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 Permanet Magnets

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kivdenn Posted - Apr 02 2010 : 08:20:57 AM
Good day to you all, I would like to know if permanent magnets exist naturally or they are just made. I they are just made how easy is it to make one. If any one knows any way to make permanent magnets please help me. I want to use them in making a magnetic electric generator that generates power from nothing. I know this will interest you all so please help me find a way of making permanent magnets so that we all benefit.Thanks

Dennis K
Kampala Uganda
15   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Apr 11 2010 : 10:31:50 AM
Originally posted by kivdenn

Guys am not mad, I know its impossible to create energy from nothing but there are some people who have done it and it works only that they are mean with there ideas. Good enough they provide samples like this one http://www.metacafe.com/watch/3427891/free_energy_how_to_build_magnetic_power_generator_for_home/ and they really work. Now if that prototype works cant we magnify it?

Wow! That's really amazing! But not nearly amazing as how fast I can assemble a Megasquirt EFI controller. I can do 6 hours of work in abou 30 seconds. Check it out:
codingplanet Posted - Apr 09 2010 : 12:08:15 PM
"Was the subject "Hello my dear friend"?" - Yep

All it contained was a link to a shady drugs site on Google pages so I reported the site to Google. Also the email was CCd to quite a lot of people, mainly with Hotmail and .au addresses.

And no, no personal info.
wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 09 2010 : 06:55:28 AM
Yeah some weird things have been happening with my e-mail lately. I immediately changed my password on my e-mail and this website. Does the e-mail contain any personal information possibly about me? But they didn't change my password? Very strange. Was the subject "Hello my dear friend"?

If this happens again let me know and I'll hunt down the culprits. If you think it would help to send me a copy of the email(s) please send them to me.

codingplanet Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 2:51:22 PM
Johnny, I'm guessing you didn't send me this email. Just got something a little inappropriate sent my way from your address.
wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 10:02:00 AM
Originally posted by kivdenn

Originally posted by wasssup1990

Ahh the magic of video editing. If I can think of a way to fake something then it can be faked by someone else. I can replicated his experiment but it will be fake.

Do you realy man what you are saying? Is it realy a faked video? I didnt know about that, but its had for any one to believe. Thaks for your time.


Yes I meant what I said. It's a definite fake. I hate to say it but the ignorant believe this stuff very easily. You don't need to know anything about electronics to know this is a fake. If you've ever watched T.V. you should understand how it can be easily faked. There's a wire fed from underneeth the platform he has his experiment stuck to. Don't you see the video cut?
kivdenn Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 02:50:35 AM
Originally posted by pebe

Dennis, do you mean to say that all the time you have spent trying to get an inverter to work, was wasted?

It just that new invetions interst me much. But can try to give a scientifc explanation why such a thing cant practicaly work? Thanks
kivdenn Posted - Apr 08 2010 : 02:45:06 AM
Originally posted by wasssup1990

Ahh the magic of video editing. If I can think of a way to fake something then it can be faked by someone else. I can replicated his experiment but it will be fake.

Do you realy man what you are saying? Is it realy a faked video? I didnt know about that, but its had for any one to believe. Thaks for your time.

wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 10:43:55 AM
Originally posted by codingplanet

@wasssup haha, was a joke mate. My point was if you can divide by zero then you can create energy.

Yeah I know.

Y'all are probably interested in this.

It sounds like something has got him by the balls and it's rather annoying but he knows what he's talking about.
codingplanet Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 08:10:44 AM
@wasssup haha, was a joke mate. My point was if you can divide by zero then you can create energy.
pebe Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 07:07:18 AM
Dennis, do you mean to say that all the time you have spent trying to get an inverter to work, was wasted?
wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 04:44:44 AM
Ahh the magic of video editing. If I can think of a way to fake something then it can be faked by someone else. I can replicated his experiment but it will be fake.
kivdenn Posted - Apr 07 2010 : 04:31:47 AM
Guys am not mad, I know its impossible to create energy from nothing but there are some people who have done it and it works only that they are mean with there ideas. Good enough they provide samples like this one http://www.metacafe.com/watch/3427891/free_energy_how_to_build_magnetic_power_generator_for_home/ and they really work. Now if that prototype works cant we magnify it? I believe if a small LED can be lit with small radio motor, why not my entire house with a bigger motor. Please have alook and tell me what you think.

Dennis K
wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 11:18:35 AM
In mathematics we say that dividing by zero is undefined. Mathematics is a tool we use to try and understand the realm of observable reality. When a divide by zero occurs what does it really mean in reality? With reality comes mathematics thereafter, not the other way around.

Ummm it's a bit late. I'm going to bed.
codingplanet Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 10:57:12 AM
Has anyone tried dividing by zero lately?
wasssup1990 Posted - Apr 05 2010 : 10:09:06 AM
Wouldn't it be nice if there wasn't a reverse magnetic field produced when you pass a magnet through a coil? Let me know if anyone figures this out please. LOL (-:

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