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 Sweet ammo

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binaryblade Posted - Apr 18 2004 : 7:20:31 PM
Through experimentation we found the best ammo for all around effectiveness, cheapness and power was a 50/50 mixture of gasoline and methyl hydrate the power and ignition is good the only problem we found is that if any condeses on the bottom it will not detonate and sit as a puddle in the bottom and sometimes cause a fire which can warp the barrel if the gun is made out of ABS.

6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
binaryblade Posted - Mar 12 2005 : 10:52:21 PM

Umm, I think you mean fuel, not ammo. Ammo is short for ammunition which is also refered to as the projectile.

hike master kyle

thanks tips it was a bloody typo.

Suddenly I realize that I, like most of humanity, only know enough to be dangerous.
n/a Posted - May 03 2004 : 7:53:41 PM
No of course not. I would recomend using trinitrocellulose only with a gun that was made out of heavy steal or iron tubing.

cirvin Posted - May 03 2004 : 5:36:39 PM
I hope you dont mean with a plastic gun!

Woudn't use it an anything less than an old hydraulic ram.

n/a Posted - May 03 2004 : 5:17:01 PM
try using nitrocellulose this stuff works well.

n/a Posted - May 03 2004 : 5:16:40 PM
try using nitrocellulose this stuff works well.

da-g-dog Posted - Apr 18 2004 : 8:41:54 PM

Through experimentation we found the best ammo for all around effectiveness, cheapness and power was a 50/50 mixture of gasoline and methyl hydrate the power and ignition is good the only problem we found is that if any condeses on the bottom it will not detonate and sit as a puddle in the bottom and sometimes cause a fire which can warp the barrel if the gun is made out of ABS.

Umm, I think you mean fuel, not ammo. Ammo is short for ammunition which is also refered to as the projectile.

hike master kyle

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