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 Need A Welding Project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moody Posted - Dec 19 2004 : 11:26:06 PM
i have built a 70 amp arc welder and now i need some
"hardish" welding projects

so send me an email with any and all of your thoughts about what i can weld - moody07747@yahoo.com

and if you want to check out my welder its at my site and ive updated it allot


David S
check out my new site

7   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 23 2004 : 11:16:34 AM
You can try checking the salvage yards, but horizontal crankshaft engines are hard to come by. eBay is an option if you are willing to pay shipping.

I've only found them through luck.

moody Posted - Dec 23 2004 : 12:46:56 AM
i cant stand electric, charging batterys or anything like that

i need that gas engine theme

anyone know any tips on getting free/cheap engines?

i use to go to the back of sears to the mower repair area and they used to give me any engines that they could not start to me

i always got them to start
then sold them

now they wont give me anymore motors as they dont work on the motors in the building anymore.
they ship the engines out to get fixed

David S
check out my new site

Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 22 2004 : 09:35:03 AM

arc welding thin metal like cans is very hard
i tryed welding that metal from air ducts
and i just kept blowing holes in it at my welders lowers setting

I know, I was joking.


i always wanted a gokart and just got 4 good bedframes
seen here...
im building a super simple go-kart
any tips and idesa yould be nice
oh any ideas for a clutch
ebay has some C. clutches but for about $25-30

That engine is way too small. It's barely adaquate for a scooter. You need a larger engine with much more torque (ie. 4 stroke in the 3-5 HP range).

The choice of engine will dictate that choice of clutch.

Why not electric?

moody Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 10:41:20 PM

i always wanted a gokart and just got 4 good bedframes

seen here...
im building a super simple go-kart

any tips and idesa yould be nice

i have a small audio amp and big speakers
also some lights

this is gunna be great

oh any ideas for a clutch

ebay has some C. clutches but for about $25-30

David S
check out my new site


Edited by - moody on Dec 21 2004 10:44:19 PM
moody Posted - Dec 21 2004 : 10:08:48 PM
arc welding thin metal like cans is very hard

i tryed welding that metal from air ducts
and i just kept blowing holes in it at my welders lowers setting

and that stuff makes harmful fumes when welding so im not gunna try that stuff again(galvinized metal)

maby sheet steel

David S
check out my new site

cirvin Posted - Dec 20 2004 : 4:40:27 PM
Oh nice lamp!

http://daxter12.topcities.com <Its updated as of 12/9/04, check out the Punk Phone!
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 20 2004 : 09:58:16 AM
Hard, eh? Cut a beer can in half and then weld it back together without burning through.

How about art? I made a lamp out of engine parts:

My new project is my 3rd scooter. Making the frame from scratch, using a bicycle front end as a starting point.

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