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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Sicode Posted - Mar 27 2012 : 05:46:14 AM
Some modes would disable some features though. (I dunno if here is the right place to post).

At times one could need to make some sketches. You might not have time for uploads. How about incorporating things like drawing tool, paint or whatever? I don't think there's any here.
3   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Mar 31 2012 : 10:32:37 AM
There's almost zero chance of such a thing being implemented here. I doubt there are any plugins for Snitz forums that have drawing features, and since Snitz is basically ancient at this point and almost unsupported, I doubt one will ever be created.

There's also the question of how. Mobile support for HTML5 and Flash is still very random, with only Android devices (poorly) supporting Flash, the Blackberry PlayBook with a good full Flash implementation, newer Android devices and iOS supporting HTML5, not enough HTML5 support on Blackberry (except for the Playbook). It's a mess. And none of these devices will run Java applet, which sucks because there are already about a million Java paint applets.
Sicode Posted - Mar 27 2012 : 8:04:11 PM
Yes, Pebe. The paint thing is cool. At times we become so mobile and need to use mobile device for some posts. And besides such tools do have (other than the paint thing) exact symbols you are looking for. One does no have to go about drawing from the scratch.

There are software for this purpose. I prefer the simple coded ones on sites. Makes mobile use easier, and even on computers. Cool for quick coded drawing and sketches.
pebe Posted - Mar 27 2012 : 06:20:12 AM
The 'Paint' program comes as part of Windows XP, and I think something similar is included in all versions of Windows.

It's all you need to make good circuit drawings.

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