London Speed and Custom Car Show 2014 Pictures

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The London Speed and Custom Car Show is a small local show held at the Western Fair District. I don't attend every year, instead visiting every few years when I remember about the show and have a few hours on a Saturday to spare. It's nice to see some cars that I recognize from local roads and other local shows, as well as run into a few of the local builders. In the past, vehicles I've played a part in creating have been displayed but not this year.

Oddly, the highlight of the show for me was the Fanshawe College display. Not only did they have a '76 Porsche 911 converted to electric (ADC 13" motor, 192V) but they also had a virtual reality paint booth, and a very interesting demonstration of the workings of an AC system. Having just recently finished installing a Vintage Air system on my Cosmo it was quite cool to be able to watch the refrigerant move around the system. The 911 was very well converted, well integrated and not at all the rolling science fair project of most EVs. With a modern set of lithium batteries to replace the lead it would be a great car. I didn't get a chance to try out the VR paint booth because the line was long with many others wanting to try their hands at the spray gun.

At first glance the Bradley GT kit car with the Hyabusa engine was quite compelling. Unfortunately looking at the mechanicals it appeared to be thrown together without too much thought towards reliability or long term operation. Still, it would be an excellent buy as a starting point for a project and if someone fixed the issues, has the potential to be a hell of a lot of fun.

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