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 The Avenger's Handbook

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Jeeo@JiiroTech Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 12:11:04 AM
I came accross a special handbook called The Avenger's Handbook....
And at the way, way bottom there in the Acknowledgements... Aaron Cake is listed as the second special thanks.. I'm just totally curious on how the two totally random (to me at least) sources met.

Yes, I know this is a rather pointless question, but I'm someone who obsesses with the past.

click ^_*
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 10:17:48 AM
I did find some old posts to the newsgroup alt.revenge that I made (using DejaNews/Google groups), but nothing indicating what contributions I made to the Handbook.

Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 09:59:01 AM
Well that's really odd. I remember reading that years ago, but I can't recall contributing...I'm reading through it right now...

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