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 12V to 120V Inverter

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Graham Posted - Apr 26 2011 : 01:24:12 AM
I need assistance with the following please: How do I increase the frequency for fluorescent light to say 10KHZ? What value of CAPS do you advise?

Thank you


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Aaron Cake Posted - May 30 2011 : 11:16:27 AM
Basically what he said. Here's the link to the inverter topic: http://www.aaroncake.net/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=2996

As for your motor, why are you trying to run such a large 120V motor from batteries? There must be a more efficient way of doing this...For example, any brushed AC motor will run fine from DC...
audioguru Posted - May 24 2011 : 9:01:21 PM
The 12V to 120VAC inverter project does not work properly because it is too simple. Look at the big long threads about its complaints.

It blows up its capacitors because the transistors have avalanche breakdown and its output power is only about 30W not 300W.
Changing the transistors and transformer won't make any difference.
greenleg88 Posted - May 23 2011 : 9:51:46 PM

i was looking at this schematic and saw that in order to increase power output of this circuit, larger transistors and a larger transformer must be used.

i am trying to power 120VAC motor that is rated for 4.5 amps. i am currently unsure of my battery situation at the moment. i dont think i will be using a Sealed lead acid battery... i am trying to at least go with NiMH if not lithium so i can get some capacity while remaining lightweight. ideally i would find a 12 volt battery but i may end up using a 24volt battery or something.

so, because your schematic stated it was good for about 300watts, how can i modify it accordingly to accommodate this motor that will require about 550 watts.

please advise. Thanks in advance.
Aaron Cake Posted - Apr 30 2011 : 10:36:36 AM
The circuit would need to be redesigned.

There are fluorescent lamp driver circuits on the circuits page which are a good place to start.

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