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 Bmx bike to Electric motorcycle project

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Mav80 Posted - Oct 25 2011 : 10:20:22 PM
After finally paying off my debts for my scooter project, I decided I should spend some more money. I've had an old Mongoose BMX bike for about four years now, and haven't used it in awhile, so I decided I would turn it into an Electric motorcycle. I plan on using this motor kit: http://www.monsterscooterparts.com/48v-1000w-motor-controller-throttle-kit.html, and a 48v 10ah battery pack. However I have no idea how to mount the motor onto the bike without completely destroying it. I would also prefer to keep the pedals for when my battery dies. Any Ideas?
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 05 2011 : 10:24:31 AM
Best bet is to weld a plate onto the frame on which to bolt the motor. I'd place the motor near the back above the wheel, and then the batteries can sit inside the frame.

To keep the pedals you'll need to add a sprocket to the other side of the rear wheel and add a freewheel gear to the motor.
Yerboogieman Posted - Oct 28 2011 : 8:35:44 PM
Buy a moped, and put Mongoose stickers on the side. Sounds fun, but not worth it in the long run, and possibly won't turn out like you want. Unless it's a Schwinn Chopper style bike.

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