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 TPS, clogged injectors or clogged fuel filter??

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Infamous71011 Posted - Nov 25 2013 : 11:24:41 PM
I just picked up a 89 NA convertible with 74k miles, did a compression it read 120psi on both rotors all 3 faces. When I first picked it up, it had jumpy idle until its fully warmed up. It would also choke like I'm doing a "2-step" revving during acceleration. If I push the gas pedal harder, it'll stall. however i can drive around town, redlining it without any problem. that's my first problem.

Now a couple days ago, I took off my OEM intake tube and box out for cleaning. Once I plugged everything back in, it did not want to start at all and the exhaust smoke smell like gasoline. When I got it started, it would stall unless I kept my foot on the gas pedal and it backfired like crazy. When I drove it around, it won't be able to rev past 3000rpm.... That's my second problem
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Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 30 2013 : 10:26:47 AM
Make sure the TPS is plugged in.

Was the car stored before you purchased it? Quite likely the entire fuel system is contaminated so you'll need to flush it, have the injectors serviced, and replace the filters.

Do you have any large vacuum leaks?

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