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 VGA female -- partial pins remained on motherboard

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
everything Posted - Dec 12 2009 : 8:59:57 PM
Hi, guys, I have a completely broken off VGA female connector from its motherboard. However, a portion of soldered pins are still sticking in the holes on the motherboard.

1. How do I take those partial pins out of those tiny holes in which fill fully with soldering metal? I have tried to use a solder iron of 30 watts to attempt to melt the metal in the hole but the metal just doesn't melt! A-a-a-a-hhhhh!!!!

2. How useful is "pin-number-5" on the female connector?

Please Help!
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
everything Posted - Dec 14 2009 : 12:52:20 AM
Thank you for the knowledge!

Ah, your advice is very valuable!

haha, I finally melted those pins out with the old 30 watt soldering iron. Just like you said, I just stuck a little solder on the tip of the iron and place that tip on top of those holes for 10 - 15 sec. Finally, the metal melted... hahahaha... Ahhhhhhh!!!

I am going to try to solder some thin wires into those holes. And then, I will connect those wires back to the VGA female connector to see if it still will work,
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 13 2009 : 10:37:47 AM
Try adding a bit of solder to the tip of the iron before you melt the solder on the motherboard. Also, you will need a vacuum desoldering tool or solder whick (I recommend the vacuum tool for this) to remove the old solder.

According to http://pinouts.ru/Video/VGA15_pinout.shtml , pin 5 is ground. It may or may not be used. There are a lot of cheap VGA cables which just tie all the grounds together.

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