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 Pneumatic Guns
 Whats the best valve?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Dyer13 Posted - Mar 01 2006 : 8:37:07 PM
I was thinking about making a spud gun for quite some time now, and I am leaning towards a pneumatic potato gun b/c my neighbors already think im neglected (hehe) and I plan on using the spud gun to throw tennis balls for my Border Collie, and I dont want them to catch fire, b/c I live too close to other houses.

Anyway, so about the valve. Ive read that the hardest part to get right in an air powered potato gun is the valve. It needs to be able to open fast enough is one thing I read...So for anyone who has built one or who knows more about pneumatic potato guns, it would be greatly appreciated to know what valve is best?

Also, what plastic pipe can withstand the pressure involved in a spud gun?

4   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
askmeiknow Posted - Apr 05 2006 : 12:45:30 AM
dont know how to work this lol
make a pneumatic, its alot safer, ur dog wont be fetchin fireballs. with combustion if somethin goes wrong you can seriously do damage to urself. use PVC pipe, because you can get any part u need with PVC and its rated to really high pressures.
if ur gonna shoot tennis balls get 2.5 inch PVC or the ball wont fit.
u can use a ball valve if u want, evryone says they suck but they work fine and come in any size and theyre cheap.

askmeiknow Posted - Apr 05 2006 : 12:38:20 AM

I was thinking about making a spud gun for quite some time now, and I am leaning towards a pneumatic potato gun b/c my neighbors already think im neglected (hehe) and I plan on using the spud gun to throw tennis balls for my Border Collie, and I dont want them to catch fire, b/c I live too close to other houses.

Anyway, so about the valve. Ive read that the hardest part to get right in an air powered potato gun is the valve. It needs to be able to open fast enough is one thing I read...So for anyone who has built one or who knows more about pneumatic potato guns, it would be greatly appreciated to know what valve is best?

Also, what plastic pipe can withstand the pressure involved in a spud gun?

askmeiknow Posted - Apr 05 2006 : 12:37:54 AM

I was thinking about making a spud gun for quite some time now, and I am leaning towards a pneumatic potato gun b/c my neighbors already think im neglected (hehe) and I plan on using the spud gun to throw tennis balls for my Border Collie, and I dont want them to catch fire, b/c I live too close to other houses.

Anyway, so about the valve. Ive read that the hardest part to get right in an air powered potato gun is the valve. It needs to be able to open fast enough is one thing I read...So for anyone who has built one or who knows more about pneumatic potato guns, it would be greatly appreciated to know what valve is best?

Also, what plastic pipe can withstand the pressure involved in a spud gun?

boone Posted - Mar 06 2006 : 8:02:32 PM
Finding a good valve for a pneumatic gun is pretty hard. Sprinker valves open quickly but dont allow much airflow through, Ball valves have a large airflow capacity but open slowly. You can also make your own valves like the diaphram valve, which arn't too bad if you can make them work. The best valve is the supah valve sold by spudtech, but it is a bit expensive. http://www.spudtech.com/detail.asp?id=39

And, if you are building a pnuematic gun pressure rated pvc is usually the best, though some people argue that abs is better. Its practically manditory that you get the pressure rated kind of pvc. Make sure the rating is at least twice the pressure you operate the gun at. Usually pressure rated pipe will have the rating stamped on the side. Good luck on your spudgun.

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