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 my toy needs a part

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moody Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 10:16:31 PM
i got a vectron blackhawk and after 3 months it started to fall apart

the little gears would pop off the motor and today i just plugged it in after epoxying the gears on but the controller lit for a few seconds then died

i got out the voltage detector and multi meter

the problem was the power transformer for the wall burned out

the input - AC 120V 60Hz
the output - DC 22V 55VA

i need another one of these and radio shock does not have one
also ive never heard of "VA", whats that mean?
ontop of all the power transformers i have, not one is a match

anyone know where i can get another power pack like this?


David S
check out my new site

1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 22 2004 : 09:38:08 AM
VA = Volt Amps

Just find a transformer that is reasonably close. Higher current ratings are OK.

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