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 Car boneyard NW Victoria, Australia
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Nobel Prize Winner

A Land Down Under
2261 Posts

Posted - Oct 26 2011 :  09:40:15 AM  Show Profile  Visit wasssup1990's Homepage  Reply with Quote
I came across this video on YouTube and I thought it share it with you all.

abandoned cars in North Western Victoria Australia

Unfortunately I was unsuccessful in locating the aerial imagery for the place so I can't show exactly how big it is. The video uploader said it's somewhere near Maryborough.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.

Aaron Cake

6718 Posts

Posted - Nov 05 2011 :  10:28:39 AM  Show Profile  Visit Aaron Cake's Homepage  Send Aaron Cake an ICQ Message  Send Aaron Cake a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
I'm not familiar with many of the cars these guys were drooling over. It seemed like they were very excited over stuff that seemed well past the point of being a usable or even restorable car.
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Nobel Prize Winner

A Land Down Under
2261 Posts

Posted - Nov 06 2011 :  01:55:16 AM  Show Profile  Visit wasssup1990's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aaron Cake

I'm not familiar with many of the cars these guys were drooling over. It seemed like they were very excited over stuff that seemed well past the point of being a usable or even restorable car.

Hi Aaron,

Yep it looked like a dumping ground for abandoned cars. When nature tries to grow out of the engine and tail-pipe, it's a good sign the car is phucked.
I didn't see anything interesting there but a good find none the less. Kind of like how you found your Mazda Cosmo.

I think a lot of those cars are derivatives of american cars; Fords and Holdens. You might not have heard of a Holden but they are just derivatives of American cars like Pontiac.


When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.
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Nobel Prize Winner

A Land Down Under
2261 Posts

Posted - Nov 07 2011 :  06:25:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit wasssup1990's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Crap! Pontiac went down the tube a year ago.

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.
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Aaron Cake

6718 Posts

Posted - Nov 12 2011 :  10:34:00 AM  Show Profile  Visit Aaron Cake's Homepage  Send Aaron Cake an ICQ Message  Send Aaron Cake a Yahoo! Message  Reply with Quote
Yep, Pontiac has been out of business for a while. It's funny becuase one of the Pontiac dealers in town is now a Nissan dealer. Dale Downie ( http://www.daledownie.ca ) Pontiac is now Dale Downie Nissan.

What's humorous is that I'm fairly sure I remember Dale on the local TV several years ago in a pro-domestic commercial saying how inferior the important brands were and how he is proud to sell hown grown vehicles that support the local economy. Then last year, Dale Downie Pontiac is suddenly Dale Downie Nissa.

They should find out the ownership of that dumping ground and then salvage the good parts. Then spend the next few years eBaying the stuff to people who are restoring.
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Nobel Prize Winner

A Land Down Under
2261 Posts

Posted - Nov 13 2011 :  07:25:29 AM  Show Profile  Visit wasssup1990's Homepage  Reply with Quote
Originally posted by Aaron Cake

Yep, Pontiac has been out of business for a while. It's funny becuase one of the Pontiac dealers in town is now a Nissan dealer. Dale Downie ( http://www.daledownie.ca ) Pontiac is now Dale Downie Nissan.

What's humorous is that I'm fairly sure I remember Dale on the local TV several years ago in a pro-domestic commercial saying how inferior the important brands were and how he is proud to sell hown grown vehicles that support the local economy. Then last year, Dale Downie Pontiac is suddenly Dale Downie Nissa.

Ha! It's all about the money. Sounds like the guy will say anything to sell a car; whatever's music to the customers ears.

Who does this guy think he is... Chuck Norris?

I guess he needed his ears cleaned out? Or an instant shave?

When one person suffers from a delusion it is called insanity.
When many people suffer from a delusion it is called religion.
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