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 Jukebox Transformer

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Ggrima Posted - Aug 29 2014 : 9:14:01 PM
I am hoping to buy a jukebox from the US and bring it to Australia. It contains a 25.2V CT 2.0A Heavy-Duty Chassis-Mount Transformer with Lead
Model: 273-1512 | Catalog #: 273-1512.

Can anyone confirm whether the transformer will function correctly given that the US have 110v 60Hz and Australia has 220v 50Hz? I will be using a step-down transformer for the voltage but will the difference in Hz be a concern? I appreciate any help you can offer. Thanks in advance.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
somi Posted - Sep 15 2014 : 05:20:27 AM
Thanks its 100pf. I have buit the circuit and it works very well.It even increases my solar panel current by 1 amp. Thanks
Ggrima Posted - Aug 31 2014 : 10:17:15 AM
I think I found a solution with this one:

Carrier Bryant Transformer HCTY08H2AF05102 Totaline Transformer 120 240 48024v

Ggrima Posted - Aug 30 2014 : 7:07:17 PM
Hi Aaron

I like your idea. Can you please excuse my ignorance and let me know of a viable replacement model number that I can easily buy online? Thanks for your help.
Aaron Cake Posted - Aug 30 2014 : 10:32:40 AM
The transformer will heat more due to the lower frequency but otherwise operate fine.

But, since 25V CT (24V CT, close enough) is a very common value, why not purchase a transformer designed for 220V at 50Hz and swap it in? That way you can avoid the external step down transformer. Keep the original handy if you want to put it back to stock.

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