOW!!!!! Happy Birthday ME xx
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
21 today! Looking forward to moving abroad and having a family sometime in the next 15 years - I love that I have everything left to do in my life and hopefully all the time to do it in.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
its my birthday today 24 10 67 happy birthday to me!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 21, 2006
Like a whole bunch of other people out there, I desided to randomly google it's my birthday to amke me fell better about this day! Its been rubish soo far, and apparently the google search isn't helping my day any.
It's My Birthday woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! ey pooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooey
Saturday, October 14, 2006
yar it b my birthday today and it b the 14th october arg! n i am a pirait and i b sailing the 7 seas in me new boat says arrrrrrrrrrrrg!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 14, 2006
well its not actually my birthday.Its Bryan in b5s. I really love him and his other brohers but i wanted to wish him a happy, happy birthday and tell him that i really love him and 2 have a great birthday. Ur sister Gaelynn AKA Bookey
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 12, 2006
I am 20 today and i cant help but regret it. The trend on this blog continues...

(Editor's notes: You people need to get out more...When I turned 20, there ws NOTHING that I regretted. Nothing...Try leading an interesting life or something...sigh...)

Ronda Rae
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 06, 2006
It's my Birthday! Woot!
j mo
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
its my 18th birthday and im gonna get wasted
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 02, 2006
it's my birthday and i'm 18 today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 01, 2006
October first. Boohyahah
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 28, 2006
Yeea, it's my birthday! i'm 20, not a teen anymore!!!!
Emily P.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
I am finally 18! Tonight I plan to have sum fun! I am going to the strip club withmy older sister and i am going to dance on the tables!!!!!!!!!!!!I am excited you should put sum dollar bills in my pants!!!!!!!!!!!! I love being 18!~It's a big deal to be 18 in USA! I can buy lottery tickets and superglue and the ass for a pharmisist at walmart can fuck off because I am 18! Bitch Thats right! Bye Bye for now!!!!9/27/06 and now i can leagally have sex with 90 year old men HELL YEA!!!!!
adam dat adam
It's My Birthday in march 20th
Wednesday, September 27, 2006
its the time to kiss my ass
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 25, 2006
Its my Birthday on the 27th September and its got to have been the crappest so far
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 25, 2006
My Brithday is on the 27th of September and My boyfriend keeps on telling me its on the 28th ARHHHH How can you forget my birthday you twit!!!
Amanda Elliott- Francis
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 24, 2006
It was my birthday on the 14/ . M y husband forgot!!!!! I feel so angry and lonely and disapointed. Things have not been great lately, this is the final straw! What kind of man forgets his wifes birthday???
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 23, 2006
like many of you I typed in 'its my birthday today' then realised that I should be off enjoying my special day. Ialways think everywhere has a slightly sparkly look on my birthday. I'm 36 and my mum just called, in tears! (of joy/sadness!!) remembering the day I was born (at 3 o'clock!) anyway best go - my fans are waiting! Lou
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 20, 2006
Today is my 14th birthday and i wanna die. My brother has been warning me to expect my parents to act as though i dont exist anymore once i age past 13 .I just thought it was only happening to him. I know im a teen now but the "no presents" thing is just a lil but over board. Id do anything right now to make this day go away...

(Editor's notes: Your brother is an idiot.)

TJ x
It's My Birthday and no one cares
Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Its my birthday and no one cares and ive got no presents and im bored
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
well today is my 18th bday and i decided to type "its my birthday" into google. a lot has happened this past year ..positive it was the most dramatic, changing year of my life. I lost my virginity My sister became pregnant i graduated from highschool I started college My closest uncle died in Jan. i tried my first cigarette i got my first car i got drunk three times a for me i fell in love my heart was broken cant wait to see what happens next year! Happy birthday to kaitlyn
tina cena
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 13, 2006
hej wat up today its my birthday love y'll
It's My Birthday and it sucks!
Friday, September 08, 2006
Im turning 12, on Sat. and i dont think i could be sader, 1st when your like 24 your parents would get you like 2 presents but im only 12 and im only getting 2. 2nd my "Friends" dont care, i dont think they know but if they do they dont care and 3rd all my other b-days were ok, but this is almost unbearable, I feel like sleeping threw the whole day :-(
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Happy Birthday to me. 52 years and many more!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 07, 2006
Hi all Its my birthday on the 18th September and i cant believe i m turning 30!!!!! and still not famous he he ;-)))) Happy birthday to all you virgos out there ;-)))))
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 07, 2006
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
hi its my b/day tomorrow and im turning 17
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 06, 2006
hi its my b/day tomorrow and im turning 17 n i think im gona go out wif ma friends an celebrate woo im so happy xx
georgia bear
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Its my birthday today (funnily enough). I'm 24 today, Hooray.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 05, 2006
Well, I turned 28 today and have had a pretty crappy morning. Funny how every year gets less and less exciting. Just makes me think about all of the regrets I have had and all the friends I have lost touch with over the years. To all those people who have had loved ones not remember, I feel for you but I think it's worse when your loved one remembers but doesn't care at all. That really makes you feel worthless. My husband knows it's my birthday but it doesn't make a difference to him. Makes me feel pretty low. I thought every year is supposed to be better than the last. No wonder people get 'stuck in another decade'. Beats having nothing to look forward to now. At least then you had great friends and great memories. Don't get me wrong, I would love to have something to look forward to...I just don't know what that is. Well, maybe next year will be better........yeah right, that's what I said last year. Happy Birthday to Me!
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 04, 2006
It's Sept. 4th 2006 and it's my 22nd birthday!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 31, 2006
wayhay its ma bday on sunday 3rd sept.. waz bord nd xcited 4ma bday so i rote " its my birthday " in google nd it took me ta dis! erm wel im gna b turning 15 gtn olda bi da minute. i reli wish i was olda so den i can drive! bein yung reli sucks i no most ppl wud do nefin 2b yung agen bt reli u cnt do nufin wen ure a kid u havta go ta skool wen u dunt wna.. u gt tld wta do al dat stuf. da onli gd fing iz u dont avta pay rent nd work lol so yh im strtn 2tlk sh*t now so il stop bragn onnn! if i memba il ryt bk on ea on da 3rd ova wise inabit al nd api bday 2 u al x x x x x x x x x x x

(Editor's notes: Huh? Can anyone actually read that? When did grammer, spelling and punctuation die?)

old & mad
Help! Im getiin old
Thursday, August 31, 2006
happy birthday to me happy birthday to me happy birthday to meee happy birthday to me. hip hip hooray ??!! i think im goin mad with old age...My 21st seems like it was only yesterday now im 26 happy bithday to anyone who has a b~day 2day..
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 31, 2006
Strange site, but hey im 22 today! I wish to all before me a very belated happy birthday as well.
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 25, 2006
Its my Birthday today! I need to celebrate my excitement with someone as everyone in my household is asleep. But yay! I am 22 years old today!!!!!!!! Hope someone is happy for me! Cos' I am happy for me, Happy birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I turn 24 and boy is my life flying, I know I am not old but I can still remember my 18 birthday. Same as Sue above this is the only birthday I dont know what to do, doesnt help that its a Wedneday. Boyf is taking out for a meal and then to weatherspoons for some drinks with friends if they bother to turn up. Happy Birthday
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Whoa...I'm 40! Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to Diane, Happy Birthday to ME!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
Hey It's my birthday today so far so good just at work right now and extremly bored...thats why i am here now...i just typed in it's my birthday and this was the first thing that popped up....i'm 21 today and i'm gonna party tonight....Happy Birthday to me and to anyone else who has a birthday today....XOXOXOXOXOXO
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 21, 2006
It is my birthday! I am 25, whew getting up there.
Kevin McWhirter
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 18, 2006
Hello everyone, it's my birthday today. I'm now 31 years old, have a wife who loves me and I feel great today. Thank you :-)
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 12, 2006
hi its my birthday today by the way its the 12th of august!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 12, 2006
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 12, 2006
This has been an amazing find. I typed it's my birthday not knowing that I would be treated to such honest and bohemian expression. today Aug 12 back in 1973 I began this journey. To my brother in Christ who found his faith God bless you. You have witnessed two testimonies that encourage me. I have proof that my Mother's are just as wonderfull as I believed they are. I will continue to live to fufill my goal of giving hope and protection to the family of Jesus. It is so good to know that a christian's life is worth so much more than the almighty dollar. Reading this page re-emerged feeling's that I had throughout my life at various stages. I'm so glad to know that I am normal phsycologically. This is a perfect example for social study.I wish I had computer access at age 13,but I enjoy it's benefits now
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 12, 2006
its my birthday and no one said happy birthday
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 07, 2006
Happy Day to me. Even if no one here in my office wishes me a happy one, its my birthday and so I'll celebrate another year of life all by myself then, quiet jubilation here in my cube. yay!
Jo Farrell
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 03, 2006
Today is my 34th birthday!! Happy Birthday to me!! My parents are staying with me and today i will be going for a big family meal and shopping tomorrow!! I LOVE BIRTHDAYS!!xxxxxxxxxxxx Happy birthday to anybody who shares my day!!xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 28, 2006
Officially 30 minutes left until my birthday is over with and it's been the crappiest day ever! My fiance is not very good with remembering dates so I wrote it on the calendar in GIANT black sharpie letters. He knows its in "the end of July" I guess it hasn't occured to him that there are few days left in the month. What depresses me more is not a single f-ing person alled or emailed or anything to wish me a happy day. Not my mother, father, or any of my 4 siblings. Around 630, when I realized there was no surprise dinner out in my future, I went to the grocery store, in a fit of self pity I bought all this food and then a bottle of wine. Came home and cooked myself a seafood feast. Even picked up some roses for myself. Funny how even that didn't flick the switch inside my love's head. All he asked was if the shrimp was on sale! After dinner my 5 yr old caught me crying, I felt like shit when I told him it was my birthday and everyone forgot. I burst into tears. Poor thing, he's only 5, what's he supposed to do. He let out this huge gasp and put his hands over his mouth. Then he gave me a hug and sang to me. He wanted to tell my fiance and I wouldn't let him. It's like, at this point, I don't even want him to remember. Too little too late. I'm guessing he'll realize he missed it sometime around his mom's B-day, 2 weeks from now.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 20, 2006
20th july today yay!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 20, 2006
today is my 29th Birthday. By girls are planning something hopefully not so outrageous. I hope I don't get crazy and
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
I am 24 years old today! I don't feel any younger or older but I have to say that this birthsay is the first birthday where I didn't know what to do. I don't know how to celebrate it. Well I will enjoy my day regardless. Everyone have a great birthday when its your day.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 19, 2006
Yay Me! Happy Birthday to Me! :) Turning 49 today, Happy Day! Hubby is working, not sure what I will do with myself. I think I"ll buy me lunch! Hubby's gonna get me a new mirror for the front room, it's about time someone jazzed this joint up. Happy Birthday to all the goofballs that come to this site for respite and joy! *smooch*
Dust Bunny
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 17, 2006
Woot! Yay you! You're old! x3 So you're what.. 25, 26 now? Today's my birthday. I'm turning 5. <3 I just searched "Today's my birthday" through Google and your page was number one. o_o; Anyway, have a nice life dude. =]
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I'm 23 today...what to do, what to do :S Happy Birthday me (and Bill Cosby...and anyone else born today)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 12, 2006
I'm 50 today
Carley Raine
It was my birthday yesterday
Monday, July 10, 2006
I turned 24 yesterday, today I am at work. I feel old and bored in need of a life change... :( I wish I was 16 again, I would stay that age for eternity.... *SIGH* Happy birthday to the rest of you!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 10, 2006
I'm 59. Wow. Seems weird.
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 10, 2006
Today's my 46th birthday! Seems like so many years, thank goodness i dont feel or look that old. lol happy birthday to all who share this day.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 09, 2006
Yesterday I was thinking how my birthday will be. For sure It'll just be like the ordinary day...I'll stay in bed and sleep till the day past by because it's my off from work and that's what I usually do when I dont have work. And when I thought of it, it made me sad and almost burst into tears.. I should be thankful because I'm still alive, a year older though but wiser than before..hehehe..Then something unexpected happened! I received a call from the person I cared most and it made my day complete..Now I dont see my birthday as like the ordinary day.. hehehe. and I am greatful!!!!
Happy Birthday to me!!!
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Quarter of a Century old today... wow!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
its myB,day 2day im 8!!!!
oh you'd like it if i told you wouldnt you!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, July 04, 2006
happy birthday, but a waste of your life till now!!!
John Cliford Cadet
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 03, 2006
i'm haitian i live in haiti, my birthday is july 4
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Every year I think....this birthday can't be worse than last years'. But then I get proved wrong. 37 this year, and I can't believe it. Getting older was supposed to be something that happened to OTHER people. I have received no calls, no cards, nada. Sadly, I did receive six "happy birthday" spam e-mails from different websites I've registered with, and was tempted to reply to thank them for remembering. My life has officially crossed the "lame ass" line over into the "sucks ass" area. And to top it all off, it's Sunday, and where I live, that means the liquor stores are all closed so I can't even get wasted. Hooray for me. Just wait til next year, it CAN'T be worse than this year......
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 01, 2006
yes its me again go back to the 1st of july 2005 an d ur see my name. todays saturday 1st of july 2006 im eleven happy bday to everyone else whos bday it is as well i got amotorola l6 brilllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllliant and lots of other stuff i think i might go on this website on my bday in till i die u never know i could go down in history by breaking the world record. i wish today i went to the hayes secondary school fair by the way remember my name because i want to be famous and trust me i dont give up PHOEBE so see u in maybe in 10 years time or maybe even less bye
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 29, 2006
Yeah well its my Birthday today. 40. It is extremely hard to beleive Im forty. All those years and feeling very flat. I have agreat husband of two years four wonderful girls I know Iam loved by God. I am valuable so why am I sitting here wanting to live my life over. I have lost too many people some through death, some through neglgance on my part. I want to say to you if you are young really value the people that are in your life. Let them know how much you care by your actions. It doesn't take much. And if you are alone go find someone who needs help you will be amazed at how good you will feel. What makes us valuable is it our job, our education, our looks? We all are born valuable even if we are not treasured by those who should. Value yourself and value one other person today. Let them know they are precious to you.treat yourself right dont abuse yourbody with drugs or alchohol. Don;t sleep around with anyone who asks. You are a gift to the world they might have hurt you and stood on your dreams but God knows every one and he has good plans for your life. Let him in and you will know your value and worth. He loved you so much he gave his only son that you might live for ever. All he asks is an oppurtunity to let you know he loves you. Happy Birthday
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 29, 2006
hey everyone it's my birthday today. i'm 17 years old. Today is turning out to be great, because everyone that I didn't think would is calling me to wish me a happy birthday... even my teacher... and we don't even have school anymore.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
am 19......i dont really know how am feelin,a bit of mixed emotions.happy b'day to all of you. its a new year, my last teen. i wanna make the most of it...God please lead me in the rite directions for this year and other year. i hope things will be better for me this year. thanks lord :)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 28, 2006
all dabest to me and everyone else...........wer r so call friends????? on their b'day am der, wen it comes to me......wer r they??????????????? happy b'day to everyone
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 27, 2006
Turn 49 today. One year from Fifty. Life's been good so far. I want to take this next year and use it to start being the man I'll be for the rest of my life. Wish me luck.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 26, 2006
its my birthday today :D im 16 finaly :D i can smoke :D play the lottery and even have sex yay :D so i though you all should just know its my birthday today :D:D:D:D:D:D
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Today is my birthday and i wouldn't mind a miracle if one was going.............. but instead i think it should go to anthony gillespie above as he sounds fairly blue, so my best wishes to you and all the others who had a sucky birthday x
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 25, 2006
hey my b-day is on august 12th and i'm turning 14 and i need to found out things to do 2 have a cool b-day....if u have any ideas let me know ( something i can't get in trouble for.......peace out
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 25, 2006
Jeessh Anthony Gillespie.....why so glum? Life is what you make it! If your lonely go out and make some friends and ENJOY being 46!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 24, 2006
Your lucky, no one loves me, my birthday is tom. June 2 5 and no one is getting me anything. My mom hates me and always tells me how i am a waste of life. You have no problems so stop least you were loved on your birthday!
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 23, 2006
It's my birthday in 1 week!!!! I am so excited!!! I will finially be 11!!!! i'm having a huge party!!!! yay!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 23, 2006
jon the man
birthday boy
Thursday, June 22, 2006
another year older, 19... i plan on doing something with my life if i can pass my test to get my drivers license : )
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 22, 2006
I turn 23 in 3 hours this has to be the longest list i've ever seen. I posted my brothers burthday on her 2 years ago and it's still active keepin it alive
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 21, 2006
Todays my birthday and God is going to bless me today with a miracle
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 20, 2006
Today is my Sweet 16! how rufus is that so, yeah... pretty much... Happy Birthday day to me and you!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 18, 2006
hmm its my birthday today......another year gone and nothing to show 4 it
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 17, 2006
happy birthday to me
anthony gillespie
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 17, 2006
today is my birhday and im so lonely,i dont think anybody cares about me and thats not a good feeling..i havent been in a relation ship for over ten years now im 46 today and life is sliping away from me but i am getting use to being isnt fun being one of the ugly people of the world
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 16, 2006
I am the luckiest guy on earth! Today is my birthday! Last year as a 30 something! I have a beautiful, loving, nurturing wife, a 7 year old little princesses for a daughter. Best thing of all, I have a growing relationship with GOD. He loves and protects me, although I sometimes question his plans, he is still patient, kind and gentle, always guiding me on my journey through this life. My only wish is that everyone on earth could have the true peace I have in my heart. 12 years ago, I decided life was not worth living, I felt no one loved me, family had all but disowned me, my life was a wreck and I had created it. The empty feeling in my heart and soul was the worse thing I had ever known. It made we want to just die. But,,,,, I made a common sense decision. Why not investigate the alternatives first? I did just that. I found people in and around my life that looked and acted happy and peaceful. I asked, “why do you seem so happy?” They all had one thing in common, a real relationship with GOD. They were not perfect, they were not rich, but the peace and joy they emanated was undeniable. Was it a fluke? It could be, but it was worth more investigation. Then I decided, I decided, yes I made a decision to seek GOD. I had nothing to lose. I had to make an effort, It was not easy but I persevered. I found out it has nothing to do with beating people over the head with the bible which was what had turned me away from any type of religion to begin with. I learned it was about loving GOD and learning how he wanted me to live my life. It was not about going to any church, although a good one is great. It is all about loving GOD. It is what he wants. He wants to talk to us (through the bible) and he wants us to listen (with out hearts) and he loves for us to talk to him (via prayer). Do not judge others, love them, really love them, that is what affects other people, when you really love them. They can see it and feel it. I did. It changed my life. Thank you GOD, thank you for loving me and helping me change my life. I love you.
H. H.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 14, 2006
no presents....
birthday girl
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
Im turning 7 on july 30 go me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YAH
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 13, 2006
its my birthday n av gt an exam they should let me do it another day lolz happy bday 2 me a hope tht a get a psp anyone no mim mam tlk her in to it lol xx mandyxxx
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 11, 2006
its crap im sitting by myself crap presents nothing like what i asked for my family ring but forget tosay happy birthday wats da pointin trying
It's My Birthday
Friday, June 09, 2006
Hi its my birthday and I'm 25yrs. old today.
Alys Readman
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 08, 2006
Hi its my sis b-day on the 9th june so hapy birthday Alys R
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 07, 2006
Today is my birthday! Last year I turned 50, not bad, but for all of you who think you get lame presents - here's the BIG 50 list: 1 ham, 1 carrott cake, 1 card in Spanish (no I don't speak or read Spanish). I think my husband was hungry and my son was goofy. My daughter forgot. I can't wait until tonight! It better not be a any of the above.
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 05, 2006
I'm 29 today. Have a feeling nothing will be the same again. Yay it's my birthday.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 04, 2006
32 today and feeling pretty much the same as yesterday...Gonna do the family gathering thing later...Today is Pentecost...the Christian celebration of the arrival of the Holy Spirit to the church. Kind of cool to share a birthday with the church. Blessings to all you b-day folk out there.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 01, 2006
It's My Birthday
Thursday, June 01, 2006
its my birthday and it seems to be not just a lucky day for me but my sisters bf passes his driving test today
It's My Birthday! Woo Woo
Thursday, June 01, 2006
Its my birthday toooooooooooooooo. I have just turned 27, i am a bit bummed cos my job is ending in 4 weeks and i havent found another one yet, but I am trying to forget about that, I am having a barbeque on saturday, hooray!
It's My Birthday!
Tuesday, May 30, 2006
Today I turned 15. That's pretty cool. In 6 months time I can get my permit to drive. Its weird to think that now my parents are the owners of two teenagers. My brother turned 13 last month. I keep thinking of how in just 5 years I will be 20.
It's My 25th Birthday Today!
Sunday, May 28, 2006
Today is my 25th birthday. Not sure whether I should celebrate or cry. I have been through a lot (who hasn't) and I am proud of what I've done with my life, yet lost in what I should do now. I think I will take care of my body better and laugh more, I will appreciate my husband more and spend more time as a family. I will care less about possesions and more about charity. I will go see my grandma and grandpa (I'm so sorry for not seeing you for all this time). I will give more and I will forgive. I will complain less. I will turn off the T.V.and read to my children. I am 3 credits short of finishing college, I am married almost 2 years, and have 2 beautiful children. I have a lot to be grateful for so I guess first I'll cry, and then I'll celebrate....ya thats a great idea. Thanks for listening.
Arthur Dodd
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 28, 2006
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ARTHUR! You are seven years old today and growing a little bit more each day!! Hope you get everything that your heart desires! Loads and loads of love from Mummy, Daisy and Corey. XXXXXXX
It's My Birthday 2day May 28th
Sunday, May 28, 2006
hi im sweet 16 today and im ready to get pissed down London wooooooooooooooooo!
sophie meinertzhagen
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 28, 2006
its my birthday july 07 coooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooool
It's My Birthday -- actually it's not ,but hey
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Hello!!! Um, I just wanted to say hi! you don't me and I don't know you. Yesterday was my friend's 16th birthday. Tommarrow we're having a party. Know idea what to get him. I'm a 15 year old girl with no brothers. So I'm pretty darn clueless. ttyl Oh, happy birthday dude!
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 26, 2006
Heck yes, its my b-day on August 10th. I am a guy, and I am straight, but I broke my arm and got a pink cast as a joke. Im sick of it, and I get to get it off on my B-Day! yay!
Raymond MicGergurbenmagenweterjomammallama Dawes
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 26, 2006
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 26, 2006
29 today.... the last '20s' year.. Live it up no matter what.... Think Im gonna pretend Im really 28 today though.. not feeling finished with the '20s' just yet and being 30 is even bloody closer now!!! Shit!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 25, 2006
its my birth day but u people r tooo old im just 16...=O yeah i dunno how i get here but looks cool... lol well that's all see u old people later =)
wolf chinnery
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 24, 2006
40 today,,,,,what happened? I was just looking around for something to do and then i got old!! I am going out tonight with friends to get bladdered and maybe forget that time has got it in for me and seems to be pursuing me at a relentless pace,,,,,enjoy it all you crazy kids,,,,it dont last long!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 22, 2006
Im 26 today... im stuck at home revising for tomorrows uni exam..boooo... so not fair... and in 4 years time... ill be 30...great!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It's My Birthday on friday
Saturday, May 20, 2006
i dunno what to do for my birthday!!!!! XxXX but im a big girl now!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 18, 2006
It's my birthday today too
Wednesday, May 17, 2006
2 days ago was my birthday
It's My Sisters Birthday
Sunday, May 14, 2006
Its my sisters birthday on 15th May. My sister passed away the week before Christmas, and I miss her terribly. But I know shes' up there somewhere celebrating, so happy birthday Kerry, I love you loads. xxx
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 12, 2006
May 12. Where are you. Stand up and represent. O.K. I will stand. It is today. It is my birthday. It is May. It is the twelth. It is good. I don't blame you for being as happy as I am on this occassion.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
hello its my birthday and i would like to have some fun but the problem is i do not know what to do.well i got this computer for my birthday from my husband. he is so sweet and caring. so happy birthday to me. so long and good by.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Its my birthday today im 17 years old. Can drive now woooo so excited :D
It's My Birthday...yes..the 19th time
Monday, May 08, 2006
Its my birthday today. I am 19. I am in a med school in the second year. Dont know if i should be happy or sad. Guess I'll just spend today like any other day. However hard I try not to, I just have to analyse my past. I realise I have forgotten my past and failed to realise the struggle my loved ones went through for me. Not this time. This time around, I believe i am mature enough to handle things differently. I promise to myself that I shall redeem myself in the eyes of my parents and also my own eyes. Cya all next year. I wish I could give you all a party.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 06, 2006
its ma birthday on the 13th but im so bored and i was lookin 4 prezzies on da web and i came across this website!!! im really excited coz its gonna b ma 22nd and ma m8s just had her birthday 2
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 05, 2006
So I am sitting here at my computer and I google "It's my birthday and I am all alone" and this site comes up. I thought it was funny, so I am going to be 27 tomorrow on May 5, 2006 and I have no plans. Spend the day with my three beautiful children. I just found out that I am really sick with Hep. C, my husband walked out on me. So now I am turning 27 all alone, well not really like I said I will be eating cake with my three wonderful little boys. They are the sweetest little guys, ages 9, 7, and 3. So all in all that will make my number 27 the greatest birthday ever. Hey this does make you feel better, I feel better all ready!!!! Happy Birthday Everyone.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 03, 2006
i didn't even read this page yet but what the hell. i'm 34 today, holding my beautiful new baby. i guess anybody could read this, so glad to know you world. i wish i was in hvar. but i'd settle for kapalua bay.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 29, 2006
Today is my birthday (what a suprise). I am 32 today. Dont quite feel as old as that sounds in my head. Had to work today which was not fun! Worst thing for me is that as a happily 'married' gay man, my community classes me as over the hill. Gay years are like dog years so that makes me about 50. Bugger. Still act like a 20 year old. Still attempt to go clubbing but I am the one asleep in the chill out room by 1am. I have dinner parties. I dont do drugs anymore. I look at students and think get off your arses and work. I ask my nephew what is that rubbish he listens to on the radio. I, however, rest at ease because I am not living what I thought 32 was when I was younger. N-Joy xx
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 27, 2006
its my birthday, and i totally agree, no direction in life and getting out of college. rolling stone u know
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 27, 2006
Well, here I am. Joining the countless others who have decided to mark their occasion in cyberspace (by the word usage above in the prior posts, it appears most are British—I’m American). I'm 37 today. I'm not as down about it as Jan (see Apr.15, 2006), but I am a bit circumspect. I am here to tell you that life isn't what you expect when you're 18, 21, 25, or 30. At least it hasn’t been for me. Every time I have reached a milestone year I feel as though I've been cheated. As though: it wasn't supposed to be like this! Anti-climatic I guess. I do agree with Jan that it feels as though the best times are behind me, but I think that melancholy is just a product of realizing how fast the time passes and how little control we actually have over the circumstances that affect us. At 18 I imagined I'd become wealthy, stay healthy and have a wonderful family but I had no idea how I might accomplish it. At 21 I was embarked on a plan to achieve it-- and it was a lot harder than I imagined. At 25 I was divorced and mildly disabled from an auto accident but still plugging along-- modified plan but still do-able. At 30 things were coming together: making good money, remarried, traveling the world but worrying that we hadn't had any kids and weren't getting any younger. At 35 I now had one child, a new degenerative disease and could no longer practice my profession-- but I had yet another new plan to bring me back on track and back into the high life. And here I sit, at 37... preparing for final exams for my second doctoral degree, with another year to go in the program, and another baby on the way. I've seen more, done more, and spent more than most; certainly not as much as many, but these damned birthdays always seem to put me in a down mood. Life is hard, no matter what your position in it. What I've learned (an remember much more clearly on days other than my birthday) is that each success, each triumph, and each good day is the point of it all. Take 'em when you get 'em and remember to take a moment to experience and enjoy them. So, today kind of sucks. But tomorrow will be better. Hey! I feel better already.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
It's my birthday today! I'm 19!
It WAS my Birthday
Tuesday, April 25, 2006
Happy Birthday Lydia and hope you had good luck Stas!! : ) : ) : )
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 24, 2006
27 isn't half as scary as 25 for some reason. Maybe I'm mellowing with age ;) Happy Birthday to me! (and to all of you on your b-days too!)
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 24, 2006
Tomorrow is my birthday!!!!YEYHHHHH!!!! 25 April!!!! I HAVE 13 YEARS OLD!!! How true: Today is my birthday? - yes??? I am passing an exemination tomorrow on my birthday !!!! Wish me good luck!!! I am from Moscow, Russia!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
23 today!
amy c
It's My Birthday today! 19th april 1992
Wednesday, April 19, 2006
it is my bday n i cant wait 4 da rest of da day lol bye xxxxxxx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 15, 2006
Hello! Well here I am on my 39th amazed that I finally am nearly 40!! Scary or what... Bit fed up as I got nothing that was thought about (FOOT STOOL AND CHOCOLATE) and only 3 cards. Hubby was at work and I had the 4 kids {{{{sigh}}}} a nothing special kinda day....but then hey! that's how it is when your a 'grown up'. Still feel the same as I did at 18 inside. To all those younger than me and stressing I just say GET OUT THERE AND MAKE SOMETHING OF YOUR LIFE be it travelling adventures,studying or making cool memories. Life is pretty short, just realising that now. Sorry to sound like your Mum and Dad...but it's true they were right....yes really! The best time of my life was in my late teens and twenties...I just didn't realise it :^( Sorry to be so down. I was determined not to get sad when nothing special happened but I am :^( The kids didn't even say the words 'Happy Birthday' nor did Hubby when he came home....just helped himself to a beer without offering me one and sat down and waited for me to cook everyones dinner (7 of us...grrrr) THEN he didn't know why I was sad.No cake either... Now he's asleep in the chair and I'm here pouring my heart out to the sad is that? Jan (just a bit peed off in Adelaide) 39 I MEAN THIRTY-NINE!! BL**DY HELL!! God help me next year...think I should book myself away somewhere for a big pampering :^)
It's My Birthday on Monday!!!
Thursday, April 13, 2006
I'll be 24 on Bank holiday Monday and i am dreading it. Not becuase i am heading for the worng side of my twenties, but because as i get older I no longer have a list as long as my arm of gift ideas and will end up with a book, some socks and a gift voucher if i am lucky!!! Not to sound ungreatful, but weren't birthdays so much cooler when you got loads of crap that usually ended up breaking after 5 minutes?? Hmmm Although someone special should be getting me something very expensive... which is always nice!! :0) Happy birthday to one and all!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 10, 2006
well im 22 today an it was a really crap birthday not one member of my family called to wish me happy birthday. only my boyfriend and he nought me a puppy (bless him ) also i had to go to work :-(
David Skelton
It's My Birthday 9/4/61.
Monday, April 10, 2006
Yay had a good day . I missed my eldest though he couldnt make it the whole 28 mls to see me ah well at least the rest came (what there is left ). thanks for reading a 45 year olds rantings c yah .
It's My Birthday
Sunday, April 09, 2006
Today is my 15th birthday and nobody cares! I am so bored...I don't have anything to do...yeppers.
Jason A.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 08, 2006
Today is my birthday (I turened 19) and its almost over. Nothing really happened, I went to bed late the previous night (depressed) and doing nothing. So i slept in on my birthday. I cleaned up my room until a couple freinds came over. Then we road around town, visited a couple shops then rode around for an hour looking for the resturant i wanted to eat at. It had been raining all day, I was depressed, but being with my freinds really helped. They just left not long ago so now I feel low, to the point where all i want to do is sleep. I know what depression is and ive fought it before. Im sure i will be better in afew days. I guess i just need more sleep, be around more people , and have a better diet. But as for now thanks for reading about my birthday expreince. I hope others had a better 04/08/06.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 06, 2006
A really low down time. It is my birthday today, im 21. Got to sleep last night by having a small whiskey and listening to some african desert blues of ali farka toure. fell asleep relatively well. im not very sad just annoyed im alone with nothing planned for later. And i feel stupid for feeling like i havent done more in my life so far. but i think by the time i reach 29 i'll be secure enough to just live life as it comes and how i want without thinking about others. its about 2.30pm now, who thinks i should A go to the cinema B get fucking loaded to perfection C talk to the girl in front of me . Answers on a postcard to county tyrone
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 05, 2006
Ooooh! ITS MY 21ST TODAY!!! Having a great day sat at work on my own, drinking so lets hope no 'clients' call!! Happy birthday to all those born today!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 04, 2006
Its my birthday today and I turn 24 today. It the first birthday that I have had to work (not very much fun). People keep telling me this is part of growning up and I think it sucks. Next year i'm not working I can tell you that. Happy Birthday to everyone else there and remember never forget what it like to party.
V. Gogh
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 01, 2006
I'm thirty today. My boyfriend isn't taking me out, I'm old, poor and one year closer to dying.
Alexis Johnson
Happy Birthday To Me!!
Friday, March 24, 2006
I love my birthday and that day has always been great! But as I type this today my birthday has not been so great.And I'm only 9!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 21, 2006
laura smith
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 17, 2006
its my day and i am a randem purson
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 16, 2006
I have no idea who you all are but... ITS MY BIRTHDAY!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
yup i am guniuos turned 19 its a teen age
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
ITs my birthday! I have blue nails, and pink hair, and i'm gonna eat nachos and drink pitchers with my friends tonight! I'm 21 and life is gosh darn sweet!
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 13, 2006
why the fuck are you crying you are 18 go and get drunk and fuck your lover and get pregnant shove your condom up her and have fun

(Editor's Note: Oh yeah, we have a real winner here...)

It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 12, 2006
its my b-day and my parents are sleepin and im so bored it does'nt really feel like my birthday anymore
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 11, 2006
Cant believe everyone forgot my birthday!!! I feel so alone right now. GOD! 24 and i thought id be doing somthing important by now... love you all... wish me luck!
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 10, 2006
OMGOMG! I'm 14 today! Im sooo excited. I'm going to see Aquamarine with my friends. Hello to all the people that live in MFEMFEMFE, Maryland USA!!! LOVE YA!
billy bob joe jr johnsons father
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
turned 19 today- it blows so far- my car is in the shop- its snowing and i am still at work!!! i wish it will pick up!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Sock puupets Hey it's my birthday and I'll be random if I want to be
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
cant believe i am 24 if i live till 96 hopefully ..i think,i have just lived a quarter of my life and i am the oldest i have ever been right now!!!!
rudi hendrick
It's My Birthday today
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
its my birthday and i feel fed up and cant help it, anyway happy birthday to rik mayal, ray parlour, mark turpie, martin diamond and leons 2 siblings
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
36 today and what a great time i'm having, happy birthday to all the other people who's birthday it is today xxx
dont wanna say
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 06, 2006
It's My Birthday
Saturday, March 04, 2006
31 today happy birthday to me and any one else out there who has a birthday today.
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 03, 2006
Happy frickin birthday to me.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 02, 2006
Its my birthday today!!!!!!!! 22!!!! Im also getting married in a few weeks!!!!!
Cody Patton
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 02, 2006
It's my Birthday today and I am 13 years old I was born March 02 1993 Trivia: Who's biethday is it, but passed away? Hint: He wrote children books. Anwser: Dr. Suse
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, March 01, 2006
Clay Ashley
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 25, 2006
It is 1:45 am in the morning, February 25, 2006 as I write this. When I started surfing the web 'bout an hour ago, I was having one of those moments when you think to yourself "...Ho, bummer..." but when the first dude to wish you 'bday is usually hangin' in my bathroom mirror gettin' shaved, you have to keep an open mind to it all. I just wanted to do a little lookin' at what the rest world was up to 'cause I hoped it would make me feel better in that I wasn't the only guy with this problem. But, 'ya know, I have a lot to be thankful for and a whole lotta kewl things goin' in this life, so who am I to bitch. Maybe when you're talkin' it up on a blog or to someone else, you go into an upbeat gear and it sorta sweeps you along into a positive vibe, but when you're alone like me, later it still sneaks up on you to chill out even if you're feeling bad. But, my note here to all you guys and ladies out there is that the law of probabilities most likely prescribed your being born into existance at zero or less. So shred.... you've beat the odds...later.
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 24, 2006
22. when i was felt bad after an all-nighter a few weeks ago someone asked how old i was and commented that my body was getting older. i wanted to punch him. i was at work. i didn't punch him - just gave a polite laugh.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 23, 2006
It's my birthday Feb 23, 2006 and I'm 29 years old. Yep 1 year away from being 30. Oh my gawd! I feel old.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 23, 2006
My birthday was February 13th. Just another day when you've had 45 before that one. My 15 y/o daughter didn't even call(she lives with her Mother) and I thought we were close. My Mom and Sister forgot and we all live in the same house! Some family, huh?
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
It's my birthday, Feb. 22. I just moved in with my man in August and he tells me tonight, on my b-day, that he wants to sleep on the couch. Grr........what the heck is that!?)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 22, 2006
It's my birthday, Feb. 22. I am 26 and I just thought someone should know.
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 17, 2006
on saturday 189th
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 14, 2006
Happy Birthday Mr Aaroncake. My 21st birthday just passed on the 14th, would've been nice to have a few more birthday greetings, but I still had a good time. Your birthday and age are just numbers, after all. Do you all expect people to remember these numbers? You can act and feel however young or old you want to. Maybe if we start measuring our lives by days instead of years we would have more fruitful lives?
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 13, 2006
February 13th It's my birthday :D happy sweet sixteen to me!

(Editor's note: We share a birthday...Obviously...)

It's My Birthday
Friday, February 10, 2006
dunno wt to do on me bday
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 10, 2006
I turned 40 today! I feel great and I am officially middle aged. It's amazing that I have lived this long. I don't feel old and I certainly don't think I am 40. Cheers all!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
today is my birthday 08/02/2006 i am 31yr male it would be nice to get a compliment and not be forgotten happy birthday to everyone who has a birthday today because you are special too so happy birthday to you
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 08, 2006
yay its my sweet 16th crack open the stellas! i spent 7 hours of my birthday in a wooden iscolation box how great! happy birthday to me! visit my site at!
Birthday gal Samantha
It's My 18th Birthday
Tuesday, February 07, 2006
WOOOHOOOOO im finally 18 n it feels great goin out gettin very pissed tonite wiv me mates. no more u got ne id luv cos i gt it so screw u mr bouncer finkin ur gud wiv ur leather jacket lol LETS PARTY!!!!!!!! XxXxXxXxXxXx

(Editor's note: Um, what?)

Tuesday, February 07, 2006
it's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to 49!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, February 06, 2006
hey! cheer up! it's my birthday! yay! happy me 22nd birthday! 8-)
Gabby Martinez
It's My Birthday
Saturday, February 04, 2006
WOOOHOOOOO It is my b-dayyyyyyyyy April 2,2006

(Editor's note: Um, today is Feb. 4th)

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 31, 2006
Yeahhhh todays my birthday....18 years dude......I'm finally legal, can go to war, can get married with out rents consent, get piercings. smoke, and lots of other things,,,,,,,,, Yeah and I got sung happy birthday to 5 that
jadey babey
It's My Birthday 2day!!! yipee
Monday, January 30, 2006
its my birthday 2day and im 15!!! horray,onli 3 years 2 wait now until im the the BIG 18 X.X.X.X.X.X.
ITS MY 23RD BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Saturday, January 28, 2006
WOOHOOO its my 23rd birthday today and it is going to be bombass!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 27, 2006
it's my birthday today and it sucks
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Today is my 24th birthday. Like a lot of people commenting here, I googled "it's my birthday", and this is what I found. I have a twin brother who obviously is celebrating his birthday as well...but we couldn't be together this year. To all those people who celebrate alone, I think it's weird...I love sharing my birthday, and totally miss my twin today. But I'm sure I will still enjoy today...birthday's ROCK!!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
Im 21st and having no regrets Live life to the max always
Ian in Ipswich
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 25, 2006
42 and loving it... fantastic wife called Chris and a super family of kids and grand-kids..... Ipswich Town not doing too good, but life is good and what you make it HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!!!!!!! IAN ps Sieze the day. Make the most of every one you get and BE HAPPY!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 24, 2006
my birthday ended 41 minutes ago. Today was a good day. turned 16
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Well it's my birthday today guys and I am 19 whooooooooo!!! Just leaving work (abit late I know but I did have a three hour lunch break down the pub!) Time to get ready to party I think, bring it on!! Happy Birthday to me!! PS I so googled "it's my birthday) sad or what but IT IS so Happy Birthday whoo! Party On !!!!!!!!!! x x x x x x x x
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
One more year to add to the many I have accumulated since the day of my birth (today) in Key West, FL My mom called and that made me feel better. I guess even when your "friends" forget, your mom will always remember and share her happiness and love with you.Thanks Mom, I love you. Thank you for my life.....
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 13, 2006
Get drunk and have a BLAST!!!!!!! PARTY HARD YOU NEVER KNOW HOW MANY BIRTHDAYS U WILL LIVE TO SEE!!!!!!! Go CraZyyyyy!!! HappY BirthdaY to EVERYONE!!!!!

(Editor's note: Could be said that if you get drunk and party hard you may not see too many birthdays...)

It's My Birthday
Wednesday, January 11, 2006
Yep, it's my Birthday! It's pretty crumby outside but I'm not bummed about it. I've been working at this great place for 5 months now and the people are just ever so pleasant. For my birthday they had a breakfast party for me. Very sweet I might add. By the way I just turned 26. I'm pretty happy, hope anyone sharing my birthday today as well as the entire month of Janurary, Have a great Birthday and Drink on Me!!!!!
Shelley from Manchester / England
It's My Birthday tommoz
Friday, January 06, 2006
I will be a whole 23 tomorrow. (7th). My god, how time flies when your having fun!! For anyone else reading this - "HAPPY BIRTHDAY". I'm sure it must be ur to be here. One less year to live and love, so make the most of it!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 05, 2006
Woo, its my 16th birthday 2moro yaaaahhhhhooooo -- PRESANTS, woooooooooooooohooooooo
alex ////
It's My Birthday
Sunday, January 01, 2006
new years day xxxxxxxxxxxxx
Beth xx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 31, 2005
Happy birthday 2 all my m8s. like lottie. may 17
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
F#$^ this
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, December 28, 2005
my birthday is in 14 i am very excited this sight is crap i was looking 4 fun things 2 do on your birthday but frigan google gave me this crap whoever made this sight hav a bad bad bday email me on i am bored
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 26, 2005
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 22, 2005
It's My 17th Birthday.....Cant Wait Til' Next Year So I Can Hit The Clubs !!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
It's my 22nd birthday in 6 hours and 18 minutes!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 18, 2005
Im 17 today woohoo. last night at 12 my two best friends made me go on a "scavenger" hunt and it was so dang cute. they called me at 12 and i had to go by numbers and in the end the last clue was "its the staff party tomorrow. dont be late. for your real present. you'll just have to wait" so really i did all that for nothing haha. but they totally did my car too. silly string ballons streamers writting. all the works.
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 16, 2005
im sooooooooooooo excited :~P!!! i love havin a Birthday im 22 yeayyyyyyyyy!!! cupcakes are good!!!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 16, 2005
I turned 30 today and its actually been one of the best birthdays ever!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 12, 2005
HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!YA
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 11, 2005
and i can get my lience
It's My Birthday
Sunday, December 11, 2005
its my Birthday to day
It's My Birthday
Saturday, December 10, 2005
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 09, 2005
Well, it's my birthday and nobody has rung or texted me to wish me a happy birthday. Then again it is only 7.15am LOL. I am going to have a wonderful day. I am going sailing woohooo.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 08, 2005
its my birthday tommorow, 20 years old feels wierd i wont be classed as a teenager any more and ive probably hit a quarter of my life, its gone too quick ahh
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 05, 2005
I turn 42 today and it aint a good feeling. Life passes so quick, make the most of every minute guys! Anyhow, Happy Birthday to me!
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 05, 2005
hey im charleem im from ireland and its my birthday today im 26 WAHEY!!!!!!!!! P.S BOTTOM'S UP
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 01, 2005
ITs my Bday today !!!!!! YAY
It's My Birthday
Thursday, December 01, 2005
i turned 16 today and i am getting too old for this stuff... jewfish is jewish... she knows who she is!!!
It's My Birthday in a week
Wednesday, November 30, 2005
Well my 29th birthday is coming up in a week. I don't know why but I am so upset about this. I want to still be 21. Everyone tells me how silly I am but I can't help it. Anyone else ever feel this way @ turning 29? I hate to see me @ turning 30
Grumpy & 28
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 28, 2005
It's my birthday and no one remembered; no presents. =(. can i get a happy birthday?
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 24, 2005
Woo 20!.. Not really that exciting, no longer a teenager, but not yet a man... the year of nothing. Could be an interesting day, we shall see. Looks like this page has become a little bit of a legend in it's on right... Methinks a visit next year is in order :)
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 21, 2005
Today I'm 25! Now I'm no longer in my "early 20s", I'm in my mid-20s! I celebrated by skydiving!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 14, 2005
today its my birthday and im turning 17. I cant believe im this old. happy birthday to all and wish ya luck
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 11, 2005
Don't worry, wait till u get your prezzies! it's my birthday too on the 11/11 and i'm excited! have been for weeks.......
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 11, 2005
I googled 'it's my birthday', I am depressed, and it is my birthday.... I am 17.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 10, 2005
It's my birfdai tomorrow, i'm turning 16 and i broke up with my boyfriend yesterday, so i aint that excited, i wish i could be though, 16's legal age right? i should be happy.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 10, 2005
I'm 45 today and each year just gets better and better.... Happy Birthday to me..... November 10,2005
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
29 this year! The last of my twenties...well it's been a great decade thus far. Happy Birthday to ME!!
Julie xXx
It's My Birthday
Saturday, November 05, 2005
It's my birthday today!!! woooooo!!! 18 finally!!! Now I can legally drink (UK)... hurrah! Happy birthda to me, happy birthday to me.... happy birthday to me-e, happy bitrthday to meeeeeee!!
its my brithdayyyyyy o yea
Friday, November 04, 2005
hey yall whats new? well its my birthdayyyy
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Wow, I guess I get to join the numerous people who googled "it's my birthday" into google in order to see if there was some kind of ray of sunshine out there on this otherwise crap filled day. In case you didn't catch that, it's my 20th birthday today, and so far it's been a really shitty day.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Quarter century, gorgeous, in love and successful at work. Every dream came true like some kind of miracle. That's the best gift ever. Thank you God. PS - Amazing how many of us typed 'It's my Birthday" into Google.
It's My Birthday!!
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Today's my 15th birthday! another year till it's legal to have

(Editor's note: Have.....?)

It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Tomorrow is my 22nd birthday. I don't know where the time goes. It's depressing to think that soon I'll be another year older and have to deal with another year of stress, heartbreak, debt, migraines - you name it. All I have to say is live your life to the fullest and don't EVER take a moment for granted. This moment will NEVER happen again - LIVE LIKE YOU WERE DYING.

(Editor's note: Perhaps "living like you were dying" is the reason that at 22, you are dealing with stress, hearbreak, debt and migraines? Just a thought...)

It's My Birthday
Monday, October 24, 2005
I turned 51 today. God, I never thought I would live past 50. I guess I was wrong. Well life is good, though times are as tough as ever. I still have most the guestions I had when I was fifteen. Basically, Why me. Thanks for listening. dean
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Today is my birthday! Not a great one since I'm now 36. My fun thirties are almost over :-(
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 23, 2005
It's my birthday today. Big fricken deal... I'm 31, whoo hoo... It's not really one of those birthdays you get all excited about, I guess. I think that for a birthday present to myself. I'm gonna dump this poor excuse for a girlfriend I have! Wow, that makes me feel a lot better....
FrankLin Sue
It's My Birthday Oct 18
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
It's finally here. I turned 17. Now I can get into rated R movies and rent porn! (Yes, you can rent porn when you're 17, buy it when you're 18.) But nobody seems to care when you buy it online. And legally stay out after midnight!
Lynn Temske
It's My Birthday!
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
It's my birthday--the 58th!. I am glad to have lived to see this day, considering all the "water under the bridge" that has passed since my first birthday. I hope I am wiser, and more knowledgeable. I know I am more thoughtful and more tolerant of others. Also, I am looking forward to more years on this earth as the others have (for the most part) been so enjoyable!! Peace, love, and prosperity to all!!!
Emski cool
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 17, 2005
It IS my birthday. As an egocentric soul it is great to see so many other randoms who also typed in this search. Hurrah for it's my birthday. The gift of... etc. etc. Sorry to read of sad days. Today I checked for wrinkles around my eyes...STILL NONE! bonus xxx
Shukan Inamdar
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 15, 2005
Its my birthday ... and tis the saddest day of the year ....
Rachael Blood
It's My Birthday June 07
Saturday, October 15, 2005
I wish i can meet B5 AKA Patrick 4 my 15th birthday thats all my dreams/wishs they ALL r about B5-PATRICK ALL of my DREAMS/WISHS r about b5-PATRICK but none of them r comein true cuz i am not rich~ ~N~ cuz they wouldnt come 2 my 15th birthday!
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 14, 2005
34 yrs..... I'm old !!!!!!!! Thanks to the soldiers.... Come home safe !!!!
doesn it really really matter
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 13, 2005
its my birthday today too.... i dont know if im happy or sad i feel kinda odd. Im 25 today a_ _ _ _ _ _
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
wahoo 13s ok got a fone cds yumee :))) wkd ppl thanx mum n dad n fionn luv u guys xxx
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
yay ! its my birthday and i just turned 17! and this birthday had definetly been shitty. nobody even remembers my birthday . stupid people. happy freakin birthday to me !
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 06, 2005
I am 29 years young today. I take it as a wise age. I still have alot to accomplish but am glad to say tha so far.... I love my life. Thx Jesus!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday to me, Happy Birthday dear Cheryl, Happy Birthday to me!!! The big 35. Thank God I'm still here. I consider myself very lucky. Life is just getting good. I am very content and can't wait to see what my husband has planned for me at home. He says it should scare me. Huh???
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
I am 32. I am alive. I am healthy. I am loved. Nothing else in llife I want except world peace. Mmmmm I wonder if I blow out the candles I will get that one. I wish everyone a happy day. Oh and thanks mum for giving me life.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
It's my birthday in two days, 16, so young, so over it. No-one ever remembers and i wouldn't either. I miss my ex boyfriend so much it hurts to breath. I wish i could turn back time every year so i never reach this age. i wish i could be born again. It's my 16th birthday and i'll probably spend the day stoned. sweet 16, kissed to many times.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
helllo it's my birthday, i've just hit 23. I'm still in the spring of my life, just a stones throw away from summer, enjoy it while your young!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 01, 2005
hehe its my birthday today and im 15 lol
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 29, 2005
It's my birthday and I am 49 years and no one cares most of all me. I wish I had a gun and I would blow a hole in my head. I am single I have been single for the past 14 years, when I was married it was the worst. I have a son who is 26 years old and is trying to find his path in life (he never remember my birthday). My daughter is wonderful she is 14 years old attending boarding school (she is 14 the world begin and ends with her). I know many people but none I would call a friend, I feel I have wasted my life and I belong no where. I'm at work today the people I work with are wonderful and they think I am real cool, they have no idea that I am one step away from jumping off a ledge. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!
nicky Hilton
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 24, 2005
what am i doing for my 21st bithday?? for my 21st birthdat i am invite hollywood! some of paris's friends to..
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
yay its my birthday and im 17. ...that's it. Oh wait go to to and remember that you might be better off with a chopstick... im gonna learn to drive later maybe I dunno ooo let's see
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
20 i should be so lucky im 40 today
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
I'm 35 today. I got a book !!!! I'm also going to be made redundant after 7 years in the job. I really am a lucky man. Hopefully a more cheerful post next year
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Its my birthday and I am 20. So why do I feel so sad? :o(
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Today is my birthday! But no one seems to care quite as much as I do........almost the big 40, but not this year. Only 39. I think this is when they say youre supposed to start going backwards, isnt it? Good, now I can relax and enjoy a day filled with all the experience and joys this universe has to offer me! Happy Birthday to me,,,,,,
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 18, 2005
in 1 hour... ill be 16..... birthdays are depressing... just like christmas but thats might just be mine
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 17, 2005
When I was 16 my mum gave me a little black cat called Moses. Today I am 53 and I have a little white cat called Cleo. I have had her 4 days and she lives under the floor and comes out at night. The best things in life are free, at 16 or 53. Be happy
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 16, 2005
16 today, woooooooooooooooooooooo!
It's My Birthday
Friday, September 16, 2005
Hey, It's my Birthday... and I am 40 today. Still look and feel 25 so who cares !!! Life is good, People are mostly kind, and the world is in need of love more than ever. Reach out and say a kind word to a new aquaintence today. ; )
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
-:-It's My Birthday FInally-:-
Tuesday, September 13, 2005
Yay I am finally 15! I love it...i cant wait till my 16th birthday...I am going to PARTAY! September is pretty late in the year.....but thats okay....Its here NOW!!!
Cody Lyon
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 12, 2005
Its my birthday today, im 15. Yay.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 10, 2005
i am now 25 years old and its frightening to say that i am seconds closer to 30 than 20 which only seems like a couple of months ago. my girlfriends parents took her from me because im white just a few days ago. we had a good thing going just under a year but they found out and flew her to lebanon to pick a man for her to marry. wherever you are and whoever your now with, i love you Nahida. and needless to say i wont get what i want this year
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Today is my 29th birthday. I look back and see how many things in my life that I wanted to do before I turned 30. It always seemed like I had all the time in the world. Now I have exactly 365 days to do them all. I doubt very seriously that I can get a master's degree in that length of time. I also dont think that I will have a manuscript published or have my father's approval. The first two are attainable and I am committed to achieving the both of them. That last one, though, is the clincher. He is dying of lung cancer. To some his existence was a cancer to the world, so it is ironic that his demise is also his legacy. I guess that is what I have learned today. Make sure your legacy is something that, when your children carry it on, makes you and them proud. That is my new goal in life. Fuck age. It is only a number. I want my legacy to make my son proud to be my son. Mortality is a bitch, huh?!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Im 21 today!!!! And its rubbish! hehehe! Ok its not too bad its just waiting for people to come over and all the family "politics" and all the pressures. I always fancied a birthday on holiday.... that would be nice!
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 05, 2005
it's my birthday my partner and my kids forgot, I know its not that important but that makes me feel sad. People who love you should celebrate or at least remember the day you were born. My kids are young so I don't mind but my partner should have remembered even if he did not get me a card or present. presents are not important but remembering is
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Today I am 21 and I feel as if the world is at my finger tips...a feeling I hope to maintain atleast until my 30th

(Editor's note: Because we all know that life ends at 30...LOL...)

It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 03, 2005
its my bday 2morrow am im 13
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 03, 2005
25 yrs..... Birthday, boring and alone as usual, my life sucks

(Editor's note: While that'd depressing. Nothing wrong with alone, but boring? Surly you have hobbies? Maybe time to try something new and exciting?)

Gaint Loser
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Is this ebay???
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 19, 2005
hi peeps its my birthday please email me sometime and tell me ure email 2 and we can chat and be friends so hopefully talk 2 u soon and by the in case u forgot my email is

(Editor's note: Email removed because this might be spam)

its my bday 2
It's My Birthday
Saturday, August 13, 2005
wow its my bday 2 but im onli 15 lol! omg im gna b 16 soon so i can move out lol woohoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i love michael
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
It's my 23rd birthday today and I'm stuck at work!! But gonna go out tonight and have a few drinks! Out Friday night dressed up as school girls!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
On the 14th, It Will Be My Birthday. I am turning 10. Yeah double digits !
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Today it the 28th anniversary of my birth and the fact that my ten year high school reunion is this Saturday really freaks me out! Where does time go? It's kind of like deleting emails...where do they go? Gigabyte Heaven?
It's My Birthday on MARCH 23
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
when 23rd of march comes around and i see that big day i will be finally 15 thats going to be the happiest day of my life specially me going to high school next year hopefully if i pass i gotta go for now not for ever the one and only *****Leah*****
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 05, 2005
its my birthday tomorrow august 6th and i will be 21. i have a list of demands for my birthday and would just like to say that all of you that are expected to make my birthday enjoyable need only buy me gucci, prada and christian dior. louis vutton is quite played out. channel have a few handbags which i would love to get my hands on. i have size 2/3 feet. thank you very much for being rich!!!
Kinshuk Saxena
It's My Birthday
Friday, August 05, 2005
uuuu...hooooooooooo......its my birth day today...oh i am so contribution to you all...just visit this website will change ur whole life ...I BET.....
It's My Birthday
Monday, August 01, 2005
today is my b-day and i am turning 14 i went rafting a few hours ago and it was ok i mean i have had better b-days but this one deffintally rthe worst anyway happy b-day even though it was two years ago.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Horray Today is my birthday i'm 19 and it has been so bad no presents. i can't go out cos i have to sit an exam tommorow, my tax return tells me i'm only getting $339 out of $1267. I find it funny that it all happened on my birthday grrr now to go and study
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 25, 2005
hey all, its my birthday you geussed and i am slightly bored! hehe normally i have a GR8 birthday but this year everyone is itha on holiday or at work! :( so i dont really know what to do with my self at this very moment in time!....does anyone have any sugestions? well i supose i betta go tv or summit hehe wait for everyone to cum back of their hols! spk soon x x x kirsty x x x
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Its chuck its my bday drank bacardi like its my bday gonna party like its my bday got drunk it stunk now im gonna go smoke a blunt
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 16, 2005
I'm 20! Dear sweet Jesus I'm 20.
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 15, 2005
Its my birthday on the 16th july i am 15, which is good cos then close to 16. Its the day before my birthday and i am planning what to do can't wait my fella is taking me out and i really cant wait.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 14, 2005
today, july 14 is my birthday. hell yes. finally 15... age hasnt stopped me from doing anything im not supposed to yet though... haha.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 14, 2005
DUuuuuuuuuuuude, happy very belated birthday, tho i shud imagine you dont need me to point out you have now passed the dreaded (25th) year and are now edging as was inevitable to the dreaded and rather horrifying late 20s (ahem) It is my 21st bday today, jus woke up, occured to me about 4am this morn, pissed on some step that a... 21st is an anti climax and b...i have unexpectedly run out of "special" bdays, you know 13th, 16th, 18th, 21st... soo i too suffer from bday bluesx
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 14, 2005
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 11, 2005
its 12:05 am...and i just turned 19 i know this is gonna sound annoying to older folkes....but if feel effin know that feeling like you're not living life to the fullest and taking advantage of your youth? Well thats exactly how i feel right now...I mean I'm frekin 19, my last teenage year EVER and what do i have to show for it?....yea i'm happy with my life and all but then i i really happy?....i mean 18 is supposed to be THE year...the time of your be young and reclkless.... i dunno...i just feel like i missed/am missing out on what is supposed to be my best year(s)....I guess i have one more teen year to make up, but i'll never get 18 back...or 17 or 16 for that matter...whythe f do i feel like im 80 years old?! i'm having a mid-life crisis at 19
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 11, 2005
its my 18th today. Did absolutely nothing... was rotten.. going to sleep at 10:30 PM. I feel stupid for getting my hopes up, lol.
Robyn YEEE
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 11, 2005
Hell YES Sweet 16th BABY, im soo effing excited and happy,I think theres a big difference between 15 and 16. Right. well i gotta go get drunk as hell so i can wake up in the morning with a story to tell
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 08, 2005
Hooray It's my birthday today i am 12 at last
It's My Birthday
Monday, July 04, 2005
It's the 4th July! It's my birthday today! wheyyyyyyyy!! I'm 16 at last! so happy!!:D:D:D I've been shopping with some of my family this morning/afternoon and for lunch, went to a chinese resturant, which was 'boom-ting'! Later my boyfriend if gonna come over and we are gonna get pissed! my mate gave me a coktail shaker with a book of 50 classic cocktail recipes! I had a party on saturday and everyone got completely wasted! twas wkd! anyways, i'm gonna go turn up the speakers and listen to some hardcore rock:P:P

(Editor's note: 16 and getting "pissed" with your boyfriend eh? That's not at all a recipe for disaster...)

Shelly Marie
It's My Birthday
Sunday, July 03, 2005
its basically my birthday and after one whole year i am finally turning 14. yeah i know. i dont look like 14...which sucks but i look like i should be 82 :-P but im just being a little dramatic. yeah anyways! its the best. my friend still needs to give me my gift before i leave her house. Shes also missing my bday party for the 3rd time! lol. oh well. YEAH ITS MY EFFIN BIRTHDAY!
Me! LISA Me!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 02, 2005
Hi its my birthday 2day! im 15! yay!! i gonna get lots of prezzies sooon! cant wait, happy birthday 2 evry1 elses whoe birthday it is 2day!! remember 2 hav fun, n party hard!
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 01, 2005
Friday the 1st of July 2005 Im 10 a 2 digit pinch punch first of the month
its my birthday!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
Today is my 26th birthday.. I hope all you 29ers have a good one!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 29, 2005
happy birthday anyone and everyone! it's my fifteenth and for some reason i'm here in front of the computer searching up birthday.. haha (: .prepping a face for my suprise party. why is it the celebrant always finds out?! well, enough randomness. have a good one you guys!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
Queen aka Queenlicious
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
its my 18th, i feel like its the Beginning of my life. am kinda happy! ok am happy! hopefully everyting goes well for me, then i will be alrite! hopefully God can lead me the way so i would not get lost in life(Amen).Happy b'day to me!!!!! All grown up now!xxx
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
weeeeeeeeeeh its my 18th! big up everyone else!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
its my birthday today and im 20 -- which is like the worst birthday ever cause you dont get to do anything new -- i cant even get wasted at the bar!
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 27, 2005
ITS MY BIRTHDAY today, i'm 21, i came downstairs and there were balloons and banners everywhere....BUT NO BLOODY PEOPLE!thanks for the thought i guess! 21 years on this earth, wow i am a pimp dog! xxx
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 27, 2005
Yep, 41 tomorrow! Missed buying tickets (well the org cheaper ones since Bob closed Ebay!) for Pink Floyd reforming to play LIVE 8. Bummer, have to watch on TV, who gonna buy me a big screen with recordable DVD with surround sound? Get the beer out - boys day in nxt Sat - HEY! Buying my first car tomorrow as pressy Citroen BX £41 Ebay - not passed test yet, got the theory test last year - car is cheap project to park in garage and do up, hopefully pass before winter! Hey all you b'day girls n guys x
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 26, 2005
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Today i have turned 30. DOHHHHHHHHHHH . i feel like fekkin slashing up. All my mates are boring, settled down etc etc, and dont wanna do F A. it is total crap to be 30
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, June 08, 2005
yo g's whats happenin. today I turned 100 .
It's My Birthday
Monday, June 06, 2005
i typed its my birthday on google 2 coz it is!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME!!!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, June 05, 2005
My 27th Birthday today! Do everyone else who ended up here type "it's my birthday" into Google?! *blushes* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Its my birthday I'm fifteen
It's My Birthday saturday or sunday august 24 ,2005
Friday, June 03, 2005
it;s my bithday soon it is comeing so i could get all my friend to come over to play with me happy birthdayto you happy birthday to laura i am going to have a get barthday every.
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 28, 2005
WOW! It's my birthday on 5-29 and I 've hit the big 4-0. . A great month to all Geminis celebrating life this moth!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 28, 2005
I'm glad it's my brithday because I get presents and people celebrate me!!! It was great turning seven (may 23rd)
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 27, 2005
Not sure really what to think of this day. Kinda of feeling a bit blue, if that at all makes sense. I am getting married in a month, the last "single" birthday ever. Today I am turning 28 ... geesh, 30 is really creeping up. It must just be the stress of the wedding, but the sun is peeking out behind the clouds, so that's promising. I have to go pick up my wedding dress- that is definately a reason to smile... anyway, have a good one folks!!! I wish you all the best!!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
May 26 1966. WOW so long ago that I can't even remember it. Still ... I'm told it was a good year, 1966 the year that England won the world cup, Patrick Troughton took over as Doctor Who and the year that I was a gift to the planet Earth ... makes you think dunnit ... there's good and bad in verything then. Oh well ... 40 next year!
Chris Boo
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 24, 2005
Come on you Guy's It's your Bday yeah its not the same as what it would have been say 10 years ago but you can still have a laugh! Just cos you are getting older doesnt mean you have to act it on your birthday! Go out and get drunk, go bowling thats always a good one! Look I know im still young but i defently dont wana sound like you guys in 6 years! and i bet you never thought you would either, go out and have some fun, just think if you hate being the age you are now most of you still have a good 50years left, lighten up and have some fun, you want to deep down so just go for it!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 22, 2005
its my birthday
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
its funny, tomorrow is my birthday..i found this webpage by typing "its my birthday and i am depressed" on google. 25 years. graduated college, real job, nothing special. birthday, just another day? shouldn't be..but this time it is...
It's My Birthday
Friday, May 13, 2005
its friday 13th may and i am 21 ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh 2i wana be a teen again
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
It's my birthday and i'll cry if i want to you would cry too if it happened to you
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 09, 2005
Answer to Editor's Note: I work a LOT. I work 2 jobs. I'm a cook and a delivery driver. My trips were spaced out. 1st (Spain) when I was 14, 2nd (Chile) when I was 17, 3rd (Europe) when I was 18. I took time off from school to go and it was funded by my saved money. My parents have not contributed at all except when my wallet was stollen in Spain, they loaned me 100 bucks for room and board. As for flying, it's still on my list, i have not done it yet. But I have been riding a motorcycle for 2 years now, i store my small speed boat at my parents house and my car is in the shop (today infact) getting a paint job. See? I told you I follow my dreams! For god's sake, don't wait til you're 50 and say "I've never been anywhere or done anything in my life" (that happened to my mom, now I have to take her on a trip). Update: Yesterday was my birthday and today my dad called me and asked me to loan him 200 bucks to help with his bills. Jeeze, glad he waited til the day AFTER my birthday!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, May 08, 2005
I turned 21 today, May 8th. It means more respect. Did I really "age" between yesterday and today? I guess the bartenders think so. If you're old enough to give your life to your country, shouldn't you be old enough to drink? After reading people's posts I feel a little better. I really mean this: I follow my dreams daily. Don't turn 50 and realize you did nothing with your life. Do it now. I was in college for 4 years and before I finished, I quit. Now I'm riding motorcycles, pimping out cars, learning how to fly, buying a boat, took 3 trips abroad, getting to know the city I live in and why people come here.... There's so much out there. Dont get discouraged. People forget birthdays. Haven't you ever forgotten someone's birthday before? I should look at the bright side, I got 6 messages on my voicemail "Happy Birthday, Kristin!" now everyone wants to take me out. Get to know yourself and your own interests, don't wait for some girlfriend or boyfriend to come around and complete you. How can you attract your match if you dont know who you are? It's not about this day, it's about your life. Be all you can be or else it will be a disapointment. What are you waiting for?! GO!

(Editor's note: Exactly how do you afford that stuff when you're 21? Just learning to fly is a $10K investment. I know, as I just priced my pilot's license...and here in Canada, the drinking age is 19...)

It's My Birthday
Saturday, May 07, 2005
hey its my birthday but only wish it was my 18th again. im 23 today but not going out tonight how sad hey? but gonna go and celabrate tomorrow! happy birthday to everyone else who birthday it is too.

(Editor's note: What's wrong with not going out? On my birthday, I just want a nice dinner and then relaxation.)

It's My Birthday
Friday, May 06, 2005
My birthday is on May 6, 2005. TODAY!!! YAY!!!!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 05, 2005
Iam happy to know its you birthday, and as strange as it sounds so is mine! i hope you have the best birthday ever... and may all you strange and stupid wishes come true
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
well todays 05/05/05 and i'm 23. found this post by accident and feels quite strange.
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
whee todays my birthday, no one is really saying happy birthday, but thats okay, this birthday is gonna be a good one.Im sure of it ..............
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
Hey everyone, todays my 15th birthday :o), but no one seems to be noticing it. Right now im sitting here in computer apps at my high school not doing my work, goodness this place sucks. Well, so far this has been the worst birthday of my life, I usually skip school and do something fun with my friends, but NO not this year, this year i have to stay up till 3 in the morning cleaning my room and then actually, pshycially gettin my butt up from my bed, takin a shower and going to school. AND not one person has said happy birthday to me .. NOT ONE !! how rude is that ehh? lol .. ohh well .. i'll make it a good birthday if its the last thing I do. I might go out and get drunk with one of my friends tonight, juss to piss my mother off for makin me stay up late cleaning my room .. lol that sounds fun to me.. well .. now i have to go after my long, boring story about my life lol .. that was one long ass random thought: ITS MY BIRTHDAY!!! :O)
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, May 04, 2005
it's my 22nd today I feel old !!
Charles East
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, May 03, 2005
I'm 31 today :) Happy birthday to me :) I'm getting old :(
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 02, 2005
it is finally my b-day and im 26 n im so old i am already 26 percent of a centuary-scary so if its ur b day hav a gud 1!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 30, 2005
Make Love not War, Drugs.... then Hugs, Australians Rock, Italians are sexy, Brazilians are great to loseyour virginity to, Greeks eat bad food, the French are so not arrogant its sexy, Portugese people have a disturbed language and Germans DO KNOW HOW TO DRINK BEER!!!! They rock. OktoberFest is fucking great, everyone just get there! And if anyone is sad enough to read this after all the rest, tell Rod that Suzie (me) loves him. Theres no other way I have enough guts to do it....... Email In less than an hour turn 20, I know, its a depressing fact of life that everyone has to face. Although one of my best friends and I have decided to stay TWENTEEN (in between 20 and 21) FOREVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WE ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! XO
Elvis Beavis
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 28, 2005
well I made it to 33, I share a birthday with Saddam (yes the evil one), Oscar Schindler and Ferruccio Lamborghini. amongst others. It's a nice day for my birthday, started of raining but brightened up for this afternoon. Oh well 33 down I wonder how many more I'll see. probs not too many as I've lived a very rock'n'roll lifestyle. but then look at OZZY. Happy Birthday to anyone else with a birthday
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 27, 2005
Well 21 finally, wat can i say? The last 21 years have been nicely lived, if i may say so myself. Met many people of different walks. From the suburbs and their wholesome families, to the Corrupt and their wicked ways, never a dull moment i must say. Cheers PS: Just wanted to say to someone, u know who u r, i'm entering the game...and u best believe it....i'm playin to win this one baby!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, April 26, 2005
oooooooh get you
Chris Mcgarry
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 25, 2005
May sound bloody corny but tomorrow is the next day of the rest of my life, it's also the day when i'll stop bein a teenager foe ever, shame - i bloody loved it!
Jenna louise
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 25, 2005
Its my birthday my 18 th actually. Im so bored stuck at work shoved into the back office all alone on my own. Anyway hapy birthday to me.
you in the future
It's My Birthday
Thursday, April 07, 2005
this is way all suck
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
Wow, 27 years old. Life gets harder each year, but it also gets more rewarding.
It's My Birthday
Monday, April 04, 2005
its my birthday today. im 20 years old. born on the 4th of the 4th at 4pm !!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Whooo, Whooo, it's my birthday!!!!
It's My Birthday
Friday, April 01, 2005
My Birthday is on April 1st
kiersten ives
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 28, 2005
It's my birtheday all week! and im 17 so i can drive people legally now!!! w00t
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 27, 2005
it isn't my birthday. It is 44 years to the day since it was my birthday. Trying to remember my birthday, but all seems a bit blurry. Maybe I'll remember on my deathday.
Rachel Elise
It's My Birthday
Friday, March 18, 2005
I just turned 13 today and I am soooooo excited to be a teen!! Finally I can get my ears pierced ( its a dad thing) well I probably sound really Retarded but Owell ITS MY B-DAY HOORAY
It's My Birthday
Thursday, March 17, 2005
hiya my names hayley! its my birthday today(17th march) im 15! yay!
Nebojsa Sarkanovic
It's My Birthday
Monday, March 14, 2005
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 27, 2005
its my 16th birthday 2day wooooooooooo
roo baloo
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 25, 2005
Freakyily similar circustance to above - i just went on google (at school in a maths lesson lol should not be doing this) and im 15!!!!!! not long till sweet sixteen now....! love y!
My Name is Kate
It's My Birthday
Friday, February 18, 2005
Im 15 today! Wow, it's odd that so many people have posted on their birthdays. I was just mucking around and typed 'its my birthday!' into google and this came up. So far no presents, cards or anything...but Im the only person awake so, not too depressed yet. Just tried to make some cereal but we have no milk. Great start. Im just going to continue writing crap fpr a couple more sentenses just to waste your time internet people. I think my freind has planned something...I dont know what, Ill haveto ring her and find out if Im invited to my birthday celebration. Happy Birthday bambino!
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 13, 2005
im 15 2day and i cant wait 2 have me big party !!!! :-)
Laura E West
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 13, 2005
It's my 43rd birthday today, February 13, 2005. I actually got cake and presents. I got lucky enough to be able to celebrate it with my daughter. Happy Birthday to all of February especially "Lucky 13". I feel good!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, February 03, 2005
YAh finally i'm big
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, February 02, 2005
Im 13 today, im alone, by myself, its raining outside, im sad, i hate this birthday its crap, ........
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 21, 2005
Tomarrows my B-day, Jan.22, but we're suppose to get a really bad winter storm.
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 14, 2005
It's my 50th birthday today. I've had the day off work. My family are taking me to a restaurant tonight.. looking forward to it!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, January 13, 2005
hello! i just wanted to announce i am celebrating a birthday today, thursday, january 13th, i am 32 years old and i feel stuck in the middle, not too young and not too old, i just hope my day goes well and happy birthday to all the other january birthdays!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 11, 2005
Turned 50 today! Half a century wow! Best wishes to all those who are celebrating their birthday with me.Enjoy yourselves and make the best out of this special day. I think I will, my husband is throwing a party tonight with all my family invited. Hope it will be the best birthday ever!
It's My Birthday
Friday, January 07, 2005
o yeah it my b-day all mine
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, January 04, 2005
well, tomorrow's my birthday! JANUARY 5th!! SWEET SIXTEEN. WWOOOOHHOOO for myself and anyone else who's celebrating their b-day too!! so excited........................bye!
It's My Birthday
Monday, January 03, 2005
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 31, 2004
dec 31st/new years birthday today and im all alone, parents and bro away in foreign countries and here i sit alone, im gonna make my self a bday cake and eat it all up.mmm. naw im having a wicked party tonight , play my all time fav game :capture the flag.. with all my friends gonna be fun.turning 18 by the way which means something i suppose (voting perhaps..?) As you get older , ponder the meaning of life, what are you here for , what are you living for? Im just glad i know my purpose, to serve Jesus Christ. Life is worth living . signing off...
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 31, 2004
i will be 17 in exactly 38 mins (it's 11.22pm here in lnodon)... happy new yrs to everybody... enjoy!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, December 21, 2004
It's my birthday today. I'm 35. I blinked and all of a sudden i'm in my mid 30's. I realise aswell what an idiot i was in my late teens and 20's. Things i said to people and things i done. Question .. If you could re-live your life would you do it the same or different? Youth is indeed wasted on the young. Never mind. At least i have lived to be 35. Some people dont.
It's My Birthday
Monday, December 20, 2004
im at work, but its my birthday today, thought id share as im very bored and lonely here, but il be going home at 3pm yey!! :O), take care everyone and happy birthday to anyone today,
It's My Birthday
Friday, December 10, 2004
Hey today it my birthday Dec, 10th 2004 And I am 15 !!! I am so excited. Today I am going to celebrate with all of my friends. It's going to be awesome!
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 29, 2004
well, this is random but I was just checking email and well like many others decided to see if anything interesting was online...anyway ITS MY BIRTHDAY I'm 22!! HELL YEAH!!! GONNA PARTY IT UP TONIGHT
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 29, 2004
its my bday today i am 14 my mom said not to have a party i dont know why i want presents but only got a few :S somethings missing probably a boyfriend :( heh

(Editor's note: You're 14 and you're worried about a boyfriend?!)

Thomas O'Connor
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 12, 2004
I turn 41 in about two hours (nov 13, 1963). I have a lot to be thankful for however still feel I have much, much more to do. I am lucky to have a great job, financial security, great home and two loving dogs. I have never been married and have no children. I have recently realized how important it is to me to become a loving husband, a father and then a grandfather. All of my life's work so far has not yet fulfilled me and I think having a family will help complete me & my life goals. For my Birthday I will not party since I do not drink or smoke but I am running my first marathon. If I live through the 26.2 mile race I plan on sharing the day will my two Dogs and recent new girlfriend that I think I am falling for like a blind roofer. She seems to be everything I have ever wanted and could make my dreams come true. Wish me luck!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
I'm 32 today. This means I can no longer achieve dreams of being a great tennis or football player - mind you I was never any good at those - my sport is golf and there are a few years left for me to get good at this sport! A day to reflect on where time has gone and to wish it would slow down a bit - but as 'old fart' said - at least I'm lucky to get another. My day will consist of doing as little work as possible and taking my birthday socks back to to the shops!
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, November 09, 2004
i'm 20 today, no longer a teenager. no1 remembered it was my birthday. except the card of my granny..
sr. diego garcia padraic
It's My Birthday
Monday, November 08, 2004
hoy es la dia que me entrar el mundo... mi cumpleano! felizes cumpleanos a todos en pagina!
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 05, 2004
Happy 29th Birthday to me!!! Every year for the last 10 years I have not felt like it was my birthday. This is the first year that it actually feels like it. My b-day was always kind of ignored except for this year. I fell in love for the first time in my life and just having someone else wake up look you in the eye and be the first to say it before anyone else (and not forget!) is just the best feeling. My day is complete on just that note!
It's My Birthday
Friday, November 05, 2004
Hey!!! It's my birthday today, and I turned 21. I'm SO proud that I haven't puked or got my stomach pumped yet!!! C-ya!! Hope everyone has a great day!!! :)
Old Fart
It's My Birthday
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Shit. Today I'm 47, my boss and best friend quit his job today, my department seems to be evaporating, I'm up way too late and didn't get enough sleep last night waiting for Bush to get one more fargin electoral vote so I could rest easy. I have no idea what's in store for me from this point, all I know for certain is that I will somehow be ok and life is about to take me on another completely unexpected escapade. Funny thing is, I never feel old. I always feel like I could turn the world in the other direction if I wanted to. I never want the birthdays to stop, because it means I was lucky enough to get to another. They're like islands in the sea, and I'm swimming through life. Gotta go, time to swim to Hawaii...
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 25, 2004
It's my birthday and it sucked-29 years old today and my husband fed me KFC and fell asleep on the couch at 4:30 PM. Yay. life is wonderful :(
It's My Birthday
Monday, October 25, 2004
It's my birthday today, and I'm sitting at my desk, in an office, board shitless, and drunk - cause I've just been out for a 3 hour liquoid lunch........but who cares! It's my birthday, and I've come to an amazing conclusion. I rock. I really do!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 23, 2004
i'm sixteen today and readin all your thooughts is makin me a lil sad, guess u shud've not wasted ur child hood!!!!!
Mahesh Patel
It's My Birthday
Friday, October 22, 2004
it's my birthday today i'm 23
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 21, 2004
today is my birthday
tom F
It's My Birthday
Sunday, October 17, 2004
YEEEHAAAWWWW. 18 today. rock on all you birthday maestros. time for a birthday smoke followed by my first (legal) trip to the pub. Enjoy being older, stop moanin. just get trashed n enjoy yourself. GO COLCHESTER. Bot
It's My Birthday
Saturday, October 16, 2004
I found a wicked site that tells you everything that happened on your birthday - on mine in 1995 Albanian taxi drivers were charged with a traffic light tax to enable the authorities to buy some !! amongst other things!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 07, 2004
IM 17 today and it feels like Im geting old every day.its kinda scary.
It's My Birthday
Thursday, October 07, 2004
October 7, do the Happy Birthday To Me I am no longer 30 I look younger than I feel, and I feel older than I am So I am going to have myself a drink And sit and stop to think Why the hell Do I tell Myself I am 31 Just relax and have some fun Too old to party, too young to die Happy Birthday...WHY!!!
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Guess what? It's my birthday today too! (SEPTEMBER 29, 2004) I'm turning 18, so I can buy porn and cigarettes now without having to worry about the hassle.
It's My Birthday
Sunday, September 26, 2004
yay woooooo im 14 finally happy birthday 2 me
sherry rose maniago
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 25, 2004 is my special day....itz my birthday.......
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
I am 44 today. I like Bob was just searching "its my birthday September 22" to see what interesting things I could dig up. I enjoyed reading the comments, and good to know there are people out there as silly as me! Happy Birthday to you all.
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 20, 2004
Happy Birthday to me!!!!!!! September 21!!!!
It's My Birthday
Saturday, September 18, 2004
I am 25 today. Life is good!
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 13, 2004
It's my 50th birthday today. I just google searched 'it's my birthday' to see if anybody had anything that could make me feel better. Apparently not.
It's My Birthday
Monday, September 13, 2004
Today, Sept 14. My birthday. Am I really 41?
meredith gibbons
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 02, 2004
Today. 24. Does that mean anything?
It's My Birthday
Thursday, September 02, 2004
I'm 53, that's a full deck plus a joker. I feel like my life is begining all over again. My ex-wife called and wished me the best and my two brothers sang me a song. Keanu Reeves and Jimmy Conners born this day. I like those guys.
Huot sovann
Yeah yeah today is my BITHDAY
Friday, August 27, 2004
Happy bithday to me, happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me.... yeah today i complete 25 year, i'll 26. Yeah, older know better about life. Less chance to play around. Any happy to be old. Happy birthday to every one who born August 27. SOVANN
It's My Birthday
Thursday, August 19, 2004
its my birthday!!!!! woo hoo!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday on the 16th of august
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Its my birthday on August 16th on monday wow im turning 13 how cool is that!
Dan Howard
It's My Birthday
Sunday, August 08, 2004
I'll bet many people tell their computer it's their Birthday. (Do I capitalize "birthday"?) Today is mine. Suffice it to say I'm over 40 by a year or two. Happy Birthday to all the folks that landed here like I did and thank you for giving us a place to land. My gift to you is a music reccomendation...Alice Coopers warm up band truly rocks...Runner and the Thermodynamics have got it goin on. Also my cousin Paul Metsa (The Pitbull of Folk) has a website so check him out. Again Happy Birthday Y'all. DH
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 23, 2004
WAAAHHHOOOOOO im going shooting on the 24th [clay shooting] and and its my birthday on the 27th of july and its my mates birthday today [23rd] HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALL ,cant wait to be sixteen :)
It's My Birthday
Friday, July 23, 2004
its my birthday on july 24. i am 32
It's My Birthday
Thursday, July 22, 2004
its my birthday today and im 21 not 20 for the rest of my life.

(Editor's note: Everyone knows that women stop aging when they reach 21...)

shazy baby
It's My Birthday
Saturday, July 10, 2004
holla troopz...ITS MY B'DAY 2DAY....i thot i wood add myslef to this useless list! i think its reely kool any1 wants 2 holla dont hold bak heers my otha e-mail am outty keep it reel yall heer aiight das it SHAZ x

(Editor's note: What the hell was that?!?)

It's My Birthday
Monday, June 28, 2004
It's my birthday today! I'm 22, one year away from 23! I'm glad to be my age! It's great! Happy Birthday to me, and you too!
Billy bob junior
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, June 22, 2004
It's my birthday and I'm a nut-case. Have a nice birthday if it is yours and remember: lemon juice is INTENSE!!!!!!!! You rock people! Love is GOOOOOOOOD!
It's My Birthday
Thursday, May 06, 2004
Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 24 isn't that much is it?
Tony D
It's My Birthday
Sunday, March 14, 2004
And you thought I forgot buddy. Well see about next year though. ;)
you dont need to know
It's My Birthday
Wednesday, September 03, 2003
happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 19, 2003
Today is my birthday; I also just turned 23, which is definitely odd. I feel as though I should be on my way to doing something by now, but such is not the case. I can't believe that 24 is only 364 days away...365, actually- thank goodness for leap years...
Tomer Flysher
It's My Birthday
Monday, May 19, 2003
good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


syahrial syam
Happy Birthday to me
Thursday, March 27, 2003
i am 23 th year old. i born on september 22, 1980.
It's My Birthday
Tuesday, February 18, 2003
Lighten up....30 isn't so bad, you realize what a sh*t you were in your 20's
It's My Birthday
Sunday, February 16, 2003
Well happy birthday man

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