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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Gohan854 Posted - Nov 15 2004 : 5:06:08 PM
Ok, I have this little room beside my room which is hidden in the wall. I wanna put some stuff in there that will be useful/fun/cool. I already have a backup power generator(thanx for the help) that can run everything in the room for 7 hours if the power goes out. I also have a heater/airconditioning unit. I have a tv/dvd/videogame system that I use often. I have shag carpet, beanbag, and a seat massager. I need some more stuff or ideas. I have deadlocks on the door, and tazer on the handle. The door is already made to blend in with the wall. I need some more ideas for my little room of fun. Anything will do from security camera, to an airsoft AEG remote controlled turret for intruders.


4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
moody Posted - Nov 23 2004 : 4:25:31 PM

That's pretty cool. Reminds me of my old tree fort. 2 rooms, 8 ft ceilings, proper glass windows,12V electrical system with 10 speaker stereo, TV, remote controlled motorized rope ladder, security system with entry code, etc. Fun times. I may have some pictures around here somewhere...But this was long before digital cameras, so...

scan them in if you find them
i like the idea.

and for a camera
go into ebay and get a pinhole camera

the 9 volt battery ones only last 1 hour
so get one w/ a wall plug

David S
check out my new site

moody Posted - Nov 23 2004 : 4:21:46 PM
i see that little storage room in all the houses i work in

its mainly for storage but i guess you can go in there

the storage areas ive seen are just wood beams and insolation

is yours finished off with sheet rock?

if not you should finish it off
be careful with that heater in that small room

a fire could start and a tiny room w/ 1 exit is a safty issue

but yea ide say computerize the room as well

how did you fit all that stuff like the AC and heat into such a small area?

what type of generator are use useing?
im looking for a project at the time

David S
check out my new site

cirvin Posted - Nov 16 2004 : 4:10:19 PM
Use the "comuputerize your room" thingy in there. Pirate radio?...

http://daxter12.topcities.com <Its updated now!
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 16 2004 : 09:09:11 AM
That's pretty cool. Reminds me of my old tree fort. 2 rooms, 8 ft ceilings, proper glass windows,12V electrical system with 10 speaker stereo, TV, remote controlled motorized rope ladder, security system with entry code, etc. Fun times. I may have some pictures around here somewhere...But this was long before digital cameras, so...

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