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 Video Monitor Jack Repair

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
thurst Posted - Dec 16 2011 : 11:54:02 AM
Video Monitor Jack repair

I have a Farenheit 7” LCD Wide Color Vision monitor that has a broken jack.

From the monitor is only this female connector:

Then there is a cable that goes from 8 pins to 24 pins (I count 12 on each half?):

Next after that cable is the box, where the jack broke. The power and video for the monitor are fed by a cable from this box.

The broken jack is lost so I’ll have to figure out which of the 8 pins correspond to the 12 on the board.

Please help! How do I figure out which pins supply the power and the correct video signals.
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Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 17 2011 : 10:42:05 AM
Ground will be easy because it connects to the backplane.

+V might be easy as well becaue it will likely lead to a few filter capacitor as and obvious power supply section.

As for finding video, you'll have to track down a schematic or at least a block diagram. Or, find someone else with a similar display who can pin the connector.

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