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 My crt monitor is dead/dying

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
idunno Posted - Jul 18 2008 : 10:11:32 PM
My monitor(MAG 800V) will come on. The status light comes on and your can hear the relays click and after it has been on awhile you can feel the heat at the back. However, the screen is blank

The monitor had already been giving me problems with display jumping and going blank. So I took off cover and blew out all the dust with compressed air can.

I also cut a hole in cover and installed a DC fan. I guess that was a mistake. When I got it all back together and turned on fan and then monitor, I could hear clicking/sparking come from area of fan and I quickly turned it off. I guess I wasn't fast enough.

My question is what most likely did I do to it and is it something that could be repaired without too much $$.

3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
wasssup1990 Posted - Jul 19 2008 : 10:50:37 PM
If the picture is restored after you bang the screen, then it could be dry solder joints on one of the PCBs inside the case that is causing you problems.

There seems to be a tendancy (in my experience) for CRTs to show symptoms that you have mentioned when the display has dry solder joints. The symptoms you mentioned seem to become worse after the display has been on for a while, and this is most likely due to the temperature increase inside the CRT case and on the PCBs. With a change in temperature objects tend to change shape very slightly.
idunno Posted - Jul 19 2008 : 6:03:00 PM
No. It was working before then, but it was displaying symptoms that it was dying.

White line moving up and down near bottom of screen. The display jumping and flickering.

Sometimes the screen would just go black and as it did a somewhat bright horizontal silver colorerded line would appear and then the screen would go black. I could bang the case and it would come back on or sometimes it took turning monitor off and then back on.


Aaron Cake Posted - Jul 19 2008 : 10:45:54 AM
Was the monitor dead before you installed the fan?

Sounds like the horizontal circuit has failed. That is, the flyback transformer or it's driver is dead.

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