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Posted - Aug 05 2011 : 8:30:05 PM how to build symetrical PS with output (+6V, CT, -6V) from 12V battery? i assume audio system with symetric Power have better sound. and no need big caps (some Power AMP with symetric Power called OCL = Output Capasitor Less) i plan use myUSBmp3player as sound source.
1 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - Aug 06 2011 : 11:27:27 AM A circuit with a symmetrical power supply sounds exactly the same as one with a single polarity supply (if it is biased properly). But the one with a single polarity supply might make a POP sound when turned on as the capacitors charge and maybe the same POP sound when turned off.
A transformer has a CT (center tap) but you should call it 0V or ground in your circuit. It can be made with a "virtual ground circuit" (look in Google).
An amplifier with a supply as low as 12V has a fairly low output power of about 1W into 8 ohms (like a cheap clock radio). If you want louder and better sound then a bridged audio amplifier IC (there are many available and they do not have an output coupling capacitor) produces 4W into 8 ohms or 7.5W into 4 ohms when the supply is only 12V and much more when powered in a car that has a supply as high as 14.4V.