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 New Go-kart Idea

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mav80 Posted - Feb 18 2012 : 8:53:37 PM
I built this pedal-powered go-kart when I was twelve, and started riding it again with friends recently:


For being thrown together fairly quickly, its actually a ton of fun to ride. So instead of making a completely new go-kart, I am going to replace the steering system of cables and pulleys: http://s1192.photobucket.com/albums/aa331/mav800/Go-Kart%20project%202012/?action=view¤t=DSCI0244.jpg
with a more typical tie-rod system.

The front half of the frame will be re-made using either conduit or square steel tubing.

In addition, the go-kart will remain only pedal powered for now, but will eventually be powered by an electric motor with a hill climbing gear ratio, probably 11 and 90.

Here are some more pictures:


Just thought I would get this out there, If anyone has any suggestions on what materials to use or any ideas for improvement, please let me know.

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