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 Happy Pi Day

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
SpaceBison Posted - Mar 14 2008 : 10:52:39 AM
In honor of Pi Day (March 14), I have made available the first 32 million digits of pi for your viewing pleasure.

2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Mar 15 2008 : 10:30:05 AM
Heh, I guess I'm not the only one who was wishing people a happy Pi day. Most thought I was referring to the food...

ThinkGeek has an appropriate shirt:
SpaceBison Posted - Mar 14 2008 : 12:27:05 PM
I was thinking that 32 million digits (the limit of the first program I used) is just too small to really honor pi. So I found another pi program better suited to the task. I present now the first 100 million digits of pi:


Here's the program:
[url=http://numbers.computation.free.fr/Constants/PiProgram/pifast.html]PiFast : the fastest program to compute pi[/url]

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