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 inifintybox system with ms3-pro

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
egaring Posted - Feb 13 2016 : 11:40:26 PM
Hi Aaron, I've been watching your youtube video over and over again trying to educate myself on the ms3-pro. Thanks for posting. I am currently drawing my on diagram to help myself with the install.
#1st question is this correct?

#2nd question
I recently discovered infinitybox smart harness system.
Is there way to power up MS3 with inifitybox system?

thanks for your time

Download Attachment: diagram one.png
177.45 KB

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Aaron Cake Posted - Feb 14 2016 : 11:06:12 AM
At a general level, that schematic looks correct. But I really can't comment more because there aren't any pinouts on the relays. But assuming you are intending to use a terminal strip for IGN 12V, to switch the ECU relay on, which will power up the ECU terminal strip, which then supplies power for the ECU (etc) and fuel pump relay, it looks fine.

The tech specs of the Infinitybox 10 does show that the standard for output 3 is "Ignition", and each output is rated for 25A, so the answer probably is "yes".

I'm not sure why someone would use such a system though. The 10 circuit system costs a $1100 and 10 circuits is enough for only the basics. 20 circuits bumps the price up to $1500. I get that it offers some advantages, but does a 20 circuit Infinitywire system offer $1000 of benefits over a $500 aftermarket wiring harness?

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