He said it is a three phase AC motor but he showed an ordinary one phase capacitor start AC motor like a furnace fan motor.
The thread has confused me. He has changed his mind so many times, I don't know what he is using!
First, he said he has tried a 3phase motor but it didn't work. Then he showed a single phase capacitor start/run motor. Then he asked about DC motors. I gave him a link that used AC and DC motors as generators. He finally said he had made a wind generator, but did not specify the type - only the voltage. Then Aaron said he would need a DC to DC converter, so he possibly has decided to use a DC one.
Sory guys for taking long to reply I have been away, but the generator am talking about is the one I managed to build from the Low RPM wind generator plans I got from otherpower.com here is the link http://www.otherpower.com/wardalt.html its an AC generator which can be rectified and used to charge the battery. The problem is that when it runs too fast it generates avery high voltage about 50V which might damage my batteries I want ideas on how to stablise this voltage to about 15Volts. Thanks Dennis
Right now my multimetre only mesures a maximum of 10amps but the out put of the genrator is much higher than that because it heats up the multimetre test probes very quickly so I am thinking of 25 Amps maximum. Thanks for your help. Dennis
You never measure the output of a generator or alternator by shorting its output with a current-meter. There must be a load resistance in series with the current-meter.
Hey you think its difficult? Its not when you have all the material and tools and mind you three weeks is too long actualy I did the alternator its self in three days. Its the tower that wasted most of my time. I will post the phot soon. thanks