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ErosKelly Posted - Feb 08 2010 : 09:00:30 AM
Hi sir,i am av long wanted to build or construct a power storage unit dat can serve up to an hour plus, after power failure, wat could cary my electronics,plz wat can you introduces me wit,something more like Ups.

(Edit...Move to Power Supply)
10   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
audioguru Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 4:29:43 PM
The size of the battery and the size of the heatsinks determine how long an inverter will run.
A room full of car batteries will power an inverter that has good heatsinks for a few days.
ErosKelly Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 1:59:24 PM
Well all i was wanting to come out with,is a source that can serve longer than most ups does after power failure in my mini studio
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 10:00:51 AM
I responded to that over in the other thread.
ErosKelly Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 09:53:17 AM
May you could then do a basic tutoral.like i wrote in my other thread
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 07:22:33 AM
Like I said "Get real".

You have stated a clear objective which does not state a will to learn how a device like this should work. You're just asking for a schematic, that alone will not get you anywhere. Going by your other thread you don't even understand how a basic electrical circuit works. Under these circumstances all I can recommend to you is go and buy a UPS. Sorry for being so harsh but we get a lot of people from your part of the world who present themself in the same way that you do, and we get rather sick of it. Or at least I do.
ErosKelly Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 06:47:10 AM
Power should last up to 2hrs after powersuply's failure.thanks
please include the shematic diagram
ErosKelly Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 06:40:06 AM
Hey men easy & thanks for a start.let me make it clear.
I have a mini music studio in my house and i have long quess for source that can still keep power runing up to 2hours after power failure.
(1)my pc .
2 )my 12channel mixer
3 )my colour television
4)my small midi keyboard 12v
(5)my celling fan
these are my instrument therein
thanks for assitances.
wasssup1990 Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 01:48:59 AM
It's still up in the air of how long you want your power supply to last after a power failure. You want more than an hour? Ever heard of infinity? Get real. This is so lame.

If you run a 40W fan for 24 Hours you will convert 57,600 Joules.
57,600 Joules = 0.016 kilowatt hours.
ErosKelly Posted - Feb 10 2010 : 01:08:04 AM
I mean more than an hour.meanwhile maybe you could help me in calculating it.(my pc,,a fan and a colour Television)pandon the english writing it a short code writing,i guess it difficult for you to understand
pebe Posted - Feb 09 2010 : 01:58:03 AM
Originally posted by ErosKelly

..........up to an hour plus..........

'Up to an hour' means less than an hour.
'An hour plus' means more than an hour.

Which do you mean?

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