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 Does this sound good?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
wasssup1990 Posted - Jun 28 2010 : 02:12:48 AM
I made a Windows Welcome sound... you know the sound that Windows makes when it starts.

Just playing around with different effects to try and make it sound nice. I ripped a 5 second segment out of the "Stronger" song by BS and, well just have a listen. It's in losless WMA format 44100Hz 16 bit, and is the highest quality I can produce from a source file of the same quality. No point trying to produce a 24bit 192000Hz export from only a 16bit 44100Hz track off a CD.

Hope you like it.



Revision 1:
The original sounded well on my cheap headphones, but Rev.1 does not sound crisp on them. Rev.1 Sounds better than the original on my Logitech 5.1 speakers. Rev.1 has increased bass.


Pick and choose.
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 18 2011 : 03:30:50 AM
After 14 short teaser videos the official music video for HIAM has just been released.


The views count currently shows 322 views but there is 17025 ratings. I would disregard those numbers.
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 10 2011 : 10:51:58 AM
Cut vocals and lowered instrument sound level.

Filtered vocals. Filter artifacts are present.

Primary (non-stereoized) vocals filtered out successfully. Filter artifacts are present. It gives an insight into the complexity of the song.
wasssup1990 Posted - Oct 18 2010 : 01:24:31 AM
Holy Cow! My original sound clip has been downloaded 101 times.
wasssup1990 Posted - Oct 17 2010 : 06:23:23 AM
I'm back. Here's another revision if you're interested. In case you haven't noticed, yes I very interested in music, sound and how it is created. So I thought I would share this with ya'll.


At three seconds into the clip you will here a "note" come into play. This is merely a very narrow band of frequencies chosen and amplified by an equalizer and as you will hear, sweeps through the master audio output just in the same way we tune our analog radios for a particular station. Only this time I'm doing it to music to add a little flavor. I think it sounds good.

Download Attachment: 17.10.2010.png
59.02 KB

Hey Aaron! Did you know that I can't insert an image within firefox? That sucks.
wasssup1990 Posted - Jul 02 2010 : 06:15:34 AM
Cool buddy. I was only interested in if it sounded good, quality if you want to call it that. That's somewhat good encouragement to make more music or at least enhance it!
codingplanet Posted - Jul 02 2010 : 03:12:34 AM
Yes, the quality is good...but that's about it...
wasssup1990 Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 10:46:05 AM
Cool thanks for replying Aaron.
Aaron Cake Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 10:39:53 AM
It sounded fine, quality wise, when I played it.
wasssup1990 Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 07:28:00 AM
That's a different way of doing things.
Enough of the technical problems.
Putting opinions aside of BS, did the clip sound nice? I haven't shown this clip to anyone else except you guys.

codingplanet Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 06:06:57 AM
I got it to play in windows. But I never restart any of my PCs. I use hibernate instead.

And yes, I was trying to play it on the server before. Tried updating VLC but it seems the latest ver. isn't in the repos yet.
wasssup1990 Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 05:25:51 AM
Ummm okay. Do you only have one computer? Is that your server you're talking about?

Here is a link to the folder that contains all of the files. I have added WAVs this time Yay! Every computer can play WAVs!
I'm flabbergasted that you couldn't get the WMA to work though. Anyway I don't know what kind of setup you've got there so maybe you were running linux given that you found it difficult to play the WMA. Same problem with my Ubuntu... Stupid plugins.
codingplanet Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 05:11:21 AM
I never restart anyway, so it's kinda pointless >.<
codingplanet Posted - Jul 01 2010 : 05:08:35 AM
No, not yet.
wasssup1990 Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 9:48:03 PM
Yes Adrian, yes it is.

Did you manage to get it to play?
codingplanet Posted - Jun 29 2010 : 5:05:13 PM
This is so I can hear it through my eyes?

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