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 Tunning of MW Radio without Oscilloscope!!

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
m4mansoor Posted - Jul 17 2011 : 11:56:18 PM
Hello everyone!
i wanna share some Desi electronic tunning method with u all...
i am using this method to tune A.M radio.
here are some steps for tunning without oscilloscope!

1.Remove the RF coil terminal which is going to oscillator section, colour of this wire is red and it is connected to oscillator transistor through a ceramic capacitor.

2. connect a piece of wire at this point, from where u disconnected the red wire.

3. Turn ON the radio and set the volume to its max level.

4. Grip the wire in your finger tips which u have connected in point (2) it will make noise...

5. Now take a screw driver (i normally use meter probe, i made a screw driver of it it is good for tunning) and adjust the core of Oscillator coil that is RED one! then adjust IF coils and Trimmers of Tunning capacitor or Gang Capacitor....by adjusting these all set the Noise at its peak value..

6. After adjusting above mentioned components now adjust RF coil on ferrite Rod and enhance the noise level.

7. Be careful during tuning that there should be only noise in speaker no other signal!!!

8. While adjusting IF coils that are Yellow, White and Black assure that the noise is increasing if it is not increasing then follow the bellow step.

9. if IF stage is not working fine then....De-sold all three IF coils and see the bottom of the coil u will see a capacitor inside

(in a form of small stick like resistance), Break it using needle or small screw driver and connect a 81pF and 47pF both in parallel to the outer most terminals of IF coil. connect capacitors on the side where the coil has three terminals!

10. After doing step 9 repeat all the steps again! and then reconnect the RED wire of RF coil and enjoy

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