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Posted - Sep 11 2010 : 01:36:21 AM Hi all, I made a wind generator that produces varying voltages at various wind speeds. The voltages range from 0 to 50VAC at the maximum wind speed ever recorded. This passes via a bridge diode rectifier which in turn feeds it into my 12V battery. The problem is that higher wind speed produce high voltages which kill my battery after some time, I have been trying to regulate the voltage after the rectifier to 15VDC using many LM7815 regulators in parallel but they waste too much energy in heating so I thought of using a pulse widith modulation circuit to do the voltage regulation because with PWM there is little energy wasted as heat. It is for this reason that I would beg any body who knows any circuit that can regulate or stablise the high voltage of my wind generator at high wind speeds to 15VDC using PWM technology, please send it to me. Thanks Dennis Kivumbi Uganda
2 L A T E S T R E P L I E S (Newest First)
Posted - Sep 13 2010 : 1:46:58 PM On another electronics chat website there are a few guys in Australia, far away from civilization. They made some very powerful wind generators.
A wind generator uses a dummy load that is designed to throw away a lot of power to slow down the blades so they are not destroyed by high winds. Then the voltage regulator has less work to do. Maybe the battery is the voltage regulator and the dummy load is the current limiter to the battery.
Posted - Sep 13 2010 : 07:59:53 AM Any contribution guys ?