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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moody Posted - Oct 03 2004 : 2:50:40 PM
why was this form down for like 2-3 days starting Oct. 1st?

David S
check out my new site

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Jeeo@JiiroTech Posted - Nov 07 2004 : 1:51:11 PM
all good websites go down everynow and then, it's not that big of a deal, as long as they're back up ASAP.

by the way the title of this topic reminded me of the AYB flash video....(link:http://allyourbasearebelongtous.com/flash)

wasssup1990 Posted - Oct 30 2004 : 12:34:22 AM
Just do whatever you can to keep the site running well pal. I love this site.

Aaron Cake Posted - Oct 07 2004 : 09:24:12 AM
The server is usually rock solid, but it appears that something has a memory leak. So it's not really a Windows problem...It's something that runs on top of Windows, probably Jet (the Access database engine)...I have some spare machines, so I am considering moving to MySQL or SQL Server....Meh, it's not a big deal right now...

moody Posted - Oct 04 2004 : 7:59:32 PM

As my friends woudl say: It pulled a "windows".

http://daxter12.topcities.com <Its updated now!


David S
check out my new site

cirvin Posted - Oct 04 2004 : 3:05:18 PM
As my friends woudl say: It pulled a "windows".

http://daxter12.topcities.com <Its updated now!
Aaron Cake Posted - Oct 04 2004 : 09:24:41 AM
No idea. As far as I know, it was down starting at around 3PM Oct. 1 until around 12PM on Oct.2. I woke up on Sunday to find that the backup didn't run, and my phone was dead (I use VOIP instead of Bell).

No idea what happened, but the server just took a puke. Virtual memory errors, and most services were shut down (including DHCP, which killed almost every network device I have, including my VOIP gateway). I couldn't even log on, so I just had to punch the reset...

Chalk it up to random weirdness.

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