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 Any Good Driving Simulator Games Out There???

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
moody Posted - Sep 20 2004 : 11:16:04 PM
i have a computer game called "driver's education 1998"

the game is good but its not real enough
is there any good driving simulator games out there?

ive only seen racing wheels out for computers and its just not good enough.

what stearing wheel would you recomend?

David S
check out my new site


(Edit....Move to Lounge)

Edited by - Aaron Cake on Sep 21 2004 08:57:25 AM
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wasssup1990 Posted - Nov 29 2004 : 4:51:01 PM
Why dont you try GTA3 or GTA Vice city. The driving world is really realistic. Sorry I cant recommend to you any steering wheels, I dont even have one myself. So just make sure the game has variable steering.

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