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 Power Supply

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BOGSY Posted - Nov 24 2009 : 10:11:54 AM
I have been offered a small device producing DC voltage of 12 volts, measurable with digital voltmeter, but unable to light even a small 12 volts car lamp. It seems that there is NO power( mA) coming out of the device ??? Is it a design problem ?
I have no idea how this generator works, but the voltage is here !
Need anyone help or ideas.
Jacques BOGSY
6   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Aaron Cake Posted - Dec 05 2009 : 10:35:57 AM
Yeah, you need to a be a bit more specific. Is it some kind of inverter? Hampster in a box running on a wheel spinning a generator? Modified camera flash? Shiny bomb casing full of used pinball machine parts?
wasssup1990 Posted - Dec 05 2009 : 08:10:21 AM
Since you are unable to fully describe the device you possess, could you post some pictures here so that we can identify it and possibly help you out.

Perhaps you don't know much about electronics and you are being played. The device could simply be an old sealed lead acid battery in a box that has a switch on it.
pebe Posted - Dec 05 2009 : 07:22:37 AM
Unless you know what the device is and what it is supposed to do, any suggestions are meaningless.
BOGSY Posted - Dec 05 2009 : 05:05:45 AM
This device is installed in a closed plastic box 15 x 10 x 7 centimeters with 2 wires protruding from 2 holes. There is also a switch on/off and the power comes on up slowly as if there was capacitors loading slowly inside this box?, taking 15 to 25 seconds to reach 12.87 volts. I do not know more about it as the Inventors are very cautious and secretive about it. When we connected a small modem in need ot 12 volts 1 amp supply, NOTHING happened, no Ma ?
subsequently we connected a car lamp 12 volts 10 watts, same thing ! the lamp did not light up ? and we connected an Amp or rather Ma meter in the circuit...no OUTPUT ???
could it be design of the "inside circuitry" ??
any help is welcome.

Kind regards
Aaron Cake Posted - Nov 28 2009 : 11:30:02 AM
What exactly is a "small device"?
audioguru Posted - Nov 24 2009 : 11:37:30 AM
Maybe it is too small to produce much current.

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