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 Soldering e-Magnetic Coils

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
LAZ Posted - Nov 01 2012 : 10:50:40 PM
Looking for some know-how!
I'm playing with a project I found on the net...hooking-up a coil of enamelled copper wire to a flash capacitor unit in order to induce an Eddy-current.
I've found the wire for the coil but the length available in the shop is too short...which means a splice!
As I understand it, the coil will eventually heat-up, so shrink tubing would probably not be such a hot idea.
Is there another way of insulating the splice?
Is there, available to buy, an enamel of an electric insulating character specific for this sort of instance?
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 01 2012 : 10:36:48 AM
Copper is a precious metal. I do recall my spool being around $100 at the time and that was easily 15 years ago. Maybe eBay? Half used spools of wire seem to come up often.
LAZ Posted - Nov 26 2012 : 1:36:37 PM
Sorry for not getting back as soon as I should have.
Bad manners on my part.
Thank you for the advice.
For now I'm going to play with what I have at hand...
-And of course if I stumble on anything useful, then, it'll be my pleasure to share!
I did find a four kilo role available for about $140!
Sheeesh....everything is getting more and more expensive these days.
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 03 2012 : 10:43:47 AM
You can get magnet wire enamel from any electronics store. They may have to order it, but it's still available. Since you only need to make one splice then it may be worth just stopping in at the local electric motor rebuilder because they will have a selection of the stuff.

The length is too short though? How much wire do you need? I've bought 1000 foot spools before for wrapping Tesla Coil secondaries.

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