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 Air Cannon Vs Laminated Sony Trinitron CRT

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wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 24 2012 : 10:00:51 AM
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Mar 31 2012 : 10:37:28 AM
Meh, magnetrons are just big transmitters and a great way to warm up parts of the body in chilly weather. I made a hot dog cooker when I was about 12 that would cook a hot dog from a few feet away with a magnetron and a piece of copper pipe used as a waveguide.

Me, I'm not worried about a few microwaves. I'm already sitting 3 feet from a Cesium-137 source that will peg the reading of my Geiger counter at 30,000 CPM of combined beta/gamma.
wasssup1990 Posted - Mar 25 2012 : 12:28:30 PM
Originally posted by Aaron Cake

The new ones have anti-implosion bracing, while the old ones did not.

Yeah I've heard about that. Those things are old hat now. Back when I was a very young kid I dreamed of a future where displays were made of individual LEDs. Now they have become a reality. The picture quality of OLED TVs is breath taking. The physical thickness of those TVs is thinner than my wallet and they are also the most energy efficient you can get.

Originally posted by Aaron Cake

Interestingly, when over voltaged a little, older CRTs are great x-ray generators.

I try to refrain from fucking around with CRTs and Magnetrons. I have operated a 900W MO Magnetron out of its case to conduct an experiment only once. One day I would like to try to use a MO Magnetron to send encrypted digital data over long distances by modulating the HV supply to it. Or perhaps even make my own penetrating/non-penetrating radar. Now that would be cool or perhaps stupid? I would take all of the necessary safety precautions.
Aaron Cake Posted - Mar 25 2012 : 10:33:34 AM
The new ones have anti-implosion bracing, while the old ones did not. Interestingly, when over voltaged a little, older CRTs are great x-ray generators. New CRTs are lead lined and the supply voltage is far more regulated.

For a few seconds after the tubes warm up, my old Admiral will register on my Geiger counter as it sends out x-rays while voltage regulator stabilizes.
wasssup1990 Posted - Mar 25 2012 : 12:39:46 AM
Here's a little story. My grandfather on my dad's side was fixing the lounge room T.V. (this was before I was born) while the family was eating their dinners around it. While he was working on it the CRT breached and sprayed glass into everyone's meals. His wife who had just cooked the meals was pretty upset because all the food had to be thrown out.
This was an old CRT and I have never experienced something that bad in my time.
Aaron Cake Posted - Mar 24 2012 : 10:31:32 AM
The 2nd one was better but totally staged. All the screws were removed from the case and it looks like it was pre-cut. I've broken plenty of CRTs down for recycling and they never do that.
wasssup1990 Posted - Mar 17 2012 : 10:20:09 PM


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