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 Repairing Cellular phones -Blackberry & L.G. Unit

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
JUAN DELA CRUZ Posted - Nov 06 2010 : 03:26:54 AM
Hi guys

I'am looking for an advice, tips, techniques on how to troubleshoot repair L.G. and Blackberry Units.

I do have knowledge in Basic Electronics and Troubleshooting but mostly on appliances such as TU, radios, e-fan and the like.

This is the first time that I will deal with "cellular phones" (with much small, sensitive components)

I dont have enough knowledge with "hot air soldering. I have only use traditional soldering iron (some of them are cheap and made in China that burnt easily)

That's why I am looking for advice. I googled it already, but I didn't found any descent sites.

Please assist me here. Thank you.
4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
JUAN DELA CRUZ Posted - Nov 07 2010 : 9:18:33 PM
Thanks Aaron and audioguru for your response.

audioguru Posted - Nov 07 2010 : 12:51:13 PM
My daughter got her first Blackberry for free with a cell phone contract. I think repairs/replacement are also free but it has never failed. Now she has a second newer one from her employer. Stereo Blackberries!
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 07 2010 : 10:18:30 AM
I'm not sure why you would repair something like this? The cost/labour would quickly exceed the replacement value of the device unless the repairs are simple trackball swaps, screen swaps, etc. Most of the time, the internals are on just a few chips on a board which may or may not be labelled and available on the open market. Most phone issues are mechanical problems like being eaten by a dog, dropped in a toilet, run over, etc.

Here is a Blackberry Torch disassembly:

Not much to fix.
audioguru Posted - Nov 06 2010 : 7:49:02 PM
I doubt that you will be able to buy the parts and understand what they do.

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