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 battery desulfator

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tjtat Posted - Jan 15 2011 : 07:18:38 AM
does anybody have schematics to build a battery desulfator on here.

(Edit...Move to Power Supply)
9   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 29 2011 : 10:18:00 AM
Yeah...Here at least, new batteries are so cheap that it isn't worth the time to try and "fix" old ones. A 50Ah SLA battery is $50 wholesale.
audioguru Posted - Jan 27 2011 : 2:16:50 PM
Instead of "rejuvenating" old batteries then maybe you should buy new replacement batteries like everybody else?

Maybe you are using "car batteries" instead of "deep discharge" batteries. Then no wonder they fail soon.
kivdenn Posted - Jan 27 2011 : 03:12:21 AM
Did you succeed?
kivdenn Posted - Jan 20 2011 : 01:17:24 AM
I have rejuvinated a number of sulphated batteries with Aarons charger. Try it. If it fails write back for another trick. I have a 10000Ah battery bank that got from reviving sulpahted batteries and they are all working very well. Good luck
Aaron Cake Posted - Jan 18 2011 : 09:28:36 AM
Just exercising a battery is far better then "desulphating", which is mainly a gimmick. Once a battery has seriously sulphated to the point where it isn't very usable, there isn't much you can do about it other then recycle the battery and get another. Really, you'll spend more time and money on the charger anyway than just buying a new battery.
kivdenn Posted - Jan 17 2011 : 06:21:02 AM
Just use Aarons lead acid battery charger it has some disulphation tendecies. Good luck
wasssup1990 Posted - Jan 16 2011 : 09:26:03 AM
For what it's worth:

I had a SLA battery lying around for a few months and didn't know if it worked prior to aquiring it. I tested the battery to a result which many would call dead. I passed at least double the rated voltage to get some current flowing and gradually it increased. Whilst the battery was hot and charging with a significant current I shook and tapped the battery to clear the plates. When overcharging lots of bubbles form and mix the solution inside the battery for you. After the battery recover some of its low impedance characteristics I put it on a load and discharged it. Then I recharged it and discharged it over and over again until the battery now almost meets it's AH rating. In the end I was only gaining 1 to 2 minutes of run time so then I called it quits and leave it on a somewhat trickle charge while periodically discharging it to keep it alive.
tjtat Posted - Jan 16 2011 : 07:31:52 AM
after a days worth of searching on the internet i think i found the best site.. here it is for those that are interested.. http://www.reuk.co.uk/Battery-Desulfation.htm there is even a forum dedicated to battery desulfation
Yerboogieman Posted - Jan 16 2011 : 12:49:24 AM
I know TimAnderson on Instructables knows how to do that.

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